inject spring bean in JSF component - spring

I have a composite component with a component class:
#FacesComponent("myComponent") // not really necessary I think because I have declared it in faces-config.xml
public class UserHelpPopOver extends UINamingContainer {
private MyBean myTemplate;
// omitted code
How can I get Spring to auto inject this bean? :) It is null when I debug it all the time.

UI components are not eligible for dependency injection.
You've there a design problem. You shouldn't reference a managed bean (the controller) in UI component (the view) yourself. The enduser should do it by itself. E.g.
<my:customComponent template="#{myBean}" />
Wrap if necessary in a tagfile to keep it DRY.


Injecting an entitymanager in #ApplicationScoped bean

I am porting an existing JBOSS JEE application to Quarkus. I am using a number of HV custom validators that require injection.
For that purpose I've defined all custom validators that require injection as bean in my libraries like this:
public class SomeValidator implements ConstraintValidator<SomeValidation, AnObject> {
public BeanUsingEntityManager bean;
Note: It is common code, so it should remain working on JBOSS as well
Next I defined a REST service. The REST service makes use of an application scoped bean like this.
public class ApplicationContext {
#PersistenceContext( unitName = "A" )
EntityManager em;
#EnityManagerA // required qualifier to make datasource unique in JEE context (there are more)
public EntityManager produce() {
return em;
// NOTE: quarkus does not allow the #Produces on a field, which is allowed in JBOSS hence the method
public BeanUsingEntityManager createBeanUsingEntityManager () {
// some logic that requires the entity manager.
Now the problem is simplified, but I keep on running into an error message.
Caused by: javax.enterprise.inject.CreationException: Synthetic bean instance for javax.persistence.EntityManager not initialized yet: javax_persistence_EntityManager_b60c51739990fc921960fc78caeb075a811a91a6
- a synthetic bean initialized during RUNTIME_INIT must not be accessed during STATIC_INIT
- RUNTIME_INIT build steps that require access to synthetic beans initialized during RUNTIME_INIT should consume the SyntheticBeansRuntimeInitBuildItem
at javax.persistence.EntityManager_e1903961aa3b05f292293ca76e991dd812f3e90e_Synthetic_Bean.create(EntityManager_e1903961aa3b05f292293ca76e991dd812f3e90e_Synthetic_Bean.zig:167)
at javax.persistence.EntityManager_e1903961aa3b05f292293ca76e991dd812f3e90e_Synthetic_Bean.create(EntityManager_e1903961aa3b05f292293ca76e991dd812f3e90e_Synthetic_Bean.zig:190)
at io.quarkus.arc.impl.AbstractSharedContext.createInstanceHandle(
at io.quarkus.arc.impl.AbstractSharedContext.access$000(
at io.quarkus.arc.impl.AbstractSharedContext$1.get(
at io.quarkus.arc.impl.AbstractSharedContext$1.get(
at io.quarkus.arc.impl.LazyValue.get(
at io.quarkus.arc.impl.ComputingCache.computeIfAbsent(
at io.quarkus.arc.impl.AbstractSharedContext.get(
at javax.persistence.EntityManager_e1903961aa3b05f292293ca76e991dd812f3e90e_Synthetic_Bean.get(EntityManager_e1903961aa3b05f292293ca76e991dd812f3e90e_Synthetic_Bean.zig:222)
at javax.persistence.EntityManager_e1903961aa3b05f292293ca76e991dd812f3e90e_Synthetic_Bean.get(EntityManager_e1903961aa3b05f292293ca76e991dd812f3e90e_Synthetic_Bean.zig:238)
... 59 more
I'm new to Quarkus. So, not sure to how to handle this issue or even if I make the correct assumptions. I can imagine that Quarkus wants to give me a fresh entitymanager each request (which I understand), but that poses a problem for my application scoped beans.
What am I doing wrong here?
So, the full answer is that the EntityManager is created at the runtime init phase whereas the ValidatorFactory (and the ConstraintValidators) are created at static init time.
The Quarkus bootstrap goes static init -> runtime init.
So in your case, you can't access a #Singleton bean which uses the EntityManager during static init as it's not yet available.
Making your bean #ApplicationScoped will create a proxy and avoid this chicken and egg problem.
You will have only one BeanUsingEntityManager for your whole application.
The EntityManager is a bit different because we wrap it and you will get one new EntityManager/Session per transaction, which is what is expected as EntityManagers/Sessions are not thread safe.

How do Spring annotations work?

