override moveTo and moveByPx methods of OpenLayers.Map - events

How to override moveTo and moveByPx methods of OpenLayers.Map for eliminate "movestart" event triggering for any actions except zooming ?

map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
OpenLayers.Map.prototype.moveByPx = function (a, b) {
var c = this.size.w / 2,
d = this.size.h / 2,
e = c + a,
f = d + b,
g = this.baseLayer.wrapDateLine,
h = 0,
k = 0;
this.restrictedExtent && (h = c, k = d, g = !1);
a = g || e <= this.maxPx.x - h && e >= this.minPx.x + h ? Math.round(a) : 0;
b = f <= this.maxPx.y - k && f >= this.minPx.y + k ? Math.round(b) : 0;
if (a || b) {
this.dragging || (this.dragging = !0);
this.center = null;
a && (this.layerContainerOriginPx.x -= a, this.minPx.x -= a, this.maxPx.x -= a);
b && (this.layerContainerOriginPx.y -= b, this.minPx.y -= b, this.maxPx.y -= b);
d = 0;
for (e = this.layers.length; d < e; ++d)
c = this.layers[d], c.visibility && (c === this.baseLayer || c.inRange) && (c.moveByPx(a, b), c.events.triggerEvent("move"));
map.events.register("movestart", map, function (e) {
My Code...


leaflet-draw error: TypeError: can't access property "falseFn", L.Util is undefined

Am getting the error TypeError: can't access property "falseFn", L.Util is undefined when using react-leaflet v3.2.0, NextJs v12.1.6, leaflet v1.7.1 and leaflet-draw v1.0.4. The issue is visible on Firefox browser when you run in production. The error occurs in the following code:
function cI(b, a, g, e) {
var f = a + V(g) + (e ? '_' + V(e) : '');
if (b[cF] && b[cF][f]) return this;
var d = function (a) {
return g.call(e || b, a || window.event)
h = d;
!c.touchNative && c.pointer && 0 === a.indexOf('touch') ? d = function (c, a, b) {
return ('touchstart' === a && (cy || (document.addEventListener(bd, cz, !0), document.addEventListener(be, cA, !0), document.addEventListener(bf, cB, !0), document.addEventListener(bg, cB, !0), cy = !0)), cw[a]) ? (b = cw[a].bind(this, b), c.addEventListener(cv[a], b, !1), b) : (console.warn('wrong event specified:', a), L.Util.falseFn)
}(b, a, d) : c.touch && 'dblclick' === a ? d = function (a, b) {
a.addEventListener('dblclick', b);
var d,
e = 0;
function c(a) {
if (1 !== a.detail) {
d = a.detail;
if ('mouse' !== a.pointerType && (!a.sourceCapabilities || a.sourceCapabilities.firesTouchEvents)) {
var c = Date.now();
c - e <= 200 ? 2 == ++d && b(function (c) {
var b,
a = {
for (d in c) b = c[d],
a[d] = b && b.bind ? b.bind(c) : b;
return c = a,
a.type = 'dblclick',
a.detail = 2,
a.isTrusted = !1,
a._simulated = !0,
}(a)) : d = 1,
e = c
return a.addEventListener('click', c),
dblclick: b,
simDblclick: c
}(b, d) : 'addEventListener' in b ? 'touchstart' === a || 'touchmove' === a || 'wheel' === a || 'mousewheel' === a ? b.addEventListener(cH[a] || a, d, !!c.passiveEvents && {
passive: !1
}) : 'mouseenter' === a || 'mouseleave' === a ? (d = function (a) {
bN(b, a = a || window.event) && h(a)
}, b.addEventListener(cH[a], d, !1)) : b.addEventListener(a, h, !1) : b.attachEvent('on' + a, d),
b[cF] = b[cF] || {
b[cF][f] = d

Reverse the isometric projection algorithm

I've got this code:
const a = 2; // always > 0 and known in advance
const b = 3; // always > 0 and known in advance
const c = 4; // always > 0 and known in advance
for (let x = 0; x <= a; x++) {
for (let y = 0; y <= b; y++) {
for (let z = 0; z <= c; z++) {
for (let p = 0; p <= 1; p++) {
for (let q = 0; q <= 2; q++) {
let u = b + x - y + p;
let v = a + b + 2 * c - x - y - 2 * z + q;
let w = c + x + y - z;
The code generates (a+1)*(b+1)*(c+1)*2*3 triplets of (u,v,w), each of them is unique. And because of that fact, I think it should be possible to write reversed version of this algorithm that will calculate x,y,z,p,q based on u,v,w. I understand that there are only 3 equations and 5 variables to get, but known boundaries for x,y,z,p,q and the fact that all variables are integers should probably help.
