Input parameters to FFMPEG - windows

I am trying to make an FFMPEG script that relied on a glob input pattern from Linux to Windows. Unfortunately that is not supported so I am looking for an alternative. I do not want to have to rename or copy the files every time I run the script because the files are used elsewhere and I cannot rename them and I would like to avoid duplication or unnecessary temporary files.
Are globs numerically sequential named images my only option here? Ideally I would like to input a list of image paths to FFMPEG as a substitute for ffmpeg -i *.jpg

The workarounds are to prepare a text file with the names and use the concat demuxer.
Or you can use image2pipe
cat *.jpg | ffmpeg -f image2pipe -framerate 25 -i - out.mp4

The best solution I could find (that's Windows compatible) was to generate a line separated list of files in a text file and pass that through to FFMPEG. For example, to generate a stabilized MP4 from a bunch of JPEGs:
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i ./files.txt -vf deshake=rx=64:ry=64 ./stabilized.mp4
Where files.txt is a list of the files in the following format. The safe option toggles the ability to have absolute/relative file paths.
# this is a comment
file 'C:/path/to/file1.jpg'
file 'C:/path/to/file2.jpg'
file 'C:/path/to/file3.jpg'


Segment video with FFMPEG using custom filenames for output

I'm trying to segment a video and name the cropped files in a specific way. Right now I'm using
ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -f segment -segment_time 59 output_%03d.wav
and looping over created files, parsing their filenames and renaming them accordingly.
I have an array which contains
array=[1650027545, 1650027300, 1650026502, ...]
and want the output files to be in;
format. Since there's no loop, I can't figure out how to implement such a naming scheme. Any help is appreciated!

Creating timelapse video with ffmpeg using list of URL images from .txt file [duplicate]

I'm attempting to concatenate various .ts video clips into one video and then convert the video into an .mp4 file. I know I can make a .txt file formatted like so:
file '/path/to/file1'
file '/path/to/file2'
file '/path/to/file3'
and then concatenate them like so:
ffmpeg -f concat -i mylist.txt -c copy all.ts
and then convert the file like so:
ffmpeg -i all.ts -acodec copy -vcodec copy all.mp4
My question is, can my .txt file be urls from another domain? e.g.:
Or, do I first have to download all these clips, store them locally on my domain, then make a .txt file pointing to them? I'm using PHP. Thanks.
Yes, this is possible. Note that in the following examples I use the urls and filenames from your question, when testing I used some test files on my own web server.
Trying this with the example text file you provided will give a pretty clear error message:
[concat # 0x7f892f800000] Line 1: unknown keyword '
mylist.txt: Invalid data found when processing input
This is easily fixed by re-introducing the 'file' keyword in mylist.txt:
file ''
file ''
file ''
That updated file will give a different error message:
[concat # 0x7fa467800000] Unsafe file name ''
mylist.txt: Operation not permitted
The reason for this is that ffmpeg will not allow http-urls by default. This can be bypassed by including the -safe 0 argument in your ffmpeg call before the -i argument:
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i mylist.txt -c copy all.ts
This might work out of the box on your installation, on mine this gave another error message:
[http # 0x7faa68507940] Protocol 'http' not on whitelist 'file,crypto'!
[concat # 0x7faa69001200] Impossible to open ''
mylist.txt: Invalid argument
This is because, on my installation, ffmpeg's default protocol whitelist only includes file and crypto. To allow the http protocol as well, we need to explicitly provide the allowed protocols whitelist in the command. As it turns out, tcp is also required:
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -protocol_whitelist file,http,tcp -i mylist.txt -c copy all.ts
This allowed my installation to download and concatenate the video files.

