The compilation of Miracl for the DSP C6713 of Texas Instruments - code-composer

I was trying to compile the Miracl library by using Code Composer Studio V3.1. The target DSP is a C6713 made by texas instruments. I also added to the project the files: csl6713.lib, dsk6713bsl.lib,rts6700.lib and c6713dsk.cmd. The file in C is config.c. The project compiles and runs without problem but the obtained file miracl.lst is empty.

The latest version of MIRACL contains a file texasdsp.txt which has specific advice on building the library for the C6713 DSP, using Code Composer Studio V5. Download from


v8_*_cc.pdb files are missing. How do I get them?

(I am working with Windows 10)
I need to update V8 in a project that uses V8 5.8 to V8 7.9.
In the project with the old library I get these files: v8_*.lib, v8_*_cc.pdb, natives_blob.bin and snapshot_blob.bin
I have managed to build V8 7.9, but I do not get the v8_*_cc.pdb files.
How do I create these files? Thanks!
I followed the proceure described here.
This got me the .bin and .lib files. but not the .pdb files.

How to build opencv correctly in windows to get "opencv_createsamples.exe"

I want to learn and use haarcascade classifier using OpenCV for detection of object of my choice. I searched the internet and found that createsamples utility helps in creating dataset for positive and negative images. I know how to install OpenCV in python (pip install opencv-python works perfectly) but since I need to use that utility I need to build the OpenCV for my windows system.
My attempts to install OpenCV in windows
Attempt 1 : using MinGW and cmake
cloned latest OpenCV using git at "C:\OpenCV" from
Installed cmake
created build using cmake at "C:\OpenCV\build" using MinGW(64 bit) build system with default options
ran mingw32-make
ran mingw32-make install
It created an install directory in "C:\OpenCV\build\install"
but to my surprise opencv_createsamples.exe was not present there
opencv_visualisation.exe, opencv_annotation.exe, opencv_version.exe etc. are present
screenshot of install files generated
screenshot of build options selected in cmake by default
It is clear BUILD_opencv_apps is true by default and other apps were created except this one
still in source folder : createsamples.cpp is present in "C:\OpenCV\apps\" along with opencv_visualisation.cpp and others
Attempt 2: visual studio 14_15 build from official site
Downloaded OpenCV latest 4.0.1 from from webpage
extracted the opencv build at "C:\OpenCV401\"
still to my surprise at "C:\OpenCV401\build\x64\vc14\bin" no opencv_createsamples.exe
likewise other files are present
screenshot of files present in build
Attempt 3
This time I downloaded visual studio 10 build from this github page :
here at <OpenCV_DIR>/x64/vc10/bin/ all the amazing files are present
screenshot of files present in this build
So, my question is :
Why that utility was not built from the source using MinGW and cmake in my first attempt
Why they have not included in the official build
How to build using MinGW and cmake to get that utility correctly (maybe some build configuration needed?)
Createsamples was disabled in latest OpenCV (4.0 and greater): here.

gn generated Xcode project of WebRTC does not compile

This is the first time I am trying to build something from the source codes. I was trying to make a console program out of WebRTC native code.
I followed official guide and checked out the source code.
As the guide says,
To generate IDE project files, pass the --ide flag to the GN command. See the GN reference for more details on the supported IDEs.
I used this command to generate Xcode project:
$ gn gen out/Default --ide=xcode
But the Xcode project generated does not compile. Xcode kept telling me it could not find those files.
Is it because I did not do ninja -C out/Default? I am confused — am I supposed to still compile the whole source codes using ninja while I have generated an Xcode project using gn?
am I supposed to still compile the whole source codes using ninja while I have generated an Xcode project using gn? => yes
See for further details on building with Ninja and debugging with Xcode.

