I want to create a bunch of videos consisting of an single image which is shown throughout the whole video but each video has a different audio file. I can do it manually with various tools but the problem is that I have a lot of audio files and I can't optimize the frame rate (more on that later) and it takes a lot of time to do it that way but ffmpeg offers everything I need but the problem is that I don't know how to batch process everything.
The basic code:
ffmpeg -i song-name.mp3 -loop 1 -i cover.jpg -r frame-rate -t song-length -acodec copy output.mp4
What I want to achieve:
Let's say that I have a folder which consists of several audio files: song-name-1.mp3, song-name-2.mp3, ..., song-name-n.mp3 and cover.jpg.
I need a batch file which takes the name of every mp3 file in a folder (a FOR loop I suppose) and processes it with the same command:
ffmpeg -i song-name.mp3 -loop 1 -i cover.jpg -r frame-rate -t song-length -acodec copy output.mp4
So the image is always the same for every video. The song length can be taken with the tool mp3info and the corresponding command:
mp3info.exe -p %S song-name.mp3
Since I only have one image throughout the whole video, the optimal frame rate would be the inverse of the video length which is 1/length (where length is a variable in seconds which we get from mp3info).
So the final code should look something like this:
ffmpeg -i song-name.mp3 -loop 1 -i cover.jpg -r 1/length -t length -acodec copy song-name.mp4
Where "song-name" is a variable which changes for every iteration of the FOR loop (i.e. for every audio file in the folder) and length is a variable whose value we get with the command:
mp3info.exe -p %S song-name.mp3
I found examples of a FOR loop to fetch all file names of all mp3's in a specific folder but I do not know how to integrate mp3info. I hope that somebody can help me and I have some knowledge of the C programming language if that can be used in any way.
Here's the edited simplified version without the VBS math.
The reason %%S is used is that % is a special batch character used for %environment% variables and in forINdo loops and to get a single one in a forINdo command it has to be doubled. Similarly echo %% will echo a single percent sign.
#echo off
for %%a in (*.mp3) do (
for /f "delims=" %%b in ('mp3info.exe -p %%S "%%a"') do (
ffmpeg -i "%%a" -loop 1 -i "cover.jpg" -r 1 -t %%b -acodec copy "%%~na.mp4"
I have >1000s of small .ts files from a DLINK camera of a theft that occured. I first tried to merge the ts files into bigger files so that I could look for the audio where the relevant event occurred. Then in Premiere I looked for the highest sustained audio peaks (it was someone using a saw to cut out a catalytic converter). Then, I isolated the relevant 200 files where things happened on the timeline. But now, I want to export the 20 minutes of the incident with the least compression (or no compression). Apparently Adobe Premiere can export the whole timeline containing these clips, but will compress them. I have not edited any of the files, so I don't want any rendering. I just want them strung together in a "well-known" format so I can send the files to the insurance company and authorities.
I used an answer from here but there were audio gaps. Some of the files had no audio, causing the problem when I first merged the files with:
for i in `\ls *.ts | sort -V`; do echo "file '$i'"; done >> mylist.txt;ffmpeg -f concat -i mylist.txt -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc video.mp4
This worked for me, and I'm sending it along to help the investigation.
xargs cat <mylist.txt >>catout.ts
ffmpeg -i catout.ts -map 0 -c copy catout.mp4
I had >200 .ts files from a DLINK security camera I needed to stitch up losslessly for the authorities (insurance).
After looking around on Stackoverflow, here's what I did.
First create a list of the ts files to combine:
for i in `\ls *.ts | sort -V`; do echo "file '$i'"; done >> mylist.txt;
Merge them into one ts:
ffmpeg -f concat -safe "0" -i mylist.txt -c copy merge.ts
Then convert the ts directly and losslessly to a well known format for the authorities
ffmpeg -i merge.ts -map 0 -c copy output.mp4
How do I cut a section out of a video with ffmpeg?
Imagine I have a 60 second mp4 A.
I want to remove all the stuff from 0:15 to 0:45.
The result should be a 30-second mp4, which is composed of the first 15 seconds of A directly followed by the last 15 seconds of A.
How can I do this without using concat?
I know how I could do it by creating two intermediary files and then using ffmpeg to concat them. I don't want to have to perform so much manual work for this (simple?) operation.
I have also seen the trim filder used for removing multiple parts from a video. All the usages I've found show that it seems to be very verbose, and I haven't found an example for a case as simple as I would like (just a single section removed).
Do I have to use trim for this operation? Or are there other less verbose solutions?
The ideal would of course be something at least simple as -ss 0:15 -to 0:45 which removes the ends of a video (-cut 0:15-0:45 for example).
I started from
https://stackoverflow.com/a/54192662/3499840 (currently the only answer to "FFmpeg remove 2 sec from middle of video and concat the parts. Single line solution").
