How do I open a Visual Studio project in design view? - visual-studio

I saved my project, but now I can't open it up in design view where you see all the buttons and stuff. Visual Studio 2012
Anyone know how?

You can double click directly on the .cs file representing your form in the Solution Explorer :
This will open Form1.cs [Design], which contains the drag&drop controls.
If you are directly in the code behind (The file named Form1.cs, without "[Design]"), you can press Shift + F7 (or only F7 depending on the project type) instead to open it.
From the design view, you can switch back to the Code Behind by pressing F7.

My problem, it showed an error called "The class Form1 can be designed, but is not the first class in the file. Visual Studio requires that designers use the first class in the file. Move the class code so that it is the first class in the file and try loading the designer again. ". So I moved the Form class to the first one and it worked. :)

From the Solution Explorer window select your form, right-click, click on View Designer. Voila! The form should display.

Click on the form in the Solution Explorer

Just Shift+f7 and Design view will open
Right-click on your form file and Click on View Designer

I had this problem in Visual Studio 2019 today. When I right-clicked a form or user control in Solution Explorer, there was no "View Designer Shift-F7" option. The "View Code F7" option was there, but not the Shift-F7 option. I noticed that I could view and work on the design view for two forms, that I opened before the problem surfaced. But Visual Studio would not let me open more design views.
My solution is: In another project, in the same solution, I created a new Windows Form. Now the "View Designer Shift-F7" is visible and working for all forms and user controls, in all projects in my solution. I deleted the latest new form, and Design View still works. This solved the problem for me.

#Pierre's answer is not always applicable. When I messed up the files in the solution folder a bit (maybe add some code from outside which conflicts the GUI, I don't know precisely), then the Design View does not show up. In fact, my "Solution Explorer" is actually "Solution Explorer - Folder View". There is no object hierachy shown in the Solution Explorer, but just a file & folder view.


Visual Studio View Code on Multiple Files at Once

I'm in the process of migrating some Web Sites to Web Applications, using Visual Studio 2017. One thing I can't seem to figure out is how do I open multiple .cs files at the same time? I can open the .aspx file for them easy enough by right clicking and choosing Open. I can view the code behind on a single page at a time by right clicking and choosing View Code. In the old Web Sites I could right click multiple files at once and select View Code, however, it appears in Web Applications that option has been replaced with "View Code Gen File" which isn't the same thing. It's painfully slow to open a single page at a time so hopefully there is a setting I am just not finding.
EDIT: As requested, uploading screenshots. Only .aspx files are selected but when more than one is selected the "View Source" option is no longer there. Also I should note that if multiple are selected in Solution Explorer, pressing F7 also has no effect, though that keystroke does work to View Source of a single file at a time.
After further experimentation, I now see what you see and I agree that it's something that Microsoft broke along the way. In fact, in your own image, if you single-select an aspx file in Solution Explorer then you can see the "<>" icon appear in the button bar at the top of Solution Explorer. But that icon disappears whenever you select two or more aspx files.
I've done a lot of work with Visual Studio over the years and I can't imagine any justifiable reason why Microsoft would have deliberately removed the View Code option from the context menu for multiply selected aspx files.
This appears to be a bona fide bug that should be reported to Microsoft.
Meanwhile, as a workaround, use the File | Open option in Visual Studio 2017 and, in the resulting Open File dialog box, simply multi-select any .cs files you need (this dialog box allows you to multi-select files and open all of them at once).

