session_start() [function.session-start] - joomla

When I go to my local host, I receive this massage on top of the window.
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]:
open(C:/Users/Tem/AppData/Local/Temp\sess_9f20c149aca0a77bee562d46784ea568, O_RDWR) failed: No such file or directory (2) in C:\AppServ\www\fhtrading\libraries\joomla\session\session.php on line 532
What is this exactly? and how to fix it?
I am a beginner so please assist me in this.
I am trying to install Joomla 2.5 version.
I already copied the files into the appserv folder.

Is this a server that you have ADMIN rights to? You're going to need to give IIS permissions to the sessions folder OR go into the php.ini file and change the sessions folder to one that already has the permissions you need.


Joomla set Temporary PHP directory

I installed Joomla 3.1.1 Stable on a Centos system.
I can access it, browse through it's admin backend and frontend, but I found in the Extension Manager/Warnings that "The PHP temporary directory is not set"
I went on google and found a fix: I created a php.ini file where I completed this line:
upload_tmp_dir = var/www/html/joomla/tmp
I did that because that is the location where I installed joomla (var/www/html/joomla/)
The fix I found online gave some other location for this folder, it was something with the home/accountname/public_html/... , but I do not have joomla installed in any accounts, it is installed in the "public": var/www/html folder.
I am asking what am I doing wrong because even after doing this, the warning stays the same:
"The PHP temporary directory is not set"
How can I fix this?
I set up the permissions for the entire joomla folder to 40777, and then to the inner folders and files so I would avoid a permission conflict. I then disabled the FTP from Global Settings (before doing this I was receiving a lot more errors when trying to upload anything)
I seriously thought that installing joomla on Centos would not give me so many headaches.
I need to install an extension in joomla (for a template) and I have an error that says nothing to me:"-1 - An error has occurred." - "Copy file failed" so I try to fix any warnings/errors that may cause this before giving up.
The fixes found online about this error (Copy file failed) refer to joomla 1.5 - 1.6. How is it possible that I still get it in version 3.1 ? It is rather absurd.
Any help would be appreciated.
Try to set it via .htaccess file, just add this:
php_value upload_tmp_dir /var/www/html/joomla/tmp
It started working after I changed permissions to ALL subfolders located in var/www/html/joomla
I will reset those permissions after I finish with configuring and customizing the website.
But for now, that was my solution.
-di3sel - the upload_tmp_dir was set up correctly in the php.ini
Thank you both, but my problem seems to be solved now.

Joomla administrator login error

I have a Joomla 3.1 installation on a ubuntu server and it was working fine.
Today, I have downloaded a template and placed the zip file on templates folder, unziped by ubuntu terminal and that's all. Since then, when I try to login on Administrator side, it gives this error:
An error has occurred.
0 SQL=SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `<prefix>_users`
I have deleted the zip files considering it was the only change I've made, but nothing happens. I noticed that if I login incorrectly, it gives another error:
An error has occurred.
0 Cannot open file for writing log
Like it has some problem to write the log file, but hours ago it could. Anyway, knowing this, I changed all folders/files permissions to 777.
Thanks in advance.

local php.ini sessions.save_path issue - sessions not recognised

I have a client who is running a user management script. The host provider had blocked allow_url_fopen but is using suPHP so we created a local copy of php.ini with allow_url_fopen set to "on".
The only problem now is that you can no longer login to using the script - it says 'success logging you in' - then logs you right out (because the sessions are either not getting created or are in the wrong place - excuse my lack server knowledge).
Here are the settings in the local php.ini
upload_tmp_dir = "/home/aspac124/public_html/tmp"
register_globals = On
memory_limit = 256M
session.save_path = "/home/aspac124/public_html/tmp"
safe_mode = off
upload_max_filesize = 32M
allow_url_fopen = On
zend_extension = "/usr/local/IonCube/"
I'm not sure why the hosting provider turned register_globals on for the client. But is that the correct place for the session.save_path? I've checked and the folder exists and I also set it to 777 just to make sure but no happiness.
Another client using the same system had a similar issue and told me he changed the tmp/ folder to his home directory and everything was fine.
I've tried to put the save path as just /tmp, /home/aspac124/tmp and nothing happens - just get logged out as normal. If I make up a path then I get a "No such file or directory" error.
When I put it as "/home/tmp" I get the following message
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open(/home/tmp/sess_4417d180e599b5f12fc34a28f5467d21, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in /home/aspac124/public_html/ on line 45
What does this mean, is the home/tmp the correct place for this and if so what should I do - should the folder permissions be changed?
edit: I don't have access to folders outside the domain root so cannot change the file permissions - have to wait for the client but would like as much info before then.
Thanks in advance
EDIT: Just for anyone reading this. Please make sure your local php.ini file settings are applied to any sub folder that may require it. I was making ajax requests to a file in a sub folder to the root and this was the issue.
You should place your session and upload directories outside of the document root otherwise these will be accessible by anyone and can result in remote script injection, session hijacking etc.
You should perhaps create a tmp directory as /home/aspac124/tmp and set the permissions so Apache can write to this directory. Perhaps set the chmod to 0760.

