Android Emulator not loading when Google API (API Level 17 or in any other API level) is selected on windows - performance

When I choose tagret as Android 4.2.2(API level 17),then emulator takes too long time to load adn starts up.
So I research on it and found solution by using Intel Atom(x86) instead of ARM(armeabi-v7a) as CPU/ABI and Intel Atom(x86) is really fast ,It helps me by increasing speed of execution..
But I need to run google service in my emulator So,I have to switch target from Android 4.2.2 to Google API.but when I select Google API then ARM(armeabi-v7a) is by default is selected and can not able to choose Intel Atom(x86)..
So I continue with ARM , but here problem is that emulator is very slow and it doesn't start since last 1 hour.Any solution ?
Any help will be appreciated.

Google Api's doesn't support Intel HAXM. Try Genymotion and download a VM with gapps e.g.
Nexus 7 Jelly Bean with Google Apps


How to use the Android Studio emulator on an AMD processor computer?

My notebook has an AMD Ryzen 5 3500U processor and I'm trying to use the emulator in Android Studio and I can't get it to work properly. Most of the time the emulator only works the first time it runs when it is created. Some of the recurring problems is that even when running, it does not appear in the flutter device selection. After some research I found out that the solution may be to activate two Windows features: virtual machine platform and windows hypervisor platform. However I am not able to activate because after clicking on the checkbox and giving ok. This message returns to me: "an error has occurred. Not all features have been successfully activated". Does anyone know how I can resolve to have these features activated?
I am using an AMD PC as well and had the same issue. There were drivers that had to be configured and didn't work as expected. The workaround I did was to use genymotion as an emulator. The setup didn't require major setting changes. Here is the link to it :

unfortunately google play services has stopped in genymotion

Hi friends I added google play service to genymotion emulator,I drag the zip files of gapps and also arm v1 to it but when I opening the emulator its getting unfortunately google play services has stopped and also when I am trying to add account in it showing loading.. can anyone tell me the solution for it.
I faced this same issue.This issue is generally due to not following order of
flashing Gapps appropriately.Being a beginner in android programming.Well, I learnt following things to keep in mind while setting up google play services:
Download the ARM Translation Installer v1.1 and drag and drop the zip file onto the running Genymotion emulator device. The ARM emulator is only needed for apps that trigger a
You must close and restart the emulator fully before continuing.
The Google Play APK package needed is specific to the Android emulator version. You must use the corresponding Google Play Service package. Otherwise, you may notice problems with Google Play not having Internet connectivity or other strange issues.
If you are using below listed specific versions ,sometimes files you are using get corrupted.
Check android version and apk link for gapps to be flashed:
Google Apps for Android 6.0 (see instructions for flashing)
1) ( -
2) ( -
Google Apps for Android 5.1
( -
Google Apps for Android 5.0
( -
Google Apps for Android 4.4.4
( -
Google Apps for Android 4.3
( -
Google Apps for Android 4.2
( -
Google Apps for Android 4.1
( -
Update or reinstall Genymotion and Virtual box :
If you are flashing all gapps apk correctly and you are still facing this issue.
You need to check which version of genymotion and virtual box you are using .Use latest version of genymotion and VB.
Uninstall Genymotion and Virtualbox :
If updating or re-installation doesn't work you need to remove old registry files hidden in your computer which are preventing you from flashing Gapps properly.Repeat steps of flashing mentioned above.
Note: Don't forgot to restart genymotion after flashing files.
Hope it helps,Cheers..Happy Coding!!!
I had the same issue and found lots of solutions available on the internet. I followed the steps given in and got a perfect solution.
To setup Google Play Service in your genymotion follow my answer in this question, hope it will help you. Question link

Parse SDK Windows 8.1 : Device not getting registered on portal

I followed the documentation( by Parse for sending Push to Windows 8.1 device. But, I am not able to get through the first step ie. "Installation". As per the documentation I followed , the channel should get registered instantly. I have enabled "Toast capable" within the Package.appxmanifest file in my Windows 8.1 Universal App(C#).
I have also authenticated the App by adding the Package Security Identifier and the Client Secret to the Windows Push Credentials settings. But still no success. Can anyone tell me if I am missing anything or if Parse SDK is supported for Universal Windows 8.1 C# App.
I previously had Parse working for WP8 as per instructions here. So this is to say it is definitely doable, follow those steps there to see if you missed any steps.
We are using Cordova, but I had to end up doing this part natively. It was working in December 2015 but mysteriously this year we had issues with Parse on all 3 device platforms (iOS, Android, WP8). I'm still spending time trying to figure out why WP8 just doesn't work now, can't even get the device to register to a channel anymore...

emulator getting slow on each launch

I am working on API LEVEL 17 supporting back upto 8. I have some network task to perform that I am doing from seperate AsyncTask class. Now the problem is that whenever I try to launch the application on emulator first time will be fine, but from 2nd onwards my emulator response is slower and gets more slower on successive launch. after 4-5 launch It installs the app but never starts the activity. Then I have to restart the emulator and it also need a startup after 4-5 launch.
I have seen in logcat skipped ### screens!!! UI thread might be doing to much work right from the starting of emulator.
Can anyone tell me what could be going wrong? Thanks in advance!!!
Your system configuration is less for android api 17 version your app work properly in api level 8 to 10, so you can set api level 8 to 10.
Surely process of Emulator starting is slow, as lots of threads and process starts-off when emulator starts. Still for better start timing you can download Intel atom emulator from Android SDK Manager, its also available for android api version 17, Also there is option of choosing Snapshot for emulator, which takes less time for start-off.

Windows phone7 emulator requires constant refresh

I have the tools installed for windows phone 7 development.
But, when I run the any of the sample apps I have to manually refresh my emulator's app window to see any changes.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? Or maybe a setting is wrong?
I've got it on every machine I've tried- but they all have various Nvidia cards (desktop and mobile).
When I posted about this on the wp7 forums, they talked about wdm 1.1 (which I've got) and so far I have no fix.
My machines are all 64bit, so I'm wondering if this isn't some issue with them or the nvidia drivers- but I don't experience any other problems with the drivers outside of the emulator.
I think we're stuck for a while anyway...