Working from that example, the following works for me:
# In order to keep <start-15s> and <45s-end>, you need to
# keep all the frames which are "not between 15s and 45s":
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 \
-vf "select='not(between(t,15,45))', setpts=N/FRAME_RATE/TB" \
-af "aselect='not(between(t,15,45))', asetpts=N/SR/TB" \
This is a one-line linux command, but I've used the bash line-continuation character ('\') so that I can vertically align the equals-signs as this helps me to understand what is going on.
I had never seen ffmpeg's not and between operators before, but I found their documentation here.
Regarding the usual ffmpeg "copy vs re-encode" dichotomy, I was hoping to be able to use ffmpeg's "copy" "codec" (yeah, I know that it's not really a codec) so that ffmpeg would not re-encode my video, but if I specify "copy", then ffmpeg starts and stops at the nearest keyframes which are not sufficiently close to my desired start and stop points. (I want to remove a piece of video that is approximately 20 seconds long, but my source video only has one keyframe every 45 seconds!). Hence I am obliged to re-encode. See https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Seeking#Seekingwhiledoingacodeccopy for more info.
The setpts/asetpts filters set the timestamps on each frame to the correct values so that your media player will play each frame at the correct time.
If you want to use the copy "codec", consider the following approach:
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -t "$start_cut_section" -c copy part1.mp4&
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ss "$end_cut_section" -c copy part2.mp4&
echo "file 'part1.mp4'" > filelist;
echo "file 'part2.mp4'" >> filelist;
ffmpeg -f concat -i filelist -c copy output.mp4;
rm filelist;
This creates two files from before and after the cut, then combines them into a new trimmed final video. Obviously, this can be used to create as many cuts as you like. It may seem like a longer approach than the accepted answer, but it likely will execute much faster because of the use of the copy codec.
I'd like to make a batch operation for all files in a folder.
For every file I need to remove the first and last second of the clip, and save it to a destination folder.
This is the command I used:
for %f in (â*.*â) do c:\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg -i "%f" -ss 00:00:01.000 -sseof 00:00:01.000 -c:v copy -c:a copy âu:\footage\%fâ
That command does not work. It cuts the first second but leave the rest of the file as is.
Maybe there is something I need to change in the syntax regarding -sseof.
ss and sseof both tell ffmpeg where to start from, so your command has two start times specified and no end time. Your command is preferring ss (possibly since it is closest to the input) and ignoring sseof, then working to the end of the file.
You can use to (which takes a position in the file) or t (which takes a duration) to tell it where to end, but if your videos are not all of exactly the same length, you will need to calculate this value for each file. You can get the length of a video using ffprobe like this:
ffprobe -i <file> -show_entries format=duration -v quiet -of csv="p=0"
This will give you the length of the file in seconds. You will then need to subtract the desired amount (in your case, 1 second if you use to or 2 seconds if you use t) and feed the result into the appropriate flag in your ffmpeg command.
I am trying to make an FFMPEG script that relied on a glob input pattern from Linux to Windows. Unfortunately that is not supported so I am looking for an alternative. I do not want to have to rename or copy the files every time I run the script because the files are used elsewhere and I cannot rename them and I would like to avoid duplication or unnecessary temporary files.
Are globs numerically sequential named images my only option here? Ideally I would like to input a list of image paths to FFMPEG as a substitute for ffmpeg -i *.jpg
The workarounds are to prepare a text file with the names and use the concat demuxer.
Or you can use image2pipe
cat *.jpg | ffmpeg -f image2pipe -framerate 25 -i - out.mp4
The best solution I could find (that's Windows compatible) was to generate a line separated list of files in a text file and pass that through to FFMPEG. For example, to generate a stabilized MP4 from a bunch of JPEGs:
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i ./files.txt -vf deshake=rx=64:ry=64 ./stabilized.mp4
Where files.txt is a list of the files in the following format. The safe option toggles the ability to have absolute/relative file paths.
# this is a comment
file 'C:/path/to/file1.jpg'
file 'C:/path/to/file2.jpg'
file 'C:/path/to/file3.jpg'
I am trying to make an FFMPEG script that relied on a glob input pattern from Linux to Windows. Unfortunately that is not supported so I am looking for an alternative. I do not want to have to rename or copy the files every time I run the script because the files are used elsewhere and I cannot rename them and I would like to avoid duplication or unnecessary temporary files.
Are globs numerically sequential named images my only option here? Ideally I would like to input a list of image paths to FFMPEG as a substitute for ffmpeg -i *.jpg
The workarounds are to prepare a text file with the names and use the concat demuxer.
Or you can use image2pipe
cat *.jpg | ffmpeg -f image2pipe -framerate 25 -i - out.mp4
The best solution I could find (that's Windows compatible) was to generate a line separated list of files in a text file and pass that through to FFMPEG. For example, to generate a stabilized MP4 from a bunch of JPEGs:
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i ./files.txt -vf deshake=rx=64:ry=64 ./stabilized.mp4
Where files.txt is a list of the files in the following format. The safe option toggles the ability to have absolute/relative file paths.
# this is a comment
file 'C:/path/to/file1.jpg'
file 'C:/path/to/file2.jpg'
file 'C:/path/to/file3.jpg'