Here is a canvas animation of a bouncing ball.
My problem is that I would like the ball to leave a trail, ie a line that marks out where the ball has been in the past.
The code that determines the position of the ball is:
(function drawFrame () {
window.requestAnimationFrame(drawFrame, canvas);
context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
//theta = Math.atan2(mouse.y-ball.y,mouse.x-ball.x);
ball.x += vx;
ball.y += vy;
if (ball.x > canvas.width - ball.radius) {
ball.x = canvas.width - ball.radius;
vx *= -1;
} else if (ball.x < 0 + ball.radius){
ball.x = 0 + ball.radius
vx *= -1;
if (ball.y > canvas.height - ball.radius){
ball.y = canvas.height - ball.radius
vy *= -1;
} else if (ball.y < 0 + ball.radius){
ball.y = 0 + ball.radius;
vy *= -1;
My problem is that because I'm using clearRect(), any path I try to draw is being wiped out. What I could do is keep adding ball.x and ball.y coords into an array then using the canvas lineTo() to link all these points each frame, but that would reach a large number of points very quickly.
Can anybody suggest a way of doing this?
Saw now that you want a line as trail not just trails as in motion-blur.
Updated fiddle for this:
Add a new canvas on top where you can draw the lines to. This way you avoid clearing and keep rack of everything.
You can simply replace this line:
context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
with this:
var tmp = context.fillStyle; //backup fillstyle
context.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.2)';
context.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
context.fillStyle = tmp;
The alpha channel value determines how much trails you'll get (less is more).
Updated example:
(PS: I also fixed it so it works with Firefox - see requestAnimationFrame polyfill in code).
I'm trying to animate a spiral using a line, but can only seem to get it to work using ellipses.
Does anyone know how to replace the ellipse() with line()?
here is the code:
var angle = 0.0;
var offset = 60;
var scalar = 10;
var speed = 0.05;
function setup() {
createCanvas(600, 120);
function draw() {
var x = offset + cos(angle) * scalar;
var y = offset + sin(angle) * scalar;
ellipse( x, y, 2, 2);
angle += speed;
scalar += speed;
Assuming you would like to draw the entire spiral instantaneously using line segments, the you simply need a for loop that calculates the x and y coordinates for the current and next point in the spiral for some increment of change, and then draw lines between each pair of points. There are certainly numerous ways to write such a for loop, depending on what the constrains are (do you want a specific number of rings in your spiral? a specific number of degrees of rotation?), but importantly the bigger your increment of change the less smooth your spiral will look. Here is an example that uses the mouse position to determine the number of rings and the size of the change increments:
function setup() {
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
textAlign(LEFT, TOP);
function draw() {
// let the horizontal mouse position indicate the
// size of the steps
let speed = map(mouseX, 0, width, 0.01, 1, true);
// let the vertical mouse position indicate the
// total amount of rotation
let maxRotation = map(mouseY, 0, height, TWO_PI, TWO_PI * 50, true);
text(`Rings: ${(maxRotation / TWO_PI).toFixed(1)}, Speed: ${speed.toFixed(2)}`, 10, 10);
translate(width / 2, height / 2);
let scalar = 10;
if (speed <= 0) {
console.error('cannot have <= 0 speed');
for (let angle = 0; angle < maxRotation; angle += speed, scalar += speed) {
const x = cos(angle) * scalar;
const y = sin(angle) * scalar;
const x2 = cos(angle + speed) * (scalar + speed);
const y2 = sin(angle + speed) * (scalar + speed);
line(x, y, x2, y2);
<script src=""></script>
I'm currently trying to make a Ying and Yang symbol spin using a circular path. SO far I have made the medium and smaller ones rotate just fine. However, the stationary arc's are wrecking the illusion. Here is an open link to see my current code.
Just looking for someone to help me make it look like it is rotating properly.
Draw all shapes from a common central point, then use the rotate() function. Here's the link.
Do ask if you need help modifying the code.
