MQX 4.0.1 program Not Compiled with GCC - gcc

I am using TWR-K20D72M and I opened a Sample program which is given in the MQX 4.0.1 Demo examples. When I choose Build tool option as Freescale
the program compiles OK but When I choose Build tool option as GCC It gives me error.The Error is below
mingw32-make: *** No rule to make target `C:/Freescale/Freescale_MQX_4_0/lib/twrk20d72m.cw10gcc/debug/bsp/intflash.ld', needed by `explicit-dependencies'.
I read somewhere that The GCC can only work with MQX 4.0.1 and above so I am using MQX 4.0.1 .
Can some suggest me the reason for this error.How I can I remove this error.......

You are missing the linker script file for your project intflash.ld.
Normally this file is located on
and is copied to
after the build process by the scripts for your bsp, located on
Take a look inside your bsp script and verify that intflash.ld is being copied correctly.

My guess is that you compiled your MQX application before compiling the BSP and PSP. With the release of CodeWarrior 4.6, the solution has gotten a bit easier through the use of .wsd files.
If you look at the FSL_MQX_getting_started.pdf, section 2.4 describes how to find a .wsd file which needs to be dragged into your CodeWarrior Project Explorer. Once this is done new projects will be added to your workspace. Compile the bsp_... and psp_... and any other libs that you require (usb, ethernet etc) which will generate binaries and the intflash.ld file in the correct location.


Errors while installing/using dlib for use with Eclipse CDT, MinGW and OpenCV

I use Eclipse Neon CDT with MinGW. I have CMake at my disposal.
I want to work with dlib and OpenCV in Eclipse CDT, and be able to compile my project just by clicking on the 'Build' button, without having to leave Eclipse, if possible.
I am working on a project that requires both OpenCV and dlib. I've successfully installed OpenCV and tested it with some programs to make sure it works. However, I'm having problems using dlib.
I used CMake gui to Configure/Generate,mingw32-make and mingw32-make install commands to set up my dlib library. This library was at C:/Program Files/Project and contained three folders include, lib and share
I started a new Project in Eclipse CDT and set my include paths to C:/Program Files/Project/include and added the following libraries (all .dll files)-
gdi32, comctl32, user32, winmm, ws2_32, imm32
When I went ahead and copy/pasted the code from the example file, face-landmark-detection-ex.cpp and tried to build it, the Build Console displayed these errors.
These are the statements that caused the errors -
image_window win, win_faces; (line 34),
win.clear(); (line 52) and
win.add_overlay(render_face_detections(shapes)); (line 54)
I don't know if it's relevant, but when I tried the method mentioned, in the answer of this question, the build was successful and the executable worked, but I couldn't include OpenCV headers and libs this way, so I had to look for other solutions.
Did you look at the instructions on dlib's how to compile page?
Compiling C++ Examples Without CMake
In most cases, to use this library all you have to do is extract it
somewhere, make sure the folder containing the dlib folder is in your
include path, and finally add dlib/all/source.cpp to your project.
It doesn't sound like you added dlib/all/source.cpp to your project.

Linking Mac Frameworks using Premake and GNU Make

I have a "cross platform" application that uses two code repositories at the moment, maintained relatively independently, and built with VS / Xcode depending on the target platform (win or mac respectively). I fell in love with Premake after using it on a few previous projects and am trying to pull all of my code for this application together into a single cross-compilable codebase.
I don't want to rely on Xcode, and instead want any developer to be able to build on Mac using either Xcode or gmake. I have a non-standard framework that I want to link to and include in the repository (it won't be located in /Library/Frameworks or any of the default mac framework search paths). I've added the framework file in a directory in my project /lib/TheFramework.framework. My premake file contains the following under the project definition:
includedirs {".", "lib", "lib/TheFramework.framework/Headers"}
libdirs {"lib"}
links {"TheFramework.framework"}
When I compile, (running $ premake5 gmake and then $ make), I get a header file not found error. Is there something wrong with my search paths? Am I missing a path or a flag somewhere?
Before looking at what you need to do with premake, let's first look at what needs to happen under the hood.
When compiling a mac program with a non-standard framework on gcc or clang (which is what your resulting make file does) it is necessary to do two things:
Specify the name of the framework, via -framework TheFramework - This is what premake does when you provide it with links {"TheFramework.framework"
Specify the location of the framework, via -F /Path/To/Framework/ - This is currently not being handled automatically by premake.
I've made a simple test c program that uses the SDL2 framework and compiled it with gcc: - notice how when I leave off the -F /... flag I get an error that is probably similar to what you described.
So what is happening is, although you are providing premake with the include dir, premake will not add that the proper -F flag.
One way around this is to do the following:
configuration {"macosx", "gmake"}
buildoptions {"-F /Path/To/Framework"}
linkoptions {"-F /Path/To/Framework"}
(See here for an example project: )
In premake5 this will blindly append the code provided to both the build step as well as the link step. It is necessary to do it both for build as well as link.
Just keep in mind that, because premake doesn't process or check the build/link options for being valid, a user will receive an error if the provided path doesn't exist on their machine. For example while you might have a framework in your user-specific directory ~/Library/Frameworks, since that folder doesn't exist by default another user might be using the global /Library/Frameworks instead, and when they try to compile your premake project with gmake they will get a warning:
ld: warning: directory not found for option '-F/Users/<NAME>/Library/Frameworks'
At this point, it seems that there is no 'safe' way to get premake5 to try to include the framework path, but that may change in the future.
Check out this issue I posted on the premake repo:

