What is the SD card erase process? - embedded-linux

my SD card cannot work after erase, what's the matter?
My SD card is working properly, then after erase 4 blocks of memory, send CMD18 it does not spit data,And the host does not get "cmd_end" MIE_EVENT。(Command transmission normal)
What I'm more suspicious of is the erasure process,because of data can trans normal without erase. my erase process is:
a. send "cmd32,args:start_address"
b. send "cmd33,args:end_address"
c. send "cmd38,args:1" start erase。
The erasure process looks fine, But the evidence suggests something is wrong with it. I have looked for relevant information about SD erasure, but nothing came of it.

See the simplified SD standard, available here: https://www.sdcard.org/downloads/pls/
Section 4.3.5 give an overview of the erase procedure.
Section 4.7 details the structures of the erase commands
The SD Erase must be a aligned to and a multiple of the ERASE_SIZE. This is available from the SD_STATUS field (section I suspect your 4 blocks are below this threshold. You should instead consider writing out the erase pattern.


How a SD card is mounted over a USB bus as SCSI device

I have a sd card which is connected on a microchip usb224x controller on im6qp processor based board.
SD signals are going to be converted in a USB dp and dm signal.
Now there are two use cases,
use case1: SD card is already inserted before power on,
sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] 249737216 512-byte logical blocks: (128 GB/119 GiB)
sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off
sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] No Caching mode page found
sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Assuming drive cache: write through
sda: sda1
sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI removable disk
Now if I remove SD card I don't get any kernel print which says that card is removed.
usecase2: SD card is inserted at running kernel.
No print comes that says that SD card is detected as sda.
In case 1 I can mount this SD card and access its contents.In case2 I cannot.
I have this question/confusion
Is user space responsible such as udev to tell if a device is present or not? I tried putting prints in many usb core files and none prints anything. However at the same time I am able to get interrupts on touch device that is using same usb bus but another channel.
I tried getting prints in usb functions in drivers/usb,storage and scsi subsysystem, but no observable prints came.
I tried enabling debugfs prints but I am getting no log even then and thats another issue which I am unable to resolve.
Main problem is I am getting no idea how and who initiates this change of removal and insertion, is it a low level kernel driver which looks for an interrupt and initiate the whole thing or udev such as /sbin/hotplug?
My kernel version is 4.9 and I am using build root for normal usecases, and also android O with same kernel. Same observation I am getting.
I am actually working on a device with the same chip and same kernel version. This would be better suited as a comment on your original post, however I don't have 50 points to do so yet (I am aware moderators).
Issues I am having:
I can detect add and remove uevents via udevadm monitor when the sd is not mounted.
When the sd is mounted I can only detect change events. Major/minor numbers I see are 8,0 and 8,1. Add and remove uevents come from minor number 1 (only while unmounted) while with minor 0 I only see change events (always, no difference if mounted) and which seem to be in a polling manner ("polling" behavior only seen with minor 0) (just going off looks. still looking at source to confirm it is actually polling). Quick insert and removal while mounted will only send one change uevent.
To answer your question '1':
from what I understand so far, these uevents are send from the kernel driver, specifically from the scsi mid-layer (drivers/scsi/scsi_lib.c). I have tracked that down to void scsi_evt_thread(struct work_struct *work) where it calls scsi_evt_emit() and eventually calls kobject_uevent_env() which from my understanding is responsible for blasting the uevent out to userspace via netlink.
If you are still debugging this, other information I figured I note along here is that scsi is a three-layered system. You have the top-most layer which for me is drivers/scsi/sd.c, mid-layer which I see as drivers/scsi/scsi.c and the bottom layer of drivers/usb/storage/usb.c (These are the main files for each layer from what I can tell. Learning as I go).
Still looking to figure out how a particular event is set on a specific scsi device. Is a scan of the bus triggered by interrupt or is there a thread which just continuously polls for changes (tdb)?

