Spring get request data in Dao or service layer - spring

I m sing spring data MongoDb. in controller #requestBody User user.
So There is no data in request now. After take it from the request body.
Is there any Way in spring to get the request body data after take it from the request Object in dao layer.. Please help me out. Thx in advance/..

Spring doesn't magically store it anywhere, so you have to read it yourself in the controller layer and pass it around as a regular parameter or store somewhere yourself.


how many way to access the scope variables in spring-mvc

Some one please me to find out the spring mvc examples,
Because usually, once we log in into the application we will create a session and put some objects into session . we will access later point of time , request scope as well. but spring MVC3 is difficult to understand even documentation also confusing, but every one giving example is basic examples only.
You can access these objects in a JSP/JSTL:
As well as any request attributes that you add, including model attributes (who's default name is command).
More info here: http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=30946&seqNum=7
If you want to access HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpSession, add them as arguments to a Spring Controller Handler Method . Spring will pass them in for you.

Spring mvc interceptor Basics

I am new to Spring and currently working on a spring application.
I am very confused regarding the spring interceptor and Interceptor in Spring security.
I have below doubts.
1. What is the use of Interceptor ? Is it used to modify the requested url or to validate the url ?
2. Is it possible that through interceptor i can modify my url /Test/MyTest to /Test/Intercept/MyTest ?
3. If Interceptor is only used to vaidate the url then only by url-pattern=/"somevalue" it will work or need to implement Interceptorhandler ?
Please help me out to understand these basic functionalities of interceptor.
I went through lot of sites but still not clear about all these concepts.
An interceptor is somewhat like a filter. A filter processes the request and response around a servlet and an interceptor processes the request and optionally the model around a spring controller. Common uses are pre-processing a request to ensure that a condition is realized (preHandle), or populating the model with attributes common to different controller methods (postHandle). afterCompletion is mainly used to perform cleanup at the end of request processing.
Actually interceptor can do three things
preHandle(…) – called just before the action
postHandle(…) – called immediately after the action
afterCompletion(…) – called just before sending response to view
Best example of prehandle is-checking whether the user is logged in or not.
Hope you have got some idea of interceptor
Spring MVC Interceptor is similar to Servlet Fiter Concept. Spring MVC provides ability to define set of classes called interceptor which will be called before and after a request being served. Interceptor will implement HandlerInterceptor which following thee methods need to be implemented:
preHandle() : Called before the handler execution
postHandle() : Called after the handler execution
afterCompletion() : Called after the complete request has finished
There is a good tutorial by MKYONG which I recommend you to have a look at it that I found it helpful in understanding the fundamental concept of interceptor. Hope that helps to get you started.

Spring MVC interceptor

I need inputs related to Spring MVC, I have a URL to which a client will send a post request with an xml as the pay load. I plan to have a controller method which maps to the requested url, I want that xml to be validated/converted to an object using jaxb before controller method is executed. And also, the controller method should have only the object as the parameter to its methods and no httprequest etc.
So, how do I achieve this? Will interceptor be helpful? If yes, how will it be done?
I plan to use Spring 3.
Simply use #RequestBody in conjunction with #Valid on a method argument and that is all you need.
public void myRequestHandlingMethod(#Valid #RequestBody YourJaxbObject jaxbObject) { … }
I strongly suggest you take a look at the Spring reference guide

how can i get the Response Object in Spring MVC in a normal Bean

someone could tell me ,how can i get Response in a normal bean in spring, actually,
what i am gonna to do is to create a proxy to check whether a user is log in or not ,if it's not ,i would send him to my home page,if it does,then the request goes to spring mvc's Controller,i know i can get the HttpServletRequest Object with declaring the RequestContextListenerin web.xml, i want to get the Response Object, and then i could do the forward withRequestDispatcher` .is there a way to get the response object? or you have a solution to this, thanks in advance, i am waiting online ..

ServiceStack Receiving posts without entity

I've a scenario where I get changing post content. So I can't map it to an entity.
I need is to get the json body of the post.
I would like to create an entity with a Property "JSON" so if the url for this entity is called the body is filled.
Is there a way to do this ? or any other way fo have a generic endpoint for posts?
In WebAPI I created a parameterless method on a controller and analysed the body on my own.
See this section on Reading in and De-Serializing ad-hoc custom requests in ServiceStack's wiki.
E.g. you can use a custom request binder or get your Request DTO to implement IRequiresRequestStream to tell ServiceStack to skip the deserialization of the request DTO and directly retrieve the stream without populating the request DTO.
