Joomla K2 user extra fields - joomla

I managed to add in extra fields in the default Joomla user component, but how do I add extra fields onto K2 Users component?
Example: I would like to add the fields "Website" and "Home address", then at the frontend, user is allowed to do the editing.

This is not a built in feature in K2. Extra fields are specific to categories only. Luckily, there is an extension that does exactly what you are looking for.


Add custom description to magento Attributes and display it on the front end

I have a site where I added some custom attributes and displayed in the frontend. Now I want add a description of the attributes and display it in the frontend in a tooltip or whatever.
I have checked this reference
Add custom property to magento Attributes and display it on the front end on stackoverflow. But its not clear in which particular page I have to use it. I don't want to use any plugin. Please refer me a solution with custom code.
When you Add a Custom Attribute to the products, it will stored in to the Magento system as EAV attribute. So you must look into the EAV structure. When you look into the table "eav_attribute" you can understand how the attributes are stored.
So, if you want to Add and manage the Tooltip Description for the Attributes, You must add one more column to the "eav_attribute" table. for this you must create a custom module to override the Magento core eav functionalities. By following the above link you can create the tooltip Description text for the attributes.

product customization with extra price in magento

I am using Magento for my online store. Now i need to add a extra feature, throught which, customer can choose a custom text that needs to be engraved on the product. This feature must be available for only few products, so i have added a yes/no dropdown custom attribute in the "manage product" section. If yes is chosen for a product, i need to show a text box in that product details page in the store frontend.
The customer can enter the custom text in the text box, which needs to be saved and shown in the order invoice. And a extra fixed charge needs to be added to the product price, when this feature is used by the customer.
Does any community module available for this feature in magento or Do i need to create a custom module to do this, if so please guide me in carrying this out.
Thanks in Advance.
This feature is already available.
Create a new product!
Open the Custom Options Tab
Add a custom option
Give your new option a title and select field as input type
Now the attributes for this new options get displayed
Add a fixed or percent price to it
Also you need a SKU for every new option so that the options are displayed in the order process (invoice etc)
So if a customer fill in this field the additional price is added automatically.
I hope this helps further.
No need to add a yes/no box, just add an text field option to those specific products. Did i miss something obvious here?

Add tags when creating product in Magento?

The "Product Tags" tab would only appear after a product has been created. Even then, there doesn't seem a way to add tags to a product - it only displays them when you are editing the product and I see only "Reset Filter" and "Search" buttons.
So the tags are only for customers? Not administrators?
Is there any way to add tags to products when creating them? Just like you can specify tags when you are creating blog posts in WordPress. It's an intuitive feature that helps classify the item (product or blog post) even better than categories and attributes (you can't use too many attributes or it won't be user friendly).
If this can't be done from control panel. Is there any way I can do this programmatically by Magento API?
There are THREE ways to do it:
A) to add tags directly when entering/editing a product, you will need an extension, such as this one. This method is most useful to let people with less magento experience create tags (such as data entry people).
B) To add tags without leaving the administrator (not going to the frontend). This is useful for applying the same tag to multiple products:
Create tags through Catalog->All Tags-> Add New Tag button.
After creating the tags, click on each tag. You’ll see a detailed set
of options to “Edit Tag”.
Go to the “Products tagged as administrator” tab, click on ‘Reset
Filter” . You see all your products getting listed.
Select the products to which you want to assign the tag & click on
“Save Tag”.
C) To add tags via the frontend & the backend, which is useful when you want to add a lot of tags to each single product:
Just create your products as normal. When you are ready to add tags to
your products just create yourself a customer account for your store
and go to each product and add them as a customer would. I wrote out
all of my tags in a text editor. Now since I am using phrases, and not
just words, my tags will be entered as:
‘Stylus C64’ ‘Stylus C66’ ‘Stylus C84’ ‘Stylus C84N’ ‘Stylus C84WN’
‘Stylus C86’ ‘Stylus CX3600’ ‘Stylus CX3650’ ‘Stylus CX4600’ ‘Stylus
CX6400’ ‘Stylus CX6600’
Take note that you need the single quote (’) to bracket your phrases…
or just spaces between each word if your tags are single words. Very
easy to write out and then copy/paste into the Add Your Tags section
of each product.
Once you copy/paste your tags in the front-end you will be prompted
with a message that they must be approved from the admin/moderator.
Now log into the back-end and go to the tags section (Catalog > Tags >
Pending Tags). There you will see the list of tags you just submitted
from the front-end of the site. Now just click “Select All”, then from
the Actions drop-down menu choose “Change Status”, and then from the
status drop-down choose “Approved” and then “Submit”.
Now you can pick a method most appropriate for each type of use!

Magento - Text Input on Grouped Product

I am trying to create a grouped product in Magento where the customer must choose the product and fill out a text field before adding the item to the cart. I know I can do this by simply creating one product and adding custom options, but the problem with that is that I need to be able to control the stock of each product configuration. I read that I can just use the custom options field for every individual item in the grouped product and as long as it isn't a required field it will work, but that does not work for me. Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
I have been searching for this also, and the quickest solution appears to be this 3rd party module:
the module author provides background on how they did it here:

add attribute in product information -> Inventory tab

Hey, I just realise how easy is to add attributes to the form products in ADMIN, and its working perfectly.
So similarly to setting attributes for General, Prices, Meta Information, Images, Recurring Profiles, Design and More Information, how can I add an attribute to Inventory form?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Unfortunately, the Inventory form is not dynamic like others, and you can't just add an attribute to this form.
If you are good with Magento programming, than you can play with it's block:
and with it's template:
For me (in Magento v creating attributes the usual way (Catalog>Attributes>Manage Attributes) didn’t work in this case, as the value for that attribute didn’t get saved. In order to be able to save it I had to create this attribute in database table ”cataloginventory_stock_item”.
Only then the value is saved for each product.
