Run hiphop on server - hiphop

I have installed the hip-hop php on my ubunut server 12.4 now what i want to do is to point a directory to run all my file through hiphop
i have tried the command
"hhvm my_script.php"
it is working fine
but i want to run hip-hop in background so that all the file on my web server will be complied and run through hip-hop
Please do explain me how can i do this and if possible please post a detailed tutorial of how it will work and what changes i have to make it on my server
i refereed the git-hub link for installation


Running wp-cli from bash script results in path error

I have successfully installed wp-cli on my remote server and created the "wp" alias. I use Putty to connect via SSH, and everything works just fine. First, I used a .user_bashrc file to set the alias with:
alias wp='/www/htdocs/w019d58a/wp-cli.phar'
The path is set in .user_bashrc using:
export PATH=/www/htdocs/w019d58a/:$PATH
However, when I tried to run wp-cli from a bash script, I got a "wp command not found" error. I contacted the support, and they recommended a symlink. So, I created a symlink using:
ln -s /www/htdocs/w019d58a/wp-cli.phar wp
Everything works but the installation process. I can, for example, install a plugin using:
wp plugin install akismet
Unfortunately, I can't download WordPress via the bash script using:
wp core download --locale=de_DE_formal
I always get the error:
Error: Too many positional arguments:
Error: This does not seem to be a WordPress installation.
Pass --path=path/to/wordpress or run wp core download.
I tried to add the path using:
wp core download --locale=de_DE_formal --path="/www/htdocs/w019d58a"
No luck. I stil get the same error.
I can download and install WordPress directly from the console and do further operations using a script. But I can't download and install it from the script due to the path error.
Any ideas how to fix that?
I've just found out, that the download is working fine:
wp core download --locale=de_DE_formal
It's the config create part that causes trouble:
wp config create --dbname=d123456 --dbuser=d123456 --dbpass=123456 --dbhost=localhost --dbprefix=wplcli_

Laravel Brower Test (Dusk) error on MacOS (Docker): Failed to connect on localhost port 9515: connection refused

I just installed Laravel's Dusk to add browser tests. However, when I run a test, I get a Failed to connect on localhost port 9515: connection refused error.
I checked online and it seems like a lot of people are having the same issue. I came across few solutions e.g. this but it seems like they are all for Windows and Homestead whilst I am running my project on MacOS and Docker.
I did try to follow the solution but I found out sudo apt is not available for MacOS. I then installed Homebrew and tried to run the commands starting with brew instead of sudo apt but it responds saying no formula available for the name.
I would really appreciate it if you could recommend a solution or source I could look at. Thank you.
In case if someone else is having the same issue:
Basically, the issue was I was just following the Laravel Dusk Documentation without making any further configuration.
For the Docker environment, more configuration has to be done such as adding a Selenium container to allow the browser tests to run.
Checkout Jake Harris's 7 steps to running Laravel Dusk 3.0 tests in Docker environments to do this.
Thank you.

Simple and quick oozie installation steps on unix

I am trying to install ozzie on my Unix machine, however i am getting error while executing the distro file.
I have tried making changes into pom.xml of oozie, but that also did not worked.
I hvae followed below links :
Any help or installation guide will be great help.

Setup local LDAP server in mac OSX

I've followed this ( tutorial for set up LDAP server in my local machine.
I've done all these steps
Installed Homebrew
Installed openldap using brew command, including berkeley db
Updated the slapd.conf file
Started the server using command "sudo /usr/local/libexec/slapd"
Now how do i know the LDAP server is running?
I tried a lot but i could'nt succeed,later i deiced to go with ADS ( Its easy to set up. Believe me i made the installation and configuration in 5 mins. Thank you apache.
Use -d3 suffix.
Run sudo /usr/libexec/slapd -d3, it will show you the details.

installing appflower on xampp for linux

I've been trying to figure out this problem for a while now and I thought I'd ask it here on stackexchange in case somebody out there has tried this and successfully got it to work.
I'm trying to install a RAD webapp tool called AppFlower through Xampp for Linux.
I am also experiencing issues with the command below:
symfony afs:init
symfony: command not found
This is the final command used to start up the AppFlower Studio dev environment, but this command doesn't work.
I have tried using:
./symfony afs:init
Same error as above
php ./symfony afs:init
gives a php error saying it isn't installed, but this is Xampp for Linux, so that command won't apply
/opt/lampp/etc/php.ini ./symfony afs:init
it will give a permission denied error, but even with 'sudo' in front, it says 'command not found'
The solution posted on the appflower forum is for xampp itself, but the problem I have is that they use the php.exe command to run the 'symfony afs:init' command, which xampp for linux doesn't have. The closest thing I could think of was to use the php.ini file, but (as seen above) that doesn't work.
Hopefully somebody can assist regarding this issue.
Note. The process to run appflower on a manual version of lamp (one in which php, mysql, apache are all downloaded separately) is a lot more complex and the xampp installation is supposed to be much easier (in fact it is) but at the last point of this installation, this 'symfony afs:init' command is the only problem.
If you are already using Linux, why not install AppFlower directly. It's pretty straightforward, maybe i lost something on the way, understanding why you use XAMMP for Linux.
Installation instructions for AppFlower on Ubuntu,
