How to get HTTP StatusCodes in ember-data - ajax

When I invoke, { name: this.get("name") });;
how do I know if its successful and how to wait for the asyn message?

Very limited error handling was recently added to DS.RESTAdapter in ember-data master.
When creating or updating records (with bulk commit disabled) and a status code between 400 and 599 is returned, the following will happen:
A 422 Unprocessable Entity will transition the record to the "invalid" state and will add any errors returned from the server to the record's errors property.
The adapter assumes the server will respond with JSON in the following format:
errors: {
name: ["can't be blank"],
password: ["must be at least 8 characters", "must contain a number"]
(The error messages themselves could be arrays of strings or just strings. ember-data doesn't currently care which.)
To detect this state:
record.get('isValid') === false
All other status codes will transition the record to the "error" state.
To detect this state, use:
record.get('isError') === true
More cases may eventually be handled by ember-data out of the box, but for the moment if you need something specific, you'll have to extend DS.RESTAdapter, customizing its didError function to add it in yourself.


Nifi InvokeHTTP processor not triggering response relationship

Consider the following flow which authenticates via HTTP to a service. I'm seeing an HTTP status code of 201 (created) come back, which should trigger the response relationship/flow. However as you can see in the log below, only the original relationship is triggered.
The Flow
Green lines indicate "response" flow. Magenta indicates "original" flow.
POST /token properties
You can see here that the original relationship is triggered, but the response is not -- even though the status code, 201, is in the "success" range.
2023-01-29 15:22:08,341 INFO [Timer-Driven Process Thread-7] o.a.n.processors.standard.LogAttribute LogAttribute[id=fe0ace38-0185-1000-376d-8737d0e020f8] logging for flow file StandardFlowFileRecord[uuid=6b9f010a-f287-449c-8bef-94840c5cfa2f,claim=StandardContentClaim [resourceClaim=StandardResourceClaim[id=1674862641879-1, container=default, section=1], offset=13494, length=107],offset=0,name=6b9f010a-f287-449c-8bef-94840c5cfa2f,size=107]
FlowFile Properties
Key: 'entryDate'
Value: 'Sun Jan 29 15:22:07 UTC 2023'
Key: 'lineageStartDate'
Value: 'Sun Jan 29 15:22:07 UTC 2023'
Key: 'fileSize'
Value: '107'
FlowFile Attribute Map Content
Key: 'filename'
Value: '6b9f010a-f287-449c-8bef-94840c5cfa2f'
Key: 'invokehttp.request.duration'
Value: '738'
Key: 'invokehttp.request.url'
Value: '...'
Key: 'invokehttp.response.url'
Value: '...'
Key: 'invokehttp.status.code'
Value: '201'
Key: 'invokehttp.status.message'
Value: ''
Key: ''
Value: 'efca13ac-16a1-4a27-a8e1-d04110d48523'
Key: 'mime.type'
Value: 'application/json'
Key: 'path'
Value: './'
Key: 'responseBody'
Value: '...'
Key: 'uuid'
Value: '6b9f010a-f287-449c-8bef-94840c5cfa2f'
The only thing I though of which might be causing an issue is that I'm writing the response body to an attribute. I tried to test by setting this attribute name to empty string but that just gives me an error in the log. I assumed that without the attribute name set, the response body would be the FlowFile sent to the response relationship, but that doesn't seem to be working.
Update: I created a second InvokeHTTP processor and replaced the relationships / disabled the old one. The flow worked correctly until I set the Response Body Attribute Name, and then the response relationship stopped triggering. I need to set this attribute though, so I can extract the error message from the response in the case of failure. I think I'll have to enable the Response Generation Required option, and check the status code in the response relationship flow. This is not ideal, though.
When you use Response Body Attribute Name, only original route is triggered. It's InvokeHTTP's behaviour, you can check documentation.
FlowFile attribute name used to write an HTTP response body for FlowFiles transferred to the Original relationship.
You can use this way for your problem,
InvokeHTTP (original route)-> RouteOnAttribute - (Success - ${${invokehttp.status.code.le(299)})})
When you set Response Body Attribute Name attribute, it means that you don't want new flowfile, you want just add a new attribute to existing flowfile.

