phpDocumentor relative paths to css and javascript - phpdoc

It's my first time using phpDocumentor 2 and every file in the root folder of the documentation looks fine.
Unfortunately, anything in the subdirectories (classes, namespaces and packages) doesn't look right or function properly, because they don't reference "../css/template.css" but "css/template.css". (Same problem with the JS)
Am I missing some sort of configuration issue? The demo on the phpDoc site seems to include the reference to the parent directory.
Thanks in advance!

Probably not configuration... may just be a bug that's cropped up while working on the beta versions. Open an issue about it at github (


Webjars- Spring boot

I aaded webjar(foundation 6.3.1) via Maven and how i can figure out the link to resource? I mean that I cannot see folder with generated resource like css, js etc. in Intellij output folder(target) so how i know which is valid path?
I found valid path to bootstrap as example and i tested it
it works but if i have another webjars i have to guess what is path to it?!
Output directory content
I found solution, maybe it will be usefull for others. In html code you will get prompts from IDE when start with webjars. Example below
IDE prompts

Impossible to download VM on Modern.IE

Something is broken on
After selecting the VM that I want to download, the links do not appear...
And there is a js error in my console log...
ReferenceError: i18n is not defined
I am experiencing the same issue.
I have found this gist with the direct links to the downloads:
Only mac links but maybe the others can be built from the structure.
This Github project has the VMs available through a bash script. I'm trying to download one now, and it appears to be working. Appears to work on multiple platforms.
This is fixed since around 7.00am PST.
The issue was a missing file in the CDN that didn't get pushed (i18next\i18next.js).

#import causes parse issue: "could not build module"

After updating with Xcode 6.3, I found something strange things with my projects.
Below codes causes parse issue that says "Could not build module 'AgendaFramework'", the AgendaFramework is my custom embedded framework for ios8:
#import MyEmbededFramework;
The error marker looks like this:
The issues is raised during indexing not building. Whole building can be performed successfully without any error or warning. I can build, archive, run on device, deploy, submit to App Store.
However the error marker shows up when I edit the classes that belongs to the extension. The the extension(widget) explicitly linked to the embedded framework. (I know that I don't have to do it when I use #import statement.)
In this state, I could not receive any valid content assistant, very annoying.
After I replace the import statement with old style, the problem was disappeared:
#import <AgendaFramework/AgendaFramework.h>
I have several other projects that have very similar topology with the project which causes this issue, But they are okay. Only one project causes this issue. I compared every detail build settings, I could not find any clue.
I tried:
Delete derived data
Full Clean
Any clues are welcomed. Thanks!
It looks like turning on:
Allow Non-modular Includes In Framework Modules solved this issue for me.
Hi this is due to the fact that file which you are making it public in framework header must be public also.
Sometimes this issue can be solved by adding the framework to the same folder as the .xcodeproj file, no subfolders or anything.
Credits to Jonny who points it out as a comment in the question.
Solution that worked for me: diligence in framework header file orientation to system style imports... like #import <CoreXLib/CoreThreads.h> the story:
In my case my framework that I built came from the combination of several code bases as it became apparent that I could reuse some of the general design patterns across that code easer via Framework vs the fragile Xcode project pathnames.
As I built my framework "CoreXLib", I reorganized it into the Cocoa Framework typical of Xcode. I changed my imports from:
#import "CoreTypeAliases.h" // project local style
#import <CoreXLib/CoreTypeAliases.h> // system or framework style
appropriately. Several projects that used the CoreXLib.framework which includes the public headers in the lego-folder worked... so I thought I was good to go...
Unfortunately some of the headers that were public did not get fully updated. The classes in the framework built just fine in the local style. All projects using it worked up to this point and then I ran into one that didn't... and the error noted by #jeeeyul
So after finding this thread and finding #kwz 's solution, and not having it do anything in my case, I decided to polish the code up while I was trying to figure this problem out. In the polishing, I found that some of the #imports did not get changed like they should have in the Xcode search and replaces. Time for some hand-jamming...
After fixing all of those references in all of my CoreXLib project headers (not just the public ones, self defense), I dove back into the problem... I took the newly complied CoreXLib.framework over to the errant project that embedded it... and the problem had vanished! I checked the Allow Non-modular Includes... in both the framework project and the project that linked the framework in and both were "No". Flipping both to "Yes" and to "No" made no difference in several tests. The only other change was the #import "..." to #import <CoreXLib/...> modifications.
So sometimes polishing the apple 🍎 knocks the bugs🐞🐞off...
set YES in Build Active Architecture Only in build settings.
It worked for me.
Today I solved this problem by those steps,:
Chose the schema "MyEmbededFramework"
Press [Command + B] to build
From the build phase panel, add "MyEmbededFramework.framework" to Link Binary With Libraries
Try to build your project, the problem may disappear now.
you can try this, it's work for me. delete DerivedData dir that about your project.step by step
Turn off module's in build settings. That may work