cannot compile gtk# example

I'm trying to compile the "GTK# Hello World" example at in Windows 7 (64bits). I'm getting this error:
error CS8027: Couldn't run pkg-config: ApplicationName='pkg-config', CommandLine
='--libs gtk-sharp-2.0', CurrentDirectory=''
I have successfully compiled and run the "Console Hello World" example.
I have installed Mono-2.10.8.
Thanks in advance for your help
I tried to compile a GTK# example in a Windows 7 with Mono 2.10.8 and the options you used with the compiler, so i have the same error then i tried to reference each assembly by hand so it works fine.
Here is the full command, i tested in a Mono 2-10.8 comman prompt.
gmcs ButtonApp.cs -r:C:/PROGRA~2/MONO-2~1.8/lib/mono/gtk-sharp-2.0/pango-sharp.dll,C:/PROGRA~2/MONO-2~1.8/lib/mono/gtk-sharp-2.0/atk-sharp.dll,C:/PROGRA~2/MONO-2~1.8/lib/mono/gtk-sharp-2.0/gdk-sharp.dll,C:/PROGRA~2/MONO-2~1.8/lib/mono/gtk-sharp-2.0/gtk-sharp.dll
I hope this can helps
You were trying to use pkg-config which you do not have. pkg-config with --libs turns specified packages (like gtk-sharp-2.0 in your case) into references to libraries. If you don't want to install pkg-config, you have two options:
manually reference needed libraries with compiler options;
create a project with these libraries referenced.
I recommend the second option, as compiling by specifying all sources and references directly could be good for hello-world examples, but not for the something bigger. You would make your own script to compile the project, so why not use something designed just for that - like xbuild or make. MonoDevelop should contain empty Gtk# project template.

Netbeans is failing to build (How do I point it to my new Open MPI library?)

I am doing C development using Netbeans on OS X and my project fails to build, stating "...this installation of Open MPI was not compiled with Fortran 90 support"
I have installed a newer gcc and Open MPI (along side the default versions), and I can build using them via make on a command line. This leads me to believe that Netbeans is using the default Open MPI installation (which did not have fortran support). If I am correct, how do I get it to use the new installation? I told Netbeans about the other compilers via the Tool Collection Manager (File->Project Properties->Build->Tool Collection->[...]). However, I do not know of a way to tell it about Open MPI.
I have a working solution. This solution exists in two parts.
1) I reran configure on the command line for my project and specified full paths for MPICC and MPIFC. This solved the problem of getting Netbeans to use the right mpicc compiler. However, it created another issue: the mpif90 wrapper could not find gfortran.
2) I altered the 'GUI environment' PATH variable to put gfortran in my path using the /etc/launchd.conf method found here (
After a reboot, Netbeans compiles my project. So, I'm claiming success.

setting up qt for xcode debugging

I just installed QT 4.6 on snow leopard 10.6.3. I wrote a really simple program. I can generate a xcode project using qmake, but I can't step into QT function. How can I set it up?
By default, qt is built with a debug and a non-debug library. This is my understanding. For example,
% ls /Library/Frameworks/QtCore.framework/
Contents/ Headers# QtCore# QtCore.prl QtCore_debug# QtCore_debug.dSYM/ QtCore_debug.prl Versions/
Also, my default from source build of Qt 4.7 branch also has the *_debug libs.
Setting up for Xcode is cake, you just set up your project and
% qmake -spec macx-xcode
This -spec is the default for the official mac distribution, but if you build your own from source the default is macx-g++ which creates a Makefile project.
This generates a MyProject.xcodeproj that comes preconfigured to link all the necessary Qt frameworks, sets up paths, and has a Release and Debug build target set to the same options as the official SDK's.
This is all assuming you have your qt project file set up, if you need to generate that first from a raw source directory:
% qmake -project
Debugging works "out of the box" for these generated *.xcodeproj files. However, there's one little "hitch". Since Qt is full of custom data types, Xcode doesn't know how to display their "values" in the debugger's summary pane. So you can't see what value a QString has, for example.
There's a method of entering custom macros for display, but I've found these often (always?) don't work for QObjects.
To get that working, I've started a project that uses xcode's debugger c callbacks (also mentioned in the above linked article, though their example doesn't even work o.O). I call it Qt4DataFormatters.
I've just started it and have been adding types as the need arises. It's dirt simple to create one using the existing functions as a template though.
I haven't tried this on Mac, but on Linux you need to take the following process:
First, you need to setup Qt so that it has debugging symbols available to you:
./configure -debug-and-release separate-debug-info # other options
With the debugging symbols available, you should now be able to get valid stack traces.
When building your application with qmake, you need to have the debug (or debug_and_release) flag set in your project file:
CONFIG += debug
Once you've done that, you should only need to tell the debugger where the Qt source is located:
(gdb) dir /path/to/qt/src
After that, list should show you the actual Qt source code. You may need to add additional directories under the src directory for the debugger to pick it all up.
