Choosing an area on the image for classification - image

If anybody is familiar with classification in remote sensing
you know at first we should choose a region on the image and use information on this region to extract statistical parameters.
how can I choose this area of the image in matlab?
I think I found the answer to my own question.
As our friend user2466766 said I used roipoly to have a mask image and then I multiplied this mask with my image using '.*'.
then I extracted nonzero elements of the resulted matrix with the function nonzeros.
and know I have the digital numbers of the region within the polygon in a columnal matrix that can be used to calculate statistical parameters like variance, mean and etc

Try roipoly. It allows you to create a mask image. If you are looking for more flexibility you can use poly2mask.


Match two images of different intensity, size, and taken from different sources and computing difference between them

Problem statement:
Given an input image, find and extract the image similar to that from the cluttered scene. Now from the extracted Image find the differences in the extracted image from the input image.
My Approach:
Uptill now I have used SIFT features for feature matching and affine transform to extract the image from the cluttered scene.
But I am not able to find a method good enough and feasible for me to find the difference in the input image and extracted image.
I dont think there exists a particular technique for your problem. If the traditional methods does not suite your need, maybe you can use the keypoints (SIFT) again to estimate the difference.
You have already done most work by matching image using SIFT.
Next you can use corresponding SIFT matched points to estimate the warp-affine factor. Apply required warp affine to second image and crop such that the images are super-imposable.
Now you can calculate absolute difference of the two image and SAD or SSD as a difference indication.

Image comparison algorithm for unit testing

I have a small render engine written for fun. I would like to have some unit testing that would render automatically an image and then compare it to a stored image to check for differences. This should give some sort of metric to be able to gauge if the image is too far off or if we can attribute that to just different timings in animations. If it can also produce the location in the image of the differences that would be great, but not necessary. We can also assume that the 2 images are the exact same size.
What are the classic papers/techniques for that sort of thing ?
(the language is Go, probably nothing exists for it yet and I'd like to implement it myself to understand what's going on. The renderer is
Thank you
One idea could be to see your problem as a case in Image Registration.
The following figure (taken from gives a flow-chart for a method to solve the image registration problem.
Using the above figure terms, the basic idea is:
find some interest points in the Fixed image;
find in the Moving image the same corresponding points;
estimate the transformation between the two images using the point correspondences. One of the simplest transformation is a translation represented by a 2D vector; the magnitude of this vector is a measure of differences between the two images, in your case it can be related to the shift you wrote about in your comment. A richer transformation is an homography described by a 3x3 matrix, its distance from the identity matrix is again a measure of differences between the two images.
you can apply the transformation back, for example in the case of the translation you apply the translation to the Moving image and then the warped image can be compared (here I am simplifying a little) pixel by pixel to the Reference image.
Some more ideas are here: Image comparison - fast algorithm

How to find entropy of Depth images in Matlab?

I want to compute depth entropy of a depth image in Matlab (same as this work ). Unfortunately, the authors don't reply my emails. There is a function,"entropyfilt", that compute the local entropy of grayscale image. I've used this function with a depth input image that captured by Kinect but it hasn't worked probably. Here is my input depth image:
Here is the code used for entropy computing:
J = entropyfilt(Depth);
Sorry, My "reputation view" isn't enough, so I can't upload my result image.
How can I compute entropy image of a depth image? I want to acquire an image same as figure 4 in above paper.
Thanks in advance.
It is written in the paper, for each pixel you first extract two patches from the image, then you calculate the entropy of each patch. The formula for which is also in the paper and well-known in statistics.
If you want to use the function entropyfilt, you need to provide as a second argument a mask image that describes the patch (all pixels within the patch need to be 1 in the mask, others need to be 0). This is detailed in the documentation of said function.
The authors generate one color image from two entropy images. How they do so they seemingly forgot to mention.
I think the paper is low quality.
image1= imread('where is located ')

Percentage difference between two images

I have two images of same height/width they look like similar.But they are not exactly similar pixel by pixel.That is one of the image is moved to right by few pixels.
I am currently using imagemagick compare command.It shows difference as it compares pixel by pixel.Also i tried with fuzz attribute of it.
Please suggest any other tool to compare such type of images.
I don't know what you're really trying to achieve, but if you want a metric to express the similitude between the two images without taking image displacement into account, then maybe you should work in the frequency domain.
As instance, the frequency part of the DFT of your images should be nearly identical, so if you compute the SNR of the two frequency parts, it should be practically null.
In fact, according to the Fourier shift theorem, you can even get an estimation of the displacement offset by calculating the inverse DFT of the combination of the two DFT.

SVM for image feature classification?

I implemented the Spatial Pyramid Matching algorithm designed by
Lazebnik in Matlab and the last step is to do the svm
classification. And at this point I totally don't understand how I
should do that in terms of what input I should provide to the svmtrain and
svmclassify functions to get the pairs of feature point coordinates of
train and test image in the end.
I have:
coordinates of SIFT feature points on the train image
coordinates of SIFT feature points on the train image
intersection kernel matrix for train image
intersection kernel matrix for test image.
Which of these I should use?
A SVM classifier expects as input a set of objects (images) represented by tuples where each tuple is a set of numeric attributes. Some image features (e.g. gray level histogram) provides an image representation in the form of a vector of numerical values which is suitable to train a SVM. However, feature extraction algorithms like SIFT will output for each image a set of vectors. So the question is:
How can we convert this set of feature vectors to a unique vector that represents the image?
To solve this problem, you will have to use a technique that is called bag of visual words.
The problem is that number of points is different, SVM expects feature vector to be the same size for train and for test.
coordinates of SIFT feature points on the train image coordinates of
SIFT feature points on the train image
The coordinates won't help for SVM.
I would use:
the number of found SIFT feature points
segment the images in small rects and use the presence of a SIFT-Feature point in a
particular rect as boolean feature value. The feature is then the rect/SIFT-feature type
combination. for N-Rects and M-SIFt feature point types you obtain
N*M features.
The second approach requires spatial normalization of images - same size, same rotation
P.S.: I'm not expert in ML. I've only done some experiments on cell-recognition in microscope images.