Sass failing to compile - Web Essentials 2013 Update 4

I'm currently using Web Essentials 2013 update 4 to provide support for compiling .scss files in Visual Studio.
The tool has worked fine for me in the past however I have just created a new .scss file and have copied the bootstrap un-minified css into this new file.
Upon saving, the compilation window on the right hand side of the screen fails to update or display the compiled css or any error messages. Meanwhile, the blue bar at the bottom of my Visual Studio screen is stuck on
Compiling 0 dependent file for bootstrap.scss
Usually I would expect a bootstrap.css file to be generated from this as well as a bootstrap.min.css file but this is not happening.
Does anyone have any ideas how I can restore this back to normal working conditions?
This was to do with the settings I had in my WebEssentials-Settings.json file. In version 3, the 'UseRubyRuntime' parameter needed to be marked as true to allow it to auto compile into the relevant files. Since version 4 this can be marked as false as WE now has a built in compiler which I believe may have been conflicting with the RubyRuntime version I was trying to use.
I had a similar problem, after installing Web Essentials 2013 Update 4 the .scss files started throwing errors like this to the output:
Something went wrong reaching: ...
SCSS: Site.scss compilation failed: The service failed to respond to this request
Possible cause: Syntax Error!
The only solution for me was this:
Uninstall Web Essentials
Delete %AppData%\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0
Delete %AppData%\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0
Repair VS 2013.4
Reinstall Web Essentials
And a heads-up: If you import other .scss files, make sure they are in the correct location. When I updated Twitter.Bootstrap.Sass 3.3.3 via NuGet, the related .scss files were moved to a different folder and I had to update references. For example:
#import "../sass/bootstrap/_utilities.scss";
#import "../stylesheets/bootstrap/_utilities.scss";
I had the same problem, and spent some time uninstalling and re-installing Web Essentials. I tried deleting the parts of AppData that seemed to be related to Web Essential, all with no success at compiling the scss file.
So I created a new .scss with minimal content, that compiled. Then I started copying over pieces from the failing one. After a couple of copies, the new one failed too. I was able to zero in on the failure.
It was caused by this line:
$highlightcolor: #67a0f;
Do you see the problem? the hex color code is missing a digit. it should have been 67a0f5. Fixing this fixed the problem with the original file.
I had gone over the file looking for syntax errors, but didn't spot the short color def.
I hope this saves someone some time and frustration.
I had the same problem; in order to help diagnose it I created a minimal .scss file with dummy CSS rules - it generated the same error.
Then I went to my long-time tested and fully working legacy .scss file - it generated the same error. Something is wrong here, I thought.
After tinkering with the issue for a while, somehow it got fixed by closing Visual Studio, reloading and reopening the solution.
Referencing the changelog, as of 2.5 for update 4 of Web Essentials:
Removed all node.js based tools ◦Sass/LESS compilers
linters CSS AutoPrefixer Handlebars compiler SweetJS/LiveScript
So my understanding is, that it no longer compiles.
I am having the same problem and have eliminated actual syntax errors and incorrect path references. I have found two things out about this.
This happens when there is a file that only specifies variables and
has no actual scss or css markup. This is more of a hack as you
may have to put unwanted css in a variables file.
Turning off Autoprefixer will resolve the issue entirely, but at the cost of not using this feature.
I had this problem and determined that when I was running a Compile All SASS Files, the plugin was trying to compile files found in the /obj directory of the project which failed, and consequently caused subsequent compilation to fail. Deleting the /obj directory and restarting VS fixed the issue.
I had a similar issue and turn out to be a reference to a SASS variable before it was declared. There were no warnings or errors. Once I move the reference to the right place it all worked fine.
Going off of what others have said about Web Essentials. Looking at the change log, it states that for versions 2013 update 4 and up (meaning version 2015 as well),
Important! Bundling, minification and compilation of LESS, Sass and
CoffeeScript is not longer part of Web Essentials 2015. Install the
new extensions Bundler & Minifier and Web Compiler instead. Also, see
this list of other web development extensions that might be of
interest to you.
I found this neat little extension for visual studio, that compiles the SCSS file(s) on save into a CSS file (along with minification for that file).
You can get it here.
The guy that created this extension also talks about the Web Essential issue as well, found here.

T4MVC 2.6.44 missing T4MVC.settings.t4 file

I downloaded the latest version of T4MVC 2.6.44 from When I unzipped the file, it has and T4MVC.cs. And I don't see T4MVC.settings.t4. I double checked that the T4MVCVB version has T4MVCVB.settings.t4. I am getting an error saying that T4MVC.settings.t4 is missing while trying to use T4MVC it in my solution.
Any help on this matter is appreciated.
Update: I found the T4MVC.settings.t4 file at:
Does it mean it is not included as part of T4MVC download?
Sorry, my bad, I just didn't package it correctly last time around. I just fixes it. A couple notes:
Most people now get T4MVC via NuGet
The settings file is now named (not the extra .tt in there)
