Hadoop Fail to start - Unrecognized option: -jvm - hadoop

I am using hadoop-0.20.203, after did required changes when i start the hdfs it throws following warning while start up
root#master:/usr/local/hadoop-0.20.203# bin/start-all.sh
starting namenode, logging to /usr/local/hadoop-0.20.203/bin/../logs/hadoop-root-namenode-master.out
master: starting datanode, logging to /usr/local/hadoop-0.20.203/bin/../logs/hadoop-root-datanode-master.out
master: Unrecognized option: -jvm
master: Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
master: Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
master: starting secondarynamenode, logging to /usr/local/hadoop-0.20.203/bin/../logs/hadoop-root-secondarynamenode-master.out
starting jobtracker, logging to /usr/local/hadoop-0.20.203/bin/../logs/hadoop-root-jobtracker-master.out
master: starting tasktracker, logging to /usr/local/hadoop-0.20.203/bin/../logs/hadoop-root-tasktracker-master.out

Run the script normally as a non-root user. Ensure your non-root user has appropriate permissions. Refer to this bug report for more information

Use sudo bin/start-all.sh and see if it helps. Ideally you should avoid running Hadoop as root user.


Hadoop: Cannot set priority of resourcemanager process

I am very new to hadoop and am trying to set a psuedo-distributed mode execution with Hadoop-3.1.2.
When I try to start yarn service I get the following error, please see the code snippet below.
$ sbin/start-yarn.sh
Starting resourcemanagers on []
localhost: ERROR: Cannot set priority of resourcemanager process 13209
pdsh#manager-4: localhost: ssh exited with exit code 1
Starting nodemanagers
localhost: ERROR: Cannot set priority of nodemanager process 13366
pdsh#manager-4: localhost: ssh exited with exit code 1
I tried solutions at this stackoverflow question, which is very similar to my problem. But nothing worked out. A problem same as mine is posted in another forum here. However, no solution is available there as well.
Then, I tried another option which I am describing in the following text.
I set following exports in the file sbin/start-yarn.sh.
export HDFS_NAMENODE_USER="root"
export HDFS_DATANODE_USER="root"
Then executed with sbin/start-yarn.sh and I got the following error. Please note that I have done all the settings for passwordless ssh for root#localhost.
$ sudo sbin/start-yarn.sh
Starting resourcemanagers on []
localhost: Permission denied (publickey).
pdsh#manager-4: localhost: ssh exited with exit code 255
Starting nodemanagers
localhost: Permission denied (publickey).
pdsh#manager-4: localhost: ssh exited with exit code 255
In addition to the steps suggested by zhao, ephraimbuddy and qitian.
Please make sure that if you have a firewall running than the firewall is not blocking it in anyway. Also make sure that the user with which you are executing the command has enough permissions to update the priorities.
Before running the start-yarn script, try the command: ssh localhost
When you have set passwordless ssh for localhost change the pdsh_rcmd_type value to ssh:
export PDSH_RCMD_TYPE=ssh
this error info actually very confuse me, later i find it happens because i have not correctly config cgroup. so you can firstly check your config make sure they are all right, you can check you resourcemanager logs
I had the same issue, what helped me was the guide I found in this link!
The message "Cannot set priority of resourcemanager process" is misleading. I checked the resource manager logs and found that there was an error as follows
Unexpected close tag </property>; expected </configuration>
I had the same issue and was finally able to solve it. I got ResourceManager and NodeManager to run. If you're running Hadoop 3.3 and up, the issue might be with the java version you're using. hadoop_compatibility
" Apache Hadoop 3.3 and upper supports Java 8 and Java 11 (runtime only)
Please compile Hadoop with Java 8. Compiling Hadoop with Java 11 is not supported"
Try switching to java 8.
Then make sure your JAVA_HOME path variables are pointing to java 8 (including any JAVA_HOME path variables in hadoop-env.sh).
If the issue persists, check the error messages in resourcemanager log located in $HADOOP_HOME/logs/.

Hadoop: Unable to connect to Web GUI

Introduction: I'm using Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS on which I'm trying to set up a Hadoop 3.2 Single Node Cluster. The installation goes perfectly fine, and I have Java installed. JPS is working as well.
Issue: I'm trying to connect to the Web GUI at localhost:50070, but I'm unable to. I'm attaching a snippet of my console when I execute ./start-all.sh:
root#it-research:/usr/local/hadoop/sbin# ./start-all.sh
Starting namenodes on [localhost]
Starting datanodes
Starting secondary namenodes [it-research]
Starting resourcemanager
Starting nodemanagers
pdsh#it-research: localhost: ssh exited with exit code 1
root#it-research:/usr/local/hadoop/sbin# jps
6032 Jps
3154 SecondaryNameNode
2596 NameNode
I'm unable to resolve localhost: ssh exited with exit code 1
Solutions I've tried:
Set up password-less SSH
Set up NameNode User
Set up PDSH to work with SSH
I've also added master [myIPAddressv4Here] in /etc/hosts file and tried connecting to master:50070. but still facing the same issue
Expected Behaviour: I should be able to connect to the Web GUI when I go to localhost:50070, but I can't.
Please let me know if there's some more information I should provide.
The port number for Hadoop 3.x is 9870, so localhost:9870 should work.