Use HDF5 from intel fortran on windows

I would like to create a HDF5 dataset from a fortran90 program compiled with intel fortran 2011 on Windows 7 using Visual Studio 2010
Can I use prebuilt binaries or how do I build new ones
I build from source, the available built binaries use the MS C/C++ compiler while I want to build with the Intel compiler, and they are built with Intel Fortran v12.x while I'm using v14.x. I won't say that you can't use the binaries, but I've had enough of a struggle in the past to persuade me to build my own.
I've also had struggles with trying to build them directly from VS and now use CMake. Your first step ought to be to install CMake and figure out how to use it. You don't need much knowledge of the tool and the effort will be repaid several times over. You can, for example, also use CMake to build Szip and Zlib, if you want them. An increasing amount of this sort of software is made available with CMake support so you won't necessarily only use it for HDF5. For example, I use CMake to build VTK for Windows too.
Once you've done that and generated the solution/project files with CMake you can load up the solution in VS and build ALL_BUILD. This generally works smoothly, though I have found that some projects need to have their linkages adjusted and sometimes I get spurious flags in the command-lines sent to the compilers. Then, running VS in administrator mode, you can build the pseudo-target INSTALL.
I see that HDF5 1.8.12 is now available, I'll download and build it, let you know how I get on.
Compiling and Linking
If you just want to use HDF5 include the line
at the appropriate place in your source file(s). Then, under Project Properties | Fortran | General | Additional Include Directories insert the path to the location of hdf5.mod. That should get you compiling.
To link, under Project | Properties | Linker | General | Additional Library Directories insert the path the location of the .lib files. Then, under Project | Properties | Linker | Input | Additional Dependencies insert hdf5_fortran.lib.
You should then be able to compile and link your program. If you want to use additional facilities, such as the HDF5 Table Interface, then use h5tb and figure out the linkages.
And consult the documentation. See, for example, ../HDF5-1.8.12/release_docs/USING_HDF5_VS.txt
I succeeded thanks to High Performance Mark:
Here was what I did (not sure that everything is necessary):
Download and install cmake
Download and install HDF5 [Windows (32-bit), Compilers: CMake VS 2010 C, C++, IVF 12, RWDI]
Set environment variable: HDF5_DIR=C:/Program Files/HDF_Group/HDF5/1.8.x/cmake/hdf5
Download HDF5 source
Make empty build folder
Run CMake(cmake-gui) from start menu
Set source (HDF5 source) and destination (empty build folder)
Set generator to Visual Studio 10
Specify native compilers [C:"", C++:"", Fortran: "<..>\ifort.exe"]
Open <..>\build\HDF5.sln in Visual Studio 2010
build project ALL_BUILD
And finally
Create new project with a Fortran example
Linked the generated libs exactly as High Performance Mark describes
I hope some else can use the reciepe.
Thanks again

MQX 4.0.1 program Not Compiled with GCC

I am using TWR-K20D72M and I opened a Sample program which is given in the MQX 4.0.1 Demo examples. When I choose Build tool option as Freescale
the program compiles OK but When I choose Build tool option as GCC It gives me error.The Error is below
mingw32-make: *** No rule to make target `C:/Freescale/Freescale_MQX_4_0/lib/twrk20d72m.cw10gcc/debug/bsp/intflash.ld', needed by `explicit-dependencies'.
I read somewhere that The GCC can only work with MQX 4.0.1 and above so I am using MQX 4.0.1 .
Can some suggest me the reason for this error.How I can I remove this error.......
You are missing the linker script file for your project intflash.ld.
Normally this file is located on
and is copied to
after the build process by the scripts for your bsp, located on
Take a look inside your bsp script and verify that intflash.ld is being copied correctly.
My guess is that you compiled your MQX application before compiling the BSP and PSP. With the release of CodeWarrior 4.6, the solution has gotten a bit easier through the use of .wsd files.
If you look at the FSL_MQX_getting_started.pdf, section 2.4 describes how to find a .wsd file which needs to be dragged into your CodeWarrior Project Explorer. Once this is done new projects will be added to your workspace. Compile the bsp_... and psp_... and any other libs that you require (usb, ethernet etc) which will generate binaries and the intflash.ld file in the correct location.