What is the correct command line format for ffmpeg in this case

I apologise if this is a duplicate. I have used ffmpeg in the past to convert .pngs to .mp4 but now I am using it on my own files and I am not sure of the format it should have.
I have some files with the following naming convention:
The number of files I have varies, i.e. it isn't always 400 and the interval isn't always going to be 40. I have tried the following:
ffmpeg -framerate 1 -i profiles_%d0.png -r 6 -pix_fmt yuv420p out.mp4
but that only captures one of the images. Is there a flexible format in the 'profiles_%d0.png" argument that captures all of the files in that directory regardless of the number of characters following the underscore or does it require that I change my naming convention?
Cheers for any help,
If you only have the images of interest in your folder it's easy. You can use a command similar to yours, examples are given in this other question. Basically you can match the files with a wildcard operator and their extension, *.png in that case.
It could look like this:
ffmpeg -f image2 -pattern_type glob -i '*.png' out.avi
This is only selectable if libavformat was compiled with globbing
According to FFmpeg's documentation on the image2 demuxer.
If you have other files with other numbering or if you have a sequence of files and want to select a subsequence, I see no way to do it automatically but you can specify such sequence. You'll still need to use glob, you can get help on the use of globs in FFmpeg there and more information on glob programming here.

ffmpeg convert images with name pattern into video [duplicate]

I am trying to make an FFMPEG script that relied on a glob input pattern from Linux to Windows. Unfortunately that is not supported so I am looking for an alternative. I do not want to have to rename or copy the files every time I run the script because the files are used elsewhere and I cannot rename them and I would like to avoid duplication or unnecessary temporary files.
Are globs numerically sequential named images my only option here? Ideally I would like to input a list of image paths to FFMPEG as a substitute for ffmpeg -i *.jpg
The workarounds are to prepare a text file with the names and use the concat demuxer.
Or you can use image2pipe
cat *.jpg | ffmpeg -f image2pipe -framerate 25 -i - out.mp4
The best solution I could find (that's Windows compatible) was to generate a line separated list of files in a text file and pass that through to FFMPEG. For example, to generate a stabilized MP4 from a bunch of JPEGs:
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i ./files.txt -vf deshake=rx=64:ry=64 ./stabilized.mp4
Where files.txt is a list of the files in the following format. The safe option toggles the ability to have absolute/relative file paths.
# this is a comment
file 'C:/path/to/file1.jpg'
file 'C:/path/to/file2.jpg'
file 'C:/path/to/file3.jpg'

Convert image sequence to video using ffmpeg and list of files

I have a camera taking time-lapse shots every 2–3 seconds, and I keep a rolling record of a few days' worth. Because that's a lot of files, I keep them in subdirectories by day and hour:
I'm writing a script to automatically upload a timelapse of the sunrise to YouTube each day. I can get the sunrise time from the web in advance, then go back after the sunrise and get a list of the files that were taken in that period using find:
touch -d "$SUNRISE_START" sunrise-start.txt
touch -d "$SUNRISE_END" sunrise-end.txt
find images/"$TODAY" -type f -anewer sunrise-start.txt ! -anewer sunrise-end.txt
Now I want to convert those files to a video with ffmpeg. Ideally I'd like to do this without making a copy of all the files (because we're talking ~3.5 GB per hour of images), and I'd prefer not to rename them to something like image000n.jpg because other users may want to access the images. Copying the images is my fallback.
But I'm getting stuck sending the results of find to ffmpeg. I understand that ffmpeg can expand wildcards internally, but I'm not sure that this is going to work where the files aren't all in one directory. I also see a few people using find's --exec option with ffmpeg to do batch conversions, but I'm not sure if this is going to work with image sequence input (as opposed to, say, converting 1000 images into 1000 single-frame videos).
Any ideas on how I can connect the two—or, failing that, a better way to get files in a date range across several subdirectories into ffmpeg as an image sequence?
Use the concat demuxer with a list of files. The list format is:
file '/path/to/file1'
file '/path/to/file2'
file '/path/to/file3'
Basic ffmpeg usage:
`ffmpeg -f concat -i mylist.txt ... <output>`
Concatenate [FFmpeg wiki]
use pattern_type glob for this
ffmpeg -f image2 -r 25 -pattern_type glob -i '*.jpg' -an -c:v libx264 -r 25 timelapse.mp4
ffmpeg probably uses the same file name globbing facility as the shell, so all valid file name globbing patterns should work. Specifically in your case, a pattern of images/201?-??-??/??/201?-??-??-????-?? will expand to all files in question e.g.
ls -l images/201?-??-??/??/201?-??-??-????-??
ffmpeg ... 'images/201?-??-??/??/201?-??-??-????-??' ...
Note the quotes around the pattern in the ffmpeg invocation: you want to pass the pattern verbatim to ffmpeg to expand the pattern into file names, not have the shell do the expansion.
