Image comparison algorithm for unit testing - image

I have a small render engine written for fun. I would like to have some unit testing that would render automatically an image and then compare it to a stored image to check for differences. This should give some sort of metric to be able to gauge if the image is too far off or if we can attribute that to just different timings in animations. If it can also produce the location in the image of the differences that would be great, but not necessary. We can also assume that the 2 images are the exact same size.
What are the classic papers/techniques for that sort of thing ?
(the language is Go, probably nothing exists for it yet and I'd like to implement it myself to understand what's going on. The renderer is
Thank you

One idea could be to see your problem as a case in Image Registration.
The following figure (taken from gives a flow-chart for a method to solve the image registration problem.
Using the above figure terms, the basic idea is:
find some interest points in the Fixed image;
find in the Moving image the same corresponding points;
estimate the transformation between the two images using the point correspondences. One of the simplest transformation is a translation represented by a 2D vector; the magnitude of this vector is a measure of differences between the two images, in your case it can be related to the shift you wrote about in your comment. A richer transformation is an homography described by a 3x3 matrix, its distance from the identity matrix is again a measure of differences between the two images.
you can apply the transformation back, for example in the case of the translation you apply the translation to the Moving image and then the warped image can be compared (here I am simplifying a little) pixel by pixel to the Reference image.
Some more ideas are here: Image comparison - fast algorithm


Detecting pasted shape (or object) within an image

I'm trying to find a way to reliably determine the location of a puzzle piece in an image. The puzzle piece varies in both shape and how easy it is to find it. What algorithm(s) in the opencv module would help me with the task at hand? Or is what I'm trying to do beyond the scope of the module?
Example images below:
The original title was "Detecting obscure shapes with Opencv Python". However I am interested in concepts of image-processing that would solve such a problem: How to find a pasted image inside the bigger image?
Assume the following:
The jigsaw shapes are always of same (rectangle) boundary size (ie: a template-based searching method could work).
The jigsaw shape is not rotated to any angle (ie: there will be straight(-ish) horizontal and vertical lines to find.
The jigsaw shape is always "pasted" into some other "original" image (ie: a paste-detection method could work).
The solution can be OpenCV (as requested by the asker), but the core concepts should be applicable when using any appropriate software (ie: can loop through image pixels to process their values, in order to achieve the described solution).
I myself use JavaScript, but of course I will understand that openCV.calcHist() becomes a histogram function in JS code. I have no problem translating a good explanation into code. I will consider OpenCV code as pseudo-code towards a working idea.
In my opinion the best approach for a canonical answer was suggested in the comments by Christoph, which is training a CNN:
Implement a generator for shapes of puzzle pieces.
Get a large set of natural images from the net.
Generate tons of sample images with puzzle pieces.
Train your model to detect those puzzle pieces.
Histogram of Largest Error
This is a rough concept of a possible algorithm.
The idea comes from an unfounded premise that seems plausible enough.
The premise is that adding the puzzle piece drastically changes the histogram of the image.
Let's assume that the puzzle piece is bounded by a 100px by 100px square.
We are going to use this square as a mask to mask out pixels that are used to calculate the histogram.
The algorithm is to find the placement of the square mask on the image such that the error between the histogram of the masked image and the original image is maximized.
There are many norms to experiment with to measure the error: You could start with the sum over the error components squared.
I'll throw in my own attempt. It fails on the first image, only works fine on the next two images. I am open to other pixel-processing based techniques where possible.
I do not use OpenCV so the process is explained with words (and pictures). It is up to the reader to implement the solution in their own chosen programming language/tool.
I wondered if there was something inherent in pasted images (something maybe revealed by pixel processing or even by frequency domain analysis, eg: could a Fourier signal analysis help here?).
After some research I came across Error Level Analysis (or ELA). This page has a basic introduction for beginners.
Process: In 7 easy steps, this detects the location of a pasted puzzle piece.
(1) Take a provided cat picture and re-save 3 times as JPEG in this manner:
Save copy #1 as JPEG of quality setting 2.
Reload (to force a decode of) copy #1 then re-save copy #2 as JPEG of quality setting 5.
Reload (to force a decode of) copy #2 then re-save copy #3 as JPEG of quality setting 2.
(2) Do a difference blend-mode with original cat picture as base layer versus the re-saved copy #3 image. Thimage will be black so we increase Levels.
(3) Increase Levels to make the ELA detected area(s) more visible. note: I recommend working in BT.709 or BT.601 grayscale at this point. Not necessary, but it gives "cleaner" results when blurring later on.
(4) Alternate between applying a box blur to the image and also increasing levels, to a point where the islands disappear and a large blob remains..
(5) The blob itself is also emphasized with an increase of levels.
(6) Finally a Gaussian blur is used to smoothen the selection area
(7) Mark the blob area (draw an outline stroke) and compare to input image...

