How do Spring annotations work? - spring

As a follow-up to my previous questions on classloading
How is the Classloader for a class chosen?
How Classloader determines which classes it can load?
Where does bytecode injection happen?
I'm curious about how do annotations work in a popular Spring framework.
Possible solution
As far as I understand, two mechanisms might be used:
1. Bytecode injection on classloading
Spring could use its own classloader to load required classes. At runtime, when the class is loaded and Spring determines it has some appropriate annotation, it injects bytecode to add additional properties or behavior to the class.
So a controller annotated with #Controller might be changed to extend some controller base class and a function might be changed to implement routing when annotated with #RequestMapping.
public class HelloWorldController {
public String helloWorld(Model model) {
model.addAttribute("message", "Hello World!");
return "helloWorld";
2. Reflection used for instantiation
#Autowired could be read by reflection at runtime by the BeanFactory to take care of the instantiation order and instantiate the configured properties.
public class Customer
private Person person;
public void setPerson(Person person) {
this.person = person;
How do Spring annotations really work?

Spring is open source so you don't need to figure how it work, look inside:
RequestMapping annotation is handled by RequestMappingHandlerMapping, see getMappingForMethod method.
Autowired annotation is handled by AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor, see processInjection method.
Both use reflection to get annotation data and build the handler mapping info in the first case or populate the bean in the second one.

Spring context understand annotation by set of classes which implements bean post processor interface. so to handle different type of annotation we need to add different annotation bean post processors.
if you add <context:annotation-config> in you configuration xml then you need not to add any annotation bean post processors.
Post processor provide methods to do pre and post processing for each bean initialization.
you can write your own bean post processors to do custom processing by created a bean which implements BeanPostProcessor interface.


Should we use #Component annotation on the class just to document/indicate that it's a Bean?

Even when we create the Beans in a Spring configuration class, I feel it is still useful to use #Component annotation on the class just to document/indicate that it's a Bean. Is it a good idea? Can there be any other issue that Spring will find the same bean defined in two different ways?
It is bad practice to create two beans from one class...
class SimpleComponent {
public SimpleComponent simpleComponentBean(){
new SimpleComponent();
By default if we use #Component spring creates bean with name of class, but starts with small letter simpleComponent, if we use #Bean it takes method name and create bean with name simpleComponentBean and we have duplicated beans...
If we have method name the same, as component class name, spring replace one of them and we can Inject unexpected bean.
PS: intellij idea enterprise - correct indicate about all beans.

Injecting a bean at runtime

Can we inject a bean to a service during runtime? I'm working on a Spring MVC application and have two different beans which use the same functionality. I need to inject a bean during runtime based on some parameters. How do I do that in Spring?
If you want to switch between the beans which are already created
then use this method
Autowire ApplicationContext in the class
#Autowired ApplicationContext ctx;
And in the method, just get those beans from the ApplicationContext and switch between those. I would use an interface and then have those 2 (or more) classes (which you want to switch at runtime) implement the interface so that there will be a contract.
BeanInterface beanName;
if (x){
beanName = (BeanClass1) ctx.getBean("beanClass1");
beanName = (BeanClass2) ctx.getBean("beanClass2");
Disclaimer: Did not test this out, you might need some tweaks if this is not working.
If you want even the bean creation to be based on certain runtime parameters, take a look here

What is the difference between "constructor based injection" and " autowire by constructor mode" in Spring

