How to run cd within bash script (outside of subshell) - bash

I am writing a bash script (called and would like to change directories during the course of the script, depending on some variables, say cd /home/username/${FOO}/${BAR}.
Just running this as is doesn't work when the process exits, since the directory was changed in the subshell only.
My shell is tcsh. (Yeah, I know... not my choice here.) In my .cshrc file, I want to alias the keyword gotodir to
I have read that executing the script with a . or source prefix will cause the script to be run in the same shell (i.e. not a subshell).
I have tried putting the following in my .cshrc file:
alias gotodir . /home/username/bin/
but this results in the error: /bin/.: Permission denied.
I have also tried using source instead of .
alias gotodir source /home/username/bin/
but this results in the error: if: Expression Syntax.
How do I accomplish this using a bash script while running tcsh?

When you source a file from tcsh, it tcsh runs the commands. The #! is ignored as a comment because you're not running the file as a script, just reading commands from it as if they'd been entered at the shell prompt.
Your mission is doomed to failure. Only a tcsh cd command can change the current directory of a tcsh process.
But if you're willing to bend a little, you can write a script which runs as a separate process and outputs the name of the directory to cd to. Then set the alias like
alias gotodir 'cd `/blah/blah/thescript`'
Adding an argument is possible, but tricky. Alias arguments look like history expansion, with !:1 expanding to the first argument. But quotes don't protect the ! character. You have to backslash it to prevent it being expanded during creation of the aliase, so it can do its work during the execution of the alias.
alias gotodir 'cd `/blah/blah/thescript \!:1`'
Additional quoting may be required to handle arguments and directories with spaces in them.


Make: Set shell and source a file at the same time?

Suppose I would like to set a shell in make:
SHELL:=/usr/bin/env bash
Next, suppose I have some runcom/bash file I would like to source as well. This file optionally activates a virtual environment:
if [ -d venv ]; then source venv/bin/activate fi;
However, if I write:
SHELL:=/usr/bin/env bash && source runcom/bash
This fails. However, if I deposited the venv logic into the local ~/.bashrc and write:
SHELL:=/usr/bin/env bash -l
I can get the exact functionality I need.
But, I have to deposit something that should remain downstream from the local user into the user's upstream environment -- I'd rather not.
Is there a way to get the make shell to source a file at the declaration step in the make start-up process?
This can't work:
SHELL:=/usr/bin/env bash && source runcom/bash
Because SHELL tells make how to invoke the shell; if you make the contents of SHELL be a shell script then make has to invoke the shell to interpret how to invoke the shell, which means it has to invoke the shell to invoke the shell to interpret how to invoke the shell, etc.
So, SHELL must be either a simple command or, at most, a simple set of arguments that can converted into an argv list and passed to exec(2).
So, this is really a shell question not a make question: how can you get the shell to source arbitrary stuff when it starts without changing ~/.profile or whatever?
Luckily, this is possible; see the bash man page:
If this parameter is set when bash is executing a shell script,
its value is interpreted as a filename containing commands to
initialize the shell, as in ~/.bashrc. The value of BASH_ENV is
subjected to parameter expansion, command substitution, and
arithmetic expansion before being interpreted as a filename.
PATH is not used to search for the resultant filename.
ENV Similar to BASH_ENV; used when the shell is invoked in posix
So, in your makefile you can use something like:
SHELL := /bin/bash
export BASH_ENV := runcom/bash
and that should be sufficient.

How to run shell script by including "cd" command in ubuntu?