Here's the working version
function setup() {
createCanvas(600, 600);
a = 0;
x = 180;
let ANGLE = 0
let a;
let x;
function draw() {
background(180, 13, 123);
//Big Circle
//Change starts from here
translate(300, 300);
arc(0, 0, 300, 300, 0, x);
arc(0, 0, 300, 300, x,0);
//Till here
// Medium Circles
let CENTRE_X4 = width / 2;
let CENTRE_Y4 = height / 2;
let RADIUS4 = 75;
let X4 = RADIUS4 * cos(ANGLE);
let Y4 = RADIUS4 * sin(ANGLE);
ellipse(CENTRE_X4 + X4, CENTRE_Y4 + Y4, 150);
let CENTRE_X3 = width / 2;
let CENTRE_Y3 = height / 2;
let RADIUS3 = 75;
let X3 = RADIUS3 * cos(ANGLE);
let Y3 = RADIUS3 * sin(ANGLE);
ellipse(CENTRE_X3 - X3, CENTRE_Y3 - Y3, 150);
// Small Circles
let CENTRE_X = width / 2;
let CENTRE_Y = height / 2;
let RADIUS = 75;
let X = RADIUS * cos(ANGLE);
let Y = RADIUS * sin(ANGLE);
ellipse(CENTRE_X + X, CENTRE_Y + Y, 50);
let CENTRE_X2 = width / 2;
let CENTRE_Y2 = height / 2;
let RADIUS2 = 75;
let X2 = RADIUS2 * cos(ANGLE);
let Y2 = RADIUS2 * sin(ANGLE);
ellipse(CENTRE_X2 - X2, CENTRE_Y2 - Y2, 50);
All the edits have been done using the push() & pop() and rotate() functions.
Hope this has helped!
My answer is not adding anything new to Ruskin's great answer suggesting rotate() as well as push()/pop(), but wanted to mention that you could isolate the drawing instructions into a re-usable function and additionally simply reduce some of complexity and repetition (see D.R.Y):
function setup() {
createCanvas(600, 600);
function draw() {
background (200, 13, 123);
// isolate coordinate system
// move everything to the center
translate(width / 2, height / 2);
// rotate everything from the center
rotate(frameCount % 360);
// draw ying Yang
// return to the original coordinate system (0,0 = top left)
function drawYingYang(outerDiameter){
let innerYOffset = outerDiameter / 4;
let outerRadius = outerDiameter / 2;
let innerDiameter = innerYOffset / 1.5;
// Big Circle
arc(0, 0, outerDiameter, outerDiameter, -90, -270);
arc(0, 0, outerDiameter, outerDiameter, 90, 270);
// Medium Circles
ellipse(0, innerYOffset, outerRadius);
ellipse(0, - innerYOffset, outerRadius);
// Small Circles
ellipse(0, innerYOffset, innerDiameter);
ellipse(0, - innerYOffset, innerDiameter);
<script src=""></script>
If that's the only thing you want to draw, removing push()/pop() won't make a difference visually, however, if you want to draw other shapes it will much easier to have independent control over where each shape is drawn
I need to create a polygon from given set of points, which algorithm should i use for this purpose.
The polygon edges should not overlap each other.
No. Of ponits can be huge.
For example 1000
A simple solution would be to
compute the barycenter (i.e. the average of x and y of all points)
sort by angle in respect to the center (i.e. atan2(p.y-center.y, p.x-center.x))
connect the points
The result will be a valid star-shaped polygon with no edge overlapping.
In Javascript for example:
// Generate random points
let pts = [];
for (let i=0; i<100; i++) {
// Compute the barycenter
let center = {x:0, y:0};
center.x += p.x;
center.y += p.y;
center.x /= pts.length
center.y /= pts.length;
// Sort points on the angle of the
// line connecting to the center
pts.sort((a, b) => Math.atan2(a.y - center.y,
a.x - center.x)
Math.atan2(b.y - center.y,
b.x - center.x));
// Draw result
let canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
canvas.width = canvas.height = 300;
ctx.moveTo(pts[0].x, pts[0].y);
pts.forEach(p=>ctx.lineTo(p.x, p.y));
ctx.fillStyle = "#F00";
I am fast approaching several deadlines for my highschool graduation project so any advice you can give would be great. My project is to code a movie. The idea is to use processing to move the characters like tokens and also use code to animate things like rain and fire. Right now I am finding it very difficult to move images and/or rotate them. This is a big hurtle for my project. The current code I have for this is butchered and complicated but here it is.