Match two images of different intensity, size, and taken from different sources and computing difference between them

Problem statement:
Given an input image, find and extract the image similar to that from the cluttered scene. Now from the extracted Image find the differences in the extracted image from the input image.
My Approach:
Uptill now I have used SIFT features for feature matching and affine transform to extract the image from the cluttered scene.
But I am not able to find a method good enough and feasible for me to find the difference in the input image and extracted image.
I dont think there exists a particular technique for your problem. If the traditional methods does not suite your need, maybe you can use the keypoints (SIFT) again to estimate the difference.
You have already done most work by matching image using SIFT.
Next you can use corresponding SIFT matched points to estimate the warp-affine factor. Apply required warp affine to second image and crop such that the images are super-imposable.
Now you can calculate absolute difference of the two image and SAD or SSD as a difference indication.

Detecting hexagonal shapes in greyscale or binary image

For my bachelor thesis I need to analyse images taken in the ocean to count and measure the size of water particles.
my problem:
besides the wanted water particles, the images show hexagonal patches all over the image in:
- different sizes
- not regular shape
- different greyscale values
(Example image below!)
It is clear that these patches will falsify my image analysis concerning the size and number of particles.
For this reason this patches need to be detected and deleted somehow.
Since it will be just a little part of the work in my thesis, I don't want to spend much time in it and already tried classic ways like: (imageJ)
playing with the threshold (resulting in also deleting wanted water particles)
analyse image including the hexagonal patches and later sort out the biggest areas (the hexagonal patches have quite the biggest areas, but you will still have a lot of haxagons)
playing with filters: using gaussian filter on a duplicated image and subtract the copy from the original deletes many patches (in reducing the greyscale value) but also deletes little wanted water particles and so again falsifies the result
a more complicated and time consuming solution would be to use a implemented library in for example matlab or opencv to detect points, that describe the shapes.
but so far I could not find any code that fits my task.
Does anyone of you have created such a code I could use for my task or any other idea?
You can see a lot of hexagonal patches in different depths also.
the little spots with an greater pixel value are the wanted particles!
Image processing is quite an involved area so there are no hard and fast rules.
But if it was me I would 'Mask' the image. This involves either defining what you want to keep or remove as a pixel 'Mask'. You then scan the mask over the image recursively and compare the mask to the image portion selected. You then select or remove the section (depending on your method) if it meets your criterion.
One such example of a criteria would be the spatial and grey-scale error weighted against a likelihood function (eg Chi-squared, square mean error etc.) or a Normal distribution that you define the uncertainty..
Some food for thought
Maybe you can try with the Hough transform:
Matlab have an built-in function, hough, wich implements this, but only works for lines. Maybe you can start from that and change it to recognize hexagons.

Template matching - Image subtraction

I have a project where I am required to subtract an empty template image from an incoming user filled image. The document type is a normal Bank cheque.
The aim is to extract the handwritten fields from it by subtracting one image from the empty template image.
The issue what i am facing is in aligning these two images, as there is scaling, translation, rotation etc
Any ideas on how to align the template image with the incoming image?
I am posting an example image from the wikipedia page but in the monochrome format as my image is in monochrome format.
When working with Image processing for industrial projects we have in most of the cases a fiducial. A fiducial is like a mark - can be a hole, an cross mark - that never changes, is always in the same positions.
Generally two fiducials are enough to correct misaligning problems like rotation, translation and also scale. For instance If you know the distance between the two, you can always check it to make sure the scale factor is right, or correct it based on the difference of the current distance against the right distance.
In your case, what I would ask you is: Does the template and the incoming image share any visual sign that are invariant and can easily be segmented?
If you have the answer for that question, all the rest will be more simple - the difference itself is a quite straightforward algorithm.
The basic answer is write a function that takes two images and a 2D transform and tells you how aligned they are once you apply the transform to the target image. The function needs to be continuous based on the transform and have a local minima (0) where the images are aligned perfectly. This is called a cost function.
Then use any optimization algorithm over the function and inputs -- you are trying to optimize the transform (translation, scale, rotation). Examples are hill climbing, genetic, simulated annealing, etc.
There are products that do this -- usually they are called Forms Recognition, Forms Registration, Forms Processing, etc. Some are SDKs, but there are also applications that can do it without programming.
Disclaimer: I work at Atalasoft, where we sell a Forms Processing add-on to our .NET imaging SDK.

