Implementing GameKit.framework on OSX, cannot authenticate localPlayer - cocoa

I'm attempting to implement GameKit in my OSX game. Unfortunately I can't find much information about how to do this; all tutorials seem to be iOS (though the documentation clearly states "Game Center is available on iOS and OS X").
Everything is compiling fine; the problem comes when I try to authenticate the local user:
[[GKLocalPlayer localPlayer] setAuthenticateHandler:^(id viewController, NSError *error) {
if(error) {
DLog(#"Error: %#",error);// This is always returning an error
else if(viewController) {
I have 2 problems:
First, the handler always gets an error: Error Domain=GKErrorDomain Code=6 "The requested operation could not be completed because local player has not been authenticated." UserInfo=0x10103bc70 {NSLocalizedDescription=The requested operation could not be completed because local player has not been authenticated.}.
Second, I don't know how to present the view controller.
On the iPhone, this code works fine: there's no error, and I simply present the viewController (which is the login screen).

I'm sorry, and I realize that my answer is almost a year late, but in case it may still be relevant for others who are still asking this question like myself. Ed Marty is mostly correct, but what I've discovered that works for me is this.
[[GKLocalPlayer localPlayer] setAuthenticateHandler:^(NSViewController < GKViewController > viewController, NSError *error) {
if(error) {
NSLog(#"Error: %#",error);
else if(viewController) {
GKDialogController *presenter = [GKDialogController sharedDialogController];
presenter.parentWindow = myWindow;
[presenter presentViewController:viewController];
The main difference is using NSViewController conforming to GKViewController instead of id.(Also, I used NSLog instead of DLog, but that isn't too important).
"I have found, however, that this is completely useless, and it presents the login dialog before it even calls the handler."
To make sure that it works, set up a new Game Center account through your app. When you run your program and it loads a window for you to sign in, press "Create New Apple ID" even if you already have an Apple ID. The button may not work, so if that's the case, open up Game Center and press "Create New Apple ID." Either way, your objective is to create a "Sandboxed" Game Center account, which you can learn more about here:
You can tell if the account is Sandboxed if when you are reading the terms and conditions, the word "Sandbox" appears on a yellow banner in the top left. Once again, I'm sorry I'm late, but hopefully this clears the topic for all future viewers.
P.S. I'm sorry that the code did not format properly.

I have found that the GameKit documentation for OSX is woefully lacking, misleading, and sometimes downright wrong. That said, here's what you're supposed to do, according to this document:
[[GKLocalPlayer localPlayer] setAuthenticateHandler:^(id viewController, NSError *error) {
if(error) {
DLog(#"Error: %#",error);// This is always returning an error
else if(viewController) {
GKDialogController *presenter = [GKDialogController sharedDialogController];
presenter.parentWindow = myWindow;
[presenter presentViewController:viewController];
I have found, however, that this is completely useless, and it presents the login dialog before it even calls the handler.


How can I be notified that a movie has been determined not to be a movie?

I'm writing a Mac app that plays MPEG-4 movies using AVPlayer.
My app supports both local movies and movies from the internet, via an “Open Location” dialog. In the latter case, when the user enters a URL and presses the OK button, my app opens the URL as a document.
Local files are easy—Launch Services will tell Finder, Dock, etc. not to light my app up for any local file that isn't a .mp4 or similar. If the user forces my app to open some random file (e.g., by holding down ⌘ when dragging it onto my app), that's their own fault.
Non-local (e.g., internet) URLs are the problem. If I supply a URL that doesn't lead to an MPEG-4, I need to show an alert and close the document.
Of course, I'm not downloading the URL myself; I just hand it to AVPlayer.
So I need a way to be notified by my AVPlayer that what I've given it is not a movie.
I've tried observing the player's status. That gets set to AVPlayerStatusReadyToPlay.
I've tried observing the player's currentItem's tracks. At least on Lion, for an invalid movie, the item's tracks never changes. (This stands to reason—the only reason it would change would be tracks coming in, which is, by definition, impossible for a non-movie.)
I can't just check tracks when status changes, because that may not be set yet (on Mavericks, status changes before tracks).
So, how can I be notified by my AVPlayer that it has conclusively determined that what the URL refers to is not anything it can play?
It's absolutely not definitive, but in my experience, when the player's status becomes AVPlayerStatusReadyToPlay, you can inspect the playable property of asset of the player's currentItem. If playable is YES, you can assume the URL led to a viable MP4. If not, you can assume it did not.
- (void) observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString*)keyPath
if( [keyPath isEqualToString:#"status"] ) {
if( self.player.status == AVPlayerStatusReadyToPlay &&
self.player.currentItem.asset.playable ) {
[self.playerView.player play];
else {
// TODO: show an error dialog here.
[self.window close];
I've code similar to the above in one of my apps, and it seems to work as expected in every case I've tried. I can whip up a test app with it if you like.

