Trouble trying to output file using vtkOBJWriter - makefile

I am trying to use vtkOBJWriter from David Doria to convert a .vtk file to a .obj file. I git cloned from, added a build directory for the CMake and make, and altered the file vtkOBJWriterExample.cxx to:
#include <vtkSmartPointer.h>
#include <vtkPolyData.h>
#include <vtkSphereSource.h>
#include <vtkPolyDataReader.h>
#include "vtkOBJWriter.h"
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> input;
std::string outputFilename;
// Verify command line arguments
if(argc > 1) // Use the command line arguments
if(argc != 3)
std::cout << "Required arguments: InputFilename.vtp OutputFilename.obj" << std::endl;
vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyDataReader> reader =
input = reader->GetOutput();
outputFilename = argv[2];
outputFilename = "output.obj";
vtkSmartPointer<vtkSphereSource> sphereSource =
vtkSmartPointer<vtkOBJWriter> writer =
to reflect that I am using VTK 5.8.0 . When I try to do sudo ./vtkOBJWriterExample trytry1.vtk Documents/comeOn.obj , no output file is made (I don't see it in the appropriate directory). I also tried it with trytry1.vtp, and it didn't seem to work. My vtk file format is :
# vtk DataFile Version 3.0
vtk output
FIELD FieldData 3
group_id 1 1 int
base_index 1 3 int
0 0 0
avtOriginalBounds 1 6 double
-10 10 -10 10 -10 10
POINTS 14387 float
-5.10204 -2.65306 -9.69246 -5.10204 -2.75294 -9.59184 -5.37199 -2.65306 -9.59184
POLYGONS 28256 113024
3 0 1 2
SCALARS hardyglobal float
3.4926 3.4926 3.4926 3.4926 3.4926 3.4926 3.4926 3.4926 3.4926
which doesn't seem to match the formatting of car.vtp in the data directory, but I thought I made the appropriate changes (using the formatting of vtkPolyDataReader.h instead of vtkXMLPolyDataReader.h ). I am not sure why there is no file being outputted.
I do not receive any error messages.

It was a directory problem (my command line arguments were pointing to the wrong directory). It should have been just ./vtkOBJWriterExample trytry1.vtk comeOn.obj


how to set boost to log different data in 2 different files

I am trying since a few days to set up c++ boost to log different data in 2 different files .
What I managed to get is different files , who all share the same content
The code bellow creates in the log folder , 2 files file.txt and file2.txt with the same content:
0: [2019-Feb-14 19:39:01.997479] - thread 2
1: [2019-Feb-14 19:39:02.035582] - thread 1
0: [2019-Feb-14 19:39:01.997479] - thread 2
1: [2019-Feb-14 19:39:02.035582] - thread 1
class logger
src::logger_mt lg;
logger(std::string filename)
// Create a text file sink
typedef sinks::synchronous_sink< sinks::text_multifile_backend > file_sink;
shared_ptr< file_sink > sink(new file_sink);
// Set up how the file names will be generated
expr::stream << "logs/" << filename));
// Set the log record formatter
expr::format("%1%: [%2%] - %3%")
% expr::attr< unsigned int >("RecordID")
% expr::attr< boost::posix_time::ptime >("TimeStamp")
% expr::smessage
// Add it to the core
// Add some attributes too
logging::core::get()->add_global_attribute("TimeStamp", attrs::local_clock());
logging::core::get()->add_global_attribute("RecordID", attrs::counter< unsigned int >());
void log(std::string message)
BOOST_LOG(lg) << message;
logger logger1("file2.txt");
logger logger2("file.txt");
// This function is executed in a separate thread
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
logger2.log("thread 2");
logger1.log("thread 1");
return 0;
I know is a basic question , but i read all the examples from the boost distribution libs\log\example and i couldnt find anything similar.
The help is appreciated.
See this answer, in particular its first half about channels and filters.

