How to generate JPA metamodel to another module - maven

In my 3 layer maven application (enterprise application archetype with an extra module for domain-related classes) I'd like to keep the domain module as clean as possible. My persistence.xml, for example, is in the ejb module. Following that train of thought, I'd like to generate the JPA static metamodel classes also on the EJB module, even though the entities are not there, but I can't make it work.
Is it possible to do that kind of setup? I'm using eclipselink, btw.


How to control module loading order in Liberty profile

I have an ear file with a web module and a ejb module(just used for message driven beans). The ejb module has dependency on web module and it's classes. I would need to load the web module first and then ejb module. But the liberty always loading the ejb module first causing java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
How to control the order of modules loading within the same ear file? On traditional webshpere there is an option called 'Starting weight'. Whichever module has lowest value takes precedence and loads it first. so the application works good on tradition Websphere. However, this property seems missing on Liberty. I already looked at this. It only talks about deploying the multiple war files and their order.
If your EJB module depends on Web, that is bad design. It should be the other way around.
If you have such situation , proper way would be to extract shared classes in to a common jar file, let say mycommon.jar and then put that into ear\lib folder. In this way they will be visible by both modules ejb and web.
If your EJB module depends on the javax web api (e.g. servletRequest) that is even worse, and you should redesign such classes to POJO DTOs.
As a last resort you could try what is described here and add <initialize-in-order>true</initialize-in-order> in your application.xml.
FRowe's solution will not work, as classes are not shared between the applications, so changing load order of apps will not help. Each Java™ EE application has its own class loader in a running Liberty server.
Consider using the ability to control app start order as described here:
You'll have to deploy the war module as an app instead of packaging it within the ear, but you should be able to achieve the proper ordering.

How to make Spring Boot only scan and validate imported entities?

I have separated my project in multiple modules using Maven. On of the modules is used as a 'common' module which shares entities and other code between modules. I have imported this module within the other modules. A problem arises when launching a module which uses the 'common' module. The module seems to scan for all entities in the common package and tries to validate the schema. This module does not have the SQL permission to access some tables, which results in a validation error.
Is there a way to disable this feature and only validate the schema based on the actually used entities in the code (based on imports)?
A somewhat vague explanation, I would like to see an immediate problem.
But the first thing that comes to mind: exclude auto jpa support. For your application class:
#SpringBootApplication(exclude = {JpaRepositoriesAutoConfiguration.class})
Possible, you can exclude also class DataSourceAutoConfiguration.

Multi modules with persistence and caching

I have question towards a best practice for configuration of persistence and cache (2nd lvl) within a maven multi module project with spring/jpa/ehcache.
Only a single datasource is needed.
Lets assume
I have 3 domain maven modules containing only the entities:
customers_domain (dependency core_domain)
products_domain (dependency core_domain)
I also have 3 integration modules containing repositories:
customers_integr (dependency customers_domain, core_integr)
products_integr (dependency products_domain, core_integr)
Now these modules MAY eventually be combined into a single WAR.
One approach might be to define all persistence,transaction and caching configuration in the core_integr module. But this does not cleanly allow configuration per module. It's possible, but not clean.
Is it possible to have a persistence.xml and ehcache.xml per integration module? preferably while keeping spring configuration in the core_integr module.
Do you really need to separate the spring config fully with multiple entitymanagers, persistence_units and cachemanagers all working against the single datasource?
Any advice is welcome.

Maven dependencies - how to add dependencies based on classpath properties

Is it not possible to include dependencies based on class properties? E.g. if I am building a framework that I want to integrate with any customer system, the type of DB the customer uses could be a variable but my framework may use it if it can acquire a data source. So in this case, my Maven project should be able to integrate with any DB by declaring the corresponding DB war as dependency.
But this database.artifactId in itself will be read from properties file that may be accesible to customer code, so the idea of having parent pom declare the versions and artifactId as mentioned here may not suit my case.
Is there a work around or is this use case itself so wrong? I strongly think if we build a framework that is more like a product the customer can integrate with, this flexibility of declaring any runtime dependency based on propertie should be there.
This is not how it is done with Maven.
If, as in your case, you write a framework that may use different dependencies, then you do not somehow conditionally depend on the concrete implementation. This would not work, as the exact list of dependencies is constructed at build time (i.e. when the Maven artifact of you framework is built and installed).
Rather, there should be a special Maven artifact which describes just the interface of the functionality that you need. This artifact will typically contain the (Java) interfaces your framework needs; this is what your framework will depend on.
Then, when using your framework, a concrete implementation of these interfaces must be included - by the people using your framework, because only they know which implementation they use.
This is explained for example in "Maven by Example", chapter "7.10.1. Programming to Interface Projects".
JDBC: The interface is part of the JDK, so a framework that uses JDBC does not need to declare any special dependencies (if JDBC were not part of the JDK, you would depend on a Maven artifact like "jdbc-api" or similar). A software that actually uses JDBC will have to depend on whatever JDBC driver it actually uses (Oracle, HSQL etc.).

Seam Equivalent of Spring PersistenceUnitPostProcessor

We have a very comfortable setup using JPA through Spring/Hibernate, where we attach a PersistenceUnitPostProcessor to our entity manager factory, and this post processor takes a list of project names, scans the classpath for jars that contain that name, and adds those jar files for scanning for entities to the persistence unit, this is much more convenient than specifying in persistence.xml since it can take partial names and we added facilities for detecting the different classpath configurations when we are running in a war, a unit test, an ear, etc.
Now, we are trying to replace Spring with Seam, and I cant find a facility to accomplish the same hooking mechanism. One Solution is to try and hook Seam through Spring, but this solution has other short-comings on our environment. So my question is: Can someone point me to such a facility in Seam if exists, or at least where in the code I should be looking if I am planning to patch Seam?
If you're running in a Java EE container like JBoss 6 (and I really recommend so), all you need is to package your beans into a jar, place a META-INF/persistence.xml inside it and place the jar into your WAR or EAR package. All #Entity annotated beans inside the jar will be processed.
For unit-testing, you could point the <jar-file> element to the generated .class output directory and Hibernate will also pick the Entities. Or even configure during runtime using Ejb3Configuration.addAnnotatedClass;
