Menu Assignment and Module Position Loading Error - joomla

After customizing my site a bit, I am running into some loading errors with the menu assignments and module positions. Here is a video with details:
I am looking for some direction on what to google for this problem as I am unsure of the terminology of the issue. Better yet, if you have experienced this type of problem before, please advise. Thanks.

Well betweenbrain's comment was just the direction I needed. I found that a custom jQuery plugin was causing the problem. Thanks ;)


How to install hotjar tracking to Yootheme Warp?

How to add the HotJar tracking code to YooTemplates?
Although it's no longer a question for me, i thought maybe this could be of some help to others.
So, the recommended by hotjar documentation ''index.php file'' is not the appropriate file for adding the hotjar tracking code. Instead, i installed the code at
screenshot just before the '''' tag at the end of the file
I am not a programmer so maybe someone else has a better solution to suggest to help the community. So far it has worked fine for me for years.
I guess you can even load it in a custom html module in the 'footer' position. Please try and let me know if it works. Then the community will have a second method to do it ;)

Unity 3D Build error in XCode

I am trying to build my first Unity 3D app to Xcode ever. I have tried looking at multiple different sources trying to make sure that I have all my settings correct, but for whatever reason I keep getting these errors in my Xcode workspace.
I have tried following these instructions from the Unity page to no avail. I feel like my problem is a common one that people face when first starting out. If someone could enlighten me to what I am doing wrong I would really appreciate it. Here is what my player setting looks like. Please let me know if there is another picture needed to figure out the problem. Thanks!
Good news! Those are not errors, those are warnings! Errors are red circles with exclamation points. GTMSessionFetcher is a "pod" - basically a plugin - so you can pretty much ignore those warnings, since that's not your code. The only warning you might want to look at is the top one, which is just Xcode encouraging you to update your project settings. Double click on that warning to get some suggestions on how to fix it.
Edit: you know I just now realized that Xcode error icons are octagons, not circles, like stop signs.

Output of two components on one page in joomla 2.5,

I want to show the output of two components on one page in joomla 2.5, anyone knows how to do it plz tell me
It doesn't sound like you have even tried researching your problem/request. I went searched what you needed in Google and found a forum thread, and someone had posted this link:
It's a plugin that allows you to include components using a syntax such as:
{component url='' }
Hope this helps, but in future please do a little research.

Head.phtml shows twice in source code on category pages

In the source code the head.phtml is loaded twice, once the way it should be and once between the content and footer. I replaced all magento's original files on the server and temperary switched to the default template, wich didn't solve the problem.
See the following link:
I asume that the issue is coused by a module or by a magento setting in the backend.
Could somebody provide me with some ways of troubleshooting this issue without removing all modules?
Many thx for any assistance!
PS: A module was to blame: Named 'priceranges'
thx for all the help!
If you have replaced the original files and also changed the template and still no change then it is surely a cache issue. Refresh your cache.
If still doesn't solves your problem then it must be some external modules issue.
If the problem is not solved then give a screenshot of your webpage with TemplatePathHints turned on, then it will be easier to tell where exactly is the problem.

Cruisecontrol custom charts

I have solved my initial problem with statistics gathering, but now would like to present the data in some nice charts (much like the default ones already in CCNET). I have followed what I think is the correct way to do this, but still nothing shows up. Is there a working example that I can see working that anymore knows of?
Thanks in advance
I just had to actually following the instructions, so I don't need help on doing this anymore.