Detecting if two images are visually identical

Sometimes two image files may be different on a file level, but a human would consider them perceptively identical. Given that, now suppose you have a huge database of images, and you wish to know if a human would think some image X is present in the database or not. If all images had a perceptive hash / fingerprint, then one could hash image X and it would be a simple matter to see if it is in the database or not.
I know there is research around this issue, and some algorithms exist, but is there any tool, like a UNIX command line tool or a library I could use to compute such a hash without implementing some algorithm from scratch?
edit: relevant code from findimagedupes, using ImageMagick
try $image->Sample("160x160!");
try $image->Modulate(saturation=>-100);
try $image->Blur(radius=>3,sigma=>99);
try $image->Normalize();
try $image->Equalize();
try $image->Sample("16x16");
try $image->Threshold();
try $image->Set(magick=>'mono');
($blob) = $image->ImageToBlob();
edit: Warning! ImageMagick $image object seems to contain information about the creation time of an image file that was read in. This means that the blob you get will be different even for the same image, if it was retrieved at a different time. To make sure the fingerprint stays the same, use $image->getImageSignature() as the last step.
findimagedupes is pretty good. You can run "findimagedupes -v fingerprint images" to let it print "perceptive hash", for example.
Cross-correlation or phase correlation will tell you if the images are the same, even with noise, degradation, and horizontal or vertical offsets. Using the FFT-based methods will make it much faster than the algorithm described in the question.
The usual algorithm doesn't work for images that are not the same scale or rotation, though. You could pre-rotate or pre-scale them, but that's really processor intensive. Apparently you can also do the correlation in a log-polar space and it will be invariant to rotation, translation, and scale, but I don't know the details well enough to explain that.
MATLAB example: Registering an Image Using Normalized Cross-Correlation
Wikipedia calls this "phase correlation" and also describes making it scale- and rotation-invariant:
The method can be extended to determine rotation and scaling differences between two images by first converting the images to log-polar coordinates. Due to properties of the Fourier transform, the rotation and scaling parameters can be determined in a manner invariant to translation.
Colour histogram is good for the same image that has been resized, resampled etc.
If you want to match different people's photos of the same landmark it's trickier - look at haar classifiers. Opencv is a great free library for image processing.
I don't know the algorithm behind it, but Microsoft Live Image Search just added this capability. Picasa also has the ability to identify faces in images, and groups faces that look similar. Most of the time, it's the same person.
Some machine learning technology like a support vector machine, neural network, naive Bayes classifier or Bayesian network would be best at this type of problem. I've written one each of the first three to classify handwritten digits, which is essentially image pattern recognition.
resize the image to a 1x1 pixle... if they are exact, there is a small probability they are the same picture...
now resize it to a 2x2 pixle image, if all 4 pixles are exact, there is a larger probability they are exact...
then 3x3, if all 9 pixles are exact... good chance etc.
then 4x4, if all 16 pixles are exact,... better chance.
doing it this way, you can make efficiency improvments... if the 1x1 pixel grid is off by a lot, why bother checking 2x2 grid? etc.
If you have lots of images, a color histogram could be used to get rough closeness of images before doing a full image comparison of each image against each other one (i.e. O(n^2)).
There is DPEG, "The" Duplicate Media Manager, but its code is not open. It's a very old tool - I remember using it in 2003.
You could use diff to see if they are REALLY different.. I guess it will remove lots of useless comparison. Then, for the algorithm, I would use a probabilistic approach.. what are the chances that they look the same.. I'd based that on the amount of rgb in each pixel. You could also find some other metrics such as luminosity and stuff like that.