How do I detect "invalid drawable" in Mac OS X?

I am working on a cross platform application that is over a decade old. The UI is by Qt and backend rendering is done with OpenGL. OpenGL contexts are managed in the back end, not by Qt.
I have recently added error checking and reporting for all OpenGL code in our app. Occasionally a situation arises where the first render initiated by Qt causes an "invalid drawable" error message in the terminal and all subsequent OpenGl calls fail with an "invalid framebuffer" error reported. These invalid drawable error messages have been treated as innocuous in the past, since before the user sees it the drawable eventually becomes valid and the scene is rendered correctly. However, with the new OpenGL error check/report it's not possible since there are large numbers of errors reported.
I would like to test if the drawable is valid. If it is not, it should return before the render starts. How can I verify that the drawable is valid?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3), ati graphics card
I don't know at what API level you're working. I'm not sure it's possible to detect the problem after the fact. That is, if all you have is a context (perhaps implicit as the thread's current context) that failed to connect to its drawable.
I presume that Qt is using Cocoa under the hood. I further assume it has created an NSOpenGLContext and is invoking -setView: on it. You get that "invalid drawable" error if, at the time of that call, the view's window doesn't have a window device.
One common technique is to defer setting the context's view until the view has -drawRect: called on it, since at that point you're sure that the view has a window and the window has a device. (Although that ignores the possibility of forced drawing outside of the normal window display mechanism. For example, -cacheDisplayInRect:toBitmapImageRep:.)
If you just want to know at the point of the call to -setView: whether it's safe or not, I think you can rely on checking the value of [[view window] windowNumber]. The docs for -windowNumber say:
If the window doesn’t have a window device, the value returned will be equal to or less than 0.
Another approach is to prevent the problem rather than detect it. The strategy for that is basically to make sure the window has been shown and drawn before the call to -setView:. You may be able to force that by ordering it on-screen and invoking -display on it.
Ken Thomases post gave me the basic info I needed to find a workable solution. An additional conditional was needed. Here's what worked
bool vtkCocoaRenderWindow::IsDrawable()
// you must initialize it first
// else it always evaluates false
// first check that window is valid
NSView *theView = (NSView*)this->GetWindowId();
bool win =[[theView window] windowNumber]>0;
// then check that the drawable is valid
NSOpenGLContext *context = (NSOpenGLContext *)this->GetContextId();
bool ok = [context view] != nil;
return win && ok;

Weird Xcode behavior

Lately something weird has been happening to my projects in xcode: I've been trying to learn a lot of new stuff, and doing so by testing things out in different simple cocoa apps (written by me, from scratch). sometimes I will get a code that doesn't have any error messages, but when i run it, i will stop at some break-point. I then conclude that I have probably done something wrong, and restores the code back to the form it was before the error, but from then on out it is impossible to get the code to run. even if i restore the code to a state that i am 100 % sure that has worked before, it just stops at the same break-point. in order to fix this problem, i have to copy my code from the class this has happened to, delete the class, make a new one with the exact same name, paste the exact same code back in the class, and voila, it works again. what on earth is happening? my newest problem code goes like this:
-(IBAction)openFile:(id)sender {
NSOpenPanel *openPanel = [[NSOpenPanel alloc] init];
[openPanel setCanChooseFiles:YES];
[openPanel setCanChooseDirectories:NO];
[openPanel setAllowsMultipleSelection:NO];
[openPanel setAllowedFileTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:#"txt"]];
if ( [openPanel runModal] == NSOKButton ) {
fileURL = [openPanel URL];
[openPanel release];
I know this code has worked before. It is currently my only method, and it activates when i press open in the menu. If I delete everything inside the method, so that pressing open should do nothing it stops at a break-point inside the method anyway. I have had exactly the same kind of problem before with openGL codes, and with a method that used c syntax to do file reading. Does anybody know what kind of horrible mistake I'm making over and over again?
A Breakpoint is something you yourself set explicitly to tell Xcode to pause the program at this exact line. Superficially it might look like the program crashed, but in reality it's just waiting for you to tell it to go on.
This page looks like it has a nice explanation of the breakpoint interface in Xcode. (This is from a framework called Cocos2D, but ignore that. You should stick to ordinary Cocoa until you know what you're doing.)