Changing tab-completion for read builtin in bash

The current tab-completion while "read -e" is active in bash seems to be only matching filenames:
read -e
abc.txt bcd.txt cde.txt
I want the completion to be a set of strings defined by me, while file/dir/hostname-completion etc. should be deactivated for the duration of "read -e".
Outside of a script
complete -W 'string1 string2 string3' -E
works well, but i cant get this kind of completion to work inside a script while using "read -e".
Although it seems like a reasonable request, I don't believe that is possible.
The existing implementation of the read builtin sets the readline completion environment to a fairly basic configuration before calling readline to handle -e input.
You can see the code in builtins/read.def, in the edit_line function: it sets rl_attempted_completion_function to NULL for the duration of the call to readline. readline has several completion overrides, so it's not 100% obvious that this resets the entire completion environment, but as far as I know this is the function which is used to implement programmable completion as per the complete command.
With some work, you could probably modify the definition of the read command to allow a specific completion function instead of or in addition to the readline standard filename completion function. That would require a non-trivial understanding of bash internals, but it would be a reasonable project if you wanted to gain familiarity with those internals.
As a simpler but less efficient alternative, you could write your own little utility which just accepts one line of keyboard input with readline and echoes it to stdout. Then invoke read redirecting its stdin to your utility:
read -r < <(my_reader string1 string2 string3)
(That assumes that my_reader uses its command-line arguments to construct the potential completion list for the readline library. You'd probably want the option to present a prompt as well.)
The readline documentation includes an example of an application which does simple custom completion; once you translate it from the K&R function prototype syntax, it might be pretty easy to adapt to your needs.
Edit: After I looked at that example again, I thought it had a lot of unnecessary details, so I wrote the following example with fewer unnecessary details. I might upload it to github, but for now it's here even though it's nearly 100 lines:
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <readline/readline.h>
static void version(const char* progname) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s 0.1\n", progname);
static void usage(const char* progname) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-fhv] [-p PROMPT] [-n PROGNAME] [COMPLETION...]\n", progname);
"Reads one line using readline, and prints it to stdout.\n"
"Returns success if a line was read.\n"
" -p PROMPT Output PROMPT before requesting input.\n"
" -n PROGNAME Set application name to PROGNAME for readline config file\n"
" (Default: %s).\n"
" -f Use filename completion as well as specified completions.\n"
" -h Print this help text and exit.\n"
" -v Print version number and exit.\n"
" COMPLETION word to add to the list of possible completions.\n",
/* Readline really likes globals, so none of its hooks take a context parameter. */
static char** completions = NULL;
static char* generate_next_completion(const char* text, int state) {
static int index = 0;
if (state == 0) index = 0; /* reset index if we're starting */
size_t textlen = strlen(text);
while (completions[index++])
if (strncmp(completions[index - 1], text, textlen) == 0)
return strdup(completions[index - 1]);
return NULL;
/* We use this if we will fall back to filename completion */
static char** generate_completions(const char* text, int start, int end) {
return rl_completion_matches(text, generate_next_completion);
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
const char* prompt = "";
const char* progname = strrchr(argv[0], '/');
progname = progname ? progname + 1 : argv[0];
rl_readline_name = progname;
bool use_file_completion = false;
for (;;) {
int opt = getopt(argc, argv, "+fp:n:hv");
switch (opt) {
case -1: break;
case 'f': use_file_completion = true; continue;
case 'p': prompt = optarg; continue;
case 'n': rl_readline_name = optarg; continue;
case 'h': usage(progname); return 0;
case 'v': version(progname); return 0;
default: usage(progname); return 2;
/* The default is stdout, which would interfere with capturing output. */
rl_outstream = stderr;
completions = argv + optind;
rl_completion_entry_function = rl_filename_completion_function;
if (*completions) {
if (use_file_completion)
rl_attempted_completion_function = generate_completions;
rl_completion_entry_function = generate_next_completion;
} else {
/* No specified strings */
if (!use_file_completion)
rl_inhibit_completion = true;
char* line = readline(prompt);
if (line) {
return 0;
} else {
fputc('\n', rl_outstream);
return 1;

not able to read a text file in vs2010 using c .. i am new to vs please help me

i kept my text file at exactly same place where .exe is existing , then also its not working ..
hi this is my code , i kept my text file at exactly same place where .exe is existing , then also its not working ..
hi this is my code , i kept my text file at exactly same place where .exe is existing , then also its not working ..
int main(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
int result = 0;
char ca, file_name[25];
FILE *fp;
//printf("Enter the name of file you wish to see\n");
fp = fopen("sample.txt","r"); // read mode
if( fp == NULL )
perror("Error while opening the file.\n");
if( fgets (str, 60, fp)!=NULL )
/* writing content to stdout */
Try this , i basically work in C & C++ , i use this code to perform file operation
int main()
char filename[10];char extension[5]=".txt";
printf("Enter the name of file you wish to see\n");
FILE *p; char acline[80];
printf("%s file is missing\n",filename);system("pause");
fseek(p,0,SEEK_SET); // Setting file pointer to beginning of the file
while (!feof(p)) // Detecting end of file
printf("\n File end\n");
*but while(!feof()) has certain issues see this

Same .txt files, different sizes?

