81002 - Unspecified Method, on chained payment - methods

I'm getting the the following message on a chained adaptive payment call (via PHP). Can anyone see why?
array(5) {
string(7) "Failure"
string(5) "81002"
string(18) "Unspecified Method"
string(33) "Method Specified is not Supported"
string(5) "Error"
Call is being made with PHP and the data is as follows:

You don't define a METHOD value or variable in an Adaptive Payment API call.
Here is a sample request for a Pay API call:
memo=Simple payment example.

Have you checked that you are not encoding the parameters twice? Im my case that was happening though http_build_query() and some default setting which was unstable for some reason due to being changed somewhere during runtime.
Make sure you are not encoding twize, and if using http_build_query() update your function so it will be explicit on the encoding part:
from: http_build_query($requestParameters)
to: http_build_query($requestParameters,'','&')
The difference is that the last version will explicitly use & as delimiter while the first will use the default, so be sure.


Why can't whiltelist mint in candymachine UI?

I am a beginner of metaplex.
What I want to achieve is to provide the feature of presale, which means white list!.
I followed the instruction in metaplex to set config.json.
"whitelistMintSettings": {
"mode" : { "neverBurn": true },
"mint" : "xxxxKnH5",
"presale" : true,
"discountPrice" : 0.5
Here, I set xxxxKnH5 as a member of whitelist and let him mint before public mint.
Then I update_candy_machine (this works fine).
But in the UI interface, I always got error message:
There was a problem fetching whitelist token balance
Home.tsx:184 Error: failed to get token account balance: Invalid param: could not find account
Any idea of why I received this message and how can I fix it?
Make sure that the "mint": "XXX...X", line should contain a 0 decimals SPL-TOKEN.
Moreover, for airdropping it to users, you join the Metaplex Discord server and check the #airdrop-bash thread. It contains a JS script that'll make airdropping the token to wallets alot easier:)

Ruby Hash and Tumblr API

controller page, Json output from api
I'm trying to display posts from the users tumblr account on my view page using ruby. I have never done anything with api's before. I'm trying to use Hash tables. my controller code is as such:
#Posts = client.posts"zombieprocess1.tumblr.com"
on my view page using html I have
the response is such
{"blog"=>{"title"=>"Untitled", "name"=>"zombieprocess1", "total_posts"=>1, "posts"=>1, "url"=>"URL", "updated"=>1478191052, "description"=>"", "is_nsfw"=>false, "ask"=>false, "ask_page_title"=>"Ask me anything", "ask_anon"=>false, "followed"=>false, "can_send_fan_mail"=>true, "is_blocked_from_primary"=>false, "share_likes"=>true, "likes"=>1, "twitter_enabled"=>false, "twitter_send"=>false, "facebook_opengraph_enabled"=>"N", "tweet"=>"N", "facebook"=>"N", "followers"=>0, "primary"=>true, "admin"=>true, "messages"=>0, "queue"=>0, "drafts"=>0, "type"=>"public", "reply_conditions"=>3, "subscribed"=>false, "can_subscribe"=>false}, "posts"=>[{"blog_name"=>"zombieprocess1", "id"=>152689921093, "post_url"=>"URL", "slug"=>"", "type"=>"photo", "date"=>"2016-11-03 16:37:32 GMT", "timestamp"=>1478191052, "state"=>"published", "format"=>"html", "reblog_key"=>"NCDqGTzW", "tags"=>[], "short_url"=>"URL", "summary"=>"", "recommended_source"=>nil, "recommended_color"=>nil, "followed"=>false, "liked"=>true, "note_count"=>1, "caption"=>"", "reblog"=>{"tree_html"=>"", "comment"=>""}, "trail"=>[], "image_permalink"=>"url", "photos"=>[{"caption"=>"", "alt_sizes"=>[{"url"=>"URL", "width"=>400, "height"=>544}, {"url"=>"URL", "width"=>250, "height"=>340}, {"url"=>"URL", "width"=>100, "height"=>136}, {"url"=>"URL", "width"=>75, "height"=>75}], "original_size"=>{"url"=>"URL", "width"=>400, "height"=>544}}], "can_like"=>false, "can_reblog"=>true, "can_send_in_message"=>true, "can_reply"=>true, "display_avatar"=>true}], "total_posts"=>1}
I have tried many different formats and can't seem to just get the post url. My thought is to get the post_url and embed each of them so it shows as it would in tumblr on my webpage. Can anyone help me?
Try this:
Or if your response contains more than one post you can return them all like this:
(0...#posts['total_posts']).map { |i| #posts['posts'][i]['post_url'] }
EDIT: Fixed capitalization in second line of code. I assume you are using lowercase variable as per Ruby convention, '#posts'. If not, you should change to a lowercase variable as this may be confusing something.

