Push Down Menu in Joomla! 2.5 - joomla

I'm in search of a good menu/navigation extension for Joomla! 2.5 which enables me to push down the whole content below the navigation bar at the top, when clicking on a top level menu item.
Example seen on ibm.com

There are few free modules out there in Joomla where you can get the same push down effect like your given ibm.com site. One of such example is the JA top panel which is a joomlart module:
ja top panel module link
and the example is shown on the following Joomlart template named by JA social. Here you can see the top panel navigation is working exactly like ibm push down and once you installed it on your template then link all your menu with it. joomlart template JASocial link


how to add fishpig "blog" link to main navigation in magento

I'm using Magento WordPress Integration I'm wondering how to add fishpig "blog" link to main navigation in magento ? Currently it's only adding a link to my top header navigation.
The above answer correctly shows how to add a link to your toplinks, however this is included in the extension by default. If you want to do this, you can enable/disable this from the extension's configuration area.
If you are referring to the Topmenu (the Category menu), it is now possible to create a custom Menu in the WordPress Admin and have this automatically added to your Magento Topmenu.
To do this, create a menu in WordPress. If you only want a single link to your blog, create a menu with this just this link in. Next, login to the Magento Admin and go to the configuration area for WordPress Integration. Under the fieldset labelled 'Menu', you can enable menu integration and select your newly created menu.
This will only work if your theme uses the Magento Topmenu block, which is the default menu block for Magento 1.7. Some custom themes use a custom menu extension for this menu and it is highly unlikely that this custom extension will call the necessary event.
As always, ensure you are using the latest version of WordPress Integration as this feature is quite new and has only recently been added.

menu link opens module under menu module - joomla 2.5

maybe it an easy solution for someone..I would like how can I set up an item in menu (positioned on right side of template), that when I click it, it opens/shows a module (news blog) under that menu(item) (in the same right position). Similar to click accordion just that menu item is in a menu module and a news blog is another module.
thank you.
In Joomla you can assign modules to specific menu items. THat means the module will appear when you click that item. You can assign a module to one page, all pages, specific pages you click or "all except" a list you select. Other than that I'm not sure what the question is, but I will say it's not a programming question.
In joomla module can also show in article,
You can create a article and link those article to specific menu.
And those article called a module like {loadmodule module_name}.
Also with module position like this {loadposition position_name}.

Joomla newsflash items linking to separate page

Joomla 2.5
Let's say I got "News" category with some articles inside and modules, let's call them "module1", "module2" and up to 10.
Normally, if I got menu item called "News" with category view under it (it's called blog or something in Joomla) and I set only "module1" to be displayed there, all the items from this category will be displayed with the same layout.
However, if I add ie. "module2", which is a newsflash, to my homepage, items from "News" category will be displayed with homepage layout, with all the modules shown. I'd like them to be displayed as if they were on "News" page. How to do that?
Answer: add articles to "hidden" menu is not acceptable. Imagine blog, where you have to add all your posts to any kind of menu.
Visual explanation:
Normally, a menu position which lists articles form category and has only two modules (call them module1 and module2) enabled, will look like this: http://imm.io/FGrJ
If you click any item, you will be redirected to a page with the same layout (notice: I don't have to add all articles to menu, just article listing page): http://imm.io/FGrP
However, if I add newsflash module on my homepage, which is full of modules, clicking an item will display article on homepage, in area that I called main content. Which is bad. I'd like it to open just like article from articles listing. Here is screen: http://imm.io/FGsR
This article on the Joomla docs gives a good idea of what your tying to do as I understand it. As you don't wish to have menu items as you state in the question I think the best way is what they label as number 3 at the bottom - installing an extension that provides detailed control over where a module displays. Their featured module is Advanced Module Manager - which comes from NoNumber - something a lot of sites use and has a proven track record. However there is an entire section of modules on Joomla Extension Directory here

How to force a Joomla Article to use a given template

I am working on a Joomla site: http://phillipswebster.com/defective-drugs/yaz has a form and all the rest of its pieces but http://phillipswebster.com/defective-drugs/propecia which I just created doesn't have the form and banner. I have checked the yaz article and the Propecia article side by side in the admin and they are setup identical.
any ideas
The magic word here is "modules". You have to activate the same modules (contact module, left menu module, etc.) for the home menu item.

remove everything in sidebar but one menu

I am integrating blog(wordpress) into our magento site. I am at the point to update handler in the blog.xml file. I want to display in sidebar only the blog menu but not other menus that are by default in the right sidebar. I know i can remove the right sidebar all together but then there is not sidebar to attach my blog menu.
How to do this - add single menu and remove rest of the menues in the sidebar?
Thank you,
you can use unsetChild to remove content from any bar you like, and append to add
any block you want.
See here how to use:
Magento Layout Files Reference
Or remove the complete sidebar and set your block you want to show in your sidebar with as="right"
in your layout update xml.
