Xcode - Navigation controller tutorial needed - xcode

Does anyone have a good navigation controller tutorial for newer Xcodes that still uses xib file instead of storyboard? I've been searching everywhere, and what I've found either is for Xcode version 2.0 or either uses storyboard.

Check out this: http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/Creating_a_Navigation_based_iOS_5_iPhone_Application_using_TableViews
Should give you the basic idea... Written for iOS 5 though, so some functions might need updating


UIPageControl for Walkthrough

I have previously used MyBlurIntroductionView library for presenting walkthroughs of my app but the problem is it is buggy on iPhone X -- the content gets cut off by the notch on iPhone X. The library has not been updated for years so I need something that works on iPhone X. I am not sure if it a problem with setup of UIPageControl. Any inputs to fix it or an alternative library that is better for presenting walk through tutorials on iOS?
Firstly on MYBlurIntroductionView, Launch screen is missing add it by
Xcode-> NewFile-> LaunchScren
Assign it on your target
Since MyBlurIntroductionView is very old source project you have to provide constraints
with respective to safe area(see here)

Quick-look on UIImage in debug with Swift

Recently I can't quick-look objects in debug window.
Instead of view like this:
I see this:
I think it changed recently as I switched to Xcode 6.3 and Swift 1.2.
Do you know any solutions or is it update fault?
Seems like it's bug in Xcode and quick look is not working for optionals. If you try to force unwrap image you get quick look working.
In the example above quick look is not working for image but it working for unwrapped image.

Xamarin iOS Storyboard not rendering

I got this error "There was a problem rendering this document" when i tried to load my storyboard in my xamarin iOS application. I created another xamarin iOS project and still got the same error.
You can not do much there right now.
There are two options one should do:
1. Use Xcode storyboard if you can.
2. If the first one is not an option, create and use multiple storyboards in your project, since after your storyboard gets big enough xamarin has a lot of problems rendering and working with it. You have a lot of documentation on how to use multiple storyboards in your project.

Adding outlets and actions in XCode 4 for a Monobjc Application

I've been following the tutorials in http://www.monobjc.net/ in order to do a small Mac app using monobjc for the GUI. However they are using Interface Builder 3 in order to create the actions and outlets that are needed and I can't find a way to add these into the app delegate when I edit the xib file in XCode 4. Is there a way to do this?
I have updated the documentation to include a step-by-step guide on how to create action/outlet.
I hope it is clear enough for you to go with Monobjc/MonoDevelop/Xcode.

Migrate from iOS 4 to iOS 5 .

I have an application developed in iOS 4.3 and XCode 4.
What are the steps that I have to follow to migrate it to iOS 5?
Do I have to upgrade XCode?
you'll need xcode 4.2+ - basically get the latest one on the app store. in theory, you shouldn't have many problems (if any), but there are some subtle changes which can catch you out.
off the top of my head:
modal view controllers don't seem to set parentViewController - instead you can use presentingViewController e.g. [[self presentingViewController] dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES]
viewWillAppear/viewDidApear/viewWillDisappear/viewDidDisappear notifications have changed in that in the past you didn't get them if you manually added views etc, but now you do. there's a good blog post on it here: http://gamesfromwithin.com/view-controller-notification-changes-on-ios5
the only other thing that i can think of that i ran into was the location where xcode stores "Derived Data", but that was only an issue going from xcode3 -> xcode4 (and we were an edge case), so you shouldn't need to worry about that.