Setting printer-specific options on an NSPrintOperation without a panel

this question has bothered me on and off for about a year, and I thought perhaps someone else would have experience with a similar situation.
Goal: on Mac OS X 10.6-7, to print multiple NSViews to EPSON Stylus Pro 4880 printers using a defined resolution and 'high speed' setting, without showing a print panel.
Current situation: I can create successful NSPrintOperations for each NSView, but if I do not show a print panel, it appears the printer's default resolution is used, which is far too high, and slow, for my needs.
Best solution I have so far: I have tried showing the print panel and defining a Mac OS 'preset' which has the correct print resolution and high speed settings already enabled. The downside here is that the Mac preset overrides the number of copies I have set via NSCopies, which is a problem. The other difficulty of course is having someone always around to press the 'OK' button a few thousand times a day.
Where I'm up to
When the NSPrintOperation runs its panel, it has to set the EPSON-specific printer settings somewhere, but I cannot find where it is saved. They don't appear to be set in [NSPrintInfo printSettings].
I have looked at the PPD for the printer, but I can't find the high speed setting anywhere, and the default resolution defined in the PPD is not actually used as the default when printing. It appears EPSON has their own driver settings which are not taken from the PPD I have, and I am not sure how to set them manually.
Basically, running the NSPrintOperation with a print panel and preset overrides all the settings, including the ones I don't want to override. Running it without the print panel leaves all the settings as default, which is not what I want. Can anyone point me in the right direction to find a solution in between those two?
After the NSPrintOperation's runOperation runs with the dialog, look in PMPrintSettings, the printer-specific parameters may be there. I suppose you could persist PMPrintSettings for the future somehow and load the via updateFromPMPrintSettings.
This is unfortunately the best solution I have found so far though I hate to call it 'best', or even a 'solution'. It comes back to this: run an operation with a panel, and then programmatically 'click' the Print button.
[op runOperationModalForWindow: self.window delegate: self didRunSelector: nil contextInfo: nil];
NSPanel *panel = (NSPanel*)self.window.attachedSheet;
for (NSView *view in ((NSView*)panel.contentView).subviews)
if (view.class == [NSButton class])
NSButton *button = (NSButton*)view;
if ([button.title isEqualToString: #"Print"])
[button performClick: self];
op.runOperationModalForWindow(window, delegate: nil, didRunSelector: nil, contextInfo: nil)
(window.attachedSheet?.contentView.subviews.filter({ $0 is NSButton }) as [NSButton]).filter({ $0.title == "Print" }).first?.performClick(self)
The downside obviously is a window is needed, while I was hoping to run this as a headless server application. I have tried working with Core Printing and PMPrinter/PMPrintSettings and so forth to no avail. The only thing I have not yet tried is talking to CUPS directly. Maybe I'll save that for a rainy day!

OS X: Detect system-wide keyDown events?

