Hadoop - submit a job with lots of dependencies (jar files) - hadoop

I want to write some sort of "bootstrap" class, which will watch MQ for incoming messages and submit map/reduce jobs to Hadoop. These jobs use some external libraries heavily. For the moment I have the implementation of these jobs, packaged as ZIP file with bin,lib and log folders (I'm using maven-assembly-plugin to tie things together).
Now I want to provide small wrappers for Mapper and Reducer, which will use parts of the existing application.
As far as I learned, when a job is submitted, Hadoop tries to find out JAR file, which has the mapper/reducer classes, and copy this jar over network to data node, which will be used to process the data. But it's not clear how do I tell Hadoop to copy all dependencies?
I could use maven-shade-plugin to create an uber-jar with the job and dependencies, And another jar for bootstrap (which jar would be executed with hadoop shell-script).
Please advice.

One way could be to put the required jars in distributed cache. Another alternative would be to install all the required jars on the Hadoop nodes and tell TaskTrackers about their location. I would suggest you to go through this post once. Talks about the same issue.

Use maven to manage the dependencies and ensure the correct versions are used during builds and deployment. Popular IDE's have maven support that makes it so you don't have to worry about building class paths for edit and build. Finally, you can instruct maven to build a single jar (a "jar-with-dependencies") containing your app and all dependencies, making deployment very easy.
As for dependencies, like hadoop, which are guaranteed to be in the runtime class path, you can define them with a scope of "provided" so they're not included in the uber jar.

Use -libjars option of hadoop launcher script for specify dependencies for jobs running on remotes JVMs;
Use $HADOOP_CLASSPATH variable for set dependencies for JobClient running on local JVM
Detailed discussion is here: http://grepalex.com/2013/02/25/hadoop-libjars/


Correct way of submitting a job to YARN cluster in which job has dependencies on external jars?

I am trying to understand on what is the correct way of submitting a MR (for that matter a Spark based Java) job to YARN cluster.
Consider the situation below:
Using client machine develop code (MR or Spark) jobs, and say the codes uses 3rd party jar's. Now, when a developer has to submit the job to the YARN cluster, what is the correct way of submitting the job to cluster so that there is no run time exception of class not found. Since job is submitted as jar file, how can a developer "put" the 3rd party jars?
I am having difficulty in understanding this, can anyone help me understand this?
You have to simply build a "fat jar," with Gradle or Maven, that contains not only your compiled code but also all transitive dependencies.
You can use either the Maven Assembly Plugin or any of the Gradle plugins like the Shadow Plugin.
The output of these is what you should supply to spark-submit.

Apache Spark 2.0.1 and Spring Integration

So, i would like to create an apache spark integration in my spring application by following this guide provided by spring (http://docs.spring.io/spring-hadoop/docs/current/reference/html/springandhadoop-spark.html). Now i have a few questions as it seems that sparks 2.0.1 does not include the spark-assembly jar.
What are my options in proceeding with this as it seems that the integration is dependant on the jar?
If i am able to find the old jar would i be able to use it with apache 2.0.1?
Is there a way to get the jar with apache 2.0.1?
Yes you are right - spark 2.0.1 does not include uber jar with itself like in 1.6.x and below (eg. spark-1.6.2-bin-hadoop2.6\lib\spark-assembly-1.6.2-hadoop2.6.0.jar)
Spark 2.0.0+ spark-release-2-0-0.html doesn't require a fat assembly uber jar. However when you compare content of spark-assembly-1.6.2-hadoop2.6.0 and libs (content of jar files) in spark-2.0.0-bin-hadoop2.7\jars\ you can see almost the same content with same classes, packages etc.
If i am able to find the old jar would i be able to use it with apache 2.0.1?
Personally I dont think so. There might be potentionally some problems with backward compatibility and it is weird to have something that was removed in latest version.
You are right that SparkYarnTasklet need assembly jar because there is some postPropertiesSet validation:
public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
Assert.hasText(sparkAssemblyJar, "sparkAssemblyJar property was not set. " +
"You must specify the path for the spark-assembly jar file. " +
"It can either be a local file or stored in HDFS using an 'hdfs://' prefix.");
But, this sparkAssemblyJar is only used in sparkConf.set("spark.yarn.jar", sparkAssemblyJar);
when you will use SparkYarnTasklet, the program will probably fail on validation (You can try to extend SparkYarnTasklet and Override afterPropertiesSet without validation)
And documentation about "spark.yarn.jar:"
To make Spark runtime jars accessible from YARN side, you can specify
spark.yarn.archive or spark.yarn.jars. For details please refer to
Spark Properties. If neither spark.yarn.archive nor spark.yarn.jars is
specified, Spark will create a zip file with all jars under
$SPARK_HOME/jars and upload it to the distributed cache.
so take a look into properties: spark.yarn.jars and spark.yarn.archive.
So compare what is spark.yarn.jar in 1.6.x- and 2.0.0+
spark.yarn.jar in 1.6.2 :
The location of the Spark jar file, in case overriding the default location is desired. By default, Spark on YARN will use a Spark jar installed locally, but the Spark jar can also be in a world-readable location on HDFS. This allows YARN to cache it on nodes so that it doesn't need to be distributed each time an application runs. To point to a jar on HDFS, for example, set this configuration to hdfs:///some/path.
spark.yarn.jar in 2.0.1:
List of libraries containing Spark code to distribute to YARN
containers. By default, Spark on YARN will use Spark jars installed
locally, but the Spark jars can also be in a world-readable location
on HDFS. This allows YARN to cache it on nodes so that it doesn't need
to be distributed each time an application runs. To point to jars on
HDFS, for example, set this configuration to hdfs:///some/path. Globs
are allowed.
but this seems to set all jars one by one.
But in 2.0.0+ there is spark.yarn.archive that replaces spark.yarn.jars and provide a way how to avoid passing jars one by one - create archive with all jars in root "dir".
I think spring-hadoop will reflect changes in 2.0.0+ in a few weeks, but for "quick fix" I will probably try to override SparkYarnTasklet and reflect changes for 2.0.1 - as I saw exactly execute and afterPropertiesSet methods.