I am trying to execute a shell script for automating the process rather than manually running the python script. But i am getting the error folder not found.
cd /home/gaurav/AndroPyTool
export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/android-sdk-linux/
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
source ~/.bashrc
source droidbox_env/bin/activate
alias mycd='cd /home/gaurav/AndroPyTool/test'
python -all -csv EXPORTCSV.csv -s mycd
>>>> AndroPyTool -- STEP 1: Filtering apks
Folder not found!
This is the error i am getting because the script is not able to find the path that i have provided above.
The part after "-s" in the code represents the folder path where the file stored.
The issue here is that you are not passing the path to the python program. The python program is not aware of bash aliases and bash will only expand aliases when it is interpreting the token as a command.
When bash reads python -all -csv EXPORTCSV.csv -s mycd It interprets python as the command and all other space separated tokens are arguments that will be passed into python. Python then invokes and passes the subsequent arguments to that script. So the program is receiving literally mycd as the argument for -s.
Moreover, even if mycd is expanded, it wouldn't be the correct argument for -s. is expecting just the /path/to/apks, not cd /path/to/apks/.
I don't really think that using the alias in this script makes much sense. It actually makes the script harder to read and understand. If you want to wrap a command, I recommend defining a function, and occasionally you can use variable expansion (but that mixes code and data which can lead to issues). EDIT: As has been pointed out in the comments, aliases are disabled for scripts.
Finally there are some other suspicious issues with your script. Mainly, why are you sourcing .bashrc? If this script is run by you in your user's environment, .bashrc will already be sourced and there is no need to re-source it. On the other hand, if this is not intended to be run in your environment, and there is something in the .bashrc file that you need in your script, I recommend pulling just that out and nothing else.
But the most immediate issue that I can see is that sourcing .bashrc after you modify path runs the risk of overwriting the changes to PATH you just made. Depending on the contents of the .bashrc file, sourcing it may not be idempotent, meaning that running it more than once could have side effects. Finally, anything could get thrown in that .bashrc file down the road since that's what its for. So now your script may depend on something that likely will be changing. This opens up the possibility that bugs will creep in to your script unexpectedly.

getting permission to execute a bash script

im trying to get my server to execute a simple bash script:
echo Hello World
After saving this to /var/www/script (im saving it to the web directory for no reason in particular) i try and execute it with
exec /var/www/script
This fails returning i don't have permission to execute it, sudo exec isn't a thing so i do sudo -i then run exec /var/www/script as root and i still have permission denied. I fairly uncertain why executing it as root doesn't work. Im wondering if i'm
A) using the wrong command to execute a bash script
B) have incorrect formatting in the script
C) shouldn't have saved it to /var/www/
D) done some other thing that i'm not even aware of.
Im running ubuntu server 16.04 if that helps.
File Permissions
First, make sure that you have the correct file permissions:
chmod +x /var/www/script_name #Gives the current user execute permissions
Executing Your Bash Script
In order to execute your bash script, the easiest option is to just simply call it (without any additional commands) by typing in the relative path to the script:
There are other options for explicitly executing your script from the shell (in your case, use the bash shell to execute your script as a bash script). From TLDP documentation...
A script can also explicitly be executed by a given shell, but generally we only do this if we want to obtain special behavior, such as checking if the script works with another shell or printing traces for debugging:
rbash # Execute using the restricted bash shell
sh # Execute using the sh shell
bash -x # Execute using the bash shell
A Note on File Extensions: "Shebang" line > File extension
It is not an advised practice to use file extensions with your scripts, especially if you think your code may evolve beyond its current functionality.
Just in case you were wondering if the file extension may be your problem... it is not. It is important that you know that the file extension of a script isn't necessary at all. What matter is what you put in the "shebang" line:
To use the sh shell:
To use the bash shell:
It won't matter what file extension you use - the "shebang" line indicates what shell will be used to execute the script. You could save a script with the "shebang" of #!/bin/bash as, but it would remain a bash script. If you attempt to execute it, ./, it would be executed as a bash script.
As #Arjan mentioned in the comments, using file extensions for your script could lead to unnecessary complications if you decide to change the implementation of your project (i.e., a different shell / language):
I could decide later to shift my project to sh, python, perl, C, etc. Perhaps because I want to add functionality. Perhaps because I want to make it portable to a system without bash. It would be much more difficult if I used the .sh file extension, since then I'd need to change all my references to the script just because I changed its implementation.
You have two choices:
Run it as an argument to bash:
bash /var/www/script
Alternatively, set the execute bit:
chmod +x /var/www/script
And, now you can execute it directly:

How do I set an alias from a shell script?

