Oracle 12 limits - oracle

I'm newbie on Oracle and I want to know the following limitations on Oracle 12 :
Maximum Database Size
Maximum Table Size
Maximum Row Size
Maximum Rows per Table
Maximum Columns per Table
Maximum Indexes per Table
Currently I found these limitations
Maximum Database Size = 8000T
Maximum Table Size
Maximum Row Size
Maximum Rows per Table = Unlimited
Maximum Columns per Table = 1000
Maximum Indexes per Table = Unlimited
Thank you for your help

All this information is in the docs:
Physical limits:
Logical limits:
Maximum row size:
For Oracle8, Release 8.0 and later, the answer is 4,000GB (or 4GB per
LOB, 1,000 LOBs per table). Just take the maximum varchar2 size (4000)
or char size (2000) and add them up—4000x1000=4,000,000 bytes of
structured data.


Oracle: How much data is there (GB or MB) stored in a BLOB column in a Table?

I have 3 columns in table which are of blob size.
I would like to calculate how much data is in JPEG PHOTO i.e not whole table size but size of data in particular column using Oracle.
How may i? (I have ADmin user and this table is in other user. Other.Employee table
You can get the size of a particular value with the dbms_lob.getlength function, and then aggregate that across all of the values in the table with:
You can then divide that number of bytes by [a suitable value] to get mebabytes, mebibytes etc.:
sum(dbms_lob.getlength(jpegphoto)) as b,
sum(dbms_lob.getlength(jpegphoto)) / 1024 as kib,
sum(dbms_lob.getlength(jpegphoto)) / (1024*1024) as mib,
sum(dbms_lob.getlength(jpegphoto)) / (1024*1024*1024) as gib
from employee
fiddle with a couple of really small BLOBs just to demonstrate the principle.

Heroku Row Limit

Why does Heroku have a row limit on their Hobby plan if there is already an overall database size limit? I'm confused because I've reached my row limit, but I'm nowhere near the size limit. Does the amount of rows you store affect what it costs for them to manage it or is that cost only affected by the amount of bytes in your data?
Edit: Also, what constitutes a row, because I added 50 items to a table but it only added one row to my row limit? I thought each item you add to a table is a "row" on the table.
It is to stop people using custom data types to store more than 1 row worth of info in a single row. They want to limit the amount of data people can store so they limit the number of rows, but to do this without limiting row size they also need an overall size limit.
The Heroku Postgres dev plan will be limited to 10,000 rows. Not limit had been enforced. This is a global limit.

Large Datatype length performance impact in Oracle?

I am adding a column with datatype varchar2(1000), This column will be used to store a large set of message(approximately (600 characters).Does it effect the performance of query for having large datatype length, if so how? I will be having a query selecting that column occasionally. Does a table consume extra memory here even if the value in that field in some places 100 characters?
Does it affect performance? It depends.
If "adding a column" implies that you have an existing table with existing data that you're adding a new column to, are you going to populate the new column for old data? If so, depending on your PCTFREE settings and the existing size of the rows, increasing the size of every row by an average of 600 bytes could well lead to row migration which could potentially increase the amount of I/O that queries need to perform to fetch a row. You may want to create a new table with the new column and move the old data to the new table while simultaneously populating the new column if this is a concern.
If you have queries that involve full table scans on the table, anything that you do that increases the size of the table will negatively impact the speed of those queries since they now have to read more data.
When you increase the size of a row, you decrease the number of rows per block. That would tend to increase the pressure on your buffer cache so you'd either be caching fewer rows from this table or you'd be aging out some other blocks faster. Either of those could lead to individual queries doing more physical I/O rather than logical I/O and thus running longer.
A VARCHAR2(1000) will only use whatever space is actually required to store a particular value. If some rows only need 100 bytes, Oracle would only allocate 100 bytes within the block. If other rows need 900 bytes, Oracle would allocate 900 bytes within the block.

Oracle Tablespace Size Increment

How to increase the size of table space post its max limit. if the max limit is defined as 100M and still later I need to increase it. I have written a query consisting of max size of 100M and now i want to increase it..Please let me know method for the same.
Alter tablespace datafile 'xxx' size 200m;
Also, you can switch "autoextend on" for datafile.

What is the maximum physical table size in Oracle?

Is there some limit on the maximum total amount of data that can be stored in a single table in Oracle?
I think there shouldn't be because tables are anyways stored as a set of rows and rows can be chained as well. Does such a limit exist?
See Physical Database Limits and Logical Database Limits documentation.