Image of leading lady, Radial:
PImage img; // Declare variable "a" of type PImage
float ballX = 10;
float ballY = 200;
float h = 300;
//create a variable for speed
float speedY = 2; // spped set to 0 in order to test rotating. Necessary for rolling motion
float speedX = 0.;
void setup() {
background(0, 0, 0);// Load the image into the program
// change the mode we draw circles so they are
// aligned in the top left
img = loadImage("radialoutlinel.png");
void RadialRoll(){
rotate(0);//if this is anything but 0 ball will appear of screen
image(img, ballX, ballY, h, h); //create a continuos rotation using the new fun
//nctions in the draw things
void draw() {
//clear the background and set the fill colour
//draw the circle in it's current position
// ellipse(ballX, ballY, h,h);
//add a little gravity to the speed
speedY = speedY + 0;
speedX = speedX + .02;
ballX = ballX + speedX;
if (ballX > width - h) {
// set the position to be on the floor
ballX = width - h;
// and make the y speed 90% of what it was,
// but in the opposite direction
speedX = speedX * -1;
//switch the direction
//speedY = speedY;
if (ballX > width - h) {
// set the position to be on the floor
ballX = width - h;
// and make the y speed 90% of what it was,
// but in the opposite direction
speedX = speedX * -1;
//switch the direction
//speedY = speedY;
else if (ballX <= 0) {
// if the ball hits the top,
// make it bounce off
speedX = -speedX;
if (ballY > height - h) {
// set the position to be on the floor
ballY = height - h;
// and make the y speed 90% of what it was,
// but in the opposite direction
speedY = speedY * -1;
//switch the direction
//speedY = speedY;
else if (ballY <= 0) {
// if the ball hits the top,
// make it bounce off
speedY = -speedY;
How can I move images on screen and rotate them with little hassle?
Thank you very much.
First when you look at rotate() function it take radians (values from 0 to TWO_PI) as argument so when you want fluent rotation use something like this
Where counter could be integer value increased in every draw() loop. But if you just add this to you code image will be rotating around point [0,0] (upper left corner) and you will not see image for 1/4 of the rotation. To better understanding this you should read this TUTORIAL then you could start with basic rotation:
PImage img;
int counter = 1;
void setup() {
size(800, 800);
background(0, 0, 0);
img = loadImage("radialoutlinel.png");
imageMode(CENTER); //you can change mode to CORNER to see the difference.
void draw() {
translate(width/2, height/2);
image(img, 0, 0, 300, 300);
Then if you want also move image from left to right side you will just adjust translate() first parameter.
I am trying to implement the collision detection between rotated rectangle and circle by following this
I have added the code in jsfiddle here
What am i missing here ?
function check_coll ( circle_x,circle_y, rect_x, rect_y, rect_width, rect_height, rect_angle)
// Rotate circle's center point back
var rect_centerX = rect_x /2 ;
var rect_centerY = rect_y /2 ;
var cx = (Math.cos(rect_angle) * (circle_x - rect_centerX)) - (Math.sin(rect_angle) * (circle_y - rect_centerY)) + rect_centerX;
var cy = (Math.sin(rect_angle) * (circle_x - rect_centerX)) + (Math.cos(rect_angle) * (circle_y - rect_centerY)) + rect_centerY;
// Closest point
var x, y;
// Find the unrotated closest x point from center of unrotated circle
if (cx < rect_x) {
x = rect_x;
else if (cx > rect_x + rect_width){
x = rect_x + rect_width;
x = cx;
// Find the unrotated closest y point from center of unrotated circle
if (cy < rect_y){
y = rect_y;
else if (cy > rect_y + rect_height) {
y = rect_y + rect_height;
else {
y = cy;
// Determine collision
var collision = false;
var c_radius = 5;
var distance = findDistance(cx, cy, x, y);
if (distance < c_radius) {
collision = true; // Collision
else {
collision = false;
return collision;
function findDistance (x1, y1, x2, y2) {
var a = Math.abs(x1 - x2);
var b = Math.abs(y1 - y2);
var c = Math.sqrt((a * a) + (b * b));
return c;
Hehe, I find this amusing as I somewhat recently solved this for myself after spending a large amount of time going down the wrong path.
