Oracle 10g installation in windows 7 - windows-7

I am using Windows 7 Ultimate. I tried to install Oracle 10g but I am getting error message like below.
I am getting this error when I run the Oracle 10g setup file.
"Error in writing to directory C:\Users\SK\AppData\Local|Temp. Oracle
Universal Installer needs you to have permission in this area to
install. Installation cannot continue. Please make sure that TEMP is
set to a valid writable directory"
After getting this I changed TEMP directory to another LOCAL DRIVE. The permission for the user is also seems ok for me.
Some times I am getting error like
"Error in writing to directory C:\Users\SK\AppData\Local\Tem\ Please ensure that this directory is writable and has atleast 45 MB of disk space. Installation cannot continue."

Disable any antivirus prior to clicking the setup file. This resolved my issue at least.


Installation issue with Oracle12c

I'm having issues installing Oracle 12c on my desktop, which is a Win8.1. Previously, I had Oracle 12c installed on this computer and was also able to install it today on my work computer, which is a Win10 laptop.
The installation goes past the CMD window but then it gets stuck on the menu. As you can see the menu is blank.
These are the last lines from the log file that must be creating the issue:
INFO: Validating state <supportedOSCheck>
INFO: Verifying target environment...
INFO: Checking whether the IP address of the localhost could be determined...
The installation gets stuck in the "Checking whether the IP address of the localhost could be determined..." part.
Could it be a blocked port? Has someone else experienced this issue?
Edit: The only fix for this issue at the moment was to install a virtual machine and install oracle DB there.
I was able to fix the issue with the following steps;
Make sure all Oracle related services are stopped. You can ensure that by checking your service manager.
You may now proceed to delete the folder by name CVU_12.[your_account_name] at
Open a CMD as admin and go to the folder where setup.exe for Oracle12c is located, paste the code in the snippet below and run it.
setup.exe -ignoreSysPrereqs -ignorePrereq -J"-Doracle.install.db.validate.supportedOSCheck=false"
Recently I faced this issue. It's important that there are 2 commands to skip system check. One is for Oracle client installation and another one is for Oracle db installation. If you are facing issue with Oracle client, you can use
setup.exe -ignorePrereq -J"-Doracle.install.client.validate.clientSupportedOSCheck=false"
Command mentioned in the previous post is also correct but valid for Oracle db installation

ins-32025 oracle 11g error for windows

I am trying to install Oracle onto my VM for the first (1st) time, however, when I get to the setting install directories, I keep getting the following error:
INS-32025 Oracle 11g Error
I have tried changing the install from C: to D: but I keep getting the same error.
Google isn't of any help in this situation. The best I can find is to clear previous Oracle install data, but as I've said, this is the first time oracle is being installed onto my VM.
The VM is windows 7 32bit and I am using the 32bit installer for oracle, just for clarity sake.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I received the same error and it got resolved when i removed the line that contain new oracle home in inventory.xml file.
For windows, you can get the file at C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\ContentsXML. Under this folder you should see the file inventory.xml. Just open this file and remove the line which contains the new oracle home path. For more information, that variable you can find after HOME_LIST. Just remove the complete line.

Unable to launch java virtual mchine

I am having some difficulty installing oracle sql developer. I downloaded the 64bit/JDK8 combo install from oracle and unzipped it to my downloads folder. I am running a 64bit version of Windows 10. From there I tried to run the sqldeveloper.exe. at this point I get a message saying:
"Unable to launch java virtual machine
Located at
C: /CHMil/downloads/sqldeveloper/jdk/jre/bin/server/jvm.dll."
Now the thing that has made this difficult is when other people have this problem on stack overflow their message says "unable to find" not "lauch". And their fix is to edit the sqldeveloper.conf and remove the setjavahome line.
My setjavahome line says:
"Setjavahome ../../jdk"
From what I've read this is not what it should look like. When I try to delete it I get the same message. If I try to complete the path directly to the jvm.dll. I get the same message. And now I have given up getting any help from oracle haha so this is my last shot. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Unable to install Oracle 11g in Windows 7

I am trying to install Oracle version win32_11gR1_database_111070, I am getting an error as Operating system does not supported at the time of environment checkup. Is there any way to install it?
Here's a blog posting explaining with pictures how to do it:
To summarize it, you check the "operating system requirements" checkbox yourself, and it will display as "User Verified", after which you can keep going.
This is specially for the window7 users who are stuggling in installing 11g release oracle
Most of the people finding hard to install and will be getting common error like "/WFMLRSVCA.App.ear "file not found is because the copied file from file win64_11gR2_database_2of2" is not copied in the proper file
The below steps is require to install your 11g database
copy first 4 files from win64_11gR2_database_2of2"
Open "Win64_11gR2_database_2of2
Then open the following folders database/stage/components
so on copy the copied files from 11R2 to the above mentioned folders
and it works alas i would be able to install the 11gR2 ...

Eclipse Helios cannot access the specified device, path or file

I installed (downloaded) Eclipse Helios (SR2-win32-x86_64). When I start eclipse.exe, I get the following error message window:
Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access them.
This link: How to fix ""Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file.." when rerun the program? is about a custom application, but it is the same message.
I changed the permissions of all the folders to write & read permissions. And I still get the error. I am running on Windows 7, 64-bit machine.
I run the program as administrator and get the same results.
Before installing eclipse, I downloaded and installed Java (jdk-6u25-nb-7_0-windows-ml.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
Edit 1:
The eclipse.exe file has *Allow Full control` permission for each user listed in the "Group or user names:" box.
This has been resolved. The company has a utility SOPHOS which was interfering with the installation of Eclipse.
