Change AFI in RFID with NFC - nfc

I can't find information about if it's possible change AFI number in RFID chip with NFC. I'm sure it's possible read AFI number with NFC. AFI number has some special block on RFID chip thats reason why I'm not sure if it's possible change it. Thank you

For a ISO 15693 tag you can use the NfcV command transceive(byte[] data) to send a "write AFI" command to the tag, followed by a "Lock AFI" command to lock the AFI value.
Write AFI has the command code 0x27. Lock AFI has the command code 0x28.
This should work as long as the RFID chip supports AFI (AFI is optional) and the AFI of that tag has not been programmed beforehand.
You can find more details about AFI in the ISO 15693-3.
See: See Android reference for transceive()

Have you seen this post about the application family identifier : google
In ISO 15693, the AFI describes the type of application targeted by the reader. This identifier is used to extract all transponders in the reader field that meet the required application criteria. After the reader sends out the AFI, only the AFI-compliant transponders of the appropriate family will respond. Programmed by the transponder issuer, the AFI is read-only and its value cannot be modified.
However I see some systems seem to allow you to write the AFI code, and sa well as lock it. I guess it may be up the individual the chip manufacturer. So while its not locked, I guess you could change it. Who makes your the card you are trying to write to?


What is the SD card erase process?

my SD card cannot work after erase, what's the matter?
My SD card is working properly, then after erase 4 blocks of memory, send CMD18 it does not spit data,And the host does not get "cmd_end" MIE_EVENT。(Command transmission normal)
What I'm more suspicious of is the erasure process,because of data can trans normal without erase. my erase process is:
a. send "cmd32,args:start_address"
b. send "cmd33,args:end_address"
c. send "cmd38,args:1" start erase。
The erasure process looks fine, But the evidence suggests something is wrong with it. I have looked for relevant information about SD erasure, but nothing came of it.
See the simplified SD standard, available here:
Section 4.3.5 give an overview of the erase procedure.
Section 4.7 details the structures of the erase commands
The SD Erase must be a aligned to and a multiple of the ERASE_SIZE. This is available from the SD_STATUS field (section I suspect your 4 blocks are below this threshold. You should instead consider writing out the erase pattern.

NFC sticker to launch website with unique URL

I can encoded an NFC Sticker with a website that will open when I tap it with a mobile phone. For the application I want to use it for I need to be able to expire that link so the user can't just save the URL and use it again. Basically I need to be able to put a random string in the URL that changes each time it gets scanned, such as,, ect.
Is this possible with a regular NFC sticker? If not, what kind of device would I use to make this happen? I know there are Arduino modules that can do this, but is there a simpler method or a ready made product that can act as an NFC but have the URL changed by a computer via a USB cable?
NFC tags (some) have a feature called "Mirroring". You can mirror the read counter value to the URL, which gets incremented every time you tap it to reader i.e. Every time read command is called, the counter increases by 1. Tags like NTAG 213, NTAG 215 etc have that feature.
If your requirement is to get a portion of URL to to return random data and on a cheaper tag or sticker then I would suggest considering NTAG 213 tag, which is cost friendly and also have Mirroring feature supported.
If your URL data is then once the counter Mirroring is enabled (read counter must be enabled first) it will look something like
The last 6 digit value gets increased by value 1,every time a read command is invoked. (000002, 000003, 000004 and so on)
you can refer this link for more info
So your card/device has to present when read a NDEF record with a link in it (A "Well Known Type 1 with a record type definition of type U, etc), this will cause most phones to open a browser automatically
Some details on the Record type needed at
Most cards have the ability to store some static data, some have as #Adarsh Rotte says have counters, random number generators, crypto, password protection, mirroring (backup) of data, other functions but non of these will help as these custom functions and are card specific and don't / cannot present the data to match the NFC NDEF specification.
There is one type of card that can do this called JavaCard as these can run fully programmable Java Apps. These can be programmed to respond to NFC read request with the right NDEF measure where the URL can be generated on the fly.
There is a github repo with an example Java App to run on these cards that shows how to respond with and NDEF message at
Watch out for if trying to use this, the default magic AID number is not the right one for NDEF and should be configured at the time you install the App on the Card.
This app emulates the behaviour of an NFC Type 4 spec card.
You would also need to customise it to have the right NDEF payload data with the right generated URL ending.
There are examples of the Card make/model supported by this App listed on the the github pages some are dual interface cards but there are some without the chip contacts and only NFC interface.
Generating the URL ending could be challenging or easy depending on level of security/validation you need.
Starting from a Random String which would be easy to fake because it has no level of validation, to a obfuscated counter, to a public key type encrypted counter.
There are also other solutions to generating the NDEF data with the right URL that don't use a Card and usually require there own power to run.
Some options:-
An Android phone can do what is call Host Card Emulation (HCE) which is very like what the JavaCard is doing, it is pretending to be a NFC Type 4 Card and the response it sends if fully programmable and could be the right type of NDEF message as per the JavaCard.
There are some "Card Reader" Devices that can be attach to a PC/Raspberry Pie via USB can also do HCE like the Android phone. e.g. - this is well documented in the datasheets on how to do.
There are some other "Card Reader" modules that can connect via I2C to Arduino that can do HCE as well. (Technically most Arduino PN532 Chip's which are used in a lot of USB readers as well can do HCE but it is a bit undocumented on how to do it - see section 4 of
There are some other chips that can act as static data NFC devices the also have an I2C interface to write the static data but allow a "pass through" mode to the I2C interface, again these tend to be NFC Type 4 but do some of the HCE type work for you.
e.g. the M24SR04-Y can do it
So technically possible with a variety of methods but all not that simple to implement BUT not "Sticker" type format of NFC devices tend to be very simple NFC device as the format restricts the complexity of the hardware contained in them.

