Oracle Tablespace Size Increment - oracle

How to increase the size of table space post its max limit. if the max limit is defined as 100M and still later I need to increase it. I have written a query consisting of max size of 100M and now i want to increase it..Please let me know method for the same.

Alter tablespace datafile 'xxx' size 200m;
Also, you can switch "autoextend on" for datafile.


Oracle 12 limits

I'm newbie on Oracle and I want to know the following limitations on Oracle 12 :
Maximum Database Size
Maximum Table Size
Maximum Row Size
Maximum Rows per Table
Maximum Columns per Table
Maximum Indexes per Table
Currently I found these limitations
Maximum Database Size = 8000T
Maximum Table Size
Maximum Row Size
Maximum Rows per Table = Unlimited
Maximum Columns per Table = 1000
Maximum Indexes per Table = Unlimited
Thank you for your help
All this information is in the docs:
Physical limits:
Logical limits:
Maximum row size:
For Oracle8, Release 8.0 and later, the answer is 4,000GB (or 4GB per
LOB, 1,000 LOBs per table). Just take the maximum varchar2 size (4000)
or char size (2000) and add them up—4000x1000=4,000,000 bytes of
structured data.

Batch_Job_Execution_Context serialized_context field

How should I decide on the max size of the CLOB fields in the tables Batch_Job_Execution_Context and Batch_Step_Execution_Context. Do we need to set this as 4GB always. How do we estimate the max size of this for my project? What is the recommended practice?

Oracle Tablespaces maxsize "unlimited" not really unlimited

I recently needed to import a .dmp into a new user I created. I also created a new tablespace for the the user with the following command:
create tablespace my_tablespace
datafile 'C:\My\Oracle\Install\DataFile01.dbf' size 10M
autoextend on
next 512K
maxsize unlimited;
While the import was running I got an error:
ORA-01652 Unable to extend my_tablespace segment by in tablespace
When I examined the data files in the dba_data_files table, I observed the maxsize was around 34gb. Because I knew the general size of the database, I was able to import the .dmp without any issues after adding multiple datafiles to the tablespace.
Why did I need to add multiple datafiles to the tablespace when the first one I added was set to automatically grow to an unlimited size? Why was the maximum size 34gb and not unlimited? Is there a hard cap of 34gb?
As you've discovered, and as Alex Poole pointed out, there are limits to an individual data file size. Smallfiles are limited to 128GB and bigfiles are limited to 128TB, depending on your block size. (But you do not want to change your block size just to increase those limits.) The size limit in the create tablespace command is only there if you want to further limit the size.
This can be a bit confusing. You probably don't care about managing files and want it to "just work". Managing database storage is always gonna be annoying, but here are some things you can do:
Keep your tablespaces to a minimum. There are some rare cases where it's helpful to partition data into lots of small tablespaces. But those rare benefits are usually outnumbered by the pain you will experience managing all those objects.
Get in the habit of always adding more than one data file. If you're using ASM (which I wouldn't recommend if this is a local instance), then there is almost no reason not to go "crazy" when adding datafiles. Even if you're not using ASM you should still go a little crazy. As long as you set the original size to low, you're not close to the MAX_FILES limit, and you're not dealing with one of the special tablespaces like UNDO and TEMP, there is no penalty for adding more files. Don't worry too much about allocating more potential space than your hard-drive contains. This drives some DBAs crazy, but you have to weigh the chance of running out of OS space versus the chance of running out of space in a hundred files. (In either case, your application will crash.)
Set the RESUMABLE_TIMEOUT parameter. Then SQL statements will be suspended, may generate an alert, will be listed in DBA_RESUMABLE, and will wait patiently for more space. This is very useful in data warehouses.
Why is it called "UNLIMITED"?
I would guess the keyword UNLIMITED is a historical mistake. Oracle has had the same file size limitation since at least version 7, and perhaps earlier. Oracle 7 was released in 1992, when a 1GB hard drive cost $1995. Maybe every operating system at the time had a file size limitation lower than that. Perhaps it was reasonable back then to think of 128GB as "unlimited".
Unlimited maxsize is not enough for this operation, also your resumable timeout must be enough, you can set the value as milisecond, if you want unlimited;
alter system set resumable_timeout=0;

What is the maximum physical table size in Oracle?

Is there some limit on the maximum total amount of data that can be stored in a single table in Oracle?
I think there shouldn't be because tables are anyways stored as a set of rows and rows can be chained as well. Does such a limit exist?
See Physical Database Limits and Logical Database Limits documentation.

How to determine MAXSIZE of existing tablespace

I need to determine the MAXSIZE that was set for a tablespace when it was created (Oracle 10g)
I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, but the information isn't immediately apparent in the information in DBA_TABLESPACES.
In 11g this query would give you the answer, but I notice you're on 10g and alas the useful column is missing.
select tablespace_name, max_size
from dba_tablespaces
In 10g you will have to
select tablespace_name
, initial_extent + (next_extent * (max_extents-1)) as calc_max_size
from dba_tablespaces
Remember that this is the default maximum size. In practice you will be limited by the size of the datafiles assigned to the tablespace, which might be much less than this theoretical maximum.
#Paul 's comment is pertinent. I suppose the correct answer would be to say that the maximum size of a tablespace is a meaningless, indeed almost fictional, concept. The size of a tablespace is actually determined by its datafiles, and its potential maximum maximum size is determined by the maximum number of datafiles which can be assigned. The SQL Reference has this to say on the topic:
A bigfile tablespace contains only one datafile or tempfile, which can contain up to approximately 4 billion (232) blocks. The maximum size of the single datafile or tempfile is 128 terabytes (TB) for a tablespace with 32K blocks and 32TB for a tablespace with 8K blocks.
A smallfile tablespace is a traditional Oracle tablespace, which can contain 1022 datafiles or tempfiles, each of which can contain up to approximately 4 million ([2 to the power of 22]) blocks.
So perhaps this is a more useful query ...
select tablespace_name
, count(*) as no_of_data_files
, sum(maxblocks) as max_size
from dba_data_files
group by tablespace_name
...with the caveat that it only applies to the currently assigned datafiles.
edit 2
MAXSIZE applies to the datafile not the tablespace. That is why the MAXSIZE keyword is discussed in the documentation for the filespec clause rather than under CREATE TABLESPACE.
It all depends on whether the data file is auto extensible or not.
So you get the the right information from DBA_DATA_FILES:
If AUTOEXTENSIBLE is set to YES then you need the total sum of MAXBYTES.
If AUTOEXTENSIBLE is set to NO then you need the total sum of BYTES.
MAX_SIZE in DBA_TABLESPACES has nothing to do with the maximum size of the tablespace itself. According to Oracle documenation it is the
"Default maximum size of segments"
So the right query is:
This has been tested on 11g but it should also work on 10g. It gives you the maximum size of each tablespace in bytes.
The same thing goes for TEMP tablespaces:
Maxsize is an attribute of dba_data_files
select tablespace_name, maxbytes/1024/1024 MAX_SIZE from dba_data_files;
select tablespace_name, round(sum(bytes)/1024/1024, 2) as free_space from dba_free_space group by tablespace_name;
