Getting started with OracleSQL grammar for Java - antlr3

I'm trying to get started with
So far, I've performed the following:
tar xvzf OracleSQL.tgz
cd OracleSQL
which results in the following error:
gcc -ggdb -O0 -fno-inline -I. -I/usr/include/qt4/QtCore -I/usr/include/qt4/QtGui -I/usr/include/qt4 -I/home/ivan/devel/antlr-3.3/runtime/C/include -I/home/ivan/devel/antlr-3.3/runtime/C -c OracleSQLParser.c -o OracleSQLParser.o
In file included from OracleSQLParser.c:45:0:
OracleSQLParser.h:537:23: fatal error: antlr3.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
Makefile:60: recipe for target `OracleSQLParser.o' failed
make: *** [OracleSQLParser.o] Error 1
I'm not interested in building the 'c' dialect. I only want to generate the Java lexer and parser.
How can I do this?

I'm not interested in building the 'c' dialect. I only want to generate the Java lexer and parser.
How can I do this?
That grammar is not so portable: it contains a lot of embedded C code.
If you want to create a Java lexer and parser, you need to remove the language=C from the options { ... } block (defaulting to the Java target) and then translate all C code between { and } to a Java equivalent (which is quite a bit of work, I'm guessing).


Configure clang-check for c++ standard libraries

I am trying to run Ale as my linter, which in turn uses clang-check to lint my code.
$ clang-check FeatureManager.h
Error while trying to load a compilation database:
Could not auto-detect compilation database for file "FeatureManager.h"
No compilation database found in /home/babbleshack/ or any parent directory
json-compilation-database: Error while opening JSON database: No such file or directory
Running without flags.
/home/babbleshack/FeatureManager.h:6:10: fatal error: 'unordered_map' file not found
#include <unordered_map>
1 error generated.
Error while processing /home/babbleshack/FeatureManager.h.
Whereas compiling with clang++ returns only a warning.
$ clang++ -std=c++11 -Wall FeatureManager.cxx FeatureManager.h
clang-5.0: warning: treating 'c-header' input as 'c++-header' when in C++ mode, this behavior is deprecated [-Wdeprecated]
There are no flags to clang-check allowing me to set compilation flags.
Took a while to figure this out, but you can do
clang-check file.cxx -- -Wall -std=c++11 -x c++
or if you are using clang-tidy
clang-tidy file.cxx -- -Wall -std=c++11 -x c++
To get both working with ALE, I added the following to my vimrc
let g:ale_cpp_clangtidy_options = '-Wall -std=c++11 -x c++'
let g:ale_cpp_clangcheck_options = '-- -Wall -std=c++11 -x c++'
If you want ALE to work for C as well, you will have to do the same for g:ale_c_clangtidy_options and g:ale_c_clangcheck_options.
I was getting stumped by a similar error message for far too long:
/my/project/src/util.h:4:10: error: 'string' file not found [clang-diagnostic-error]
#include <string>
I saw other questions suggesting that I was missing some critical package, but everything already seemed to be installed (and my code built just fine, it was only clang-tidy that was getting upset).
Passing -v showed that my .h file was being handled differently:
$ clang-tidy ... src/*.{h,cc} -- ... -v
clang-tool ... -main-file-name ... -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/../../../../include/c++/9 ... -x c++ ... /tmp/copy/src/
clang-tool ... -main-file-name util.h ... -x c-header /my/project/src/util.h
As Kris notes the key distinction is the -x c-header flag, which is because clang assumes a .h file contains C, not C++, and this in turn means that the system C++ includes weren't being used to process util.h.
But the -main-file-name flag also stood out to me as odd; why would a header file ever be the main file? While digging around I also came across this short but insightful answer that header files shouldn't be directly compiled in the first place! Using src/*.cc instead of src/*.{h,cc} avoids the problem entirely by never asking Clang to try to process a .h on its own in the first place!
This does introduce one more wrinkle, though. Errors in these header files won't be reported by default, since they're not the files you asked clang-tidy to look at. This is where the "Use -header-filter=. to display errors from all non-system headers.*" message clang-tidy prints comes in. If I pass -header-filter=src/.* (to only include my src headers and not any other header files I'm including with -I) I see the expected errors in my header files. Phew!
I'm not sure whether to prefer -x c++ or -header-filter=.* generally. A downside of -header-filter is you have to tune the filter regex, rather than just passing in the files you want to check. But on the other hand processing header files in isolation is essentially wasteful work (that I expect would add up quickly in a larger project).

