xquery, preserve sort order - sorting

Is there any way to preserve sort order in xquery? My problem is that the data has to get passed to the MVC framework's get-response() function on the return, so I think it's automatically reverting to document order. I thought that doing the sort right in the first paramter of the subsequence() function would capture the first 'n' items after they are sorted, but it does not. I also tried having the $search-results parameter sorted before the call to subsequence(), but that did not work either. See the following code:
let $data :=
<figures count="{$count}"
if ($count lt $myns:image-paging-default) then
ceiling(($count + 1) div $myns:image-paging-default)
( for $item in ($search-results)
order by $item//figure/#ftype descending
return $item),
let $sidebar := xdmp:get-server-field('imagefacets')
return utils:get-response($req, ($data,$sidebar) )


eXist-db collection sort

Following on from this question about navigating collections using pos:
In eXist 4.7 I have a collection in myapp/data/ which contains thousands of TEI XML documents. I use the following solution from Martin Honnen to get the document before and after a certain document
let $data := myapp/data
let $examples := $data/tei:TEI[#type="example"]
for $example at $pos in $examples
where $example/#xml:id = 'TC0005'
return (
$examples[$pos - 1],
$examples[$pos + 1]
With this I would have expected $examples[$pos - 1] to produce document 'TC0004' and $examples[$pos + 1] to produce 'TC0006' (based on the sort order seen in eXide collection navigation view for example). They do not, producing the inverse instead.
Honnen and Michael Kay responded that
ordering of documents within a collection is very much processor-dependent
Applying an order by $example/#xml:id ascending clause did not change the result for the better.
So, the question is how can I impose an alpha-numeric order on $data?
Many thanks.
It seems at the XQuery level you can change let $examples := $data/tei:TEI[#type="example"] to
let $examples := sort($data/tei:TEI[#type="example"], (), function($e) { $e/#xml:id })
(assuming the XQuery/XPath 3.1 higher-order sort function is available) or to
let $examples := for $e in $data/tei:TEI[#type="example"] order by $e/#xml:id return $e
using the order by clause.
I don't know whether exist-db has some way to impose an order during the creation or during the selection of a collection.
Based on experience with older versions of eXist, the $pos value while going through a loop is not the sorted position order. It is the position while going through.
What you first want to do is create an ordered list, then get the three items from the list you're looking for.
let $data := myapp/data[tei:TEI/#type eq 'example']
let $examples := for $e in $data order by $e/#xml:id ascending return $e
let $pos := index-of($examples/#xml:id, 'TC0005')
return if (count($pos) eq 1) then (
if ($pos gt 1) then $examples[$pos - 1] else (),
$examples[$pos + 1]
) else ()
A potential problem with this approach is that you'll have to sort all items every time. Creating a sorted cached list may alleviate this problem and would also allow for a much more efficient query, where you can use preceding-sibling and following-sibling from the query result.
Another potential solution, if the naming convention for the IDs is consistent, would be to query the before and after IDs.
The check to see if there is one item in $pos is to prevent cases where #xml:id is not unique (yes, that would be against the spec, but it happens in real world data) or no item exists. Keep in mind that index-of returns an array of indexes - 0 or more.

order the xquery result dynamically

I want to use the ascending or descending option dynamically based on xpath value.
let $order := "ascending"
for $aRslt in ("1","2","3","4")
order by ($aRslt)
if($order eq "ascending") then ascending else descending
return $aRslt
Using this throwing Error.
We can have the if condition for the whole "for" statement. But when we have more conditions in where; order by; and lot of statements in return, then it looks code duplicating just for the ascending or descending.
Is there any option to use without using condition for the whole "for".
Whenever I've had to order dynamically this is whats worked best for me.
It takes advantage of multiple order spec. (http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/#id-orderby-return) This is a bit different because of order Modifier being a token and not a variable or expression so it can be hard to work with.
And that's why you have to have the two if statements and the empty else statements.
let $order := "ascending"
for $aRslt in ("1","2","3","4")
order by
if($order eq "ascending") then $aRslt else() ascending,
if($order eq "descending") then $aRslt else () descending
return $aRslt