Sending a `create` RPC message to SurrealDB returns a "There was a problem with the database: The table does not exist" error

I'm debugging some tests for the .NET SurrealDB library. I can open connections to the database just fine but when I send a create RPC message to the db (docker container) it returns an error that reads "There was a problem with the database: The table does not exist"
TRACE tungstenite::protocol Received message {"id":"02B70C1AFE5D","async":true,"method":"create","params":["users",{"username":"john","password":"test123"}]}
16 13:46:45] DEBUG surrealdb::dbs Executing: CREATE $what CONTENT $data RETURN AFTER
surreal_1 | [2022-09-16 13:46:45] TRACE surrealdb::dbs Iterating: CREATE $what CONTENT $data RETURN AFTER
code: -32000, message: "There was a problem with the database: The table does not exist"
Any idea why that would happen? The table, of course, doesn't exist since I'm trying to create it. Would there be another reason in the Surreal code that such an error would be returned?
The error message was a red herring. The actual issue was that the client had an error that didn't allow it to sign in correctly so it wasn't authorized to make changes to the database.
Offending code:
// The table doesn't exist
Err(Error::TbNotFound) => match opt.auth.check(Level::Db) {
// We can create the table automatically
true => {
run.add_and_cache_ns(opt.ns(), opt.strict).await?;
run.add_and_cache_db(opt.ns(), opt.db(), opt.strict).await?;
run.add_and_cache_tb(opt.ns(), opt.db(), &rid.tb, opt.strict).await
// We can't create the table so error
false => Err(Error::TbNotFound), // Wrong Error Message
This has since been fixed and should now return a query permission error if the client is unauthorized.

ActiveMQ jolokia gives different message response depending on environment

I have to get (not consume) part of a message that is in queue. I reused bash script that was prompted as a response here, with the use of /api/jolokia/ : ActiveMQ Jolokia API How can I get the full Message Body
Part of a response that I am interested to get is MsgId in value:text :
"request": {
"mbean": "org.apache.activemq:brokerName=MyBrokerName,destinationName=MyQueueName,destinationType=Queue,type=Broker",
"type": "exec",
"operation": "browseMessages()"
"value": [
"jMSCorrelationIDAsBytes": [],
***some other objects here ***
"text": "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\r\n<RepositoryOperationRq xmlns=\"\">\r\n <MsgId>xxx28bab-e62c-4dbc-a2aa-xxx</MsgId>\r\n <CreationDtTime>2020-01-01T11:11:11-11:00</CreationDtTime>\r\n
There is no problem on DEV env ActiveMQ but when I tried do the same on UAT env ActiveMQ there is no value:text object in response at all, and some others objects values are different, like:
"connectionControl": false
"connectionControl": "false"
I thought it might be because of maxDepth parameter so I increased it. Unfortunately when set maxDepth=5 I got that error:
"error_type": "java.lang.IllegalStateException",
"error": "java.lang.IllegalStateException : Error while extracting next from",
"status": 500
and the whole ActiveMQ stopped receiving any messages- had to force restart it. ActiveMQ configs should be the same on both envs, and the version is 5.13.3. Do you know why that text object is missing?
I think the difference here is down to the content of the messages in each environment. The browseMessages operation simply returns the messages in the corresponding destination (e.g. MyQueueName).
If the message is not a javax.jms.TextMessage then it won't have the text field. If a property is false instead of "false" that just means the property value was a boolean instead of a String respectively.

Is it possible to read an SRML error message in Substrate UI, when a transaction fails?