Migration to CRM 2016: Unable to get property 'getPageData' of undefined or null reference

After migration from CRM 2013 to CRM 2016 (On Premise), we have error messages in the browser like:
Unable to get property 'getPageData' of undefined or null reference
Unable to get property 'className' of undefined or null reference
Unable to get property 'firstChild' of undefined or null reference
The error happens in components of CRM. Any idea, what the reason could be?
<Message>Unable to get property 'getPageData' of undefined or null reference</Message>
<FunctionRaw>TypeError: Unable to get property 'getPageData' of undefined or null reference</FunctionRaw>
Try suggestion provided at the end of thread - https://community.dynamics.com/crm/f/117/p/190275/482107
When do errors occur?
I' v had similar error [1] on when pressing Next Stage on Business Process Flow. Much effort was put into debugging so wanted to document it somwhere.
Rollup field
The error was caused by rollup fields that provides SUM for Money fields. The HTML generated by CRM and javascript function didn't match.
Guilty line is within /_static/form/formcontrols.js called on line 28871:
XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetNextSibling(this.get_controlValue().parentNode)))))).innerHTML = CrmEncodeDecode.CrmHtmlDecode((this.$5_1.$3_2).get_currencySymbol());
This one returns null and it therefore spits error: XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetNextSibling(this.get_controlValue().parentNode
FIX 1: Enable "Use legacy form rendering" under System Settings
OR Fix 2: Remove Currency rollup fields from form.
OR Fix 3: Create non-rollup fields that get calculated with workflow or plugin.
OR Fix 4: You may do some jQuery stuff and add some empty siblings which it -
expects. Except it may show duplicate currency symbol (at least for EUR currency) - one as prefix the other one as suffix.
OR Fix 5: Most undesirable way: patch that .js yourself if you're on-premises.
Replace line 28871:
XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetNextSibling(this.get_controlValue().parentNode)))))).innerHTML = CrmEncodeDecode.CrmHtmlDecode((this.$5_1.$3_2).get_currencySymbol());
if (XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetNextSibling(this.get_controlValue().parentNode) !== null) {
XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetNextSibling(this.get_controlValue().parentNode)))))).innerHTML = CrmEncodeDecode.CrmHtmlDecode((this.$5_1.$3_2).get_currencySymbol());
[1] Error:
<Message>Cannot read property 'firstChild' of null</Message>
<FunctionRaw>function (dirtyVisiblePropertyData) {
var $v_0 = dirtyVisiblePropertyData.getKeys();
for (var $v_1 = 0; $v_1 < $v_0.length; $v_1++) {
var $v_2 = $v_0[$v_1];
if (IsNull(this.get_viewMap().get_item($v_2))) {
Thanks to Andrii!
Removing a composite control in the header did the trick.
It seems to be a bug in CRM 2016, but our customers can live without this information in the header. All fine!
Kind regards,

spec and fabrication validating mailer. Fabrication::UnfabricatableError: No class found for

I'm validating a mailer using rspec.
The problem is that when I want to test the diffusion (multiple deliverers mailer) rspec give me an error.
my Fabricator:
Fabricator(:message) do
email(count: 1) {"proof#example.com" }
subject:"Hackety-hack email"
body:"This is an email from hackety-hack.com"
Fabricator(:diffusion) do
email(count: 3) {"proof#{i}#example.com" }
subject:"Hackety-hack email"
body:"This is an email from hackety-hack.com"
In my message_mailer_spec.rb I have
it "Works the diffusion" do
diffusion.to.should eq(["proof#example.com", "proof2#example.com"])
When I try to pass the tests give me a lot of errors. The main (i think):
10) MessageMailer Works the diffusion
Failure/Error: let(:diffusion) { MessageMailer.new_message(Fabricate(:diffusion), Array("proof#example.com", "proof2#example.com", "proof3#example.com"))}
No Fabricator defined for 'diffusion'
Why? I already created the diffusion.
Can anyone helps me?
Thanks in advance
If the Diffusion object is not a ruby model, the fabrication gem has trouble locating it. At to what i can see it looks like its a sub-class of the Message model.
try this:
Fabricator(:diffusion, from: message) do
email(count: 3) {"proof#{i}#example.com" }
subject:"Hackety-hack email"
body:"This is an email from hackety-hack.com"
That should solve the error. For more info on defining Fabricators check here

How to get HTTP StatusCodes in ember-data

When I invoke
App.store.createRecord(App.User, { name: this.get("name") });
how do I know if its successful and how to wait for the asyn message?
Very limited error handling was recently added to DS.RESTAdapter in ember-data master.
When creating or updating records (with bulk commit disabled) and a status code between 400 and 599 is returned, the following will happen:
A 422 Unprocessable Entity will transition the record to the "invalid" state and will add any errors returned from the server to the record's errors property.
The adapter assumes the server will respond with JSON in the following format:
errors: {
name: ["can't be blank"],
password: ["must be at least 8 characters", "must contain a number"]
(The error messages themselves could be arrays of strings or just strings. ember-data doesn't currently care which.)
To detect this state:
record.get('isValid') === false
All other status codes will transition the record to the "error" state.
To detect this state, use:
record.get('isError') === true
More cases may eventually be handled by ember-data out of the box, but for the moment if you need something specific, you'll have to extend DS.RESTAdapter, customizing its didError function to add it in yourself.