for (let u = ?; u <= ?; u++) {
for (let v = ?; v <= ?; v++) {
for (let w = ?; w <= ?; w++) {
x = ?;
y = ?;
z = ?;
p = ?;
q = ?;
I even managed to produce the first line: for (let u = 0; u <= a + b + 1; u++) by taking the equation for u and finding min and max but I'm struggling with moving forward. I understand that min and max values for v are depending on u, but can't figure out the formulas.
Examples are in JS, but I will be thankful for any help in any programming language or even plain math formulas.
If anyone is interested in what this code is actually about - it projects voxel 3d model to triangles on a plain. u,v are resulting 2d coordinates and w is distance from the camera. Reversed algorithm will be actually a kind of raytracing.
UPDATE: Using line equations from 2 points I managed to create minmax conditions for v and code now looks like this:
for (let u = 0; u <= a + b + 1; u++) {
let minv = u <= a ? a - u : -a + u - 1;
let maxv = u <= b ? a + 2 * c + u + 2 : a + 2 * b + 2 * c - u + 3;
for (let v = minv; v <= maxv; v++) {
I think I know what to do with x, y, z, p, q on the last step so the problem left is minw and maxw. As far as I understand those values should depend both on u and v and I must use plane equations?
If the triplets are really unique (didn't check that) and if p and q always go up to 1 and 2 (respectively), then you can "group" triplets together and go up the loop chain.
We'll first find the 3 triplets that where made in the same "q loop" : the triplets make with the same x,y,z,p. As only q change, the only difference will be v, and it will be 3 consecutive numbers.
For that, let's group triplets such that, in a group, all triplets have the same u and same w. Then we sort triplets in groups by their v parameters, and we group them 3 by 3. Inside each group it's easy to assign the correct q variable to each triplet.
Then reduce the groups of 3 into the first triplet (the one with q == 0). We start over to assign the p variable : Group all triplets such that they have same v and w inside a group. Then sort them by the u value, and group them 2 by 2. This let's us find their p value. Remember that each triplet in the group of 3 (before reducing) has that same p value.
Then, for each triplet, we have found p and q. We solve the 3 equation for x,y,z :
z = -1 * ((v + w) - a - b - 3c -q)/3
y = (w - u + z + b - c - p)/2
x = u + y - b - p
After spending some time with articles on geometry and with the huge help from Wolfram Alpha, I managed to write needed equations myself. And yes, I had to use plane equations.
const a = 2; // always > 0 and known in advance
const b = 3; // always > 0 and known in advance
const c = 4; // always > 0 and known in advance
const minu = 0;
const maxu = a + b + 1;
let minv, maxv, minw, maxw;
let x, y, z, p, q;
for (let u = minu; u <= maxu; u++) {
if (u <= a) {
minv = a - u;
} else {
minv = -a + u - 1;
if (u <= b) {
maxv = a + 2 * c + u + 2;
} else {
maxv = a + 2 * b + 2 * c - u + 3;
for (let v = minv; v <= maxv; v++) {
if (u <= b && v >= a + u + 1) {
minw = (-a + 2 * b - 3 * u + v - 2) / 2;
} else if (u > b && v >= a + 2 * b - u + 2) {
minw = (-a - 4 * b + 3 * u + v - 5) / 2;
} else {
minw = a + b - v;
if (u <= a && v <= a + 2 * c - u + 1) {
maxw = (-a + 2 * b + 3 * u + v - 1) / 2;
} else if (u > a && v <= -a + 2 * c + u) {
maxw = (5 * a + 2 * b - 3 * u + v + 2) / 2;
} else {
maxw = a + b + 3 * c - v + 2;
minw = Math.round(minw);
maxw = Math.round(maxw);
for (let w = minw; w <= maxw; w++) {
z = (a + b + 3 * c - v - w + 2) / 3;
q = Math.round(2 - (z % 1) * 3);
z = Math.floor(z);
y = (a + 4 * b + q - 3 * u - v + 2 * w + 3) / 6;
p = 1 - (y % 1) * 2;
y = Math.floor(y);
x = (a - 2 * b - 3 * p + q + 3 * u - v + 2 * w) / 6;
x = Math.round(x);
This code passes my tests, but if someone can create better solution, I would be very interested.

