Cannot start running on browser the namenode for Hadoop - hadoop

It is my first time in installing Hadoop on my Linux (Fedora distro) running on VM (using Parallel on my Mac). And I followed every step on this video and including the textual version of it.And then when I run it on localhost (or the equivalent value from hostname) in port 50070, I got the following message.
...can't establish a connection to the server at localhost:50070
When I run the jps by the way command I don't have the datanode and namenode unlike at the end of the textual version tutorial which has the following:
While mine has only the following processes running:
6021 NodeManager
3947 SecondaryNameNode
5788 ResourceManager
8941 Jps
When I run the hadoop namenode command I have some of the following [redacted] error:
Cannot access storage directory /usr/local/hadoop_store/hdfs/namenode
16/10/11 21:52:45 WARN namenode.FSNamesystem: Encountered exception loading fsimage
org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.InconsistentFSStateException: Directory /usr/local/hadoop_store/hdfs/namenode is in an inconsistent state: storage directory does not exist or is not accessible.
I tried to access by the way the above mentioned directories and it existed.
Any hint for this newbie? ;-)

You would need to give read and write permission to user with which you are running the services on directory /usr/local/hadoop_store/hdfs/namenode.
Once done, you should run format command using hadoop namenode -format
Then try to start your services.

delete files /app/hadoop/tmp/*
and try again formatting the namenode and then &


Secondary name node is not displaying when I hit JPS command

I have Hadoop-3.1.3 and I can upload a file in hadoop pseudo distributed mode, also can display the contents of file.
but when I call jps command i am getting the following output
10912 DataNode
13072 ResourceManager
4480 NodeManager
6584 Jps
664 Namenode
I am unable to find secondary name node, is there a problem with any configuration or hadoop installation?
You're assuming that secondary namenode is started with psuedo-distributed?
If the basic commands work, then its fine.
You need to look at log files to know if something is broken, before asking elsewhere....
In general, I always suggest you use Apache Ambari to provision a Hadoop cluster
You can start the Secondary NameNode manually and observe the start up logs to see if there's anything wrong:
hdfs secondarynamenode
If there's no error, run jps again and hopefully you see SecondaryNameNode listed.
I'd suggest running hdfs --help and checking out all of the options, there's a lot of good stuff there.

Name node is not displaying iwhen I hit JPS command

17223 JobTracker
16897 DataNode
17518 Jps
17451 TaskTracker
17129 SecondaryNameNode
8571 FsShell
Name node is not displaying
Seems like you are using the same user for starting all users, so If namenode is coming in the jps output, Probably namenode daemons might be got killed to not started properly. you may use the following command for ensuring namenode process running or not
ps aux | grep -i namenode
If not running you may need to format your namenode before starting hdfs service, stop all hdfs deamons using script then format your namenode using the below command and start HDFS using the script.
hadoop namenode -format
Go through the below SO post if you are hitting the below situation.
Hadoop namenode needs to be formatted after every computer start
If you are looking to check all running JVMs on the host via 'jps',
you need to run the command as root. Otherwise, 'jps' will only show
JVMs running as your currently logged-in user.
Please see this link for more:!topic/cdh-user/1dlxmB_GVuU
Should always check the logs.. :)

How to check if hdfs is running?

I would like to see if the hdfs file system for Hadoop is working properly. I know that jps lists the daemons that are running, but I don't actually know which daemons to look for.
I ran the following commands:
$HADOOP_PREFIX/sbin/ start namenode
$HADOOP_PREFIX/sbin/ start datanode
$HADOOP_PREFIX/sbin/ start resourcemanager
$HADOOP_PREFIX/sbin/ start nodemanager
Only namenode, resourcemanager, and nodemanager appeared when I entered jps.
Which daemons are supposed to be running in order for hdfs/Hadoop to function? Also, what could you do to fix hdfs if it is not running?
Use any of the following approaches for to check your deamons status
JPS command would list all active deamons
the below is the most appropriate
hadoop dfsadmin -report
This would list down details of datanodes which is basically in a sense your HDFS
cat any file available in hdfs path.
So, I spent two weeks validating my setup (it was fine) , finally found this command:
sudo -u hdfs jps
Initially my simple JPS command was showing only one process, but Hadoop 2.6 under Ubuntu LTS 14.04 was up. I was using 'Sudo' to run the startup scripts.
Here is the startup that work with JPS listing multiple processes:
sudo su hduser

Multi-NodeHadoop: NameNode and DataNode not working

I am new student on Hadoop clusters, and I built a multi-node in the lab
But I cannot start NameNode or DataNode.
After I execute and jps: only shows jobtracker, tasktracker, secondenamenode, jps on Master. But slaves works good with datanode and tasktracker
And when I execute
it should shows: No tasttracker to stop, but it did show in jps
And this is the log file about NameNode:
1.Cannot access storage directory /app/hadoop/tmp/dfs/name
2.ERROR org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server![enter image description here][2].namenode.FSNamesystem: FSNamesystem initialization failed. Directory /app/hadoop/tmp/dfs/name is in an inconsistent state: storage directory does not exist or is not accessible. org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.InconsistentFSStateException: Directory /app/hadoop/tmp/dfs/name is in an inconsistent state: storage directory does not exist or is not accessible.
And I did try the namenode -format, yet it doesn't work.
Could somebody show me the way, and tell me why this happens?
Lots of thanks ahead.
PS: I am using hadoop1.0.3 + java1.7.0_51
I think you did not give permissions to data dir of
Try bellow command to give permissions and try your once.
sudo chown $USER /(DIR NAME).
And try this command:
hadoop namenode -format

Need help adding multiple DataNodes in pseudo-distributed mode (one machine), using Hadoop-0.18.0

I am a student, interested in Hadoop and started to explore it recently.
I tried adding an additional DataNode in the pseudo-distributed mode but failed.
I am following the Yahoo developer tutorial and so the version of Hadoop I am using is hadoop-0.18.0
I tried to start up using 2 methods I found online:
Method 1 (link)
I have a problem with this line
bin/ --script bin/hdfs $1 datanode $DN_CONF_OPTS
--script bin/hdfs doesn't seem to be valid in the version I am using. I changed it to --config $HADOOP_HOME/conf2 with all the configuration files in that directory, but when the script is ran it gave the error:
Usage: Java DataNode [-rollback]
Any idea what does the error mean? The log files are created but DataNode did not start.
Method 2 (link)
Basically I duplicated conf folder to conf2 folder, making necessary changes documented on the website to hadoop-site.xml and then I ran the command
./ --config ..../conf2 start datanode
it gives the error:
datanode running as process 4190. stop it first.
So I guess this is the 1st DataNode that was started, and the command failed to start another DataNode.
Is there anything I can do to start additional DataNode in the Yahoo VM Hadoop environment? Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.
Hadoop start/stop scripts use /tmp as a default directory for storing PIDs of already started daemons. In your situation, when you start second datanode, startup script finds /tmp/ file from the first datanode and assumes that the datanode daemon is already started.
The plain solution is to set HADOOP_PID_DIR env variable to something else (but not /tmp). Also do not forget to update all network port numbers in conf2.
The smart solution is start a second VM with hadoop environment and join them in a single cluster. It's the way hadoop is intended to use.
