local php.ini sessions.save_path issue - sessions not recognised - session

I have a client who is running a user management script. The host provider had blocked allow_url_fopen but is using suPHP so we created a local copy of php.ini with allow_url_fopen set to "on".
The only problem now is that you can no longer login to using the script - it says 'success logging you in' - then logs you right out (because the sessions are either not getting created or are in the wrong place - excuse my lack server knowledge).
Here are the settings in the local php.ini
upload_tmp_dir = "/home/aspac124/public_html/tmp"
register_globals = On
memory_limit = 256M
session.save_path = "/home/aspac124/public_html/tmp"
safe_mode = off
upload_max_filesize = 32M
allow_url_fopen = On
zend_extension = "/usr/local/IonCube/ioncube_loader_lin_5.3.so"
I'm not sure why the hosting provider turned register_globals on for the client. But is that the correct place for the session.save_path? I've checked and the folder exists and I also set it to 777 just to make sure but no happiness.
Another client using the same system had a similar issue and told me he changed the tmp/ folder to his home directory and everything was fine.
I've tried to put the save path as just /tmp, /home/aspac124/tmp and nothing happens - just get logged out as normal. If I make up a path then I get a "No such file or directory" error.
When I put it as "/home/tmp" I get the following message
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open(/home/tmp/sess_4417d180e599b5f12fc34a28f5467d21, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in /home/aspac124/public_html/domainnamehere.com/includes/lightwork_session.php on line 45
What does this mean, is the home/tmp the correct place for this and if so what should I do - should the folder permissions be changed?
edit: I don't have access to folders outside the domain root so cannot change the file permissions - have to wait for the client but would like as much info before then.
Thanks in advance
EDIT: Just for anyone reading this. Please make sure your local php.ini file settings are applied to any sub folder that may require it. I was making ajax requests to a file in a sub folder to the root and this was the issue.

You should place your session and upload directories outside of the document root otherwise these will be accessible by anyone and can result in remote script injection, session hijacking etc.
You should perhaps create a tmp directory as /home/aspac124/tmp and set the permissions so Apache can write to this directory. Perhaps set the chmod to 0760.


Joomla configuration.php unwritable when permission is 0644 but writable when 0664

My Joomla is 3.9.4, when I try to make some global configuration change on back-end, I got this error: Could not write to the configuration file.
I looked at the file system, configuration.php has the right owner and is set to 0644, actually I can make change to it via FTP.
I then try settiong the permission to 0777, it is writable; then I try 0666 and 0664, it is also good. Only when I set it to 0644, I get the above error. I've never encountered this kind of problem before. What could possibly be wrong?
I think you have to check PHP Ownership. PHP code can be executed not using the same user ID like using FTP. You can set your web server to run PHP as CGI to ensures that PHP is executed using the same user.

Issue with ExpressionEngine caching file permissions

I am trying to allow caching for my site using expressionengine 2.0. In my config.php file, I have set the following two parameters:
$config['cache_driver'] = 'file';
$config['cache_path'] = '';
Initially there was no cache directory, so I created a cache directory with 755 permissions. However, on expressengine's admin page, when I try to set caching to File, it keeps on saying in a writing next to it in red:
Note that my cache directory doesn't have anything in it. Its at the correct path
Any help would be much appreciated
cache folders must need permission of 777. If your path is correct and config vars are correctly defined, you just need to give 777 permission to cache folder.

Magento: Settings has not been loaded. Used default settings Wrong config file size connect.cfg please save Settings again