As a follow-up to my previous questions on classloading
How is the Classloader for a class chosen?
How Classloader determines which classes it can load?
Where does bytecode injection happen?
I'm curious about how do annotations work in a popular Spring framework.
Possible solution
As far as I understand, two mechanisms might be used:
1. Bytecode injection on classloading
Spring could use its own classloader to load required classes. At runtime, when the class is loaded and Spring determines it has some appropriate annotation, it injects bytecode to add additional properties or behavior to the class.
So a controller annotated with #Controller might be changed to extend some controller base class and a function might be changed to implement routing when annotated with #RequestMapping.
public class HelloWorldController {
public String helloWorld(Model model) {
model.addAttribute("message", "Hello World!");
return "helloWorld";
2. Reflection used for instantiation
#Autowired could be read by reflection at runtime by the BeanFactory to take care of the instantiation order and instantiate the configured properties.
public class Customer
private Person person;
public void setPerson(Person person) {
this.person = person;
How do Spring annotations really work?
Spring is open source so you don't need to figure how it work, look inside:
RequestMapping annotation is handled by RequestMappingHandlerMapping, see getMappingForMethod method.
Autowired annotation is handled by AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor, see processInjection method.
Both use reflection to get annotation data and build the handler mapping info in the first case or populate the bean in the second one.
Spring context understand annotation by set of classes which implements bean post processor interface. so to handle different type of annotation we need to add different annotation bean post processors.
if you add <context:annotation-config> in you configuration xml then you need not to add any annotation bean post processors.
Post processor provide methods to do pre and post processing for each bean initialization.
you can write your own bean post processors to do custom processing by created a bean which implements BeanPostProcessor interface.

Is it possible to retrieve a Spring bean with prototype scope without using ApplicationContextAware

Using Spring 3.1. If I want to retrieve a bean with prototype scope (i.e. I want a different instance of the class each time), is it possible to retrieve the bean without having to use an ApplicationContextaware class?
This is how I do it at present
public class MyServiceImpl implements MyService {
public void doSomething() {
Blah blah = (Blah)ApplicationContextProvider.getContext().getBean("blah");
public class Blah {
where ApplicationContextProvider implements ApplicationContextAware.
Is it possible to do this with annotations or simple Spring configuration without having to use an ApplicationContextAware class?
Spring has some fairly sophosticated methods for achieving what you're after...
See the spring documentation:
Searching for spring proxy scope on google also threw up some results...
You don't really need a ApplicationContextAware. You just need a BeanFactory (ApplicationContextAware is just a convinient way to get it).
A bean with scope prototype just means that everytime ApplicationContext.getBean is called a new instance of the bean is created. If you try to inject a prototype bean in a singleton, your prototype bean will be injected once (and so is no more a prototype).
There is something called method injection that may help you if you really need it, but it is more complex than simply calling applicationContext.getBean().

Injecting a bean to use in Controllers throughout the application

I'm using spring mvc 3.1.x and jets3t.
I have a DataAccessObject that i instantiate as a Singleton bean..
I managed to get it working through extending the applicationcontextloader class and adding it to the web.xml
I changed my method, I tried inject and autowired but it's not suitable for my needs.
What I've done was to implement ApplicationContextAware and set it up as a bean, in the code I use it as follows:
ApplicationContext ctx = BannerApplicationContext.getApplicationContext();
BannerGenericDAO bdao = (BannerGenericDAO) ctx.getBean("dao");
I'm new to Spring and in general the servlet world..
Questions are:
what's the best way of doing this? Is this considered a "best-practice"?
How do you inject an object, keeping other method fields that are not supplied by autowiring?
How do you get an object to be used throughout the entire application?
You could use annotations in your controller.
public class MyController{
#Autowired // or #Inject, which is more JEEish (JSR330).
private SomeDao daoService;
Given "SomeDao" is the type of your singleton DAO, of course.

Accessing legacy out-of-container instantiated objects from Spring beans

We have a legacy system where something like a Service Locator is used to instantiate and provide all service objects:
class ServiceLocator {
ServiceA serviceA;
ServiceB serviceB;
public ServiceLocator () {
serviceA = ...;
serviceB = ...;
public ServiceA getServiceA() {
return serviceA;
public ServiceB getServiceB() {
return serviceB;
(imagine 70 more fields and getters...)
This object is then passed around from class to class to provide access to the service objects.
It is outside the scope of the project to change this design for existing code, but to at least not make things worse, we would like to introduce Spring to progressively instantiate future services with DI similar to Introducing an IoC Container to Legacy Code.
In contrast to the aforementioned situation, we already know how we will access the spring created spring bean objects from our legacy code. Our problem are objects we plan to create with spring, that need any of the service objects created outside of the spring context.
We came up with the following solution:
Create a static accessor for the ServiceLocator and set it in the constructor, load the spring application context object. In the spring configuration create a bean for the ServiceLocator with the static accessor as described in Section in the Spring reference:
<bean id="serviceLocator"
for each Service create another bean using "instance factory method" as described in Section
<bean id="serviceA"
Create other beans referencing these "dummy beans".
I guess this would work, but creates a lot of seamingly unnessessary pseudo configuration. What I'd rather like is something like this:
"If a bean is referenced and that bean is not explicitly defined, search for a method with the needed signature and name in the ServiceLocator class and use this object."
Is it possible to do so? Are there any entry points into the spring bean instantiation process that I am not aware of and that can be used here? Can I do this by subclassing the spring application context class?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
You can define a BeanFactoryPostProcessor to populate your application context with beans from ServiceLocator.
In BeanFactoryPostProcessor, use beanFactory.registerSingleton(...) to add a fully instantiated bean, or ((BeanDefinitionRegistry) beanFactory).registerBeanDefinition(...) to add a definition (note that some application contexts may not implement BeanDefinitionRegistry, though all typical contexts implement it).