Iterate over table in order of value

Lets say I have a table like so:
value = 4
value = 3
value = 1
value = 2
and I want to iterate over this and print the value in order so the output is like so:
How do I do this, I understand how to use ipairs and pairs, and table.sort, but that only works if using table.insert and the key is valid, I need to be loop over this in order of the value.
I tried a custom function but it simply printed them in the incorrect order.
I have tried:
Creating an index and looping that
Sorting the table (throws error: attempt to perform __lt on table and table)
And a combination of sorts, indexes and other tables that not only didn't work, but also made it very complicated.
I am well and truly stumped.
Sorting the table
This was the right solution.
(throws error: attempt to perform __lt on table and table)
Sounds like you tried to use a < b.
For Lua to be able to sort values, it has to know how to compare them. It knows how to compare numbers and strings, but by default it has idea how to compare two tables. Consider this:
local people = {
{ name = 'fred', age = 43 },
{ name = 'ted', age = 31 },
{ name = 'ned', age = 12 },
If I call sort on people, how can Lua know what I intend? I doesn't know what 'age' or 'name' means or which I'd want to use for comparison. I have to tell it.
It's possible to add a metatable to a table which tells Lua what the < operator means for a table, but you can also supply sort with a callback function that tells it how to compare two objects.
You supply sort with a function that receives two values and you return whether the first is "less than" the second, using your knowledge of the tables. In the case of your tables:
table.sort(t, function(a,b) return a.value < b.value end)
for i,entry in ipairs(t) do
If you want to leave the original table unchanged, you could create a custom 'sort by value' iterator like this:
local function valueSort(a,b)
return a.value < b.value;
function sortByValue( tbl ) -- use as iterator
-- build new table to sort
local sorted = {};
for i,v in ipairs( tbl ) do sorted[i] = v end;
-- sort new table
table.sort( sorted, valueSort );
-- return iterator
return ipairs( sorted );
When sortByValue() is called, it clones tbl to a new sorted table, and then sorts the sorted table. It then hands the sorted table over to ipairs(), and ipairs outputs the iterator to be used by the for loop.
To use:
for i,v in sortByValue( myTable ) do
While this ensures your original table remains unaltered, it has the downside that each time you do an iteration the iterator has to clone myTable to make a new sorted table, and then table.sort that sorted table.
If performance is vital, you can greatly speed things up by 'caching' the work done by the sortByValue() iterator. Updated code:
local resort, sorted = true;
local function valueSort(a,b)
return a.value < b.value;
function sortByValue( tbl ) -- use as iterator
if not sorted then -- rebuild sorted table
sorted = {};
for i,v in ipairs( tbl ) do sorted[i] = v end;
resort = true;
if resort then -- sort the 'sorted' table
table.sort( sorted, valueSort );
resort = false;
-- return iterator
return ipairs( sorted );
Each time you add or remove an element to/from myTable set sorted = nil. This lets the iterator know it needs to rebuild the sorted table (and also re-sort it).
Each time you update a value property within one of the nested tables, set resort = true. This lets the iterator know it has to do a table.sort.
Now, when you use the iterator, it will try and re-use the previous sorted results from the cached sorted table.
If it can't find the sorted table (eg. on first use of the iterator, or because you set sorted = nil to force a rebuild) it will rebuild it. If it sees it needs to resort (eg. on first use, or if the sorted table was rebuilt, or if you set resort = true) then it will resort the sorted table.

Array match in while-loop

I am developing a search tool for my project,
My desired output is to get the common value from the different tables. eg) SKR0BP100
How to get this value ??
As i am running the program in for-loop and fetching the values from while-loop, now how to use array_intersect() function? Because for array intersect function, minimum 2 arrays are needed, but i get only one array at a time, as it runs on for-loop. So what should i do ?? Please Help me!
$result = array_intersect($arr1, $arr2);
But i have only one $array (ie, $sid[$i] at a time, as it runs in for-loop.
My program
$m1="select * from $u$sc where $b[$i]='$a[$i]' ";
Desired Output = SKR0BP100
// How to get this??
Present output
select * from Studentsc where Zone='East'
select * from Studentsc where Area='Rural'
select * from Studentsc where Class='12'
So if you want to create query then try this
$where = array();
$where[] = $b[$i]."='".$a[$i]."'";
$m1="select * from $u$sc where ".implode(" and ",$where); //If you are sure that atleast one value vomes

