joomla file upload module assign to menu - joomla

Module Name: Simple File Upload v1.3
Module Source: File Upload Module
Just today i got very clear clarity on this questions.
My questions is, With module we can set the positions only, we could not able to assign to menu directly in admin menus. but can call the module in article. but actual requirement is. i want to show the upload form in the admin area. so i want to create one menu in the admin menus, when user click this menu. appropriate upload form will be display.
How to achieve this.

To assign module to a menu,Go to extensions -> module manager, Then open your module Simple File Upload v1.3 and On the bottom left you will find Menu Assignment section select the menu there where you want to assign that module.
And hit save.
You can also do this by menu manager also go menu manager under which menus where you want to assign that module Go to edit view and on the right under Module Assignment for this Menu Item click on the module name then popup will open and follow the instruction as described above.And save you are done .
Read more : How do you assign a module to specific pages?
Hope this will help.


How to only show module in joomla

I have a problem linking from a menu item to a module that I want to show. The problem is that the module does not have a custom item showing in the Menu item selection.
This means I end up having to link to an article. But that will show a lot of unwanted information like headers and other stuff from the single article.
How can I avoid that?
The options
1. link directly to the facebook module I wan to show with no article
2. Hide all information from the "single article"
If you want disable all information form article you can go to your article you want modify and go to Options tab.
Here you can hide all information
You can add directly module on your article with:
{loadposition myposition}
myposition is the position module that you have selected in module creation.
You can add a position who not use by other module.

Joomla file system routing

A friend asked me to help him change something on his Joomla website, but I'm having a bit of difficulty understanding the file system and routing. From what I've read so far, looks like SEF urls are activated. Now if the sub directory is /index.php/standings, for instance, how can I figure out which templates/modules/etc are being used/loaded for that url?
note - I only have FTP access, but could get access to admin if necessary.
Now if the sub directory is /index.php/standings, for instance, how
can I figure out which templates/modules/etc are being used/loaded for
that url?
You'll need admin access.
For the template(s) sign-in to the backend then go to Extensions > Template Manager.
You'll see details of all the templates installed on the site and there will be one default template (marked with a star) for location 'Site' .
All pages on the site will use this template unless other templates have been assigned to specific pages. To find other assigned templates look for a check mark in the assigned column, click the template name, then under the the Menu Assignment tab look for which menu items the template has been assigned to.
For the modules/etc . From the backend go to Menus and locate the menu with the standings link. This listing will give you some information about type of link, e.g. 'Articles ยป Single Article' if the menu item is a article, or maybe it will be a component or one of the many other types of Joomla menu links.
Open the standings menu item, then click the module assignment tab and you'll see details of which modules are assigigned to this menu item.
Lastly, if the standings menu link is a single article, locate and open the article (from Content > Article Manager) and look for dynamic content which could come from a plugin, it will be enclosed by curly braces: eg {plugin-id}. The name will give you some indication of where to look.
Good luck!

How can I edit Joomla! menu?

I'm looking for a way to edit Joomla! menu or creating a custom menu for Joomla!(version 2.5), like add an element to each menu item.
I can edit modules from this path: root\templates\beez_20\html\modules.php
how can I edit menu source code ?
If you just want to edit the CSS, you could append a specific css class to your menu module in the Joomla! backend.
But if you want to add an element (i.e. change the code), you could for example just create your own module ( and then "clone" the menu module (root/modules/mod_menu) by copying the contents to the respective files of your module.
Note that you would have to create a module package as explained in the link, then you'll be able to install it through the Joomla backend. When the custom menu module is installed, you can edit the way it looks by going to the folder root/modules/mod_yourmenuname/tmpl/default.php. Is this what you were looking for?

menu link opens module under menu module - joomla 2.5

maybe it an easy solution for someone..I would like how can I set up an item in menu (positioned on right side of template), that when I click it, it opens/shows a module (news blog) under that menu(item) (in the same right position). Similar to click accordion just that menu item is in a menu module and a news blog is another module.
thank you.
In Joomla you can assign modules to specific menu items. THat means the module will appear when you click that item. You can assign a module to one page, all pages, specific pages you click or "all except" a list you select. Other than that I'm not sure what the question is, but I will say it's not a programming question.
In joomla module can also show in article,
You can create a article and link those article to specific menu.
And those article called a module like {loadmodule module_name}.
Also with module position like this {loadposition position_name}.

Why my top menu dissappear when in register or reset page in joomla 2.5

I have created a custom joomla template based on blank joomla template from Everything was fine until i clicked either forgot password?, forgot your username? or create account link that bring me to register or reset page in frontend but strangely the top menu was gone.
This is the screenshot :
i have no idea why this could happenned.
Please help with this. I appreciate all the help. Thanks!
The problem is because only on the pages selected option for module assignment is set. If you open a page which doesn't belong to any menu, then module won't be shown on it.
You can either check menu module to be shown on all pages, or make a new menu item for forgot password functionality, and then assign that menu for both menu module, and breadcrumbs module.
I don't know which Joomla version you're using and what you use for translation, but if you use Joomfish or Falang, language translation should be much easier.
If you don't use any of those, and you really need to leave everything as it is, then you can also detect current user language in the template, and load either one or the other menu module based on it. That way you can set module to be shown on all pages, and make sure it is displayed only for the choosen language.