VS2012 Premium: "Data Sources" menu item is missing

I am using VS2012 Premium. I do not have a menu item to launch the Data Sources window. According to MSDN I should have a menu item:
On the menu bar, choose View, Other Windows, Data Sources (or choose the Shift+Alt+D keys).
but I have no such item.
The shortcut doesn't work either. I have reset the shortcut from Shift+Alt+D (which drops down the Debug menu item) to something else but this still does not display the window.
I have created a new VS solution which is not an MVC website (a WCF application) to address this suggestion that the option is hidden in MVC sites.
I have also run devenv /ResetSettings
as suggested on this MSDN forum posting.
Has anyone any ideas how I can launch the Data Sources window?
It depends on the project type you choose. For instance, a WCF Service Application project will not show you this option, while WCF Service Library project will show you the option.
The issue I had was that my Report Data pane went missing when working with RDLC files.
Click somewhere on your main design working area (in my case the design area for the RDLC I am updating).
Then go to the View menu -> Report Data.
The Data Sources and DataSets are now available in the Report Data pane.
Another possible solution for some:
I've noticed that the View > Other Windows > Data Sources option is not available when the active file in the main window is a .sql query file (I'm sure this would be the case for other types of files as well).
In this case, simply selecting a file associated with the solution will make the View > Other Windows > Data Sources option available again.

To Switch To The Design View Of A Windows Form

I create new project in Windows Form Application using Visual Studio in VB.Net.
I place some controls on my form.
I don't write any code at this time.
I close this project.
When i open this project again , i found Form1.vb.
I double-click that file , but the design view doesn't appear.
I also find Form1.Designer.vb.
What in this file is code.
How can i switch to Design View of Form1 ?
I need to write some codes for that form's objects like Button Click Event.
Use F7 button to toggle between Design View and Code View.
You should not edit Form1.Designer.vb file. And be sure there is at least the following lines exist.
Public Class Form1
End Class
Tun Zarni Kyaw
(Here, I am taking your Form as f1)
To view the design, just go like - View>Solution Explorer>f1 (double click on f1 to open its design).
Click the button in Solution Explorer - Folder View to "Switch between solutions and available views" and then click on the form file.
F7 to toggle from design mode to code
Shift + F7 to toggle back to design mode
I realized the issue appears (at least for me) when there are multiple classes defined inside the .vb file.
To solve the issue you have to make sure the Form class is the first (right after the imports).
Move any other class definition below this class and forms designer will become available again.

