Ruby Shoes won't start in Leopard - ruby

So I wanted to try doing some easy Ruby GUI programs using Ruby Shoes. I downloaded Shoes 3 for OS X, opened the dmg and installed it to the Applications folder. When I click on the icon in the folder, or drag a source code file to it, the icon briefly appears in the dock and bounces, and then disappears without anything running. So I can't use it. The computer I'm trying to run it on is running Leopard - is that the problem?

Have you tried building shoes 4? You might want to check it out, and check the readme. I can confirm it working on my 10.6 mac, which is about as close to leopard as you can find. Just try the directions for *nix and it should work, as far as I know.


XCode does not open at all on Mac Mini

I bought an M1 Mac Mini recently and tried to use XCode on it, but it does not open at all.
I tried re-install it and delete ~/Library/Developer directory, it seems nothing works.
This is my first Mac device and if I give more detail about what I mean by 'does not open at all' - it does nothing even if I double click the XCode from Applications directory or the bar at the bottom that has other installed applications showing on it(sorry, I don't know how this is called).
I can see the little grey dot under the icon which means it is running somehow, but nothing comes up on the screen. Then the grey dot goes away after few minutes with nothing happening.
How do I resolve this problem?
Making sure that the application itself is in the right place would be my first approach. Did you download Xcode from the App Store?
Here’s a link to someone with the same issue asking on the Apple developers forum
Go to applications folder, right click, "get info" and then “Open using Rosetta”. Check the box.

Mac OS Siera PyQt5 QTabWidget Issue

I usually program on windows (at work) or linux (free time).
Now im doing a project for my wife, and she uses a mac.
In this project there is a QTabWidget with closeable tabs.
On windows the close icon appears properly, and as excepted, however on MAC there is no close icon.
When you click far left on the tab title it just closes unexpectedly, because you cant see a close icon, and im not 100% sure why that is.
Anyone seen this before and know of a fix?
Mac is latest Siera os (just updated)
Python 3
PyQt5 (installed with pip3)
Thanks very much in advance
This is caused by a bug which has been fixed in Qt-5.9.2 (see QTBUG-61092).
In the meantime, it should be possible to work around the issue by setting your own icon using a stylesheet. To do this, you would need to use the QTabBar::close-button selector, which is documented in the Qt Style Sheets Reference.

How to uninstall Xcode 6 and remove all related files

I need to completely reinstall Xcode 6 and remove all the files and settings with it.
I know that it is uninstalled so that you go to mission control, long click on it and then click on the X button, like on iPhone.
I also know that you can drag it to trash from applications.
But after all those, when I install it again through AppStore and open the last project I was working on, Xcode will open the project on exactly the same class where i t was shut down and even show the last error I faced!
I don't want that. That means that some User Preferences are still saved somewhere and I want to get rid of them as I have never ever had Xcode installed on my Mac.
How to do that?
You can use several uninstall programs like you would uninstall any other Mac application.
So some examples might be App Cleaner or Clean My Mac.
Hope that helps :)

How to tell finder that my application is installed?

I am working on a cocoa application. I see a strange behaviour on Mac OS 10.6.8..!
My Cocoa application has an Automator action inside it. I want it to be listed in Automator as soon as I install it.
The conditions are as follows:
1. After installation, user should not go to the installed path.
2. User should not launch the application.
I mean, I am seeing this bug only for above mentioned situations. If I go to the installed folder, or launch the application, the automator app gets listed.
I didn't see this defect on Mac OS 10.7.5 or Mac OS 10.8.2..
Also I tried touch command via terminal just in case thinking that if any kind of Access updating is required and all. But that wasn't the case.
Any suggestions? Can I run any kind or Shell/Applescript while installing [After installation of the application] so that I can list the automator action in automator?
Any advice or help would be great!!
You can have a .txt file with the below script and then you have to add postflight script when taking .pkg file in Package Maker.
open "/Applications/"
Try this Terminal command.
/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Support/lsregister .../
You shouldn't hard-code the path, though, as users sometimes stick apps in weird locations (citation: I do it :).

NSWindow not Activating

I create a window in a helper tool that runs in the background (it's not an app bundle with a .nib and Info.plist, but a plain executable). When -makeKeyAndOrderFront: is called, the window is displayed but it does not "pop" out like an active window.
Can this be fixed?
You should wrap the helper tool as a regular .app bundle with at least Info.plist. Then the problem goes away. A GUI app in OS X needs to have an Info.plist to receive events correctly.
The way a GUI app misbehaved if not in an app bundle has never been clear to me. If I remember correctly, it changed over time, depending on OS X's versions. I think it behaved worse in previous versions of OS X. For example, the window is shown but I couldn't click any UI inside it.
Many people who compiled a program in a cross-platform toolkit faced this problem, see e.g. this discussion here in the WxWidgets wiki. Apparently, OS X doesn't mark a program not within an .app bundle as a foreground-able app, which causes your problem. You can use TransformProcessType from your binary not inside an .app bundle to make a foreground-able app to solve your problem, but that's not a documented/intended usage of this function.
So, just wrap it in an .app bundle.
This "foreground-able-ness" is controlled by the activationPolicy of an app, see this doc on NSApplication. Found the info on this post on Cocoa with love.