Error during installation of Joomla extension

I'm trying to install the Jumi extension in my Joomla 1.5.22 installation. I've downloaded the zip from Jumis homepage, , and followed this guide, but it gives me this error:
JFolder::create: Could not create directory
Warning! Failed to move file.
Under Help->System info->Directory Permissions all directories have "writable" in green except .../logs and .../tmp. I've checked in my ftp client and they both have access rights 777 (what should they really have?) so they should be writable but they are still marked Unwritable.
How do I make them writable?
The Directory Permissions listing will only tell you if the permissions are set properly, it does not necessarily mean that the extension install will work. Assuming that your temp directory path is correct, the next place to look is the FTP layer. If your server is not set up to run PHP in CGI mode, then you have to enable the FTP layer so that Joomla can write to the file system.
Also, UPDATE YOUR SOFTWARE! Joomla 1.5.9 is almost 2 years old!! You need to update to 1.5.22 ASAP. I would actually do that before messing with this error, it's entirely possible you are dealing with an old bug that has since been squashed.
I think the path to your Joomla website is incorrect
Check Global Configuration
1) System tab : Make sure the "Path to Log folder" is correct
2) Server tab : Make sure the "Path to Temp-folder" is correct
3) Server tab : Make sure the "FTP Settings" are correct

Joomla Component Install Issue: Can't install any components, fresh install of latest Joomla

When I try to install any component, specifically my mtwMigrator component, I receive the following error:
* Warning! Failed to move file.
This is on a fresh install, with FTP Layer turned off, with default content installed, Joomla 1.5.14, latest PHP and my_SQL versions, Legacy mode turned on.
A very common cause of this error is due to file permissions. Joomla must be able to copy the files from your component into the components and administrator/components directories. If the system user the webserver runs as does not have write permissions to these folders, it will not be able to copy the files over.
The FTP layer is there to get around this issue. With the FTP layer on, you upload the component to the server first, then it is FTP'ed from the temporary directory to localhost. For this to work, the FTP user you specify must have permission to write to the components and administrator/components folders.
I had a similar problem when moving between machines (I know you said it was a fresh install - but someone might find this helpful). Ensure the $tmp_path entry in joomla\configuration.php is pointing to a valid directory. Mine wasn't.
In your Joomla backend, on the top menu, go to Help >> System Info >> Directory Permission and ensure that that are writable otherwise you don't want to have to change the folders to 777 and back again each time you install an extension.
In addition to this, you can mass chmod folders and files using Akeeba Admin Tools.
You mgiht also want to update to the latest Joomla 1.5 version (1.5.26)
The most ideal permission for Joomla directories is 755. There are cases when mod_suphp is not installed that the permission problem would occur.
Make sure that mod_suphp is installed and loaded by checking your php info e.g. and running this on your browser. If mod_suphp is not installed, then you will need help from your hosting provider to install this for you.
Normally, all directerories should have 755 (rwxr-xr-x) and all files 644 (rw-r--r--). If you want to set the most directories to not-writetable, you will need at least the directories listed in Help > System info > Directory Permissions. (Here you can also check which directories need to be changed, as non-writetable directories are shown in red.)
In some shared hosting environments, 755 / 644 isn't enough, as the owner of the file is not the (Web)Server User, but the FTP-User ... so either change it to 777 / 666 (not recommended, as you allow others to write your files), or get your FTP layer to work.
Another try: Joomla! does not work yet with the recent PHP 5.3. Can you use PHP 5.2? (Similar Problem in the Joomla Forum)
