Regex string for Sublime Text to find email address between two commas - ruby

I'm new to regex's and Sublime's and am having issues trying to do a find/replace on all email addresses in a csv file.
I thought it would be reasonably straightforward but seem to be heading down the rabbit hole at a great rate of knots.
Data looks like;
data,data,,data,data etc NB: there are about 100 fields per record and about 300 records
My thought was to look for the # symbol, then go left and right until I get to the comma and then replace with my new email address but I just can't get a win.
Any thoughts or am I using the wrong tool for the job?
(Also tagging with Ruby as if I need to do some scripting then I'll try to get figure it out in Ruby)

user2141046's expression won't find an email address like- ""
I would suggest using:

I'm not familiar with the ruby language, but a regex that finds what you want is:
with the \. maybe unneeded (depending on language).
a perl one-liner that does the exact thing:
perl -pi -e 's/\w+\#\w+\.\w+/<your new email here>/g' <csv file here>
make sure you use \# in the enw email in the one liner i wrote, meaning new_email\

Try this:
It worked perfectly on a very long csv file filled with emails and all other kinds of stuff.

will not work fine, because some domains have 2 or more levels (like


Scraping specific hyperlinks from a website using bash

I have a website containing several dozen hyperlinks in the following format :
<a href=/news/detail/1/hyperlink>textvalue</a>
I want to get all hyperlinks, and their text values, where the hyperlink begins with /news/detail/1/.
The output should be in the following format :
First of all, people are going to come in here (possibly talking about someone named Cthuhlu) and tell you that awk/regex are not HTML parsers. And they are right, and you should give some thought to what they say. Realistically, you can very often get away with something like this:
sed -n 's/^.*<a\s\+href\=\([^>]\+\)>\([^<]\+\)<\/a>.*$/\2\n\1/p' input_file.html
This tells sed to read the file input_file.html, find lines that match the regex, replace them with the sections you specified for the output, and discard everything else. The result will print to the terminal.
This also assumes that the file is formatted such that each instance of <a href=/news/detail/1/hyperlink>textvalue</a> is on a separate line. The regex could easily be modified to accommodate different formatting, if needed.
If all of the links you want happen to start with /news/detail/1/, this will probably work:
sed -n 's/^.*<a\s\+href\=\(\/news\/detail\/1\/[^>]\+\)>\([^<]\+\)<\/a>.*$/\2\n\1/p' input_file.html

return line of strings between two strings in a ruby variable

I would like to extract a line of strings but am having difficulties using the correct RegEx. Any help would be appreciated.
String to extract: KSEA 122053Z 21008KT 10SM FEW020 SCT250 17/08 A3044 RMK AO2 SLP313 T01720083 50005
For Some reason StackOverflow wont let me cut and paste the XML data here since it includes "<>" characters. Basically I am trying to extract data between "raw_text" ... "/raw_text" from a xml that will always be formatted like the following:
However, the Station name, in this case "KSEA" will not always be the same. It will change based on user input into a search variable.
Thanks In advance
if I can assume that every strings that you want starts with KSEA, then the answer would be:
using ? would let .* match as less as possible.

Using Regex to grab multiple values from a string and drop them into an array?

Trying to grab the two $ values and the X value from this string in Ruby/watir:
16.67%: $xxx.xx down, includes the Policy Fee, and x installments of $xxx.xx
So far I've got:
which grabs the first xxx.xx fine, what do I need to add to it to grab the last two variables and load this all into an array?
You can use the following, but regex may be unnecessary if the surrounding text is always the same:
\$(\d+.\d{2}).*?(\d+) installments.*?\$(\d+.\d{2})
if you know that the text in between will always be the same you could just:
16.67%:\s+\$(\d+.\d{2}) down, includes the Policy Fee, and x installments of (\d+.\d{2})
You better use scan.
sub(/.*%/, '').scan(/\$?([\d\.]+)/)
Have you considered just splitting the string on the $ character?, then manipulating what you get with a regex or basic string commands?
/\$(\d+.\d{2}).+\$(\d+.\d{2})/ should do it. it wont matter what text is there, only that there are two "$" in the sentence.

Inserting characters before whatever is on a line, for many lines

I have been looking at regular expressions to try and do this, but the most I can do is find the start of a line with ^, but not replace it.
I can then find the first characters on a line to replace, but can not do it in such a way with keeping it intact.
Unfortunately I donĀ“t have access to a tool like cut since I am on a windows is there any way to do what I want with just regexp?
Use notepad++. It offers a way to record an sequence of actions which then can be repeated for all lines in the file.
Did you try replacing the regular expression ^ with the text you want to put at the start of each line? Also you should use the multiline option (also called m in some regex dialects) if you want ^ to match the start of every line in your input rather than just the first.
string s = "test test\ntest2 test2";
s = Regex.Replace(s, "^", "foo", RegexOptions.Multiline);
footest test
footest2 test2
I used to program on the mainframe and got used to SPF panels. I was thrilled to find a Windows version of the same editor at Command Technology. Makes problems like this drop-dead simple. You can use expressions to exclude or include lines, then apply transforms on just the excluded or included lines and do so inside of column boundaries. You can even take the contents of one set of lines and overlay the contents of another set of lines entirely or within column boundaries which makes it very easy to generate mass assignments of values to variables and similar tasks. I use Notepad++ for most stuff but keep a copy of SPFSE around for special-purpose editing like this. It's not cheap but once you figure out how to use it, it pays for itself in time saved.

Retrieve the server name from a UNC path

Is there an api in windows that retrieves the server name from a UNC path ? (\\server\share)
Or do i need to make my own ?
I found PathStripToRoot but it doesn't do the trick.
I don't know of a Win32 API for parsing a UNC path; however you should check for:
\\?\UNC\computername\share (people use this to access long paths > 260 chars)
You can optionally also handle this case: smb://computername/share and this case hostname:/directorypath/resource
Read here for more information
This is untested, but maybe a combination of PathIsUNC() and PathFindNextComponent() would do the trick.
I don't know if there is a specific API for this, I would just implement the simple string handling on my own (skip past "\\" or return null, look for next \ or end of string and return that substring) possibly calling PathIsUNC() first
If you'll be receiving the data as plain text you should be able to parse it with a simple regex, not sure what language you use but I tend to use perk for quick searches like this. Supposing you have a large document containing multiple lines containing one path per line you can search on \\'s I.e
m/\\\\([0-9][0-9][0-9]\.(repeat 3 times, of course not recalling ip address requirements you might need to modify the first one for sure) then\\)? To make it optional and include the trailing slash, and finally (.*)\\/ig it's rough but should do the trick, and the path name should be in $2 for use!
I hope that was clear enough!