Eventually I figured out a way:
1.) Simply rotate the point of the center of the circle by the Negative amount the rectangle has been rotated by. Now the point is 'aligned' with the rectangle (in the rectangles relative coordinate space).
2.) Solve for circle vs. AABB. The way I solved it gave me a point on the rectangle that is closest to the circle's center.
3.) Rotate the resulting point from by the Positive amount the rectangle has been rotated by. Continue solving as usual (checking if the distance between that point and the circle center is within the circle's radius)
From a very quick glance at your code, it seems like maybe you are doing the same thing, but missing the last step? I suggest drawing out your point on the rectangle from step 2 to see exactly where it is to help debug.
I was able to figure this out . The issue in the code was, I was using the wrong radius and had missed the center of rect_x and rect_y
var rect_centerX = rect_x + (rect_width / 2);
var rect_centerY = rect_y + (rect_height /2);
When dealing with rotation on the canvas we will need to add the translate values to the corresponding x and y values used in createrect.
I also use this code for my project and it's working. The only thing you need to do is use -angle instead of the angle.
Here is my code link
const canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
const rectX = 100;
const rectY = 100;
const rectWidth = 200;
const rectHeight = 100;
const circleRadius = 2;
const rectMidPointX = rectX + rectWidth / 2;
const rectMidPointY = rectY + rectHeight / 2;
const angle = Math.PI / 4;
let circleX;
let circleY;
canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', (e) => {
circleX = e.clientX;
circleY = e.clientY;;
ctx.fillStyle = '#fff';
ctx.arc(circleX, circleY, circleRadius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
//ctx.fillRect(100, 100, 100, 100);
ctx.strokeStyle = 'black';
ctx.translate(rectMidPointX, rectMidPointY);
ctx.translate(-rectMidPointX, -rectMidPointY);
ctx.strokeRect(rectX, rectY, rectWidth, rectHeight);
// Determine collision
let collision = false;
const findDistance = (fromX, fromY, toX, toY) => {
const a = Math.abs(fromX - toX);
const b = Math.abs(fromY - toY);
return Math.sqrt((a * a) + (b * b));
function calculateIntersection() {
// Rotate circle's center point back
const unrotatedCircleX = Math.cos(-angle) * (circleX - rectMidPointX) -
Math.sin(-angle) * (circleY - rectMidPointY) + rectMidPointX;
const unrotatedCircleY = Math.sin(-angle) * (circleX - rectMidPointX) +
Math.cos(-angle) * (circleY - rectMidPointY) + rectMidPointY;
// Closest point in the rectangle to the center of circle rotated backwards(unrotated)
let closestX, closestY;
// Find the unrotated closest x point from center of unrotated circle
if (unrotatedCircleX < rectX)
closestX = rectX;
else if (unrotatedCircleX > rectX + rectWidth)
closestX = rectX + rectWidth;
closestX = unrotatedCircleX;
// Find the unrotated closest y point from center of unrotated circle
if (unrotatedCircleY < rectY)
closestY = rectY;
else if (unrotatedCircleY > rectY + rectHeight)
closestY = rectY + rectHeight;
closestY = unrotatedCircleY;
const distance = findDistance(unrotatedCircleX, unrotatedCircleY, closestX, closestY);
if (distance < circleRadius)
collision = true; // Collision
collision = false;
console.log('collision', collision);
<canvas id="canvas" width="400px" height="400px" />