Automatically create .OBJDIR subdirectories

I have the following directory structure:
The content of makefile is as follows:
flat.out: flat.o
deep.out: src/deep.o
I have no problem building flat:
/xxx $ make flat.out
c++ -O2 -pipe -c /xxx/flat.cpp -o flat.o
cc -O2 -pipe flat.o -o flat.out
/xxx $ ls obj
flat.o flat.out
But when I try to build deep it fails:
/xxx $ make deep.out
c++ -O2 -pipe -c /xxx/src/deep.cpp -o src/deep.o
error: unable to open output file 'src/deep.o': 'No such file or directory'
1 error generated.
*** Error code 1
make: stopped in /xxx
If I then create /xxx/obj/src manually it succeeds:
/xxx $ mkdir obj/src
/xxx $ make deep.out
c++ -O2 -pipe -c /xxx/src/deep.cpp -o src/deep.o
cc -O2 -pipe src/deep.o -o deep.out
/xxx $ ls obj
deep.out flat.o flat.out src
/xxx $ ls obj/src
According to this source bmake (aka bsdmake?) supports automatic creation of out-of-source OBJDIRs, but I cannot figure out how exactly.
How do I configure bmake to create the relevant directories automatically, in the general case?
Automatic creation of out-of-source OBJDIRs is supported but not in the sense you seem to expect it. Creation of out-of-source OBJDIRs can be implemented with bmake(1) directives but is not supported by the bmake(1) program itself. That said,
If you use bmake(1) directives shipped with FreeBSD to build your project, then the creation of OBJDIRs is supported and implemented by the obj target, so that the command make obj will create the OBJDIRs. See the file for further documentation and implementation details. FreeBSD sources contain a lot of examples of programs using these directives to build.
If you use bmake(1) directives shipped as the (portable) bsdowl package, then the creation of OBJDIRs is supported and implemented by the target obj so that the command make obj or the command make preparatives using a more general target will create the OBJDIRs. The example directory contains several C-based examples showing how to prepare your Makefiles to build your project with the bsdowl package.
If you use custom bmake(1) directives, then you will have to implement a target taking care of this creation yourself. The file is definitely a good source to get started with this.
An important point to note, is that bmake(1) determines its actual working directory before processing any targets, which means that it is almost always the right thing to do to execute the target requesting the creation of OBJDIRs on its own. Because of this, the command bmake obj all from your example would fail with the same error message you reported above. The correct invocation would instead be bmake obj && bmake all, since the second bmake(1) process has now the chance to change to the OBJDIR created by the previous run.

Cannot specify include file with make and MinGW

I'm facing an issue with a simple makefile and gcc (MinGW with Windows 10).
This is my simple makefile
IJNI=-I"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_79\include"
IJNIWIN32=-I"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_79\include/win32"
default: main
main: lowlevelAccess.o
$(CC) $(IJNI) $(IJNIWIN32) -c lowlevelAccess -o lowlevelAccess.o
When from a command promp I launch make, I obtain:
gcc -c -o lowlevelAccess.o lowlevelAccess.c
lowlevelAccess.c:7:17: fatal error: jni.h: No such file or directory
#include <jni.h>
compilation terminated.
make: *** [lowlevelAccess.o] Error 1
What is wrong?
Thank you!
You aren't adding your -I flags on the lowlevelAccess.o compilation but that's the rule that needs it (not the linking rule where you have it now).
Try adding CFLAGS += $(IJNI) $(IJNIWIN32) to your makefile (possibly use CPPFLAGS instead I'm not sure offhand which is technically more correct here).
See Variables Used by Implicit Rules for what those variables are and Catalogue of Built-In Rules (or the output from make -qp) to see what the default rules that use those variables look like.

why is gcc gets executed in this make file?

I have the following makefile when type make i got the following output. why is gcc gets called in this case?
nasm -felf ./source/multiboot.s
gcc multiboot.o -o multiboot
gcc: error: multiboot.o: No such file or directory
gcc: fatal error: no input files
compilation terminated.
make: *** [multiboot] Error 4
all: multiboot
multiboot.o: $(SOURCE)multiboot.s
$(ASM) $(ASMFLAG) $(SOURCE)multiboot.s
The "all" command depends on "multiboot", but there is no explicit rule defining how to produce "multiboot". In this case, Make uses a predefined rule that understands that, if the "$target.o" target exists, then "$target" can be constructed from "$target.o" by running the linker (in this case, GCC).
It seems like the problem in this case is that your instructions for the "multiboot.o" command does not actually produce the file "multiboot.o" as output. Try simply doing:
multiboot.o: multiboot.s
(That is, without specifying the command to run). Simply declaring this dependency should, by a similar mechanism, result in an implicit rule/command to create the "multiboot.o" output from "multiboot.s".

How to write C make file

I'm new to C programming. I want to compile C program using Make file. I can compile the source code file with the command:
gcc `xml2-config --cflags --libs` -o xmlexample readelementsfile.c
But when I create make file and I add the above commend into the make file I get this error:
Makefile:1: *** missing separator. Stop.
Can you tell me where I'm wrong?
You need to specify a target:
gcc `xml2-config --cflags --libs` -o xmlexample readelementsfile.c
The whitespace at the start of the second line should be a Tab character.
You can also specify dependencies so that not all of your commands are run every time you build.
Makefile Tutorial
