SmartGWT and GWT upgrades not refreshed after upgrading jar versions - maven

I have an opensource project in GitHub that I am working on with lots of changes, etc. I recently upgrade the maven pom file to use the lastest Spring Release (from 3.1 to 3.2.3). I also upgrade from GWT 2.5 to 2.5.1, and finally from SmartGWT 2.5 to 4.0. After some minor code changes, I was ready to test this.
I can tell you that the Maven code builds successfully, STS/Eclipse report no errors. I can build run the app with no problems. The issue stems from when I run the app, the text boxes cannot have data entered into them, and the link items appear as text boxes.
After doing some research on the SMartGWT forums, I see that the browser cache needs to be cleared which I have done several times. I deleted my entire target directory which also deleted any gwt generated classes, code, ui, nocache.js, etc. I can re-run the maven build which re-creates everything. Again, I can clear my cache, and still the problem happens.
I created a new SmartGWT 4.0 and GWT 2.5.1 project from scratch. I created a new login screen, I added small bits of code at a time, and watched to see what would happen, would it work or not. It broke when I got to adding all the DynamicForm attributes. Adding the datasource at this time is what broke my login form. I agree there really is no reason to bind this to the datasource at this time. In the onClick of the Submit button, I call the loginDS.fetch(criteria) manually.
So, that would be my advice to anyone working with SmartGWT, if something doesn't work, just start re-adding stuff back slowly, and keep testing until you narrow down exactly what is causing the form/screen to not work. I hope this helps other people!

Check in Eclipse for the project settings, make sure you have the right versions selected for the libraries. For example, the GWT SDK is under Google>Web Toolkit.

I basically just followed my own advice above as well.
I just took the broken widget and re-created a new version, and slowly moved over one method at a ime until I found the broken code. I fixed that piece, and everything worked.
The actual broken code was that I was tying the datasource to my form, and I didn't need to do that in my situation.


How I could upgrade Grails 2.2.4 version to latest or most current version?

I'm working with a Grails application version 2.2.4 and I need a procedure for upgrade to latest version (I hope it can be possible). I have thought as a first step to follow the indications of the official site, but that let me to upgrade to version 3.
I'd like to know if anyone already did it or have experience about that. How long take it?, the process and the main problems.
Many thanks in advance.
I think you need to follow both upgrade instructions. the one for 3.x and the 4.x.
start with the 3.x and them move to the 4.x changes.
Another approach I think may be better is to start an empty 4.x application and then start moving you code there. also check first that all the plugins that you are you sing have 3+ version.
The effort required to upgrade can change massively depending on multiple factors, including the size of the project, the quality of the original code, were plugins used and if so have they been updated or will the functionality need replacing, were deprecated taglibs used, e.g remoteFunction etc. etc.
There is not a great deal of difference between 3.x and 4.x so it makes sense to upgrade to 4.x.
Tackle it in stages from the basis of a new project, attempting to rebuild the project between stages.
Reestablish configuration, you don't have to use application.yaml (the default in 4.x) so can create an application.groovy with the same parameters as per your old project.
Move over domain objects but use a new database URL, compare the schema's between the old db and new db to ensure the database is the same. Unless you don't rely on GORM to recreate/update the schema.
Move over any other source and command objects ensuring the project will build. You may need to modify buildconfig at this stage to bring in dependencies and plugins.
Move over services, ensure all compiles and make sure transactions are behaving as intending.
Move over controllers ensuring any tests run successfully.
Move over the views.
Hopefully if the project is still building at this stage, you can run it!

Why is there no dashboard in the latest Sonarqube version?

In the old version, there was a dashboard for the whole project from different views, but in the latest version there isn't. Why was this dashboard removed?
The short answer is that rather than making you figure out which measures are most important, and making you figure out how to display them, recent versions of SonarQube handle the hard work for you with a standard, non-customizable project homepage, and the new Projects space.

Problems with Osgi plugins in Domino Designer after 9.01. FP4

We have our own OSGI plugin with a set of custom code and some java libraries that we use cross projects. It is installed on servers via an update site and imported on developers Domino Designer.
It is working fine up to FP4, but in Domino Designer it is not added to bundles after FP4. For servers and Notes clients it works fine up to FP6 for which we have tested so far.
Tested now with FP7 on my Domino Designer, and the plugin installs fine both via update site and via manual import. However each time I open a database using this library I get build errors. It solves by going to the code, on the error select correct project configuration and adding our plugin to the required bundles. When I close the database and open again, I have to do the same process and we have the same problem with all databases using this plugin.
I have tested starting Notes with the osgi console, but all reports as it is installed normal there.
When viewing in package explorer before fixing the bundle I can see that the plugin is missing from Plugin dependecies and gets added there when doing the fix.
I just installed a fresh Domino Designer for a new user now and upgraded him directly to FP7. He got exactly the same problem. Downgrading him to FP4 solves the problem.
Anyone having the same problem or have ideas to how it can be solved?

Websphere runs old code after deploying new ear file

Ear file is not getting updated after deploying on websphere 7.0. It is still running the old code.
I am not getting this issue with every project. But for the specific project it is not getting updated. I tried to clear the target. I checked the timestamp for generated classes. All showing the timestamp of when I did maven install.
I got the below post with same issue:
Duplicate Post with same issue for reference
In this, user has commented, "After finishing the update instead of clicking save I click review and there is a checkbox to synchronize the nodes, which then did the trick"
But I could not see any checkbox in WAS 7.0. Please suggest how could I make that work.

Reloading JSP Changes in Eclipse/STS

I'm just getting into GAE and I'm using STS (derivative of Eclipse). I'm currently getting a project set up to use Spring and Apache Tiles under GAE. I've got it mostly configured properly and it seems to work. My biggest problem is figuring out how others handle day-to-day developing in this kind of environment.
I make tons of changes to the front-end JSPs but so far it seems like I have to stop the GAE server and restart it every time I make a small change to a JSP. Having to restart when I make changes to the controller is fine, but having to restart it for a simple JSP change is driving me crazy.
Is there a way to have the GAE environment reload JSP changes in Eclipse/STS?
I'm using Maven for AppEngine project, so whenever I build the project, there will be a project target directory generated/updated which is where the server will load the files from. When I tried to update my jsp/css/js files, I always open the file in that directory and update it there. Once I'm satisfied with the it, I will copy the changes to my source file.
Essentially, I think for you, you can find out where is your target directory, and try to edit your files from there.
I'm not sure if my workaround is suitable for you but maybe you can get one or two here.
Apart from that, there are people using JRebel which is a hotdeploy tool. There is a AppEngine version of JRebel there, but I suspect it is not free...
I'd suggest to take a look at JRebel. Even if it is commercial software, it will save you a lot of nerves for this kind of development
You need to set parameter:
(Put it into if you use spring boot)