Retrieve count of total unique values kibana + Elasticsearch

Based on this question & answer "How to retrieve unique count of a field using Kibana + Elastic Search"
I have been able to collect the individual count of the unique IP addresses from our Apache logs, however, What I actually want to do is to be able to display the count of the individual IP addresses, i.e. how many unique visitors.
I think I need to use the terms_stats facet to do this but I don't know what to set as the "value_field"
This is not possible with the current version of the kibana.
but i have what i did to achieve this is created the custom histogram panel.
to create the custom histogram panel, just copy the existing histogram and modify config.js, module.js to change all the path references to the new panel.
override the doSearch function to use the query http://www.elasticsearch.org/blog/count-elasticsearch/
and update the results parsing logic.
look for function
b.get_data = function(a, j, k)
return b.populate_modal(n), p = n.doSearch(), p.then(function(c) {
if (b.panelMeta.loading = !1, 0 === j && (b.legend = [], b.hits = 0, a = [], b.annotations = [], k = b.query_id = (new Date).getTime()), d.isUndefined(c.error)) {
if (b.query_id === k) {
var i, n, p, q = 0;
o = JSON.parse("[{\"query\":\"*\",\"alias\":\"\",\"color\":\"#7EB26D\",\"id\":0,\"pin\":false,\"type\":\"lucene\",\"enable\":true,\"parent\" : 0}]");
d.each(o, function(e) {
//var f = c.aggregations.monthly.buckets[e.id];
if (d.isUndefined(a[q]) || 0 === j) {
var h = {interval: m,start_date: l && l.from,end_date: l && l.to,fill_style: b.panel.derivative ? "null" : b.panel.zerofill ? "minimal" : "no"};
i = new g.ZeroFilled(h), n = 0, p = {}
} else
i = a[q].time_series, n = a[q].hits, p = a[q].counters;
d.each(c.aggregations.monthly.buckets, function(a) {
var c;
n += a.visitor_count.value, b.hits += a.visitor_count.value, p[a.key] = (p[a.key] || 0) + a.visitor_count.value, "count" === b.panel.mode ? c = (i._data[a.key] || 0) + a.visitor_count.value : "mean" === b.panel.mode ? c = ((i._data[a.key] || 0) * (p[a.key] - a.visitor_count.value) + a.mean * a.visitor_count.value) / p[a.key] : "min" === b.panel.mode ? c = d.isUndefined(i._data[a.key]) ? a.min : i._data[a.key] < a.min ? i._data[a.key] : a.min : "max" === b.panel.mode ? c = d.isUndefined(i._data[a.key]) ? a.max : i._data[a.key] > a.max ? i._data[a.key] : a.max : "total" === b.panel.mode && (c = (i._data[a.key] || 0) + a.total), i.addValue(a.key, c)
}), b.legend[q] = {query: e,hits: n}, a[q] = {info: e,time_series: i,hits: n,counters: p}, q++
}), b.panel.annotate.enable && (b.annotations = b.annotations.concat(d.map(c.hits.hits, function(a) {
var c = d.omit(a, "_source", "sort", "_score"), g = d.extend(e.flatten_json(a._source), c);
return {min: a.sort[1],max: a.sort[1],eventType: "annotation",title: null,description: "<small><i class='icon-tag icon-flip-vertical'></i> " + g[b.panel.annotate.field] + "</small><br>" + f(a.sort[1]).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"),score: a.sort[0]}
})), b.annotations = d.sortBy(b.annotations, function(a) {
return a.score * ("desc" === b.panel.annotate.sort[1] ? -1 : 1)
}), b.annotations = b.annotations.slice(0, b.panel.annotate.size))
} else
b.panel.error = b.parse_error(c.error);
b.$emit("render", a), j < h.indices.length - 1 && b.get_data(a, j + 1, k)

Find the distance from camera to vanishing point in matlab

I have this program that finds the vanishing point for a given set of images. Is there a way to find the distance from the camera and the vanishing point?
Also once the vanishing point is found out, I manually need to find the X and Y coordinates using the tool provided in matlab. How can i code a snippet that writes all the X and Y coordinates into a text or excel file?
Also is there a better and simpler way to find the vanishing point in matlab?
