ORA-01013 - Weblogic setting error? - oracle

I am running a banking program, coded in Oracle PL/SQL. This program runs for 2-3 hours everyday, as part of the End of Day processing.
Till yesterday, it was working fine. Today when I run it today, after around 30 mins, the program terminates with the error ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation. I am not terminating the program manually.
I feel this could be a weblogic (where the application is deployed) setting problem. I am not fluent in weblogic and am not sure what parameter can be changed to stop this error. Please help!!!
Oracle version:
Oracle weblogic server: 11g

This sounds like a JDBC timeout. From the WebLogic console go to Services->Data Sources and click the name of your data source to see its settings. Click the Connection Pool tab, and expand the Advanced section at the bottom of the page. Look for the Statement Timeout setting.
From the documentation:
When Statement Timeout is set to -1, (the default) statements do not timeout.
The behaviour you're seeing suggests the timeout is set to 1800 if it's timing out after 30 minutes.
However, this won't have changed on its own, and if it was already set then it was being ignored previously, which would need some investigation - has anything else changed?
Another possibility is that your code is making several calls within the 3-4 hour window and one of them is now exceeding the timeout on its own, which might be the case if the timeout is lower than 1800. Without seeing your code or the current timeout value I'm just guessing, obviously.


Oracle ORDS: Get request returns old data, then after period of time the changed data

I am having a problem with the Oracle Rest Data Services (short ORDS) and I can't find a solution.
The Problem is as follows:
We are using ORDS via a TomCat Webserver and I have 2 Endpoints defined, one to Update a dataset and one to get all datasets from this table.
If I update the value via my Endpoint the change is written in the Table, but if I try to get the table with this change ORDS only response with the old not changed table. After a certain period of Time while constantly trying to get the change it repondes with the expected values. (happens after max 1 minute, can be earlier).
Because of this behaviour I accused some type of caching, but I cant find no configuration in the oracle database or on the TomCat.
Another Point for this theory was that I logged what happens in my GET procedure and found that only the one request with the correct values gets logged, like the others didnt even happen ..
The Request giving me the old value are coming back in the 4-8 ms range while the request with the correct data is in the 100-200 ms.
Ty for your help :)
I tried logging what happens, but I got that only the request with the fresh values was logged.
I tried to restart the TomCat Webserver to make sure that the cache is cleared, but this didnt fix the Problem
I searched for a configuration in ORDS or oracle where a cache would be defined, but it was never set.
I tried to set the value via a SQL update and not an endpoint, but even here I get the change only delayed
Do you have a full overview of the communication path? Maybe there is a proxy between?
When the TomCat has no caching configuration and you restartet the webserver during your tests and still have the same issue, then there is maybe more...
Kind regards

MySql server has gone away when run in queue

We have maradb 10.1 and beanstalkd 1.10 and laravel 4.2
We have one query that run successfully without queue. but when run it in beanstalkd not afected and we get 'MySql server has gone away' error in log file
wait_timeout = 120
max_allowed_packet = 1024M
Why different behavior between with and without queue
We had similar issues and either it was because the code was running in different thread, and connection being lost, or a strange garbage collection and closing of connection for long running processes.
Anyway what we implemented is
- when a job is reserved and starts processing we reconnect the DB always
- when we detect a connection gone away, we release the job (so it will be picked up again)
In case it happens in the middle of the processing flow, you may want to reconnect to lose work done so far on that job, if the job is somehow transactional.

nca_connect_server: cannot communicate with host in LoadRunner 12.53

I'm currently testing HP LoadRunner 12.53 with Oracle EBS R12.2.5.
I created a simple script using both Oracle Apps, and Oracle NCA + Http protocol (Log in, bring up a form and close/log out) and replayed but run into below error. (same error for both scripts)
nca_connect_server: cannot communicate with host
icx_ticket is correlated and works OK as it is picked and replaced in the parameter.
No need to correlate JSessionIDForms as EBS is running on socket mode.
It is s just simple script with single correlation but can't find any clue for the error.
What could be the root cause of the error?
Where should I look at for a clue? How to make the error / log more verbose and detailed
Thanks in advance
Record it twice. If the value shifts, then correlate it.
Please ensure that you have properly set up the environment before recording, Below steps need to be taken for setting up the environment
1.Set "record = names" flag for specific user profile in Oracle EBS Application** via administrator login (search google how to achieve this or simply ask your application team to do it for you)
2.Run Time Settings and Default.cfg file changes
Run Time Settings
Keep the below values to high limit to avoid replay timeout errors
Run-Time Settings > Internet Protocol >Preferences > Options>
Step Download Limit
HTTP-request connect timeout:
HTTP-receive receive timeout:
Keep-Alive timeout:
Run-Time Settings >Browser>Browser Emulation>
1) Simulate a new user on each iteration – checked
3. default.cfg file inside script directory
"RelativeURL={NCAJServSessionId}" statement in the default.cfg file rolls back each time we run the script so we need to check that it is
/forms/lservlet;JsessionIDForms={NCAJServSessionId} -- R12 Version or
/forms/formservlet?JServSessionIdforms={NCAJServSessionId} -- EBS 11
i Version
4. Correlation - Last but not the least
Ensure correct correlation of each and every parameter, The best way to achieve this is by recording the script 2 times and comparing them using a suitable tool, Correlate each value which might be changing each time you replay the script
Note :- The Oracle EBS is not fully supported by Loadrunner please download the loadrunner compatability matrix and check if your version is supported by Loadrunner.

Connecting to Heroku Postgres Database takes a long time

connecting to a Heroku Postgres database using Dbeaver client to after enabling ssl and using org.postgresql.ssl.NonValidatingFactory takes about 4-5 minutes to connect to the database.
Is this behavior normal?
Just uncheck "Show non-default databases".
It crashes / freezes because it tries to load a huge amount of databases in that host
No, this is not normal at all. Connecting should be quite instantaneous. A few seconds is already way too long, and minutes is completely off, so something else is going on.
If you try connecting with some other tool (like psql directly), do you have the same problem? I'd check there to make sure your code or some dependency is not doing something odd.

VB6 application keeps lock on Access (.mdb) database after creation, causing an error 3028

Our application builds an Access database (.mdb) and then starts a different application with the Shell command which needs Read/Write Access to this very database. The problem is that on some systems our application seems erratically to retain an exclusive lock on the database, preventing the other application from accessing it. Only after closing down the first application can the other application proceed.
The specific Error that is raised is Error 3028, which seems to be specific for DAO 3.51 (Access '97) which we indeed employ. I cannot understand why some systems are affected (and then not consistently) and others never. I thought that it might be a timing issue and built in a Sleep period between building the database and launching the other application, but that does not help.
What is going on?
I now created a workaround by creating the database in a separate file and then copying it. Now the second program should always be able to access it and any remaining lock problems will surface in the first program, which I maintain. I will follow up later when our users have been able to test this.
Are you closing the connection to the DB before passing control to another EXE?
I had a similar issue previously which wasn't quite the same but from what you have described this is the approach I would try:
Before lauching the secondary application with the shell command.
Alongside the sleep period you have already employed you will also need to close the original program which generated the .mdb file.
I achieved this by shelling a windows batch file, and then immediately exiting the original program.
Batch file makeup as follows:
ping -n 5 localhost >NUL
start MSAccess.exe "C:\DB.mdb"
This allows 5 seconds for the mdb file to be freed-up before launching, you could replace my Ms Access call with your secondary program.
