Jquery-Mobile data Icons not displaying when using iis 8 - visual-studio

I am using jquery-mobile version 1.2.0. When I run it in my development environment everything works great. when I publish it to windows server 2012/IIS 8
I don't see the Icons for the jquery-mobile ui features....things like arrow-r, home, back etc... the buttons show up, but the icons are empty.
I have checked to make sure the png files are being pushed to the iis and they are.
Both my local and iis have the icons in ~/Content/Themes/base/images where the jquery-mobile controls are in ~/Content/Themes/Base
Any ideas?

I found the problem....When I was added the jquery framework it create the images folder in the correct location on my dev machine ...the right folder being ~/Content/Mobile/Css/Images
However, I had neglected to include this folder in my project. When looking for the images used by the data-icons I found them in another folder ~content/images..... I think months ago I had put these here to try to get the data-icon images to work on the local dev machine.... and had forget about them...
Any way having the folder present on the local machine let the icon images be displayed....but not having the folder copy over to IIS caused them not to be displayed...


/public/img/ folder not acceping new assets in Go-compiled web app

I downloaded a binary via docker for the Gogs project (https://github.com/gogits/gogs), set it up (via docker pull gogs/gogs) and the server works as expected. Now I'm trying to customize the html a bit to look consistent with our company's other tools. When looking at deployed project, the assets of interest are in the following directories:
When I update the css, changes take effect right away, when I update tmpl, I need a container restart (implying that html is generated at server start time), when I update anything in public/img/ directory, however, I can't seem to get those assets used at all and I'm clueless about what's happening since most web servers/frameworks treat public/img/ as a static directory with all of its contents publicly visible by default.
Here is what I've tried so far and the outcomes:
Action: copied a new favicon image (my_favicon.png) into public/img/ and changed /templates/base/head.html to point to it (/img/my_favicon.png) instead of the original (/img/favicon.png), left original untouched and restarted the container.
Result: page loads with broken image icon, DOM inspector says that it's pointing to /img/my_favicon.png but doesn't show the image, going to that URL directly doesn't show the image either.
Action: change .tmpl back to point to original image (/img/favicon.png), overwrite original with the new image. I tried this with the main lg-gogs.png logo too.
Result: page loads with broken image icon just like before.
A grep search for image name revealed that only the .tmpl I modified and config.codekit are mentioning it (and I'm not at all familiar with CodeKit, but the instructions claim that it's only relevant for git, not me, and to leave the file alone, although it seems to profile names and sizes of all images - however I don't see anything else on the server reference this codekit file).
I have no idea why changes to css and tmpl work fine, but images cause this unexpected result. Does anyone have an idea of what's going on, why the server isn't accepting the images?

Impossible to reference an image from the Assets Folder

I am currently building a Windows Universal App and the learning curve is OK. I get a response from my webservice, parse the JSON, display info in the app, but my current issue is the following one:
I tried to display an image that I put in the Assets folder, but this doesn't seem to work.
This is my layout:
As you can see, the text "Test" is correctly displayed but not the images.
On the right side, in the explorer pannel, I cannot see the files that should be here:
In my example, they are in the Assets/picto folder, but I have also tried the root directory Assets, as wal as creating Image folder at the same level.
I have definitely no idea how to add a simple picture, so any help is appreciated!
Adding items in Windows explorer to the right location doesn't add them to your solution / deployment.
You have to right-click the picto folder -> Add > -> Add existing item. Your items are not even in your solution, so they won't show up on the layout screen.
Make sure you set the correct build target for each image.
If an image shouldn't show up, even through it's in your solution, this is often the reason.

Dreamweaver Zip, not locating files correctly

I've created a website in Dreamweaver that consists of images and pages. You can navigate through the pages via a taskbar and the images are viewable on certain pages. It all works fine on my local laptop but, when I zip the file and try to open it from my desktop computer, the text comes up but all of the images and links are broken.
Is there anyway I can fix this without restarting my whole website?
You need to unzip your files first. That's where your problem is.

Assets not found in Railo Express

I downloaded and extracted railo express 4.2.1 to the base of my C: drive on windows 7. I started the application without making any configuration changes as I don't know what I would need to change. I created a CustomerService folder inside the webapps/root directory which holds my FW/1 customer service application. The ColdFusion code runs perfect however when I try to link to any other kind of resource such as css, js or image files they are not found. If I place an image in the CustomerService/assets/images/icons folder and add a link to it using the image does not show up (broken link icon instead). If I right click and view image I get a page that says:
Problem accessing /customerservice/assets/images/icons/add.png. Reason:
Not Found
Powered by Jetty://
The url path for the image that is displayed in the address bar is:
which from my understanding is correct and I have verified that the add.png image is in the icons folder of the images folder for the assets folder which is in the CustomerService folder.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Do I need to configure something in the Railo server or web administrators or in Jetty some how? If so what and how do I do that?
Jason Presley
When you use the internal server on Railo, it is case sensitive. That may be the issue. I see that you have "CustomerService" in camel case

Phonegap on WP7 does not load images

I'm starting my first PhoneGap project and am developing using Visual Studio and Windows Phone 7, although I intend on ultimately deploying to iOS and Symbian as well.
However, I'm stuck at Step 1. I have added an image to the www/images folder, and put the following code:
<img src="images/login-btn.png" width="103" height="42" style="margin-left:90px;" />
And I get:
It works fine when I preview it in IE9, but I don't have a Mac to test it on iOS yet.
It's worth noting that the JS files and CSS have loaded fine, it's just any image (whether referenced in CSS or an <img> tag) always comes up broken.
My guess would be the Build Action of your image file is incorrect.
According to http://wiki.phonegap.com/w/page/48672055/Getting%20Started%20with%20PhoneGap%20Windows%20Phone%207#4Reviewtheprojectstructure section 4. You should be setting the Build Action of your images etc to Content which simply copies them into the output project when it is built. They are probably currently set to Resource or None.
To change the Build Action right click a file and choose properties to go to the properties window if you do not already have it open. It is probably then the first property. Just click and choose the correct one.
I'm posting this to questions that I found while trying to find my answer to the same problem. The JS framework I use adds a url query to each image when in a debugging mode (in order to force browsers to reload image, instead of using cached). So, my image "image/background.jpg" would be accessed as "image/background.jpg?d=34342233". But, when running on PhoneGAP for Windows Phone, it won't recognize the image, and thus it shows up as broken. So, I had to turn off debugging for the framework I use, and suddenly the images showed up (still, don't forget to set the Build Action to "Content" as mentioned earlier).