Sort Google Spreadsheet With Multiple Criteria Using Script

I have a spreadsheet that I update on a regular basis. I also have to re-sort the spreadsheet when finished because of the changes made. I need to sort with multiple criteria like the below settings. I have searched for examples but my Google search skills have failed me.
Sort range from A1:E59
[x] Data has header rows
sort by "Priority" A > Z
then by "Open" Z > A
then by "Project" A > Z
Mogsdad's answer works fine if none of your cells have values automatically calculated via a formula. If you do use formulas, though, then that solution will erase all of them and replace them with static values. And even so, it is more complicated than it needs to be, as there's now a built-in method for sorting based on multiple columns. Try this instead:
function onEdit(e) {
var priorityCol = 1;
var openCol = 2;
var projectCol = 3;
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var dataRange = sheet.getDataRange();
{column: priorityCol, ascending: true},
{column: openCol, ascending: false},
{column: projectCol, ascending: true}
Instead of making a separate function, you can use the built-in onEdit() function, and your data will automatically sort itself when you change any of the values. The sort() function accepts an array of criteria, which it applies one after the other, in order.
Note that with this solution, the first column in your spreadsheet is column 1, whereas if you're doing direct array accesses like in Mogsdad's answer, the first column is column 0. So your numbers will be different.
That is a nice specification, a great place to start!
Remember that Google Apps Script is, to a large extent, JavaScript. If you extend your searching into JavaScript solutions, you'll find plenty of examples of array sorts here on SO.
As it happens, much of what you need is in Script to copy and sort form submission data. You don't need the trigger part, but the approach to sorting can be easily adapted to handle multiple columns.
The workhorse here is the comparison function-parameter, which is used by the JavaScript Array.sort() method. It works through the three columns you've indicated, with ascending or descending comparisons. The comparisons used here are OK for Strings, Numbers and Dates. It could be improved with some cleaning up, or even generalized, but it should be pretty fast as-is.
function sortMySheet() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var dataRange = sourceSheet.getDataRange();
var data = dataRange.getValues();
var headers = data.splice(0,1)[0]; // remove headers from data
data.sort(compare); // Sort 2d array
data.splice(0,0,headers); // replace headers
// Replace with sorted values
// Comparison function for sorting two rows
// Returns -1 if 'a' comes before 'b',
// +1 if 'b' before 'a',
// 0 if they match.
function compare(a,b) {
var priorityCol = 0; // Column containing "Priority", 0 is A
var openCol = 1;
var projectCol = 2;
// First, compare "Priority" A > Z
var result = (a[priorityCol] > b[priorityCol] ) ?
(a[priorityCol] < b[priorityCol] ? -1 : 0) : 1;
if (result == 0) {
// "Priority" matched. Then compare "Open" Z > A
result = (b[openCol] > a[openCol] ) ?
(b[openCol] < a[openCol] ? -1 : 0) : 1;
if (result == 0) {
// "Open" matched. Finally, compare "Project" A > Z
result = (a[projectCol] > b[projectCol] ) ?
(a[projectCol] < b[projectCol] ? -1 : 0) : 1;
return result;
Try this using the Apps Script sort instead of the native JavaScript. I had the same issue with sorting the header row(s) and this solved the issue.
So I think something like this should work:
function onOpen() {
.getSheetByName("Form Responses 1").sort(2);
Regarding sorting by multiple columns, you can chain that sort() method, with the final sort() having the highest priority, and the first sort() the lowest. So something like this should sort by Start date, then by End date:
function onOpen() {
.getSheetByName("Form Responses 1").sort(3).sort(2);
Reference link:-
Not sure if this is still relevant, but you can use the sort() function to define another tab as a sorted version of the original data.
Say your original data is in a tab named Sheet1; I'm also going to act as though your Priority, Open, and Project columns are A, B, and C, respectively.
Create a new tab, and in cell A1 type:
=sort(Sheet1!A1:E59, 1, TRUE, 2, FALSE, 3, TRUE)
The first argument specifies the sheet and range to be sorted, followed by three pairs: the first of each pair specifies the column (A=1, B=2, etc.), and the second specifies ascending (TRUE) or descending (FALSE).