I have a program that reads from a .txt file
I use the cmd prompt to execute the program with the name of the text file to read from.
ex: program.exe myfile.txt
The problem is that sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
The original file is 130KB and doesn't work.
If I copy/paste the contents, the file is 65KB and works.
If I copy/paste the file and rename it, it's 130KB and doesn't work.
Any ideas?
After more testing it shows that this is what makes it not work:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *infile1
char tmp[1024] = { 0x0 };
FILE *in;
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) /* Skip argv[0] (program name). */
if (strcmp(argv[i], "-sec") == 0) /* Process optional arguments. */
opt = 1; /* This is used as a boolean value. */
* The last argument is argv[argc-1]. Make sure there are
* enough arguments.
if (i + 1 <= argc - 1) /* There are enough arguments in argv. */
* Increment 'i' twice so that you don't check these
* arguments the next time through the loop.
optarg1 = atoi(argv[i]); /* Convert string to int. */
else /* not -sec */
if (infile1 == NULL) {
infile1 = argv[i];
else {
if (outfile == NULL) {
outfile = argv[i];
in = fopen(infile1, "r");
if (in == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open file %s: %s\n", infile1, strerror(errno));
while (fgets(tmp, sizeof(tmp), in) != 0)
fprintf(stderr, "string is %s.", tmp);
//Rest of code
Whether it works or not, the code inside the while loop gets executed.
When it works tmp actually has a value.
When it doesn't work tmp has no value.
Thanks to sneftel, we know what the problem is,
For me to use fgetws() instead of fgets(), I need tmp to be a wchar_t* instead of a char*.
Type casting seems to not work.
I tried changing the declaration of tmp to
wchar_t tmp[1024] = { 0x0 };
but I realized that tmp is a parameter in strtok() used elsewhere in my code.
I here is what I tried in that function:
//tmp is passed as the first parameter in parse()
void parse(wchar_t *record, char *delim, char arr[][MAXFLDSIZE], int *fldcnt)
if (*record != NULL)
char*p = strtok((char*)record, delim);
int fld = 0;
while (p) {
strcpy(arr[fld], p);
p = strtok('\0', delim);
*fldcnt = fld;
fprintf(stderr, "string is null");
But typecasting to char* in strtok doesn't work either.
Now I'm looking for a way to just convert the file from UTF-16 to UTF-8 so tmp can be of type char*
I found this which looks like it can be useful but in the example it uses input from the user as UTF-16, how can that input be taken from the file instead?
It sounds an awful lot like the original file is UTF-16 encoded. When you copy/paste it in your text editor, you then save the result out as a new (default encoding) (ASCII or UTF-8) text file. Since a single character takes 2 bytes in a UTF-16-encode file but only 1 byte in a UTF-8-encoded file, that results in the file size being roughly halved when you save it out.
UTF-16 is fine, but you'll need to use Unicode-aware functions (that is, not fgets) to work with it. If you don't want to deal with all that Unicode jazz right now, and you don't actually have any non-ASCII characters to deal with in the file, just do the manual conversion (either with your copy/paste or with a command-line utility) before running your program.

"Extra content at the end of the document" error using libxml2 to read from file handle created with shm_open

I'm trying to write a unit test that checks some xml parsing code. The unit test creates a file descriptor on an in-memory xml doc using shm_open and then passes that to xmlTextReaderForFd(). But I'm getting an "Extra content at the end of the document" error on the subsequent xmlTextReaderRead(). The parsing code works fine on a file descriptor created from an actual file (I've done a byte-for-byte comparison with the shm_open created one and it's the exact same set of bytes.) Why is libxml2 choking on a file descriptor created with shm_open?
Here's my code:
void unitTest() {
int fd = shm_open("/temporary", O_RDWR | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
char *pText = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><foo></foo>";
write(fd, pText, strlen(pText) + 1);
lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
xmlTextReaderPtr pReader = xmlReaderForFd(
fd, // file descriptor
"/temporary", // base uri
NULL, // encoding
0); // options
int result = xmlTextReaderRead(pReader);
// result is -1
// Get this error at console:
// /temporary:1: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document
// <?xml version="1.0"?><foo></foo>
// ^
I figured out the problem. I was writing out the NULL terminator and that's what was causing libxml2 to choke (although I could have sworn I already tried it without the NULL terminator, d'oh!) The fixed code should simply be:
write(fd, pText, strlen(pText));
Also, make sure you are reading the file as binary, not text. 'Text' strips out CR/LF, reduces the size of the file and leaves detritus at the end of the buffer.
Example (VS 2010):
struct _stat32 stat;
char *buf;
FILE *f = fopen("123.XML", "rb"); // right
//f = fopen("123.XML", "rt"); // WRONG!
_fstat(fileno(f), &stat);
buf = (char *)malloc(stat.st_size);
int ret = fread(buf, stat.st_size, 1, f);
assert(ret == 1);
// etc.