Matlab Calling Function to find Vanishing Point:
clear all; close all;
dname = 'Height';
files = dir(dname);
files(1) = [];
files(1) = [];
for i=1:size(files, 1)
original = imread(fullfile(dname, files(i).name));
original = imresize(original,0.35);
im = im2double(rgb2gray(original));
[row, col] = findVanishingPoint(im);
The findVanishingPoint function:
function [row, col] = findVanishingPoint(im)
DEBUG = 0;
IM = fft2(im);
ROWS = size(IM,1); COLS = size(IM,2);
PERIOD = 2^floor(log2(COLS)-5)+2;
SIZE = floor(10*PERIOD/pi);
E = 8;
[C, S] = createGaborBank(SIZE, PERIOD, SIGMA, NORIENT, ROWS, COLS, E);
D = ones(ROWS, COLS);
AMAX = ifftshift(real(ifft2(C{1}.*IM)).^2+real(ifft2(S{1}.*IM))).^2;
for n=2:NORIENT
A = ifftshift(real(ifft2(C{n}.*IM)).^2+real(ifft2(S{n}.*IM))).^2;
D(find(A > AMAX)) = n;
AMAX = max(A, AMAX);
if (DEBUG==1)
if (DEBUG==2)
T = mean(AMAX(:))-3*std(AMAX(:));
VOTE = zeros(ROWS, COLS);
for row=round(1+SIZE/2):round(ROWS-SIZE/2)
for col=round(1+SIZE/2):round(COLS-SIZE/2)
if (AMAX(row,col) > T)
indices = lineBresenham(ROWS, COLS, col, row, D(row, col)*pi/NORIENT-pi/2);
VOTE(indices) = VOTE(indices)+AMAX(row,col);
if (DEBUG==2)
if (DEBUG==2)
[b index] = sort(-VOTE(:));
col = floor((index(1:M)-1) / ROWS)+1;
row = mod(index(1:M)-1, ROWS)+1;
col = round(mean(col));
row = round(mean(row));
The creatGaborBank function:
function [C, S] = createGaborBank(SIZE, PERIOD, SIGMA, NORIENT, ROWS, COLS, E)
if (length(NORIENT)==1)
orientations = NORIENT;
NORIENT = max(orientations);
for n=orientations
[C{n}, S{n}] = gabormask(SIZE, SIGMA, PERIOD, n*pi/NORIENT);
C{n} = fft2(padWithZeros(C{n}, ROWS, COLS));
S{n} = fft2(padWithZeros(S{n}, ROWS, COLS));
The gabormask function:
function [cmask, smask] = gabormask(Size, sigma, period, orient, E)
if nargin < 5; E = 8; end;
if nargin < 4; orient = 0; end;
if nargin < 3; period = []; end;
if nargin < 2; sigma = []; end;
if nargin < 1; Size = []; end;
if isempty(period) & isempty(sigma); sigma = 5; end;
if isempty(period); period = sigma*2*sqrt(2); end;
if isempty(sigma); sigma = period/(2*sqrt(2)); end;
if isempty(Size); Size = 2*round(2.575*sigma) + 1; end;
if length(Size) == 1
sx = Size-1; sy = sx;
elseif all(size(Size) == [1 2])
sy = Size(1)-1; sx = Size(2)-1;
error('Size must be scalar or 1-by-2 vector');
hy = sy/2; hx = sx/2;
[x, y] = meshgrid(-hx:sx-hx, -hy:sy-hy);
omega = 2*pi/period;
cs = omega * cos(orient);
sn = omega * sin(orient);
k = -1/(E*sigma*sigma);
g = exp(k * (E*x.*x + y.*y));
xp = x * cs + y * sn;
cx = cos(xp);
cmask = g .* cx;
sx = sin(xp);
smask = g .* sx;
cmask = cmask - mean(cmask(:));
cmask = cmask/sum(abs(cmask(:)));
smask = smask - mean(smask(:));
smask = smask/sum(abs(smask(:)));
The padWithZeros function:
function out = padWithZeros(in, ROWS, COLS)
out = padarray(in,[floor((ROWS-size(in,1))/2) floor((COLS-size(in,2))/2)],0,'both');
if size(out,1) == ROWS-1
out = padarray(out,[1 0],0,'pre');
if size(out,2) == COLS-1
out = padarray(out,[0 1],0,'pre');