I am not sure of the behaviour of error messages in Substrate runtimes in relation to Substrate UI, and if they inherently cause a transaction failure or not.
For example in the democracy SRML I see the following line:
ensure!(!<Cancellations<T>>::exists(h), "cannot cancel the same proposal twice");
Which presumably is a macro that ensures that the transaction fails or stops processing if the h (the proposal hash) already exists. There is clearly a message associated with this error.
Am I right to assume that the transaction fails (without the rest of the SRML code being executed) when this test fails?
If so, how do I detect the failure in Substrate UI, and possibly see the message itself?
If not, then presumably some further code is necessary in the runtime module which explicitly creates an error. I have seen Err() - but not in conjunction with ensure!()
As is merged, the ExtrinsicFailed event now includes a DispatchError, which will provide additional error code.
There isn't much documentations available so I will just use system module as example.
First you need to decl_error, note the error variants can only be simple C like enum
decl_error! {
/// Error for the System module
pub enum Error {
Then you need to associate the declared Error type
decl_module! {
pub struct Module<T: Trait> for enum Call where origin: T::Origin {
type Error = Error;
Then you can just return your Error in dispatch calls when things failed
pub fn ensure_root<OuterOrigin, AccountId>(o: OuterOrigin) -> Result<(), Error>
where OuterOrigin: Into<Result<RawOrigin<AccountId>, OuterOrigin>>
match o.into() {
Ok(RawOrigin::Root) => Ok(()),
_ => Err(Error::RequireRootOrigin),
Right now you will only able to see a two numbers, module index and error code from JS side. Later there could be support to include the error details in metadata so that frontend will be able to provide a better response.
Related issue:
The ensure! macro is expaneded as:
macro_rules! fail {
( $y:expr ) => {{
return Err($y);
macro_rules! ensure {
( $x:expr, $y:expr ) => {{
if !$x {
So basically, it's just a quicker way to return Err. At 1.0, the error msg will only be printed to stdout(at least what I've tested so far), doesn't know if it'll be included in blockchain in the future(so can be viewed in substrate ui)..

API Blueprint and Dredd - Required field missing from response, but tests still pass

I am using a combination of API Blueprint and Dredd to test an API my application is dependent on. I am using attributes in API blueprint to define the structure of the response's body.
Apparently I'm missing something though because the tests always pass even though I've purposefully defined a fake "required" parameter that I know is missing from the API's response. It seems that Dredd is only testing whether the type of the response body (array) rather than the type and the parameters within it.
My API Blueprint file:
# API Title
## Endpoints [GET /endpoint/{date}]
+ Parameters
+ date: `2016-09-01` (string, required) - Date
+ Response 200 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes (array[Data])
## Data Structures
### Data
- realParameter: 2432432 (number)
- realParameter2: `some string` (string, required)
- realParameter3: `Something else` (string, required)
- realParameter4: 1 (number, required)
- fakeParam: 1 (number, required)
The response body:
"realParameter": 31,
"realParameter2": "some value",
"realParameter3": "another value",
"realParameter4": 8908
"realParameter": 54,
"realParameter2": "something here",
"realParameter3": "and here too",
"realParameter4": 6589
And my Dredd config file:
reporter: apiary
apiaryApiKey: somekey
apiaryApiName: somename
dry-run: null
hookfiles: null
language: nodejs
sandbox: false
server: null
server-wait: 3
init: false
names: false
only: []
output: []
header: []
sorted: false
user: null
inline-errors: false
details: false
method: []
color: true
level: info
timestamp: false
silent: false
path: []
blueprint: myApiBlueprintFile.apib
endpoint: ''
Does anyone have any idea why Dredd ignores the fact that "fakeParameter" doesn't actually show up in the response body and still allows the test to pass?
You've run into a limitation of MSON, the language API Blueprint uses for describing attributes. In many cases, MSON describes what MAY be present in the data structure rather than what MUST exactly be present.
The most prominent case are arrays, where basically any content of the array is optional and thus the underlying generated JSON Schema doesn't put any constraints on array contents. Dredd just respects that, so indirectly it becomes a Dredd issue too, however there's not much Dredd can do about it.
There's an issue for the problem: apiaryio/mson#66 You can follow and comment under the issue to get updated about this. Dredd is usually very prompt in getting the latest API Blueprint parser, so once it's implemented in the language itself, it won't take long to appear in Dredd.
Obvious (but tedious) workaround is to specify your own JSON Schema with stricter rules using the + Schema section alongside the + Attributes section.