How To Detect Smart Card Reader Interface Characteristic

I am using winscard.dll within my Dotnet smart card application. My reader, an Omnikey 5321 has both a contact and a contactless interface, which are detected as two different readers. The contactless has the letters "CL" within it's name. I have no problems manually selecting the readers and doing everything I need to with them.
Is there a reliable way however, using SCardGetAttrib or another call, to determine which of these readers supports ISO14443 - i.e. EMV contactless? I would ultimately like a quick "Select Contactless settings" button, which would be generic enough to work with all PC/SC readers, and therefore also allow me to disable contactless options if such an interface is not present.
No, there is no such method simply for the reason, that PCSC is older than contactless technology (ancient contactless chips were older but required special readers and drivers, so there was no overlap). Therefore only the naming convention for the reader name provides this information ina manufacturer dependent way. In practice, this does not matter. You don't label your readers, so that the user is able to select the correct one but typically simply demand, that the user plugs in/lays on the card to the reader. PCSC will then allow to detect, which reader is loaded, as long as it is only one.
You can use Advanced Query Syntax to search for devices exposing smartcard interface class and having NFC enabled.
string query = "System.Devices.InterfaceClassGuid:=\"{DEEBE6AD-9E01-47E2-A3B2-A66AA2C036C9}\"";
if (readerKind != SmartCardReaderKind.Any)
query += " AND System.Devices.SmartCards.ReaderKind:=" + (int)readerKind;
DeviceInformationCollection devices = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(query);
where readerKind is of Windows Runtime type Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardReaderKind. Code snippet comes from official Microsoft NFC UWP example (PscsUtils.cs).

Microchip ICSP PIC 32F Programming with ICD3- Secure Chip Vs Verify

A hex file is provided to the Microchip IPE programming tool and an ICD3 for a PIC 32F. The hex file includes an out-of-memory-map data location with a config bit set that sets a configuration register so tha the contents of ROM cannot be read withut erasing the chip.
When Using Microchips IPE tool, will an ICD 3 actually verify the PIC 32F chip and then secure it, or will it simply program the chip blindly in one step since the chip cannot be read back.
It will actually verify the chip, but it will program it bindly, believing that the hex is intended for that part.
The IPE checks for the appropriate part to set the fuses (config words). If it is on a different location than the assembled hex, you may run into problems like, for example, having a WDT running. So, if the hex was assembled for another part, it will work just the same.

NFC - New Ntag21X

I'm attempting to start coding for the new NTAG21X due to be released by the end of the year. There is very limited information available regarding the new tags. Only released to partners :-(
I'm trying to figure out how to use:
password protection on the tag. Will this be a key stored in one of the sectors and how will you go about reading NDEF? Do you pass the password to read?
originality signature. Will it be a sector as on Mifare where you write key and lock the page(s) to protect.
NTAG21x is (will be) a NFC Forum Type 2 Tag (T2T) device, like NTAG203 (hence the "2" in the names). You can expect accessing functionality will be similar to standard T2T (and MIFARE Ultralight) read/write commands (so no MIFARE Classic sectors). Reading of NDEF shall be according to the T2T spec, so no password required. Write protect could be possible (similar to MIFARE Ultralight C).