Deployment of artifacts to Hadoop cluster

Is there any pattern how to deploy applications (jar-files) to an Hadoop-Custer ? I am not talking about map-reduce jobs but to deploy applications for Spark, Flume etc.
Within the Hadoop ecosystem deployment alone is not sufficient. You need to restart services, deploy configurations (e.g. via Ambari) and so forth.
I have not found any specific tools. Is my assumption correct that you use standard automation tools like maven/jenkins and do the missing parts by yourself ?
Just wondering if I have overseen something. Just do not want to reinvent the wheel ;)
If you are managing the Hadoop ecosystem you can use Ambari and Cloudera's manager. But you will need to stop and restart their services for configuration and library changes. If the ecosystem is managed outside of this then you have the option of managing the jars with outside tools like Puppet and Salt. Currently, we use Salt because of the push/pull abilities.
If you are talking about applications, like jobs running on Spark, you will just provide the Hadoop URL in the file path. For example:
spark-submit --class my.dev.org.SparkDriver --properties-file mySparkProps.conf wordcount-shaded.jar hdfs://servername/input/file/sample.txt hdfs://servername/output/sparkresults
For applications have dependencies on third party jar files. Then you do have the option of shading the job's jar file to prevent other application libraries from interfering with each other. The down side is the application jar file will get big. I use maven, so I added the maven-shade-plugin artifact and use the default scope (compile) for the dependencies.

Add Spark to Oozie shared lib

By default, Oozie shared lib directory provides libraries for Hive, Pig, and Map-Reduce. If I want to run Spark job on Oozie, it might be better to add Spark lib jars to Oozie's shared lib instead of copy them to app's lib directory.
How can I add Spark lib jars (including spark-core and its dependencies) to Oozie's shared lib? Any comment / answer is appreciated.
Spark action is scheduled to be released with Oozie 4.2.0, even though the doc seems to be a bit behind. See related JIRA here :
Oozie JIRA - Add spark action executor
Cloudera's release CDH 5.4 has it already though, see official doc here:
CDH 5.4 oozie doc - Oozie Spark Action Extension
With the older version of Oozie, the jars could be shared with various approaches. The first approach may work the best. The complete listings anyway :
Below are the various ways to include a jar with your workflow:
Set oozie.libpath=/path/to/jars,another/path/to/jars in job.properties.
This is useful if you have many workflows that all need the same jar; you can put it in one place in HDFS and use it with many workflows. The jars will be available to all actions in that workflow.
There is no need to ever point this at the ShareLib location. (I see that in a lot of workflows.) Oozie knows where the ShareLib is and will include it automatically if you set oozie.use.system.libpath=true in job.properties.
Create a directory named “lib” next to your workflow.xml in HDFS and put jars in there.
This is useful if you have some jars that you only need for one workflow. Oozie will automatically make those jars available to all actions in that workflow.
Specify the tag in an action with the path to a single jar; you can have multiple tags.
This is useful if you want some jars only for a specific action and not all actions in a workflow.
The downside is that you have to specify them in your workflow.xml, so if you ever need to add/remove some jars, you have to change your workflow.xml.
Add jars to the ShareLib (e.g. /user/oozie/share/lib/lib_/pig)
While this will work, it’s not recommended for two reasons:
The additional jars will be included with every workflow using that ShareLib, which may be unexpected to those workflows and users.
When upgrading the ShareLib, you’ll have to recopy the additional jars to the new ShareLib.
quoted from Rober Kanter's blog here : How-to: Use the ShareLib in Apache Oozie (CDH 5)

Hadoop Distributed Cache don't work

I'm new with Hadoop. I'm using Hadoop 0.22.
In the Driver I'used this code:
Job job = Job.getInstance(configuration);
job.addArchiveToClassPath(new Path(JAR_DIR);
In the Map class what code I have to use to add the jar in the local classpath?
More details
I have a job that need in the map and reduce phases htmlunit.jar.I add this jar to classpath with the code above, but when I submit the job, I have a ClassNotFoundException at line that I use htmlunit references.If the code above it's ok, and the DistributedCache add automatically the jar in the tasktrackers classpath, what could be the problem?
I also have to use the option -libjars htmlunit.jar when I submit the job? I have to use another hadoop component?
You don't need to do anything.
Once you add a jar to the job classpath what you're saying is
"include this in the class path of the map and reduce jobs"
So long as your mappers and reducers extend from the Mapper and Reducer base classes then it will 'just work'.
Worth noting, you should probably instead use addFileToClassPath for each individual Jar you need.
An alternative (we do this) is to create one single jar containing your source and your dependencies.
Build your code jar as usual, then create a subdirectory in the jar called 'lib', and add all of your dependency jars in here. Then your entire job is self contained and you don't need to worry about adding other jars to the distributed cache.
So for example you'd have a jar with the following contents:
(a jar is just a zip file, so you can use regular zip creation utilities to build it)
For various reasons this also performs better than adding the .class files of your dependency to the jar directly.