Visual Studio window which shows list of methods

In Visual Studio, is there a window which shows list of methods in the active class? A small window like the Solution Explorer would be great. In Eclipse, there is one.
There's a drop down just above the code window:
It's called Navigation bar and contains three drop downs: first drop down contains project, second type and third members (methods).
You can use the shortcut Ctrl + F2 (move focus to the project drop down) and press Tab twice (move focus to the third drop down) to focus it, down arrow will expand the list.
Full size image
I found how to turn the drop down on as shown in the first answer (#ChrisF):
Go to Options->Text Editor->(your language)
and tick "Navigation bar" in the display section.
Since Visual Studio 2012, you can view the outline ( fields and methods) in the solution explorer by expanding the node corresponding to your file .
Shortcut to Navigation Bar is Ctrl+F2. Takes you to the types dropdown first. Press tab to go to method dropdown, and then enter on a method to go to that one.
ReSharper has a 'ReSharper | Windows | File Structure' window, which is used for visualizing current code file structure.
Resharper has the File Structure window which is very similar to eclipse outline view. Originally answered in:
Visual Studio 2012: List of all Methods in class
Resharper help:
Despite it's an old question maybe this answer help you as helped me.
you can download codemaid extension from here : codemaid website
it has a lot of functionality that you may find in their website.
the one that is related to this question is code digging
Visualize and navigate through the contents of your C# and C++ files from a tree view hierarchy. Quickly switch between different sorting methods to get a better overview. Drag and drop to reorganize the code. See McCabe complexity scores and informative tool tips.
in other words it give you ability to see the methods and properties and also reorganize them just with drag and drop. it's my everyday use extension
There is no direct equivalent to the Outline View in Eclipse. The closest thing I've found is the Class View, which lists all classes and their members/methods. There is a search box at the top to narrow the selection.
In Visual Studio 2019, there is the "Go To Member" action located in Edit - Go To that is mapped by default to ALT+\. I think this was added in Visual Studio 2017.
This is what pops up which provides the desired functionality and a couple of options:
In Visual Studio 2015, View > Other Windows > Resource View. The keyboard shortcut is Ctrl+Shift+E. I find this cleaner than Class View. With Class View Windows you can filter methods/attributes based on access modifier (private/protected/public) etc.
A nice clean way to do this is to use the command View.SynchronizeClassView by entering it into the Command Window (View > Other Windows > Command Window or Ctrl+Alt+A) but there's no way to do it automatically.
Additionally, you can:
pin your Class view window
collapse the top pane (listing all the classes)
And now it feels just like the Visual Assist's feature "List Methods in Current File" (which also list members btw).
At the top of your text editor, you should have a dropdown that lists all the methods, properties etc in the current type; and it's clickable (even if those members are defined in other files - in which case they're greyed out but you can still navigate with them).
Also, if you use the Class Explorer (Ctrl+Alt+C) to navigate your project, then you'll get a full overview of all your types. However, there doesn't appear to be a setting in Tools/Options that allows you to track the active type in that window (there is for the solution explorer) - perhaps a macro or addin is in order...
Microsoft doesn't feel like implementing this useful tool, but if by chance you can have Visual Assist, you have it in VAssistX > Tools > VA Outline. The plugin is not free though.
In Visual Studio 2005 and 2008 you can try the Source Code Outliner Power Toy.
alt text
Do you mean the class view window (View->Class View, or Ctrl+W,C)?
You also have the intellisence popup-window
With Visual Studio 2010
You choose Tools->Settings->Expert Settings
On the left-bottom corner, you will see the tab "Class View" right next tab "Solution Explorer"
In the top area of "Class View" layout, you will see the list of class name, enum, struct, ...
In the bottom area of "Class View layout, you will see the list of member for these class, enum or struct
I have been using USysWare DPack since forever. It is very small and not intrusive so if all you want is a quick shortcut window showing list of methods of the current file you are using, it provides just that. Good thing is that the author is still active after more than 10 years just to keep providing the same features into latest VS release.
After installation, just use Alt + M to bring up the method list window. I prefer to show all members instead, but it's up to you.
In VS 2012, just go to View > Class View...then you get the Class View GUI in the main tab area. Now, drag this over to the side dock and you have the exact same layout as you would in Eclipse.
My best way to do this is, that i open the Code Definition Window, under View -> Code Definition Window or press Ctrl + W,D .
And then i got it floated and i have the definitions of methods in separate windows.
grep -i " sub " filename.vb > methods.txt
grep -i " function " filename.vb >> methods.txt

Visual Studio 2005: Please stop opening my CS files in "Design Mode"!

I think it's associating my Web Service's CS files with the related ASMX files. But whatever's happening, I can't double-click to open the CS files - I have to "view Code" or it opens in the designer.
Anyone know how to turn off this automatic behavior? I just want to edit the code!
Try right-clicking, select "Open with...", mark "CSharp Editor" and select "Set as Default".
That works for avoiding the WinForms Designer.
I found this question when trying to deal with a similar problem. I had a C# class in a file and whenever I double clicked on the file it would try to open in design mode but design mode was meaningless for this class. I just want to see the code.
I found that adding the [System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategory("")] attribute to my class fixed this.
In the Solution Explorer view, click the "Show All Files" icon. This will put "+" symbol next to each of your files. Click the + and it will expand to show the .CS file which holds the ASMX's code. At this point, double click that file instead.
For some reason VS2005 seems to have this a bit backwards when it comes to webservices. To open a webservice in code view, double-click the .asmx file, not the .asmx.cs file.
I guess it makes a bit of sense, as there's nothing to "design" when it comes to a webservice, but it's counterintuitive if you've been working with .aspx files.
In my experience, if you find that the wrote editor, that is the non-default editor, is opening when double-clicking on a file within the Solution Explorer then something is wrong with the underlying project's User Options file (.user) or the solution's User Options file (.suo). (I am not sure which, but I suspect the settings are stored in the .suo file.) Deleting the the .suo and all project .user files solved the problem.
I personally, set the Form Editor as my default editor for forms at the beginning of a project. After the forms are stable and require less user-interface design changes, I switch the default editor.
