How do i round up values in XPath - xpath

Does anyone know how do i round up a value in business rules (BPEL)? i tried fn:ceiling(num) and #round(num) and even Bigdecimal Round_Up nothing works.

You cannot round any numbers in BPEL, but you can do that with XPath 1.0, which is the default expression language in BPEL. See


How to select Dynamic X-Path Value

Xpath for the Icon is //*[#id="csfWidgets-button-9746-content"]
the number is changing for every time when I open the browser
Also I tried below Xpath value
But still I am facing below issue
ValueError: Element locator '//div[starts-with(#id,"csfWidgets-button-")]' did not match any elements.
Please help to resolve this issue , suggestion given will be appreciated
I suppose the XPath is version 1.0 and that has no starts-with function.
The last XPath (//div[contains(#id,"csfWidgets")]), should give you result.
If not, something else is wrong.

It is possible to use Xpath function in order to read the date value

Since i am new to Xpath i want to ask if it is possible to use Xpath function in order to read the date value in the following
<div id="qa-case">
<time itemprop="datePublished" datetime="2015-01-12T02:41:00Z"></time>
What I want is the value in the datetime. Is that possible to read it using something like this
What i expect is to have an text showing me 2015-01-12T02:41:00Z
Thanks in advance
We do not know what version of XPath you are using. In XPath 1.0, functions must be wrapped around everything else because they cannot be steps in a path expression:
string(//div[#id = 'qa-case']/time/#datetime)
This only works with exactly one time element node and thus with one datetime attribute.
In XPath 2.0 you could also do
//div[#id = 'qa-case']/time/#datetime/string()
The result, in both cases, is
To give a more specific answer, we would need to know more about the environment you use XPath in (say, XSLT).
To get just the text, you don't really need any date functions, just //div[#id="qa-case"]/#datetime
If you want to convert to a more readable format you cna then use date-specific XPath functions, for example:
<p>Today is <xsl:value-of="fn:day-from-dateTime(#datetime)" </p>

XSLT/ Xpath how to accumulate / get total of a node based on a condition in another node

I need to get two totals CreditCardTotal and CashTotal and have to display them in another tag AccountCost, as shown below.
Basically, I need get the expense amount and check to see if it is a credit card or cash and then add it to the respective total variable. Or if there is a more elegant way please let me know.
I am completely stumped and new to Xpath. Thanks, and will truly appreciate your time and effort.
Element construction is not possible with XPath, you would require XQuery for that.
To fetch a single sum, use
and replace "Cash" as needed.
Using XPath 2.0, you could at least calculate both sums in one statement and return a sequence of both values (is usually mapped to an array or similar construct in other programming languages):

Numeric Filter and missing values (Weka)

I'm using SMOTE to oversample my dataset (affected by class imbalance). Some of my attributes have integer values, others have only two decimals but SMOTE creates new instances with many decimals. So to solve this problems I thought to use NumericCleaner Filter and set the number of decimals I desire. This seems to work but I've got problems with missing values. Each missing values is replaced with a 0.0 value, I need to evaluate my model using missing values in dataset. So how can I use NumericCleaner (or other filters that permit to round values) and keep my missing values?
Very interesting question. Okay, here is the solution:
use SMOTE to oversample the minority group (this produces decimal points but the missing values remain missing values)
then select weka filter->unsupervised->attribute->NumericTransform
then click on this filter and set the attribute instances (where you are having decimal points features) and in the methodName instead of "abs", put "ceil".
I hope that solves the problem.

Select element with a changing Id string using XPath

I have a textarea control with an Id that goes something like this:
<textarea id="NewTextArea~~51887~~1" rows="2"/>
And the xpath that has worked before has been
//textarea[#id, "NewTextArea~~51887~~1"]
But now the '51887' portion of the id is become diverse (changing every time) so I need to select the NewtextArea~~*~~1 element without actually specifying the number. Is there a way I can wildcard part of the string so that it will match a particular pattern? I tried using starts-with and ends-with but couldn't get it to work:
//textarea[starts-with(#id, 'NewTextArea~~') and ends-with(#name, '~~1')]
Bare in mind there are other fields with the difference being the number on the end.
Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated :)
I tried using starts-with and ends-with but couldn't get it to work:
//textarea[starts-with(#id, 'NewTextArea~~') and ends-with(#name, '~~1')]
ends-with() is available as a standard function only in XPath 2.0 and you seem to be using XPath 1.0.
[starts-with(#id, 'NewTextArea~~')
substring(#id, string-length(#id) - 2) = '~~1'
See the answer to this question, for how to implement ends-with() in XPath 1.0:
