xpath: how to locate a node that contains more than 1 of another specific node - xpath

Using xpath, I want to return all section tags that contain more than one title tag. I've tried
and that didn't return the results. I want to run this xpath accross many files to locate those < concepts that have section containing more than one title.
<title>Topic Title</title>
<shortdesc>Short description text.</shortdesc>
<title>Section Title</title>
<p>paragraph text.</p>
<title>Section Title</title>
<p>paragraph text.</p>
<title>Section Title</title>
<p>paragraph text.</p>

Depending oo how "fix" the ancestors of section arr you may use_
concept/conbody/section[count(title) >1]
//section[count(title) >1]

Query for section with have a second title element, that saves you from retrieving all which is required for counting them:

this should work


xpath: check if element is within other element

I have quite a large XML structure that in its simplest form looks kinda like this:
<p>Some text</p>
<p>Some text</p>
The section levels can be almost limitless (both within the body and backm elements) so I can have a section in section in section in section, etc. and the figure element can be within a numlist, an itenmlist, a p, and a lot more elements.
What I want to do is to check if the title in figure element is somewhere within the backm element. Is this possible?
A document could have multiple <backm> elements and it could have multiple <figure><title>Title</title></figure> elements in it. How you build your query depends on the situations you're trying to distinguish between.
Will return the <title> elements that are the child of a <figure> element and the descendant of a <backm> element.
count(//backm/descendant::figure/title) > 0
Will return True if there are 1 or more such title elements.
You can also express this using Double Negation
I'm under the impression that this should have better performance.
Lists all <title> elements with a parent of <figure> and an <backm> ancestor.

Check if preceding sibiling is a title element

I need to see if the closest preceding element in the figure is a title element. My XML-structure looks like this:
<p>Some text</p>
Take the first preceding sibling and verify it is a title:

xpath: count preceding elements

I have an xml structure that looks like this:
<subtitle>Something again</subtitle>
<p xml:id="1234">Some text</p>
<figure id="2121"></figure>
<p xml:id="somethingagain">Some text</p>
<figure id="939393"></figure>
<p xml:id="countelement"></p>
<subtitle>Something again2</subtitle>
<p xml:id="12345678">Some text2</p>
<figure id="939394"></figure>
<p xml:id="countelement2"></p>
How can I count the figure elemtens I have before the <p xml:id="countelement"></p> element using XPath?
And i only want to count figure elements within the parent section, in the next section it should start from 0 again.
Given you're using an XPath 2.0 compatible engine, find the count element and call fn:count() for each of them with using all preceding figure-elements as input.
This will return the number of figures preceding each "countelement" on the same level (I guess this is what you actually want):
This will return the number of figures preceding each "countelement" and the level above:
//p[#xml:id="countelement"]/count(preceding-sibling::figure | parent::*/preceding-sibling::figure)
This will return the number of all preceeding figures preceding each "countelement" and the level above:
If you're bound to XPath 1.0, you won't be able to get multiple results. If #id really is an id (and thus unique), you will be able to use this query:
If there are "countelements" which are not <p/> elements, replace p by *.
Please note that the xml:id attributes of two different elements cannot the same value, such as "countelement". If you wish two different elements to have a same-named attribute with the same value "countelement", it must be some other attribute perhaps "kind" that is not of DTD attribute type ID. In that case in place of id("countelement") you would use *[#kind="countelement"].

xquery/xpath- how to get number of descendant nodes of a particular type

Take a look at the sample XML below--
<div id="main">
<div id="1">
Some random text
<div id="2">
Some random text
<div id="3">
Some random text
<p> Some more random text</p>
<div id="4">
Some random text
Now, how do I find out the number of divs within the main div using Xquery? And how to do this in XPath?
You can use the following XPath:
The function count does the counting, the main div is selected by its id.
The XPath expressions below can be used both in XPath and XQuery. This is so, because XPath (2.0) is a proper subset of XQuery.
If "the main div" isn't the top element of the XML document, and this is the only div whose id attribute has string value of "main", use:
If it is guaranteed that the div children of the "main div" dont have div descendents, use:
Do note: The XPath pseudo-operator // can be very inefficient -- this is why, always try to avoid using it, whenever the structure of the XML document is statically known and specific paths can be used.

xPath help > Find img with alt='My Keyword'

How can I alter this xpath to find if the content contains an img tag with an alt containing my keyword phrase?
boolean(//img[contains(#alt, 'yourKeywordHere')])
to find (true(), false()) whether there is an img element in the XML document whose alt attribute contains 'yourKeywordHere'.
boolean(//yourTag//img[contains(#alt, 'yourKeywordHere')])
to find if there is an element in the document named yourTag that has a descendent img whose alt attribute contains 'yourKeywordHere'.
I don't understand exactly what elements you are loooking for, but here is the example, which returns all elements h1 which contains at least one image with your_keyword in alt:
//h1[.//img[contains(#alt, 'your_keyword')]]
You should also handle if it is case sensitive or not. You can use this xpath but be careful, some xpath evaluators doesn't support lower-case function.
//h1[.//img[contains(lower-case(#alt), lower-case('your_keyword'))]]
Here is example:
//h1[.//img[contains(#alt, 'key ')]]
<h1> <!-- found -->
<img alt='here is my key' />
<h1><!-- not found -->
<img alt='here is not' />
<h1> <!-- found -->
<img alt='the key is also here' />
<h1></h1> <!-- not found -->