The findHorizonEdge function:
function row = findHorizon(im)
DEBUG = 2;
ROWS = size(im,1); COLS = size(im,2);
e = edge(im,'sobel', [], 'horizontal');
dd = sum(e, 2);
row = 1;
M = 0;
for i=1+N:length(dd)-N
m = sum(dd(i-N:i+N));
if (m > M)
M = m;
row = i;
The findHorizon function:
function row = findHorizon(im)
DEBUG = 2;
IM = fft2(im);
ROWS = size(IM,1); COLS = size(IM,2);
PERIOD = 2^floor(log2(COLS)-5)+2;
SIZE = floor(10*PERIOD/pi);
E = 16;
orientations = [NORIENT/2-10:NORIENT/2+10];
[C, S] = createGaborBank(SIZE, PERIOD, SIGMA, orientations, ROWS, COLS, E);
ASUM = zeros(ROWS, COLS);
for n=orientations
A = ifftshift(real(ifft2(C{n}.*IM)).^2+real(ifft2(S{n}.*IM))).^2;
if (DEBUG==1)
ASUM(1:round(1+SIZE/2), :)=0; ASUM(end-round(SIZE/2):end, :)=0;
ASUM(:,end-round(SIZE/2):end)=0; ASUM(:, 1:1+round(SIZE/2))=0;
dd = sum(ASUM, 2);
[temp, row] = sort(-dd);
row = round(mean(row(1:10)));
if (DEBUG == 2)
imagesc(ASUM);hold on;line([1:COLS],repmat(row,COLS));
The lineImage function:
function v = lineimage(x0, y0, angle, s)
if (abs(tan(angle)) > 1e015)
a(1,:) = repmat(x0,s(1),1)';
a(2,:) = [1:s(1)];
elseif (abs(tan(angle)) < 1e-015)
a(2,:) = repmat(y0,s(2),1)';
a(1,:) = [1:s(2)];
k = tan(angle);
hiX = round((1-(s(1)-y0+1)+k*x0)/k);
loX = round((s(1)-(s(1)-y0+1)+k*x0)/k);
temp = max(loX, hiX);
loX = max(min(loX, hiX), 1);
hiX = min(s(2),temp);
a(1,:) = [loX:hiX];
a(2,:) = max(1, floor(s(1)-(k*a(1,:)+(s(1)-y0+1)-k*x0)));
v = (a(1,:)-1).*s(1)+a(2,:);
The lineVector function:
function [abscissa, ordinate] = linevector(x0, y0, angle, s)
if (rad2deg(angle) == 90)
abscissa = repmat(x0,s(1),1);
ordinate = [1:s(1)];
k = tan(angle);
hiX = round((1-(s(1)-y0+1)+k*x0)/k);
loX = round((s(1)-(s(1)-y0+1)+k*x0)/k);
temp = max(loX, hiX);
loX = max(min(loX, hiX), 1);
hiX = min(s(2),temp);
abscissa = [loX:hiX];
ordinate = k*abscissa+((s(1)-y0+1)-k*x0);
The lineBresenham function:
function [i] = lineBresenham(H,W,Sx,Sy,angle)
k = tan(angle);
if (angle == pi || angle == 0)
Ex = W;
Ey = Sy;
Sx = 1;
elseif (angle == pi/2)
Ey = 1;
i = (Sx-1)*H+[Ey:Sy];
elseif k>0 & k < (Sy-1)/(W-Sx)
Ex = W;
Ey = round(Sy-tan(angle)*(Ex-Sx));
elseif k < 0 & abs(k) < (Sy-1)/(Sx-1)
Ex = 1;
Ey = round(Sy-tan(angle)*(Ex-Sx));
Ey = 1;
Ex = round((Sy-1)/tan(angle)+Sx);
Dx = Ex - Sx;
Dy = Ey - Sy;
if(abs(Dy) <= abs(Dx))
if(Ex >= Sx)
D = 2*Dy + Dx;
IncH = 2*Dy;
IncD = 2*(Dy + Dx);
X = Sx;
Y = Sy;
i(iCoords) = (Sx-1)*H+Sy;
iCoords = iCoords + 1;
while(X < Ex)
if(D >= 0)
D = D + IncH;
X = X + 1;
D = D + IncD;
X = X + 1;
Y = Y - 1;
i(iCoords) = (X-1)*H+Y;
iCoords = iCoords + 1;
D = -2*Dy + Dx;
IncH = -2*Dy;
IncD = 2*(-Dy + Dx);
X = Sx;
Y = Sy;
i(iCoords) = (Sx-1)*H+Sy;
iCoords = iCoords + 1;
while(X > Ex)
if(D <= 0)
D = D + IncH;
X = X - 1;
D = D + IncD;
X = X - 1;
Y = Y - 1;
i(iCoords) = (X-1)*H+Y;
iCoords = iCoords + 1;
Tmp = Ex;
Ex = Ey;
Ey = Tmp;
Tmp = Sx;
Sx = Sy;
Sy = Tmp;
Dx = Ex - Sx;
Dy = Ey - Sy;
if(Ex >= Sx)
D = 2*Dy + Dx;
IncH = 2*Dy;
IncD = 2*(Dy + Dx);
