Inserting custom names for the Bundeled Product Options - magento

How can I insert custom names for my bundled product options in the admin area?
Here is an image of what I mean.
I want to be able able to insert custom names for these product options.
Is there a way to do it?

I have setup a Cloud Account (from Bitnami and available for about an hour) and it's pretty straight forward:
Catalog > Attributes
all you need is to create and set those there, as the Colors in your image are called Attributes
you can always see how Magento Demo Store is setting them up or as I said above, just navigate to Catalog > Attributes > Manage Attributes or Catalog > Attributes > Manage Attributes Sets
You should see a demo or buy a book about Magento (their manual helps a lot) if you don't know what are this really standard piece of a product customization.


Magento drop down to be selected by buyer

I am new to Magento. The website I am working on sells contact lenses and some custom attributes need to be added on the product page. Now requirement states that user has to select some prescription values from drop-down fields before adding the product to cart. I am totally lost on how to do it. This question asks the same thing:
Fields to be filled by the buyer in magento product page
But the answer points to dead link. How to retrieve some custom information from user on product page and store it along with order?
This is possible with custom option. Magento provide custom option facility. when you create custom option then it displayed on product page and you will get information from customer and that information stored in order automatically.
reference link :
You can create Dynamic custom option. I have answered thw whole process here:
dynamically add product custom options magento
As the Custom option applicaple to particular category. so you need to add required conditionon on precription form on product detail page.
You can manage this using custom option and there is a great module available in magento connect to achieve your goal.

Can Magento be used as a CMS to build a product catalog(not a store currently but maybe in the future)

I have to build a website for a mobile store. They want to list their products but don't want to start selling yet. I have done a lot of website with Joomla and Virtuemart.
This time I want to use Magento as they use Lightspeed a POS that offers integration with Magento community edition.
My question is can I simply use Magento as a CMS to only display products and a few static pages like about us etc. I went through stackoverflow and found that some members have recommended some good blog integrations for magento so that part is solved(Thanks :-) ).
I know I can use wordpress as a blog with magento.
I rephrase....Can I use it to simply display products!
If Yes then please let me know if I am doing it for the right reason.
the reason are:
Adding products and product information becomes very easy in a
shopping cart(But in a CMS like Joomla each page has to be literally "designed" or I will have to use CCK editor. It still
becomes difficult for the client to update products IMO)
It comes with built in plugins to show related/featured products
etc. with a click on a button or options in the backend while client
simply puts the appropriate tags(With a CMS have to use a plugin or
module in Joomla that has to be set to show in the particular pages)
Automatic display of images etc is easier in Magento in comparison
to a CMS like Joomla where I will have to use a plugin or a gallery
that is set to show inside an article
The buy/add to cart button can easily be disabled and a "more info"
button can be added that will send an email to the client. They get
the exact product code the customer is asking for(Doing that in
Joomla would require a lot of extra stuff like adding codes or use
an advanced contact form with a tag to be entered for each page)
Last but not the least when client is ready to go online it can
easily be converted
Does Magento have two display? One is simply a catalog and the other a store. I have seen that in some stores online(not necessarily using magento) I am assuming either they created a website with the products pages first and then added a store later.
But in many cases it looks like a part of the Shopping application.(i just can't seem to remember which one they were using now).
If Magento allows that then I think my problem is solved. I simply use the "catalog option" and when the client is ready for the store I simply pull the products using a extension from their POS software.
Thank you for taking the time to read/answer.
Using Magento as a catalog only without selling the items is pretty straightforward. The easiest thing to do is just to use the catalog category lists to list the products and just make sure the "order" button is not visible.
You can do this simply by removing it from the product detail template (and the list/grid template in case they have it).
Or you could (I think) set all products to 'out of stock' this will automatically remove the 'order' button.
If you want to be thorough you should edit the cartControllers's addAction to disable adding products to the cart.
If you are going to combine Magento with Wordpress, Fishpig has developed a plugin with which you can use shortcode within Wordpress blogposts or/and pages to display products.
More info about that can be found here:
System > Configuration > Advanced > Advanced
Disable the modules you don't want to use.
For example, if you wanted to use Magento as catalog only then disable sales module.
Hope this works for you!

Custom layout update per site for one product

I have a multisite Magento running, and need to add a canonical URL for each product manually.
Since a product can be shown on different sites, each having different navigations, an since the custom layout update is [global], how can I get Magento to apply the custom layout update only if site/shop equals X?
I found the answer. I went to Catalog > manage attributes and set the custom_layout_update scope to store-view.

add-on options of product in magento?

I want to add a product with add-on options, and we should be able to manage the inventory of main product as well as add-ons. Also, its not compulsory to select add ons.
We want to add product Similiar to this product.
I have tried to implement it in two ways:
1. Using configurable products: Added a configurable product and added associated products. [Problem: Associated products becomes compulsory to select and also we are not able to manage inventory of the main product.
2. Using Bundled Products: Added a Bundled product and then assigned associated products to it. But here also we can't manage the inventory of the main bundled product.
Please help.
Use bundled product with custom changes. I dont think magento provide such functionality by default
Why doesn't a bundle product work for you?
You don't need to manage stock of the bundle product, only for the simples that are contained within.
You can set one bundle option with only the simple product that is your main product in and make it 'not user selectable qty' and 'required', then you have another product option underneath with your options, these can be a drop down or multi select and you make these 'not required' so they can choose these if they like.
Does that make sense?
I think this tutorial explains exactly what you need:

Magento - Custom options of configurable product do not show in admin

I have configurable products set up in Magento ver with custom options for colour or design of the item.
On the front end this shows up and works perfectly but when you go to the checkout page you cant see the custom option you selected and also in admin and invoice email it does not show the custom option so it is impossible to complete the order for customer.
You can view an example on our site here:
If you where to select say a 5 pack in colour green all we see in checkout and in admin is the item name ie. eco multi coloured 5 pack but it does not show the extra custom option of colour.
Even after updating to latest version of Magento ver. I still get this problem.
Any ideas..?
Thanks for your time
Did you create those extra options in the "content management system" of Magento or did you add some code to achieve this?
Magento is really picky in how you create your product line. In most cases you could group the products or set some extra options. In this case you could create one product, the green lantern, and make a new group of products which exists of 5, 10 or more lanterns.
