How can I change the title in Joomla? - joomla

Please someone to help ! How can I change the title in Joomla? I tried all the options (mainmenu - Page Display Options - Show Page Heading), and none of it did not help me.
Pls help !

Try this
If you are tring with page title you can use as follows
$document = JFactory::getDocument();
$document->setTitle('Title of Page');
Hope it helps..

If you are refering to the browser title ( tag), this is usually set in the Joomla global configuration and/or in the template options.


How customer can upload the image in product magento?

I want to upload the image at the front end of the product view page
but i don't know how to do these so if anybody know the answer then replay me.
I see the some extension but its not work properly
Thanks in advance.
Magento has out of the box custom options. You can add new custom options with type file.
Check it, possible it helps in your case.

Joomla virtuemart filter issue with JRoute

Please help me, i use Joomla + Virtuemart
I added search filter by customfields, but there was a problem with pagination and sort URL
I found a strange in code, this function:
echo JRoute::_('&customfields[5][0]=35')
generate url:
should look like
I would be happy if you can help me find a part of code where I can find the problem. Thank you.
The problem was related to the settings of sh404sef component.

Load page title in joomla 2.5 content

I am looking for a way to load a page title in the Joomla 2.5 content for SEO purposes. I know in joomla you can use a function to load a module such as {loadposition box1}.
Is there a way to have a feature or does anyone know an extension so you can do something similar to this {loadpagetitle}.
This will save me hours of work.
Firstly, install the Direct PHP plugin and enable it.
Then copy and paste the following code into your article:
$mydoc = JFactory::getDocument();
$mytitle = $mydoc->getTitle();
echo $mytitle;
Make sure you use the php tags though.
Hope this helps. Regards.

Magento in admin panel when click on edit custome it blank can't work?

My Magento Version is
When Click on Customer Tab and Manage customer then it will show customer detail proper but when click in edit then give me header and footer without body middle content. Pls help me and give me suggestion what's problem..
Please view attachment ans01.jpg and ans02.jpg.
ans01.jpg is list of customer detail and ans02.jpg is edit page.
Please check your customer.xml in app/design/adminhtml/default/default/layout/customer.xml and check if the below xml tag are there. If not please check any file will override this cutomer edit action?
write below code in index.php file and save it to display error
ini_set(“display_errors”, 1);
Then write down error what is the exact error in your magento.
For more detail please check this link:
Enjoy !!!!!!!!!1

How to remove /en/ in the default url - Prestashop

How to remove the /en/ url in the website
by default site showing as like above.
please check the following url
it goes to
Please help me out
In the prestashop backend go to Tool>Languages and disable all the languages other then english.
See my answer here: How to remove the /en/ url in the website
