ServiceStack Receiving posts without entity - http-post

I've a scenario where I get changing post content. So I can't map it to an entity.
I need is to get the json body of the post.
I would like to create an entity with a Property "JSON" so if the url for this entity is called the body is filled.
Is there a way to do this ? or any other way fo have a generic endpoint for posts?
In WebAPI I created a parameterless method on a controller and analysed the body on my own.

See this section on Reading in and De-Serializing ad-hoc custom requests in ServiceStack's wiki.
E.g. you can use a custom request binder or get your Request DTO to implement IRequiresRequestStream to tell ServiceStack to skip the deserialization of the request DTO and directly retrieve the stream without populating the request DTO.


Spring Data Rest PUT v.s PATCH LinkableResources

I'm using Spring Data REST to expose my Entity's and their relationships. I have a OneToOne relationship between two Entity's and I'm trying to update/change the relationship with PUT and PATCH.
I noticed that Spring Data REST will only allow you to update linked resources - JPA mapped Entity's (OneToMany, ManyToOne, etc) which are also AggregateRoots (has a Repository) - via a PATCH and are ignored with a PUT.
This can be seen in the LinkedAssociationSkippingAssociationHandler class:
if (associationLinks.isLinkableAssociation(association)) {
Why is this? What is the reasoning behind this?
Is it because the design wants us to treat the associations as resources themselves as seen in this part of the documentation? I can alter the relationship via a PUT with Content-Type text/uri-list but it feels unnatural and require an additional HTTP request.
From the Spring data REST 2.5.9.RELEASE the associations are not update on PUT request and only update using PATCH.
Changes in version 2.5.9.RELEASE (2017-04-19)
DATAREST-1030 - PATCH requests do not handle links to associations properly.
Other links about this:
DATAREST-1061: PUT-request with application/json media type payload cannot update association #OneToOne by URI
Domain Driven Design and Spring

Spring MVC: Customizing view response (Json/XML) based on header or parameter

I have a Spring MVC application which returns Json and Xml based on what is requested per client call. I am using Jackson and Xstream to let Spring do the de-serialization of my java object into json or xml output.
My java object contains a bunch of attributes, at least 30. I would like to know if there is a way I can let Spring control which fields of my java object will be present in the json or xml based on a header or parameter attribute. So the client application will be able to identify itself and the backend will return only the fields necessary or "visible" for that specific client app. Of course I could go to the nasty approach of hard coding, but I would not like to do that as the number of client applications can increase or decrease and having a deployment anytime it happens with code changes is out of context.
Is there a way to instruct spring/jackson/xstream to control the output based on some providaded value?
I did a quick implementation and my current solution works like this: I have an xml with a list of client IDs (I use these ids to identify my client app) and for each ID I have a list of attributes that the client app needs from the java object. I created a interceptor and between the controller and the view, my interceptor gets the header information with the client ID, get the list of attributes and using the BeanWrapper ( to create a new object with only the attributes required by the client with data, all the others remain null (I instruct Jackson and Xtream) to ignore null attributes. This approach works fine but I was wondering if there is another/better way to do this.
Thank you

How to validate header parameters while calling REST services in spring mvc?

I want to validate header parameters that I am going to send while calling REST of spring MVC. The validating class should return JSon object depending on result of validation. how can I do that?

DataServiceVersion header missing in the Http response

I am currently developing an OData service using Web Api 2 and EF6 with a Code First Approach. My controllers inherit from the normal ApiController Base.
I have decorated my action methods with the Queryable attribute and have also enabled Query Support in the WebApiConfig file. Through my CORS policy, I have specified the DataServiceVersion and MaxDataServiceVersion as part of my Accept and Exposed Headers.
Strangely, my odata endpoint seems to not return the DataServiceVersion as part of the response header but, if my controllers inherit from the ODataController base I am able to see it in the response.
Is there a way to enable this header while using ApiController as the base.
This header is needed as datajs requires it on the client side.
First to answer your question:
Yes, you can expose the DataServiceVersion http header yourself. It's custom code though, not a setting on an existing component.
Add a "Filter" to your global http configuration. A filter is a class derived from "System.Web.Http.Filters.ActionFilterAttribute".
for example;
internal class DataServiceVersionHeaderFilterWebAPI : System.Web.Http.Filters.ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuted(HttpActionExecutedContext actionExecutedContext)
actionExecutedContext.Response.Content.Headers.Add("DataServiceVersion", "3.0");
actionExecutedContext.Response.Content.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "DataServiceVersion");
Then configure this filter to be used (in application start of global.asax)
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Filters.Add( new DataServiceVersionHeaderFilterWebAPI() );
This will allow your cross domain OData query from a security perspective. There is however another issue with this;
OData is a specification larger than just the request URI's & HTTP headers. It also specifies how to exchange model information and the actual data exchange is a predefined object structure. Simple, but still a predefined structure.
object.d = service returned content
You will have to implement all those pieces of the specification ($filter,$metadata,$top, return formats, etc) yourself.
Some food for thought.

Spring get request data in Dao or service layer

I m sing spring data MongoDb. in controller #requestBody User user.
So There is no data in request now. After take it from the request body.
Is there any Way in spring to get the request body data after take it from the request Object in dao layer.. Please help me out. Thx in advance/..
Spring doesn't magically store it anywhere, so you have to read it yourself in the controller layer and pass it around as a regular parameter or store somewhere yourself.