I am receiving a following error
Settings has not been loaded. Used default settings
Wrong config file size connect.cfg please save Settings again
in magento connect. I tried to delete files and did every possible thing, but the issue is not getting resolved. Please help me with possible solution guys. Also the extensions are not getting installed because of this and we are not able to solve problems.
We are using magento 1.9
Make sure that you click settings and click save as this flag will not clear until you do so. I was pulling my hair out with this as I chmod'd the files and chown'd the directory's but it was still showing the error. So once the file and folder permissions are set correctly go to the Magento Connect manager click the settings tab and click save settings then go back to extensions tab and the error will now be gone.
Tony Merlin
When you are in magento connect manager and you get this error
Settings has not been loaded. Used default settings
Click on magento conect manager Settings tab (top left) and select Use Custom Permissions --> YES and default should be 777 for folders and 666 for files. Deployment Type --> Local Filesystem and then hit SAVE SETTINGS.
The problem should be solved. At least that's how I solved mine when I got this error.
Be sure the /dowloader folder permissions are set to 777 and you can also chown the folder with the apache user. That worked for me. I have done:
chmod 777 -R /downloader/
chown www-data:www-data -R /downloader/
replace www-data with your apache user.
I've done this and worked perfectly for me.
It's a well known issue.
Check if the file named "connect.cfg" hasn't been modified (for
exemple: when I get this issue, the file has nothing into it, every
parameters have been removed and the size is 0kb)
Take a backup of this file and overwrite the existing
The issue should be solved know
For info about the access rights, I have :
2775 for the folder "downloader"
0664 for the file "connect.cfg
chown apache /var/www/ -hR will solve this problem.

How do I set up Code Igniter if my public html folder is a soft link?

I am setting up Code Igniter. My public html folder is a soft link to another folder on my server.
Hence, my directory structure looks like
README errors.txt license.txt system
application html user_guide
where html is a soft link to another folder /var/www/myPublicHTML/. html contains my index.php file.
Code Igniter currently issues this error.
Your system folder path does not appear to be set correctly. Please open the following file and correct this: index.php
However, I did specify this in my index.php file within the html soft link / folder.
$system_path = '../system';
$application_folder = '../application';
Why is this error still surfacing? I feel that it may be a soft link issue. Thank you.
The directory that the system symlink points to should permit access to all users. The webserver is probably attempting to access the system directory but doesn't have the proper clearance to do so (Note that the webserver doesn't use your user credentials to do its work).
If the system symlink points to /var/www/frameworks/CodeIgniter/2.x.x/system you should see to it that /var/www/frameworks/CodeIgniter/2.x.x/system is accessible to all users in order to allow the webserver to access that directory as well.
Running chmod 755 -R /var/www/frameworks/CodeIgniter/2.x.x/system should grant read and execute access to ALL users (and full access to yourself). Needless to say that you should enter the path to your system directory in the above command ;).
It should be work by default. if not write full path
$system_path = '/var/www/myPublicHTML/system';
$application_folder = '/var/www/myPublicHTML/application';
hi i got the similar problem after a little research i got to know that as i have installed xampp in different folder under c drive which is xampp1 thats why it was getting error so i supplied full path in config.php file which is
$system_path = 'C:/xampp1/htdocs/project/application/system';

Codeigniter not creating any log files

Under config.php I have:
$config['log_threshold'] = 4;
$config['log_path'] = '/home/myaccount/logFilesFolder';
In index.php I have:
The only way I can seem to get anything to log is if I chmod that directory to rwx (777), which doesn't seem right to me. That and it doesn't see to be logging all the errors.
In my local/dev environment it seems to be working but on my production server nothing is being logged. I can't seem to figure out why.
The log filename in the configuration settings needs a trailing "/" above making sure the webserver process has writeable access to the directory.
Change the logs owner and group to what owner/group your live web server is running, give it write perms and it should work. I take it that in your local/dev server your CI folder is owned by you that is why you need to chmod it to 777 to make it work.
The directory where you want the log files to be saved needs to be writable.
I have tried a lot of solutions and finally what worked for me was this:
Open system/libraries/Log.php
and change the following lines;
set the value of: $this->log_path to a writable directory, preferably home directory so that there are no permission issues. If you want to change the filename also, search for the variable $filepath and change the name.
$this->log_path = '/log';
touch /log/
restart the webserver.
The logs will start coming.
I have tried a lot of other options, none worked, this is not neat approach but at least I can see my logs now.
I had the same problem with my Codeigniter 4 project. The log was created successfully in my local window machine but was not creating on the remote Linux machine. I was using a custom path to generate log files under the 'app' folder. So what I did is to change the settings in my config/Logger.php file back to
'path' => WRITEPATH.'logs/',
and it created the log files under writeable/logs folder.