X = Sx;
Y = Sy;
i(iCoords) = (Sy-1)*H+Sx;
iCoords = iCoords + 1;
while(X < Ex)
if(D >= 0)
D = D + IncH;
X = X + 1;
D = D + IncD;
X = X + 1;
Y = Y - 1;
i(iCoords) = (Y-1)*H+X;
iCoords = iCoords + 1;
D = -2*Dy + Dx;
IncH = -2*Dy;
IncD = 2*(-Dy + Dx);
X = Sx;
Y = Sy;
i(iCoords) = (Sy-1)*H+Sx;
iCoords = iCoords + 1;
while(X > Ex)
if(D <= 0)
D = D + IncH;
X = X - 1;
D = D + IncD;
X = X - 1;
Y = Y - 1;
i(iCoords) = (Y-1)*H+X;
iCoords = iCoords + 1;
The vanishing point is at infinity hence the distance to the camera is of no use.
Use xlswrite or dlmwrite to write into excel or text file respectively.

Sort 4 number with few comparisons

How can I sort 4 numbers in 5 comparisons?
Takes numbers {a,b,c,d}, split into 2 sets {a,b} {c,d}.
Order each of those 2 sets, so you get (e,f) (g,h). That's one comparison per set.
Now pick lowest from the front (compare e,g). That's now three comparisons.
Pick next lowest from either (e, h) or (f, g). That's four.
Compare the last two elements (you might not even need this step if the two elements are from the same set, and thus already sorted). So that's five.
function sortFour(a,b,c,d)
if a < b
low1 = a
high1 = b
low1 = b
high1 = a
if c < d
low2 = c
high2 = d
low2 = d
high2 = c
if low1 < low2
lowest = low1
middle1 = low2
lowest = low2
middle1 = low1
if high1 > high2
highest = high1
middle2 = high2
highest = high2
middle2 = high1
if middle1 < middle2
return (lowest,middle1,middle2,highest)
return (lowest,middle2,middle1,highest)
For smaller number of inputs you can generate optimal sorting networks that provides that minimum number of comparisons necessary.
You can generate them easily using this page
Sorting four numbers in ascending order :
if(num1>num2) swap(&num1,&num2);
if(num3>num4) swap(&num3,&num4);
if(num1>num3) swap(&num1,&num3);
if(num2>num4) swap(&num2,&num4);
if(num2>num3) swap(&num2,&num3);
void swap(int *a,int *b)
int temp = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = temp;
or you can implement your own swap procedure without extra variable
(For descending order just change the sign to < )
This requires no extra memory or swapping operations just 5 comparisons per sort
def sort4_descending(a,b,c,d):
if a > b:
if b > c:
if d > b:
if d > a:
return [d, a, b, c]
return [a, d, b, c]
if d > c:
return [a, b, d, c]
return [a, b, c, d]
if a > c:
if d > c:
if d > a:
return [d, a, c, b]
return [a, d, c, b]
if d > b:
return [a, c, d, b]
return [a, c, b, d]
if d > a:
if d > c:
return [d, c, a, b]
return [c, d, a, b]
if d > b:
return [c, a, d, b]
return [c, a, b, d]
if a > c:
if d > a:
if d > b:
return [d, b, a, c]
return [b, d, a, c]
if d > c:
return [b, a, d, c]
return [b, a, c, d]
if b > c:
if d > c:
if d > b:
return [d, b, c, a]
return [b, d, c, a]
if d > a:
return [b, c, d, a]
return [b, c, a, d]
if d > b:
if d > c:
return [d, c, b, a]
return [c, d, b, a]
if d > a:
return [c, b, d, a]
return [c, b, a, d]
The aim is to sort 4 elements in 5 comparisons.