I'm trying to set an alias that applies to the current shell (the shell I'm running the script from) from a shell script. The alias is for cd-ing into the folder of the script. Here's the (not working) script:
shopt -s expand_aliases
DIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0"); pwd) # Detect the folder of the script.
alias cdr="cd $DIR" # cd into the folder.
I quickly realized that this didn't work because the alias it made was pertinent to the script's subshell.
Then, I tried to source the file (as in . However, this produced an error: dirname: illegal option -- b.
How do I write a bash script that makes an alias relevant to the outer shell (the shell running the script)?
The immediate problem is that the value of $0 is now -bash. You might want to refactor your code to use a different reference point, or simply hard-code the path.
To answer the "how do I ...?" you aren't doing anything wrong, it's just that the logic has to be adapted to a different environment -- specifically, when you source a script, $0 is that of the parent process, not the name of the script you are sourcing.
Depending on what you are trying to accomplish, maybe this alternative design could work?
newr () { r=$(pwd); }
cdr () { cd "$r"; }
That is, cdr simply changes directory to whatever the variable r contains. The function newr can be used to conveniently set r to your current working directory. You'd define these in your .bashrc or similar, and use them interactively
./ will be executed in a sub-shell and the changes made apply only the to sub-shell. Once the command terminates, the sub-shell goes and so do the changes.
Sourcing the file using . ./ or source ./ will read and execute commands from the file-name argument in the current shell context, that is when a script is run using source it runs within the existing shell, any variables created or modified by the script will remain available after the script completes.

How to run 'cd' in shell script and stay there after script finishes?

I used 'change directory' in my shell script (bash)
alias mycd='cd some_place'
pwd prints some_place correctly, but after the script finished my current working directory doesn't change.
Is it possible to change my path by script?
You need to source the file as:
Without sourcing the changes will happen in the sub-shell and not in the parent shell which is invoking the script. But when you source a file the lines in the file are executed as if they were typed at the command line.
While sourcing the script you want to run is one solution, you should be aware that this script then can directly modify the environment of your current shell. Also it is not possible to pass arguments anymore.
Another way to do, is to implement your script as a function in bash.
function cdbm() {
cd whereever_you_want_to_go
echo arguments to the functions were $1, $2, ...
This technique is used by autojump:
to provide you with learning shell directory bookmarks.
The script is run in a separate subshell. That subshell changes directory, not the shell you run it in. A possible solution is to source the script instead of running it:
# Bash
# or POSIX sh
It can be achieved by sourcing. Sourcing is basically execute the script in the same shell whereas normal execution(sh or ./ will create sub shell and execute script there.
cd development/
# Do whatever you want.
Execute by
. is shortest notation for source. So you can also do by
This will execute the script and change the directory of current shell to development/.
whenever you run a script on your login shell, a new subprocess is spawned and the script execution is done in a subshell.Once the script completes, the subshell exits and you are returned to the login shell.Hence whenever you do a cd through a script,the directory is changed to the path specified by cd, but by the time script finishes you come back to your login shell to the working directory from where you started the script.
The way to overcome this is use,
what source does is it executes the script as TCL script, i.e it has the same effect as when you typed each line on the command line of your login shell and it executed from there. So this way when the script finishes after cd , it stays in that directory.
Another practical solution is to end your script by opening another shell session.
For instance:
cd some_place
This is useful, in my case, for scripts located in my ~/bin for instance, called from any other place. It is just a bit painful to type source ~/bin/mygoodoldscript instead of mygoo<TAB><ENTER>.
The downside is that the additional shell takes up a few more resources (not much).
Though there are answers. I think the intention of question is to use script to navigate to specific path.
Here is a simple practical solution works here without cancel out existing terminal environment flag.
provide a bash/tch/sh script to work for path generation
/* */
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo '~/workspace'
add alias to the script output
alias goto 'cd ``'