Cannot start running on browser the namenode for Hadoop

It is my first time in installing Hadoop on my Linux (Fedora distro) running on VM (using Parallel on my Mac). And I followed every step on this video and including the textual version of it.And then when I run it on localhost (or the equivalent value from hostname) in port 50070, I got the following message.
...can't establish a connection to the server at localhost:50070
When I run the jps by the way command I don't have the datanode and namenode unlike at the end of the textual version tutorial which has the following:
While mine has only the following processes running:
6021 NodeManager
3947 SecondaryNameNode
5788 ResourceManager
8941 Jps
When I run the hadoop namenode command I have some of the following [redacted] error:
Cannot access storage directory /usr/local/hadoop_store/hdfs/namenode
16/10/11 21:52:45 WARN namenode.FSNamesystem: Encountered exception loading fsimage
org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.InconsistentFSStateException: Directory /usr/local/hadoop_store/hdfs/namenode is in an inconsistent state: storage directory does not exist or is not accessible.
I tried to access by the way the above mentioned directories and it existed.
Any hint for this newbie? ;-)
You would need to give read and write permission to user with which you are running the services on directory /usr/local/hadoop_store/hdfs/namenode.
Once done, you should run format command using hadoop namenode -format
Then try to start your services.
delete files /app/hadoop/tmp/*
and try again formatting the namenode and then start-dfs.sh & start-yarn.sh

Hadoop cannot start NodeManager

I have installed the Hadoop Cluster which is the hadoop 0.23.9 version. I install the HDFS-1943.patch and now I can start all the namenode and datanode. (start-dfs.sh is working for me)
However, when I want to start the yarn daemons (running start-yarn.sh) , it shows the following error as the same as the previous happening:
[root#dbnode1 sbin]# ./start-yarn.sh
starting yarn daemons
starting resourcemanager, logging to /home/hchen/hadoop-0.23.9/logs/yarn-root- resourcemanager-dbnode1.out
datanode: starting nodemanager, logging to /home/hchen/hadoop-0.23.9/logs/yarn-root-nodemanager-dbnode2.out
datanode: Unrecognized option: -jvm
datanode: Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
datanode: Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
I have installed the patch already and start-dfs.sh is working for me. Why start-yarn.sh does not work??
Run HDFS as a non-root user with the appropriate permissions. Here is a JIRA with more details.

error in namenode starting

When i try to start the hadoop on master node i am getting the following output.and the namenode is not starting.
[hduser#dellnode1 ~]$ start-dfs.sh
starting namenode, logging to /usr/local/hadoop/bin/../logs/hadoop-hduser-namenode-dellnode1.library.out
dellnode1.library: datanode running as process 5123. Stop it first.
dellnode3.library: datanode running as process 4072. Stop it first.
dellnode2.library: datanode running as process 4670. Stop it first.
dellnode1.library: secondarynamenode running as process 5234. Stop it first.
[hduser#dellnode1 ~]$ jps
5696 Jps
5123 DataNode
5234 SecondaryNameNode
"Stop it first".
First call stop-all.sh
Type jps
Call start-all.sh (or start-dfs.sh and start-mapred.sh)
Type jps (if namenode don't appear type "hadoop namenode" and check error)
According to running "stop-all.sh" on newer versions of hardoop, this is deprecated. You should instead use:
Today, while executing pig scripts I got the same error mentioned in the question:
starting namenode, logging to /usr/local/hadoop/libexec/../logs/hadoop-training-namenode-localhost.localdomain.out
localhost: /home/training/.bashrc: line 10: /jdk1.7.0_10/bin: No such file or directory
localhost: Warning: $HADOOP_HOME is deprecated.
localhost: starting datanode, logging to /usr/local/hadoop/libexec/../logs/hadoop-training-datanode-localhost.localdomain.out
localhost: /home/training/.bashrc: line 10: /jdk1.7.0_10/bin: No such file or directory
localhost: Warning: $HADOOP_HOME is deprecated.
localhost: starting secondarynamenode, logging to /usr/local/hadoop/libexec/../logs/hadoop-training-secondarynamenode-localhost.localdomain.out
starting jobtracker, logging to /usr/local/hadoop/libexec/../logs/hadoop-training-jobtracker-localhost.localdomain.out
localhost: /home/training/.bashrc: line 10: /jdk1.7.0_10/bin: No such file or directory
localhost: Warning: $HADOOP_HOME is deprecated.
localhost: starting tasktracker, logging to /usr/local/hadoop/libexec/../logs/hadoop-training-tasktracker-localhost.localdomain.out
So, the answer is:
[training#localhost bin]$ stop-all.sh
and then type:
[training#localhost bin]$ start-all.sh
The issue will be resolved. Now you can run the pig script with mapreduce!
In Mac (If you install using homebrew) Where 3.0.0 is Hadoop version. In Linux change the installation path accordingly(only this part will change . /usr/local/Cellar/).
> /usr/local/Cellar/hadoop/3.0.0/sbin/stopyarn.sh
> /usr/local/Cellar/hadoop/3.0.0/sbin/stopdfs.sh
> /usr/local/Cellar/hadoop/3.0.0/sbin/stop-all.sh"
Better for pro users write this alias at the end of your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc(If you are zsh user). And just type hstopfrom your command line everytime you want to stop Hadoop and all the related processes.
alias hstop="/usr/local/Cellar/hadoop/3.0.0/sbin/stop-yarn.sh;/usr/local/Cellar/hadoop/3.0.0/sbin/stop-dfs.sh;/usr/local/Cellar/hadoop/3.0.0/sbin/stop-all.sh"