Dismiss or Handle Data Abort when AXI transaction replies an error

I have an ZynqMP system which has four Cortex-A53 cores (PS) along with FPGA logic (PL). They transfer data via AXI bus.
I've placed some Xilinx AXI Quad SPI in my design. Linux which runs on PS successfully probes them, and starts a daemons which periodically (333 Hz) ask MCUs on SPIs to reply their data chunk (~ up to around 500 bytes, split in every 64 bytes.)
They works nicely for a while (median 50 minutes) but suddenly the readl_relaxed() in SPI driver causes Synchronous External Abort which leads an Kernel Panic. It seems to be an AXI's error reply according to ARM TRM, and might be recoverable because it's "synchronous" which means the registers are not corrupted (in my understanding.)
After some search I found the do_sea() func that handles SEA and also found that there's no chance to recover from it according to the implementation.
I want the AXI error to be handled like: discard the read, return SIGBUS and lead the process to be killed, etc.
Of course I'm debugging the Abort and finding why it occurs but at present I have no clue.
So my questions are:
Why SEAs are not recoverable in Linux arm64 implementation?
If I can "handle" or "ignore" it, how do I modify Linux kernel code (I know it's stupid but I'd like to know if there's a way.)
What can reply error in Quad SPI IP? The readl_relaxed I mentioned above reads Rx data FIFO.
1) I’ve never ventured down this path, but it looks to me like they are recoverable if the inf->fn returns 0; which means that ghes_notify_sea() must return 0; thus one of the SEA error sources successfully reported an error.
2) I think you need a bit more info. I would start by changing
rc = ghes_read_estatus(ghes, 0);
rc = ghes_read_estatus(ghes, 1);
which should get you a bit more information when the error happens.
Armed with that information, you need to find out if you have a malfunctioning handler, or a missing one. Either way, this is the place to address it.
3) You are dealing with an ACPI implementation. There are 155 kloc in the kernel plus unknown quantity in the firmware and hardware. The kernel code doesn’t appear to handle whichever condition you are running into. First you need to determine which of these suspects is involved and what interactions are failing before you can dig out the root cause.
Happy Digging!

Intel Pin Tool: Get instruction from address

I'm using Intel's Pin Tool to do some binary instrumentation, and was wondering if there an API to get the instruction byte code at a given address.
Something like:
instruction = getInstructionatAddr(addr);
where addr is the desired address.
I know the function Instruction (used in many of the simple/manual examples) given by Pin gets the instruction, but I need to know the instructions at other addresses. I perused the web with no avail. Any help would be appreciated!
wondering if there an API to get the instruction byte code at a given
Yes, it's possible but in a somewhat contrived way: with PIN you are usually interested in what is executed (or manipulated through the executed instructions), so everything outside the code / data flow is not of any interest for PIN.
PIN is using (and thus ships with) Intel XED which is an instruction encoder / decoder.
In your PIN installation you should have and \extra folder with two sub-directories: xed-ia32 and xed-intel64 (choose the one that suits your architecture). The main include file for XED is xed-interface.h located in the \include folder of the aforementioned directories.
In your Pintool, given any address in the virtual space of your pintooled program, use the PIN_SafeCopy function to read the program memory (and thus bytes at the given address). The advantage of PIN_SafeCopy is that it fails graciously even if it can't read the memory, and can read "shadowed" parts of the memory.
Use XED to decode the instruction bytes for you.
For an example of how to decode an instruction with XED, see the first example program.
As the small example uses an hardcoded buffer (namely itext in the example program), replace this hardcoded buffer with the destination buffer you used in PIN_SafeCopy.
Obviously, you should make sure that the memory you are reading really contains code.
AFAIK, it is not possible to get an INS type (the usual type describing an instruction in PIN) from an arbitrary address as only addresses in the code flow will "generate" an INS type.
As a side note:
I know the function Instruction (used in many of the simple/manual
examples) given by Pin gets the instruction
The Instruction routine used in many PIN example is called an "Instrumentation routine": its name is not relevant in itself.
Pin_SafeCopy may help you. This API could copy memory content from the address space of target process to one specified buffer.

Is it possible to save some data parmanently in AVR Microcontroller?