I'm working on a typing-tutor application for Mac OS X that needs to have keystrokes forwarded to it, even when the application is not in focus.
Is there a way to have the system forward keystrokes to the app, possibly through NSDistributedNotificationCenter? I've googled myself silly, and haven't been able to find an answer...
EDIT: Sample code below.
Thanks #NSGod for pointing me in the right direction -- I ended up adding a global events monitor using the method addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask:handler:, which works beautifully. For completeness, my implementation looks like this:
// register for keys throughout the device...
[NSEvent addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask:NSKeyDownMask
handler:^(NSEvent *event){
NSString *chars = [[event characters] lowercaseString];
unichar character = [chars characterAtIndex:0];
NSLog(#"keydown globally! Which key? This key: %c", character);
For me, the tricky part was using blocks, so I'll give a little description in case it helps anyone:
The thing to notice about the above code is that it's all one single method call on NSEvent. The block is supplied as an argument, directly to the function. You could think of it kind of like an inline delegate method. Just because this took a while to sink in for me, I'm going to work through it step by step here:
[NSEvent addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask:NSKeyDownMask
This first bit is no problem. You're calling a class method on NSEvent, and telling it which event you're looking to monitor, in this case NSKeyDownMask. A list of masks for supported event types can be found here.
Now, we come to the tricky part: handler, which expects a block:
handler:^(NSEvent *event){
It took me a few compile errors to get this right, but (thank you Apple) they were very constructive error messages. The first thing to notice is the carat ^. That signals the start of the block. After that, within the parentheses,
NSEvent *event
Which declares the variable that you'll be using within the block to capture the event. You could call it
NSEvent *someCustomNameForAnEvent
doesn't matter, you'll just be using that name within the block. Then, that's just about all there is to it. Make sure to close your curly brace, and bracket to finish the method call:
And you're done! This really is kind of a 'one-liner'. It doesn't matter where you execute this call within your app -- I do it in the AppDelegate's applicationDidFinishLaunching method. Then, within the block, you can call other methods from within your app.
If you are okay with a minimum requirement of OS X 10.6+, and can suffice with "read-only" access to the stream of events, you can install a global event monitor in Cocoa:
Cocoa Event-Handling Guide: Monitoring Events.
If you need to support OS X 10.5 and earlier, and read-only access is okay, and don't mind working with the Carbon Event Manager, you can basically do the Carbon-equivalent using GetEventMonitorTarget(). (You will be hard-pressed to find any (official) documentation on that method though). That API was first available in OS X 10.3, I believe.
If you need read-write access to the event stream, then you will need to look at a slightly lower-level API that is part of ApplicationServices > CoreGraphics:CGEventTapCreate() and friends. This was first available in 10.4.
Note that all 3 methods will require that the user have "Enable access for assistive devices" enabled in the System Preferences > Universal Access preference pane (at least for key events).
I'm posting the code that worked for my case.
I'm adding the global event handler after the app launches. My shortcut makes ctrl+alt+cmd+T open my app.
- (void) applicationWillFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification
// Register global key handler, passing a block as a callback function
[NSEvent addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask:NSKeyDownMask
handler:^(NSEvent *event){
// Activate app when pressing cmd+ctrl+alt+T
if([event modifierFlags] == 1835305 && [[event charactersIgnoringModifiers] compare:#"t"] == 0) {
[NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];
The issue I find with this is that any key registered globally by another app will not be cought... or at least in my case, perhaps I am doing something wrong.
If your program needs to display all keys, like "Command-Shift-3" for example, then it will not see that go by to display it... since it is taken up by the OS.
Or did someone figure that out? I'd love to know...
As NSGod already pointed out you can also use CoreGraphics.
In your class (e.g. in -init):
CFRunLoopRef runloop = (CFRunLoopRef)CFRunLoopGetCurrent();
CGEventMask interestedEvents = NSKeyDown;
CFMachPortRef eventTap = CGEventTapCreate(kCGSessionEventTap, kCGHeadInsertEventTap,
0, interestedEvents, myCGEventCallback, self);
// by passing self as last argument, you can later send events to this class instance
CFRunLoopSourceRef source = CFMachPortCreateRunLoopSource(kCFAllocatorDefault,
eventTap, 0);
CFRunLoopAddSource((CFRunLoopRef)runloop, source, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);
Outside of the class, but in the same .m file:
CGEventRef myCGEventCallback(CGEventTapProxy proxy,
CGEventType type,
CGEventRef event,
void *refcon)
if(type == NX_KEYDOWN)
// we convert our event into plain unicode
UniChar myUnichar[2];
UniCharCount actualLength;
UniCharCount outputLength = 1;
CGEventKeyboardGetUnicodeString(event, outputLength, &actualLength, myUnichar);
// do something with the key
NSLog(#"Character: %c", *myUnichar);
NSLog(#"Int Value: %i", *myUnichar);
// you can now also call your class instance with refcon
[(id)refcon sendUniChar:*myUnichar];
// send event to next application
return event;
