xquery/xpath- how to get number of descendant nodes of a particular type - xpath

Take a look at the sample XML below--
<div id="main">
<div id="1">
Some random text
<div id="2">
Some random text
<div id="3">
Some random text
<p> Some more random text</p>
<div id="4">
Some random text
Now, how do I find out the number of divs within the main div using Xquery? And how to do this in XPath?

You can use the following XPath:
The function count does the counting, the main div is selected by its id.

The XPath expressions below can be used both in XPath and XQuery. This is so, because XPath (2.0) is a proper subset of XQuery.
If "the main div" isn't the top element of the XML document, and this is the only div whose id attribute has string value of "main", use:
If it is guaranteed that the div children of the "main div" dont have div descendents, use:
Do note: The XPath pseudo-operator // can be very inefficient -- this is why, always try to avoid using it, whenever the structure of the XML document is statically known and specific paths can be used.


How to get descendants with a specific tag name and text in protractor?

I have the following structure (it's just for sample). In protractor, I am getting the top element by id. However, the other elements do not have id's. I need to get the "label" element that contains the text '20'. Is there an easy way in protractor to select the element with a specific tag that contains a specific text from all the descendants of a parent element?
<pc-selector _... id="Number1">
<div ...></div>
<div ...>
<div ...>
<check-box _...>
<div _ngcontent-c25="" ...>
<label _ngcontent-c25="">
<input _ngcontent-c25="" type="checkbox">
<span _ngcontent-c25="" class="m-checkbox__marker"></span>
20 More text to follow</label>
I could't find anythitng, so I have tried with xpath, but protractor complains that my xpath is invalid:
parentElement = element(by.id('Number1'));
return parentElement.element(by.xpath(".//label[contains(text(),'20'))]"));
Any ideas?
You have an additional bracket in your [contains(text(),'20'))] which is likely causing you issue but there are multiple other ways this can be achieved using a single XPath or chaining other locators.
The process is that you must find the div with the correct id first and then locate the label that is a child of it.
//Chained CSS
You also may be interested to learn about xpath axes which can allow us to do very dynamic selection.
You can use the direct xpath to access the label.

xpath:how to find a node that not contains text?

I have a html like:
<div class="grid">
<span class="searchMatch">def</span>
<div class="grid">
<span class="searchMatch">def</span>
I want to get the div which not contains text,but xpath
//div[#class='grid' and text()='']
seems doesn't work,and if I don't know the text that other divs have,how can I find the node?
Let's suppose I have inferred the requirement correctly as:
Find all <div> elements with #class='grid' that have no directly-contained non-whitespace text content, i.e. no non-whitespace text content unless it's within a child element like a <span>.
Then the answer to this is
//div[#class='grid' and not(text()[normalize-space(.)])]
You need a not() statement + normalize-space() :
//div[#class='grid' and not(normalize-space(text()))]
//div[#class='grid' and normalize-space(text())='']

Xpath: select div that contains class AND whose specific child element contains text

With the help of this SO question I have an almost working xpath:
//div[contains(#class, 'measure-tab') and contains(., 'someText')]
However this gets two divs: in one it's the child td that has someText, the other it's child span.
How do I narrow it down to the one with the span?
<div class="measure-tab">
<!-- table html omitted -->
<td> someText</td>
<div class="measure-tab"> <-- I want to select this div (and use contains #class)
<span> someText</span> <-- that contains a deeply nested span with this text
To find a div of a certain class that contains a span at any depth containing certain text, try:
//div[contains(#class, 'measure-tab') and contains(.//span, 'someText')]
That said, this solution looks extremely fragile. If the table happens to contain a span with the text you're looking for, the div containing the table will be matched, too. I'd suggest to find a more robust way of filtering the elements. For example by using IDs or top-level document structure.
You can use ancestor. I find that this is easier to read because the element you are actually selecting is at the end of the path.
//span[contains(text(),'someText')]/ancestor::div[contains(#class, 'measure-tab')]
You could use the xpath :
//div[#class="measure-tab" and .//span[contains(., "someText")]]
Input :
<div class="measure-tab">
<td> someText</td>
<div class="measure-tab">
Output :
Element='<div class="measure-tab">
You can change your second condition to check only the span element:
...and contains(div/span, 'someText')]
If the span isn't always inside another div you can also use
...and contains(.//span, 'someText')]
This searches for the span anywhere inside the div.

Xpath: Find an element whose descendant has got a certain attribute value

I have the following elements in a web page. I would like to fetch the element with id "pmt-id-234" which has got a descendant with classname as type2.
<div id="cards">
<div id="pmt-id-123" class="payments">
<div class="type1">Text1</div>
<div id="pmt-id-234" class="payments">
<div class="type2">Text1</div>
I don't know the highlighted part in "pmt-id-123", hence direct query with ID is not possible.
The div with class="typeX" can be nested multiple levels down.
What is tried? The below gives me two div elements.
Now, how to fetch the div which has a descendant div with class="type2"
The following din't yield any results.
'//*[#id="cards"]//*[starts-with(#id,"pmt-id-")//*[contains(#class, "type2")]]'
'//*[#id="cards"]//*[starts-with(#id,"pmt-id-")][contains(#class, "type2")]'
Please let me know how to do this?
I'd test against div rather than * if there are only divs there.
This XPath will select the div under one with an id of cards that has an id that starts with pmt-id- and also has a descendant div of class type2:
'//div[#id="cards"]//div[starts-with(#id,"pmt-id-") and .//div[contains(#class, "type2"]]'
Note that you may have to take extra care with the matching against the #class to avoid matching type22 or abctype2 if such types are possible.

xpath: count preceding elements

I have an xml structure that looks like this:
<subtitle>Something again</subtitle>
<p xml:id="1234">Some text</p>
<figure id="2121"></figure>
<p xml:id="somethingagain">Some text</p>
<figure id="939393"></figure>
<p xml:id="countelement"></p>
<subtitle>Something again2</subtitle>
<p xml:id="12345678">Some text2</p>
<figure id="939394"></figure>
<p xml:id="countelement2"></p>
How can I count the figure elemtens I have before the <p xml:id="countelement"></p> element using XPath?
And i only want to count figure elements within the parent section, in the next section it should start from 0 again.
Given you're using an XPath 2.0 compatible engine, find the count element and call fn:count() for each of them with using all preceding figure-elements as input.
This will return the number of figures preceding each "countelement" on the same level (I guess this is what you actually want):
This will return the number of figures preceding each "countelement" and the level above:
//p[#xml:id="countelement"]/count(preceding-sibling::figure | parent::*/preceding-sibling::figure)
This will return the number of all preceeding figures preceding each "countelement" and the level above:
If you're bound to XPath 1.0, you won't be able to get multiple results. If #id really is an id (and thus unique), you will be able to use this query:
If there are "countelements" which are not <p/> elements, replace p by *.
Please note that the xml:id attributes of two different elements cannot the same value, such as "countelement". If you wish two different elements to have a same-named attribute with the same value "countelement", it must be some other attribute perhaps "kind" that is not of DTD attribute type ID. In that case in place of id("countelement") you would use *[#kind="countelement"].