Comp 1--> Take any two elements say a,b and compare them its maximum is Max1 and minimum is Min1.
Comp 2--> Take other two elements say c,d and compare them its maximum is Max2 and minimum is Min2.
Comp 3--> Compare Max1 and Max2 to get ultimate Max element.
Comp 4--> Compare Min1 and Min2 to get ultimate Min element.
Comp 5--> Compare the loser of the comparisons in Comp 4 and Comp 5 to get their order.
To sort number ABCD in 5 comparisons, sort AB and CD separately. That requires 2 comparisons. Now call merge like in merge sort on strings AB and CD. That requires 3, because in first comparison you'll either choose A or C. You'll end up having B and CD to merge or AB and D. And here you just need 2 comparisons since both AB and CD where already sorted.
Alg. 3: compare five, this average = 4.28 (#8 average = 5), Similar as #8<br>
compare 01, sort -> 0,1<br>
compare 23, sort -> 2,3<br>
compare 12 -> return or next compare<br>
compare 02, sort -> 0,2<br>
compare 13, sort -> 1,3<br>
compare 12, sort -> 1,2
function sort4CH(cmp,start,end,n)
var n = typeof(n) !=='undefined' ? n : 1;
var cmp = typeof(cmp) !=='undefined' ? cmp : sortCompare2;
var start = typeof(start)!=='undefined' ? start : 0;
var end = typeof(end) !=='undefined' ? end : arr[n].length;
var count = end - start;
var pos = -1;
var i = start;
var c = [];
c[0] = cmp(arr[n][i+0],arr[n][i+1]);
c[1] = cmp(arr[n][i+2],arr[n][i+3]);
if (c[0]>0) {swap(n,i+0,i+1);}
if (c[1]>0) {swap(n,i+2,i+3);}
c[2] = cmp(arr[n][i+1],arr[n][i+2]);
if (!(c[2]>0)) {return n;}
c[3] = c[0]==0 ? 1 : cmp(arr[n][i+0],arr[n][i+2]);// c[2]
c[4] = c[1]==0 ? 1 : cmp(arr[n][i+1],arr[n][i+3]);// c[2]
if (c[3]>0) {swap(n,i+0,i+2);}
if (c[4]>0) {swap(n,i+1,i+3);}
c[5] = !(c[3]>0 && c[4]>0) ? 1 : (c[0]==0 || c[1]==0 ? -1 : cmp(arr[n] [i+1],arr[n][i+2]));
if (c[5]>0) {swap(n,i+1,i+2);}
return n;
Algoritmus: Insert sort sorted array 1-1, 2-2, 4-4, ... average = 3.96 = 1016/256 (average = 4.62 =1184/256 without previous cmp)
// javascript arr[1] = [0,1,2,3]
function sort4DN2(cmp,start,end,n) // sort 4
var n = typeof(n) !=='undefined' ? n : 1;
var cmp = typeof(cmp) !=='undefined' ? cmp : sortCompare2;
var start = typeof(start)!=='undefined' ? start : 0;
var end = typeof(end) !=='undefined' ? end : arr[n].length;
var count = end - start;
var pos = -1;
var i = start;
var c = [];
c[0] = cmp(arr[n][i+0],arr[n][i+1]);
c[1] = cmp(arr[n][i+2],arr[n][i+3]);
if (c[0]>0) {swap(n,i+0,i+1); c[0] = -1;}
if (c[1]>0) {swap(n,i+2,i+3); c[1] = -1;}
c[2] = cmp(arr[n][i+0],arr[n][i+2]);
if (c[2]>0)
c[3] = c[1]==0 ? c[2] : cmp(arr[n][i+0],arr[n][i+3]);
if (c[3]>0)
return n;
c[4] = c[0]==0 ? c[3] : (c[3]==0 ? 1 : cmp(arr[n][i+1],arr[n][i+3]));
if (c[4]>0)
tmp = arr[n][i+0];
arr[n][i+0] = arr[n][i+2];
arr[n][i+2] = arr[n][i+3];
arr[n][i+3] = arr[n][i+1];
arr[n][i+1] = tmp;
return n;
// 2013
tmp = arr[n][i+2];
arr[n][i+2] = arr[n][i+1];
arr[n][i+1] = arr[n][i+0];
arr[n][i+0] = tmp;
return n;
if (c[2]==0) {
if (c[0]==0) {
return n;
if (c[1]==0) {
tmp = arr[n][i+1];
arr[n][i+1] = arr[n][i+2];
arr[n][i+2] = arr[n][i+3];
arr[n][i+3] = tmp;
return n;
c[3] = c[0]==0 ? c[2] : c[2]==0 ? -c[1] : cmp(arr[n][i+1],arr[n][i+2]);
if (c[3]>0)
c[4] = c[1]==0 ? c[3] : cmp(arr[n][i+1],arr[n][i+3]);
if (c[4]>0)
return n;
return n;
return n;
Algoritmus: Insert sort into middle (av. 4.07 = 1044/256 | 4.53 = 1160/256)
1 insert into middle 0 -> [0,1] 01, 10<br>
2 insert into middle 01 -> [1,2] 021, 012 -> [0,2] 021, 201 or [null] 012<br>
3 insert into middle 012 -> [1,3] -> [1,0] or [2,3]...