I know and understand constructor based injection. But, the autowiring modes confuse me.
1) I have read that default mode for autowiring is 'no autowiring' i.e. We have to manually set the properties in xml file. But, isn't xml based configuration a type of autowiring? How can it be considered 'No autowiring'?
2) Other modes for autowiring are i) byName ii) byType iii)constructor iv) auto-detect. Am i correct to assume the following:
a) When using xml configuration based autowiring, the default mode is 'byName'(i.e. I have to keep the name of property reference the same as the name of the bean which is being used as a property.)
b) When using Annotations, default mode is 'byType'( Regardless of the place the #Autowired keyword is placed i.e on the setter, on the constructor or on the property, it will search the type of the property being autowried)
3) What is the difference between constructor based injection and 'constructor' mode of autowiring?(I have read that constructor mode means it applies byType mode on all the constructor arguments, but how is it different from placing #Autowired keyword on the constructor)
4) I know that to enable autowired mode byName in annotations, in the bean definition in the xml file, I have to use " autowire = 'byName' ". But, suppose I am using Annotations only config( using #Component, and no bean definitions in the xml ), and I want to use byName autowire mode, then what is the way of doing that?
I think you are a bit confused. First, you need to understand dependency injection (see here). There is ton of info about DI but in short, it means some third party (e.g spring IOC) passes the dependencies to the objects rather than the objects to create/obtain the references themselves. This could happen either through constructor or setter. For instance, consider constructor DI
class B{
class A{
private B b;
public A(B b){
this.b = b;
Some third party will inject an instance of class B into A rather class A create a reference to B itself. Very often you would use an interface so class A wouldn't even know what object will be injected into it.
Now in Spring there are different ways to configure these associations between the objects (the example above). You can either use XML, Java Config or Autowiring. They are independent but do the same stuff.
In both XML and JAVA config you need to configure the dependencies explicitly - either in xml file or having a #Configuration class for the JAVA Config and annotating the beans with #Bean. The autowiring is different. There you create simple POJOs which you annotate with #Component, #Controller, #Service or #Repository. They will be automatically registered as beans via component scanning. With autowiring you don't need to explicitly configure the dependencies in XML file or JAVA Config class. You can do it in code directly. For instance, if we have to compare java config vs autowiring using the previous example
Java Config (explicit config in a config class)
public A getA(){
return new A(new B());
Autowiring (implicit - done in code)
class B{
class A{
private B b;
public A(B b){
this.b = b;
In the latter we autowire class B into class A (they both will be registered as beans due to #Component annotation) without having explicitly defined this association in an xml file or java config class. I hope it makes sense.
If you have to specify the bean names in the xml, its not happening automatically, hence its not autowiring.
With autowiring spring will figure out what bean to inject even though it may not be explicitly written.
When using xml configuration based autowiring, the default mode is 'byName'
When using Annotations, the ordering that happens depends on the annotation used as there are a few that can be used. #Autowire #Resource #Inject.
When using #Component, the default wiring is of type. The method below will resolve on any autowiring needs for a Service object.
public Service getMyService(){
return new Service();
If there are multiple #Bean methods that return a Service you will get an error.
If you wanted to do wire via name while using #Component you would add the #Qualifier("nameToUse") annotation to the variable. It would find an #Bean annotated method called getNameToUse().
private Service myService;

Is it possible to retrieve a Spring bean with prototype scope without using ApplicationContextAware

Using Spring 3.1. If I want to retrieve a bean with prototype scope (i.e. I want a different instance of the class each time), is it possible to retrieve the bean without having to use an ApplicationContextaware class?
This is how I do it at present
public class MyServiceImpl implements MyService {
public void doSomething() {
Blah blah = (Blah)ApplicationContextProvider.getContext().getBean("blah");
public class Blah {
where ApplicationContextProvider implements ApplicationContextAware.
Is it possible to do this with annotations or simple Spring configuration without having to use an ApplicationContextAware class?
Spring has some fairly sophosticated methods for achieving what you're after...
See the spring documentation:
Searching for spring proxy scope on google also threw up some results...
You don't really need a ApplicationContextAware. You just need a BeanFactory (ApplicationContextAware is just a convinient way to get it).
A bean with scope prototype just means that everytime ApplicationContext.getBean is called a new instance of the bean is created. If you try to inject a prototype bean in a singleton, your prototype bean will be injected once (and so is no more a prototype).
There is something called method injection that may help you if you really need it, but it is more complex than simply calling applicationContext.getBean().

Injecting a bean to use in Controllers throughout the application

I'm using spring mvc 3.1.x and jets3t.
I have a DataAccessObject that i instantiate as a Singleton bean..
I managed to get it working through extending the applicationcontextloader class and adding it to the web.xml
I changed my method, I tried inject and autowired but it's not suitable for my needs.
What I've done was to implement ApplicationContextAware and set it up as a bean, in the code I use it as follows:
ApplicationContext ctx = BannerApplicationContext.getApplicationContext();
BannerGenericDAO bdao = (BannerGenericDAO) ctx.getBean("dao");
I'm new to Spring and in general the servlet world..
Questions are:
what's the best way of doing this? Is this considered a "best-practice"?
How do you inject an object, keeping other method fields that are not supplied by autowiring?
How do you get an object to be used throughout the entire application?
You could use annotations in your controller.
public class MyController{
#Autowired // or #Inject, which is more JEEish (JSR330).
private SomeDao daoService;
Given "SomeDao" is the type of your singleton DAO, of course.