Well, the question says it all.
What I would like to do is that, every time I power up the micro-controller, it should take some data from the saved data and use it. It should not use any external flash chip.
If possible, please give some code-snippet so that I can use them in AVR studio 4. for example if I save 8 uint16_t data it should load those data into an array of uint16_t.
You have to burn the data to the program memory of the chip if you don't need to update them programmatically, or if you want read-write support, you should use the built-in EPROM.
Pgmem example:
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
PROGMEM uint16_t data[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
int main()
uint16_t x = pgm_read_word_near(data + 1); // access 2nd element
You need to get the datasheet for the part you are using. Microcontrollers like these typically contain at least a flash and sometimes multiple banks of flash to allow for different bootloaders while making it easy to erase one whole flash without affecting another. Likewise some have eeprom. This is all internal, not external. Esp since you say you need to save programatically this should work (remember how easy it is to wear out a flash do dont save unless you need to). Either eeprom or flash will meet the requirement of having that information there when you power up, non-volatile. As well as being able to save it programmatically. Googling will find a number of examples on how to do this, in addition to the datasheet you apparently have not read, as well as the app notes that also contain this information (that you should have read). If you are looking for some sort of one time programmable fuse blowing thing, there may be OTP versions of the avr, and you will have to read the datasheets, programmers references and app notes on how to program that memory, and should tell you if OTP parts can be written programmatically or if they are treated differently.
The reading of the data is in the memory map in the datasheet, write code to read those adresses. Writing is described in the datasheet (programmers reference manual, users guide, whatever atmel calls it) as well and there are many examples on the net.

How do they read clusters/cylinders/sectors from the disk?

I needed to recover the partition table I deleted accidentally. I used an application named TestDisk. Its simply mind blowing. I reads each cylinder from the disk. I've seen similar such applications which work with MBR & partitioning.
I'm curious.
How do they read
clusters/cylinders/sectors from the
disk? Is there some kind of API for this?
Is it again OS dependent? If so whats the way to for Linux & for windows?
Well, I'm not just curious I want a hands on experience. I want to write a simple application which displays each LBA.
Cylinders and sectors (wiki explanation) are largely obsoleted by the newer LBA (logical block addressing) scheme for addressing drives.
If you're curious about the history, use the Wikipedia article as a starting point. If you're just wondering how it works now, code is expected to simply use the LBA address (which works largely the same way as a file does - a linear array of bytes arranged in blocks)
It's easy due to the magic of *nix special device files. You can open and read /dev/sda the same way you'd read any other file.
Just use open, lseek, read, write (or pread, pwrite). If you want to make sure you're physically fetching data from a drive and not from kernel buffers you can open with the flag O_DIRECT (though you must perform aligned reads/writes of 512 byte chunks for this to work).
For *nix, there have been already answers (/dev directory); for Windows, there are the special objects \\.\PhisicalDriveX, with X as the number of the drive, which can be opened using the normal CreateFile API. To actually perform reads or writes you have then to use the DeviceIoControl function.
More info can be found in "Physical Disks and Volumes" section of the CreateFile API documentation.
I'm the OP. I'm combining Eric Seppanen's & Matteo Italia's answers to make it complete.
*NIX Platforms:
It's easy due to the magic of *nix special device files. You can open and read /dev/sda the same way you'd read any other file.
Just use open, lseek, read, write (or pread, pwrite). If you want to make sure you're physically fetching data from a drive and not from kernel buffers you can open with the flag O_DIRECT (though you must perform aligned reads/writes of 512 byte chunks for this to work).
Windows Platform
For Windows, there are the special objects \\.\PhisicalDriveX, with X as the number of the drive, which can be opened using the normal CreateFile API. To perform reads or writes simply call ReadFile and WriteFile (buffer must be aligned on sector size).
More info can be found in "Physical Disks and Volumes" section of the CreateFile API documentation.
Alternatively you can also you DeviceIoControl function which sends a control code directly to a specified device driver, causing the corresponding device to perform the corresponding operation.
On linux, as root, you can save your MBR like this (Assuming you drive is /dev/sda):
dd if=/dev/sda of=mbr bs=512 count=1
If you wanted to read 1Mb from you drive, starting at the 10th MB:
dd if=/dev/sda of=1Mb bs=1Mb count=1 skip=10
