allow others to see your Sinatra local server through amazon instance - ruby

It's really difficult to explain. But basically, I have an amazon instance, and I want to ssh into it and run a local server on it with sinatra. so I would ssh into the amazon instance, git clone my repo, and run ruby Then I want someone else to be able to see that exact local server that is being ran. One of the things I've done is added a security group, port 4567 HTTP so that I can access it via public dns. It works on a rack app but it doesn't work on the sinatra, I've even tried a 'hello world' sample app to try to get it working.

I'm not sure if there is a specific reason that you want to do this from an Amazon server or not, but if you just want someone else to see your sinatra app, you could simply use localtunnel.
Using this, you can simply run localhost on your OWN computer, then run localtunnel PORTNUMBER and it will give you a URL that your app will now be visible from. You can then give that URL to anyone you want.
Example of use:
$ ruby myapp.rb
$ localtunnel 4567
A URL will then be displayed for you to copy-paste to a friend. Easy as that.
I use this a lot when developing web apps to be mobile friendly and want to quickly look at the app on my phone without having to deploy to a server.


How do I host an app created with Polymer?

I've been Googling this problem for some weeks now and can't find a solution to what seems to be a simple problem. It seems to get pretty convoluted pretty quickly.
I've read through the node.js Heroku getting started and a lot of other tutorials but it seems to be that it won't work with Polymer. I can see my app looks and works fine when I run python -m http.server 8000 from the command line in my directory I can view my app in the localhost and it looks great!
If anyone has any clue as to where I should go from here or can point me to any useful links that would be amazing! Even better if there is some kind of skeleton Polymer website that is freely available.
If you aren't trying to host a node.js or other backend with your polymer app you can use github pages.
Polymer app is essentially only files that the browser needs to retrieve from remote server. You don't need to have backend on the host server. If you were trying to host node.js or other backend you could use heroku to host it.

How do I go about setting up my Sinatra REST API on a server?

I'm an iOS developer primarily. In building my current app, I needed a server that would have a REST API with a couple of GET requests. I spent a little time learning Ruby, and landed on using Sinatra, a simple web framework. I can run my server script, and access it from a browser at localhost:4567, with a request then being localhost:4567/hello, as an example.
Here's where I feel out of my depth. I setup an Ubuntu droplet at DigitalOcean, and felt my way around to setting up all necessary tools via command line, until I could again run my server, now on this droplet.
The problem then is that I couldn't then access my server via droplet.ip.address:4567, and a bit of research lead me to discovering I need Passenger and an Apache HTTP Server to be setup, and not with simple instructions.
I'm way in over my head here, and I don't feel comfortable. There must be a better way for me to take my small group of ruby files and run this on a server, than me doing this. But I have no idea what I'm doing.
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
bit of research lead me to discovering I need Passenger and an Apache HTTP Server to be setup, and not with simple instructions.
Ignore that for now. Take baby steps first. You should be able to run your Sinatra app from the command line on the DigitalOcean droplet, and then access it via droplet.ip.address:4567. If that doesn't work something very fundamental is wrong.
When you start your app, you will see what address and port the app is listening on. Make sure it's and 4567. If it's or localhost that means it will only service requests originating from the same machine
After you get this working, next step is to make your Sinatra app into a service. Essentially this means the app runs in the background, and auto-starts when the system reboots. Look into Supervisor which is very simple configuration to get this running.
Later you can install Apache or Nginx to put in front of your Sinatra app. These are proxies which simply forward requests from port 80 (default HTTP port) to your sinatra app, but can do additional things such as add SSL support, load balancing, custom error pages etc. - all of which you do not need right now.

Not able to access page data, using anemone with socksify gem and Tor

I ve written a ruby script using anemone gem to crawl a website. The script runs fine when used directly.
But I would like to use socksify gem so that all TCP calls from the script is routed with socks5. I did the following for the same:
Installed and started Tor project and it is running in my machine
Installed socksify gem
ran the following command socksify_ruby localhost 9050 myscript.rb as given here
However anemone does not detect any page in this case. Please let me know what mistake I am doing.
There are a number of problems that could be causing this to happen. First, if ntp is not running on your machine, and the time is off by even a little bit, you will not be able do use the socks server to do anything complicated. This happened to me. You need to install ntp and make sure it has synced before doing anything.
Second, you may find that a lot of this commands like socksify are obsolete. The best way I have found to make sure that everything happens through the socks port without dns leakage is by using curl, which has bindings for many languages. You can carefully watch the traffic with tcpdump to make sure it isn't leaking, and it is watertight in my experience.
I'd also suggest that you look at torsocks, which has recently been updated by dgoulet on github. This replaces tsocks, which the outdated socksify_ruby is based on.
Finally, hidden services have been under great strain lately, because a bot has decided to start up a few million Tor clients. Make sure you can connect with the Tor Browser Bundle, assuming the project you are working on is trying to crawl hidden service.
You didn't actually say that this project involves Tor or hidden services, but you did tag it with Tor.

Run Sinatra on Windows Server 2008

I'd like to have a simple API running on a webserver (Windows Server 2008).
I've chosen Sinatra with its default Webrick backend.
What I'm not sure how to do is make my sinatra app visible to the outside world? I have remote desktop access to my server, I have the Sinatra app running, but I'm sure it's not configured correctly for response to outside requests.
I'd love any pointers in getting this going.
Figured this out.
Was pretty much as simple as ensuring sinatra was running with no ip (either run with -e production or use the -o flag), and then most importantly, ensure the port the webrick server was running on was open on the windows server machine. Once the port was open, accessing it via ip:port works.

Maintenance mode in AWS EC2

In heroku we could use the command heroku maintenance on or off... How can I do it in my AWS EC2 web services? I tried just to stop the server using sudo service nginx stop but I don't like the error page that was displayed. It says error in url. In heroku if i use the maintenance command, the error page will display "Under contruction" "Maintenance" or something like that.
How can I do it in Amazon web services? thanks
You have to do it yourself. AWS does not provide that.
Yeah, so heroku has routing magick, think of the default WebBrick server your rails app is running as running outside of rails. Idk, assuming you use passenger you would'nt really notice this but at a high level, nginx is proxying your apps' port 3000 to port 80 for certain requests. I appologize if you don't know what I mean by that.
So (YOUR APP) ---> (NGINX) -----> (Client)
the advantage here, is that nginx keeps running but during maintience mode they most likely start shooting you pages to static content. If you too run you rails app via a proxy rather than via passenger, than you solution is easy. Stop your WebBrick, mongrel, unicorn, thin (what ever app server here) and setup an error message page for bad gateway errors aka 502 route.
If you use passenger. You could write a location block, that would over ride all your routes to a maintence page and switch Passenger to off in that server block, now rather than serving your app you can serve a static maintence page.
Heroku wraps alot of technology and exposes nice tools, so you'll need to do a bit more ground work to automate your stack. But this is a place to start.