function sort4PA(cmp,start,end,n)
//arr[n] = [0,0,3,0];
var n = typeof(n) !=='undefined' ? n : 1;
var cmp = typeof(cmp) !=='undefined' ? cmp : sortCompare2;
var start = typeof(start)!=='undefined' ? start : 0;
var end = typeof(end) !=='undefined' ? end : arr[n].length;
var count = end - start;
var tmp = 0;
var i = start;
var c = [];
c[0] = cmp(arr[n][i+0],arr[n][i+1]);
if (c[0]>0) {swap(n,i+0,i+1); c[0] = -1;} //10->01
c[1] = cmp(arr[n][i+1],arr[n][i+2]);
if (c[1]>0) { //0-1 2
c[2] = c[0]==0 ? c[1] : cmp(arr[n][i+0],arr[n][i+2]);
if (c[2]>0) { //-01 2
c[3] = cmp(arr[n][i+0],arr[n][i+3]);
if (c[3]>0) {//2301
c[4] = cmp(arr[n][i+2],arr[n][i+3]);
if (c[4]>0) { //0123 -> 3201
tmp = arr[n][0];
return n;
return n;
// 2031
c[4] = c[0]==0 ? c[3] : cmp(arr[n][i+1],arr[n][i+3]);
if (c[4]>0) { //2031
tmp = arr[n][0];
return n;
tmp = arr[n][0];
return n;
//0-1 2
c[3] = cmp(arr[n][i+2],arr[n][i+3]);
if (c[3]>0) {
c[4] = c[2]==0 ? c[3] : cmp(arr[n][i+0],arr[n][i+3]);
if (c[4]>0) {//3021
tmp = arr[n][0];
return n;
return n;
// 0-1 23
c[4] = c[3]==0 ? c[1] : cmp(arr[n][i+1],arr[n][i+3]);
if (c[4]>0) { //0231
tmp = arr[n][1];
return n;
return n;
c[2] = cmp(arr[n][i+1],arr[n][i+3]);
if (c[2]>0) {
c[3] = c[0]==0 ? c[2] : cmp(arr[n][i+0],arr[n][i+3]);
if (c[3]>0) {
// 3012
tmp = arr[n][0];
return n;
// 0312
tmp = arr[n][1];
return n;
c[3] = c[1]==0 ? c[2] : c[2]==0 ? -c[1] : cmp(arr[n][i+2],arr[n][i+3]);
if (c[3]>0) {
return n;
Just implemented a branchless function that orders four elements using five comparisons. It can be made into a C++ template to sort any type. Data is not affected, r will contain the indices to access the array in ascending order.
// This function actually returns a char[4], using type punning to bypass C restrictions
int order4(int* values) {
char r[4], h[2], m[2];
h[0]= values[1]<values[0];
h[1]=2|(char)(values[3]<values[2]); // 3210 -> {2<3}{0<1}
r[0]=values[h[1] ]<values[h[0] ];
r[3]=values[h[0]^1]<values[h[1]^1]; // {2<3}{0<1} -> 0<{21}<3
r[2]=values[m[1]]<values[m[0]]; // 0<{21}<3 -> 0<1<2<3
_ASSERT(((1<<r[0]) | (1<<r[1]) | (1<<r[2]) | (1<<r[3])) == 15); // Ensure that all elements present
_ASSERT(values[r[0]]<=values[r[1]] && values[r[1]]<=values[r[2]] && values[r[2]]<=values[r[3]]); // Ensure that elements are sorted
return *(int*)r;
